official god

Chapter 1761 Do whatever you want

Before Ye Tiannan boarded the plane, he called Xia Xian.

When I played for the first time, Xia wanted to answer. Ye Tiannan was not discouraged and continued to fight. As a result, Xiaxiang still didn't answer for the second time.

Generally speaking, at Xia's level, even if Qiu Renli calls him, if he doesn't answer twice, he won't call again, because it's very rude.

Ye Tiannan hit it for the third time, because he didn't want to spit out some words, and he had to make it clear to Xia.

After the third time the phone rang five times, it was connected.

Ye Tiannan came up and said rudely, "Xia [Book], I didn't even answer the phone. It's too face-to-face."

Xiaxiang's voice was very indifferent, as cold as the autumn wind: "Ye Tiannan, I have no obligation to answer your phone. Besides, I don't think it's necessary to talk to you. On the contrary, I also think you call again and again, and you don't even understand the most basic etiquette. It's so disappointing.

In my impression, Xia Xiang has always been calm and calm. Even in Hunan Province, when he was almost in the same situation as him, he was polite and never said harsh words. What's wrong with today? How can it be an offensive?

Ye Tiannan was really stunned by Xia's words on the spot. After a long time, he woke up and couldn't help but be angry. He said, "Xia [Book] Remember, be a man and do things but leave a line, so that we can meet each other in the future. Is it a public or a private matter? It has nothing

In a hurry, he wanted to ask a question implicitly, but Ye Tiannan asked it directly. It was equivalent to directly saying that the two beatings were directed by Xia Xiang behind the scenes.

Xia wanted to ask in astonishment, "Ye Tiannan, what do you mean? Are you in Lu City? I don't even know where you are and why you are secretly doing something to you. You are so bloody!"

Xia's words were very firm, and his tone was very firm." Ye Tiannan didn't recover and was choked and speechless.

Isn't it really what Xia wanted to do?

After the party yesterday, Ye Tiannan returned to the hotel with great worry. He just got out of the car. Before he could go upstairs, he was blocked by several people in the parking lot. The other party is three or four strong men, all of whom are broad-bodied, and they all seem to have drunk a lot of wine.

At the beginning, the other party did not intend to block Ye Tiannan's way, but several people seemed to have made trouble with the pregnancy shield and pulled. "You pushed me and made a mess. In the end, it happened to surround Ye Tiannan in the middle.

Ye Tiannan also drank a few taels of wine. Although he was not drunk, he was also a little drunk. At the beginning, he didn't realize anything, so he put aside with the good wish that more things were better than less things.

Unexpectedly, the other party began to fight in front of him, and the fight was quite fierce. Ye Tiannan has rarely seen a real fist-to-flesh fight. He was a little scared, so he wanted to hide farther and make way to the side, but stepped on a person's foot.

It caused a big disaster.

The other party became angry at once, and they didn't kill each other." They punched and kicked him together.

Poor former deputy provincial senior official Ye Tiannan, in order to hide his eyes and ears, came to Lu City alone. Now Tiantian should not be called, and there is not even a guard around him. In his words, the real Huluolu City was bullied by dogs.

After being full of old punches, Ye Tiannan's nose is not nose, eyes are not eyes, a snot and tears, the pain on his body and the aggrievedness in his heart, almost hurt.

Yes, Ye Tiannan's official career had been as smooth as riding a rocket before he met Xia Xiang. "Not to mention being beaten, who doesn't respect him and give three points of courtesy to him." Now it's good. Not only has he become a flat-headed people, but he has also been beaten like a water dog. It's really ......

The other party beat Comrade Ye Tiannan for four or five minutes. If he really got his fist, Comrade Ye Tiannan basically can't take care of himself now. Strangely, although there were many people, he even used his feet. Ye Tiannan was beaten to the open face, and his glasses flew aside, which seemed to be terrible.

In fact, Ye Tiannan knew it himself. The other party was very measured. He didn't want to seriously hurt himself at all. On the surface, he beat him fiercely. In fact, he had spared his strength. He just made his nose blue and swollen. There were no injuries on his body. His ribs were not broken, his hands and feet were In addition.

So far, Ye Tiannan has done something in Mingxiang. The other party is not a slap in the face, but a slap in the face. What he wants is to embarrass him, make him bruised and swollen, and let him have no face to see anyone!

In this way, the intention is about to come out. Thinking of the first positive warning, Ye Tiannan has very clear that a group of drunks are not drunks, but ulterior thons.

After the other party finished playing, another person spit on Ye Tiannan's face and said viciously, "Lu City doesn't welcome you! In the future, hit it every time you see it, until you are afraid!"

Ye Tiannan didn't understand at this time that someone thought he was a lot of trouble in Lu City, so he lived for nothing. After thinking about it and excluding the group of people he met today, Xia thought became the object of his biggest doubt, because in his cognition, except for Xia, no second person would deal with him.

Yes, it's a black hand, not a cruel hand. If it were someone else, I'm afraid he not only has a blue nose and a swollen face today, but also has to break his ribs.

