official god

Chapter 1777 How Feasibility

There is no doubt that there will be chaos during the Two Sessions of Qi Province. So far, it is not only the cognition of Xiaxiang, but also the consensus of all the Qi Provincial Party Committee.

It's hard to say where the chaos will be and how big it will be. Several major provincial leaders, led by Qiu Renli, have gone all out to try their best to strangle the chaos in the bud, and there can't be a serious incident of the governor's election.

In domestic political life, there has only one serious incident of the deputy governor's election. Since then, the provinces have gradually changed to the provincial party committee [book] and concurrently serve as the director of the provincial people's Congress, in order to avoid the recurrence of such incidents.

If there is a serious situation in Qi Province that the only provincial governor candidate designated by the central government is not selected, it will not only cause a sensation in the whole country, but also a sensation in the world. Qiu Renli can't get away from the blame, and I'm afraid the whole provincial party committee team will also carry a big punishment.

The consequences are so serious that I can't even imagine how much chain reaction it will cause.

Xia Xiang was not only puzzled by Wu Caiyang's urgency, but also very dissatisfied: "Now is the most critical moment. Qi Province needs me to sit in town and transfer at the most critical moment. What is the arrangement? Is it to transfer the tiger away from the mountain?

"That's right, it's to transfer the tiger away from the mountain." Wu Caiyang did not hide his weakness for Xia Xiang. "As long as you nod, the order can be issued at any time, and the effective time is up to me. Well, it's also my idea to let you leave Qi Province before the Two Sessions. You also know the purpose. I want you to go to Lingnan for a lot of buffer periods. Xia Xiang also admitted that he was very lucky and very happy. There was a general [book] and Mr. Wu secretly took care of him, and Wu Caiyang lived in the middle. The power of the Minister of the Organization Department of the Central Committee is quite large, and he can indeed directly arrange the time for his transfer order. Before that, Wu Caiyang also showed his willingness to let him leave Qi Province in advance many times, because Wu Caiyang is also very clear about the possible chaos during the Two Sessions of Qi Province. If he stops it, he will offend

Although Lingnan has been operating by Chen Haotian for many years, it is still the weakness of the general [book] power, and the weakness of the family's power. Even the power of the ancient times is not enough in Lingnan. That is to say, the general [book] and the family power, coupled with the help of the ancient times, is equivalent It is far worse than the power to oppose the first series and the first civilian series.

If he is outside the last big play in Qi Province, he will not fight with the common people. As for Sun Xishi's forced by Qin Kan to oppose how to settle accounts with the common people, he will not think about going to Lingnan, at least the common people in Lingnan will have a good impression on him.

On the other hand, under the premise of discord with Wu Xiaoyang and with Shi Qishun, he is very unhappy with the common people. As soon as he arrives in Lingnan, he may be waiting for him.

Wu Caiyang is indeed sincerely considering him. He adheres to the idea that it is better to do more than less. In fact, Xia Xiang also knows who he has ever been afraid of with Wu Caiyang's temper? In those years, he fell out with the old man alone and stayed alone in the northwest for more than ten years. He never asked the old man for anything. He opposed the strength of the first series and the common people series, and Wu Benyang would not flinch.

Xia Xiang was very moved by Wu Caiyang's love, but he was still worried about the situation in Qi Province. He was not a person with no beginning and no end. In addition, he and Qin Kan secretly competed for so much time, but at the last moment, he turned around and left. It was not his character, and he could not bear to see

It will not only endanger the long-term stability of Qi Province, but also have a great impact on Qiu Renli's political life.

"I'll think about it again, Minister Wu. I think it's better to slow down, at least after the two sessions." Xia thought still expressed his thoughts implicitly and euphemistically.

Wu Caiyang was slightly disappointed: "You are as stubborn as I was back then. Forget it, I won't persuade you. Qiu Shi still has something to tell you that I will send you there. Wu Caiyang sent Xia Xiang to the meeting place with Gu Qiushi. He turned around and left. He went back to the Central Organization Department and had something to deal with. Xia Xiang didn't care about the next arrangement.

Xia Xiang didn't expect that Wu Caiyang was still responsible for sending him to meet Gu Qiushi, and there was a trace of speculation in his heart. Before that, Wu Caiyang and Gu Qiushi must have reached an agreement on a series of issues such as when he would go to Lingnan. If Wu Caiyang only asked for his opinion, then Gu Qiushi was responsible for persuading him.

Xia wants to feel the great pressure on his shoulders.

is a teahouse with a little European style. Xia wanted to step inside, and Wu Tianxiao followed closely. Someone in front of him was silent and just led the way.

came to an elegant room. Xia wanted to go in, but Wu Tianxiao was taken to another room.