Not to mention how strong the anger and grievance in Ye Tiannan's heart are. Thinking about how beautiful he was in those years, it's not over to be beaten, and he is still directly spit on his face. It's a great shame in his life!

But he was still afraid after all. If his personal safety could not be guaranteed, he knew that he had to leave Lu City, otherwise, there might be more serious threats. It is difficult for a strong dragon to suppress a snake. What's more, he is not even a strong dragon now. It is a phoenix that is not as good as a chicken.

When he left, he had to ask for a clear understanding of the matter. Ye Tiannan called to question Xiaxiang and wanted to explore Xia's way of thinking. He was very righteous and indignant, because in his mind, Xiaxiang was originally a gentleman. If the incident of beating was really Xiaxiang's instructions behind his back, then the image of Xiaxiang in his heart was completely destroyed.

I didn't want to make a phone call, but Xia wanted to choked back directly, which made Ye Tiannan's mind sink again.

"I'm in Lu City, Xia [Book], you really don't know?" Ye Tianhui held back the anger in his heart, and his tone was almost coldly calm, "I came to Lu City for two days, and I was beaten twice. The public security in Lu City is really good!"

Xia's tone was also calm and almost cold: "Lu City is too big. I don't know how strict the fights every day are. I deeply sympathize with your misfortune in Lu City. Have you called the police? I believe that the police of Lu City can deal with it fairly and fairly...""

Ye Tiannan was confused by Xia. What he wanted to say, and it was not easy to ask more questions. Finally, he just said, "I'm very disappointed with the public security in Lu City and the others in Qi Province."

Xia Xiang smiled and said, "If you have an idea about the public security of Lu City, you can report the problem to Comrade Li Tong and Liu Yilin. If you are disappointed with some people in Qi Province, this won't help you. You can tell him directly. Of course, did the other party accept your opinion? Just say... Lao Ye, do you have anything else to do?"

After Ye Tiannan got on the plane to the capital, he was still angry, but he was still not sure which black hands were doing behind the incident. Recalling every detail of the conversation with Xia, his doubts in his heart became more serious. Is it really not Xiaxiang?

Xia wanted to answer Ye Tiannan's phone and shook his head and smiled. Some people really unconsciously thought that it was a shitty stick, but they still confidently thought that they were more able and important. Ye Tiannan, like many arrogant people, is too arrogant to elevate himself. He is arrogant. He can work together and point out the country like Su Qin. In fact, he is just a piracy with no power and no job.

A pirate still wants to have the same treatment as the genuine one. It's not delusional, but what is it?

It's just a dream!

People should be self-asonant. Since they are no longer in their position, they should not seek their own politics. Don't jump up and down like a sorghum clown, holding chicken feathers as an arrow.

It's still light to play two meals. If he dares to come to Lu City to stir up the situation again, he must let him taste the pain. Xia thought cruelly. Sometimes without knocking, some people don't know what shame is and don't know how many pounds they are.

I hope that Ye Tiannan's experience can not only sound the alarm for Ye Tiannan, but also make some people who are not dead.

Half a month later, an autumn rain brought cool autumn. Qi Province officially entered autumn. Although there are still more than two months before the change of government, the work has been put on the agenda by this time.

In order to prevent unpredictable mistakes at the time of the change, Ye Renli took time many times to attend various meetings in person. He repeatedly stressed the need to strictly implement the intention of [Zhong] Central, put the spirit of [Central] Central's instructions first, firmly implement it, and do not allow any personal interests and If something discord arises, whoever has a problem will be held accountable and will never be tolerated.

Perhaps Qiu Renli's severity played a deterrent role, and everything went well in the early stage. Not only did Qin Kan keep a low profile as if it did not exist, but Cheng Zaishun also cooperated with the work honestly and actively completed various tasks without any deviation.

Finally, Qiu Renli's heart fell to the ground.

In a blink of an eye, in mid-November, Cao Shu* finally returned to Lu City from the capital, and accompanied Xiaxiang at ease, shouldering the heavy responsibility of taking care of Xiaxiang. Xia Dong is doing well. He has almost become a member of the general [book] family. He eats and lives in the general [book] family. Although he occasionally makes some small quarrels with Xiaoling, the overall situation is very good.

And the situation in Qi Province also seems to be very good.

is also true. After the National Day, Qi Province is politically clear. In addition to Li Dingshan's blackout in Pindu, the city is calm and quiet. It has entered the cool autumn, which is a rare period of wind and sunny autumn scenery.

However, behind the peaceful and prosperous times, there are still many unknown beating notes. For Xia Xiang, Yanai finally officially proposed to Dacai Group to withdraw its capital. For Qin Kan, the arrival of the nightmare has no warning in advance.

PS: There will be an update at midnight, and we will ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket for February. In February, the official will speed up in an all-round way. Please look forward to it. Thank you. Ask for the monthly ticket for the last few hours, and the recommendation ticket is also needed!