There was a coffee table in the middle of the room, which was empty and there were no tea cups and teapots. Looking at it again, Gu Qiushi was sitting on the rattan chair and seemed to be in meditation.

Xia wanted to see an electric stove boiling water beside him. The water boiled and pouted hot. Because of the special quietness, there was sunshine on the ground, and it was the most drowsy winter afternoon. In an instant, Xia thought even had an illusion that everything in front of her was strange and familiar, as if it had returned to the child. Year.

In my childhood memory, every winter, I always put around the stove and listened to the old people tell stories. Sometimes as he spoke, the old man fell asleep, and he was also half asleep. Hearing the occasional sound of the water on the stove, he felt how to enter the dream and felt the length of time.

Time is not long, only the feelings in the heart.

Xia wanted to pick up the kettle, make tea, and gently put it in front of Gu Qiushi.

Gu Qiushi woke up like a dream and smiled: "I was absent-minded just now. I remembered many things when I was a child, and suddenly felt that life was just a waste of time." Xia wanted to smile, but it was the first time he saw the emotional side of Gu Qiushi. However, Gu Qiushi is a Chinese major, and he also has his own literary temperament. After being an official for a long time, the emotional side is rarely revealed in front of people. Today's Guqiu is more real than ever in Xia's eyes.

How did Gu Qiushi enter the eyes of the general [book], so that every promotion after Gu Qiushi from the deputy hall was personally asked by the general [book], and Xia thought did not know, but perhaps it was because of the emotional side of Gu Qiushi that the [true] real side made the general [book] remember more appreciative of him

Although he was born in science, he also had a literati in his bones. In those years, when he met Aunt Qi, he wrote letters. It is said that he finally won Aunt Qi's heart. Xiaxiang also vaguely heard people say that in fact, he prefers liberal arts, but when he applied for the application, he went to science by mistake.

From the current change of each province, most of the newly appointed provincial and ministerial-level senior officials from various places can come to the conclusion that the general [book] does prefer the political nova in liberal arts.

Xia thought that he was born in liberal arts, but he also loved literature and served as the president of the literary society. Of course, the above is not a prerequisite for him to enter the general [book] eye.

Gu Qiushi's feelings are very [true] real, and it is very synchronized with Xia's thoughts just now, which makes him feel more cordial to Gu Qiushi: "Gu [book], coincidentally, just now I also remembered my childhood, thinking of the past of listening to the old people's stories around the stove when I I don't know whether it's luck or misfortune.

"Life is like this. Fortunately and misfortune are not what we can decide. Since we are in this position, it is the mission given to us by history and the people, we must do our best to do our best for the country and the people." Gu Qiushi's words are very heavy, "No matter what profession everyone is engaged in,

No matter whether the burden on your body is light or heavy, you must have a responsible heart and fulfill your obligations.

Xiaxiang also made a cup of tea for herself. The tea was very light and light, but the aftertaste was far away. Perhaps the lighter the thing is, the more I can leave nostalgia in my heart.

"Ancient [book] is right, so I think that I have done some things in Qi Province. Although it is not good enough, I have also done my heart. If the two sessions held now can be held satisfactorily, it is my greatest wish, which will also make me feel that in the Qi Province, I have lived up to the trust of the Live up to the love of the people of Qi Province. Xia wanted to play with the topic, and the first round put the topic on Qilu's last thing.

Gu Qiushi just smiled and didn't seem to care whether he left Qi Province now or after the Two Sessions, but directly mentioned Chen Feng: "The matter of Chen Feng's entry into the game is quiet. Some time ago, I discussed it on a small scale. In principle, I am in favor of it. Of course, there are many voices of opposition, Flir..."

Wu Caiyang's vague attitude towards Chen Feng's entry is completely understandable, because Wu Caiyang and Chen Feng have no intersection and no friendship. It's good not to object.

"However, there was a man who was very supportive of Chen Feng's entry into the game. He said a lot of good words for Chen Feng. He was very firm and prepared for all parties to do their work and persuade the neutral Politburo members..."

Xia wants to jump his eyelids, a good Chen Haotian, a good hand to move the wood.

"Chen [Book] I appreciate Chen Feng's straightforwardness and hard-oning spirit." Gu Qiu really said, "If Chen [book] can go further, the weight of speech will be greatly increased, then Chen Feng's entry into the game will be a little more feasible."

Xia wanted to smile helplessly: "Gu [Book] Remember, don't say things so bluntly, okay?"

Gu Qiushi was also amused by Xiaxiang's scoundrel: "Yes, yes, I can't talk to you too straight, it seems that I'm wordy."

It was also because of Gu Qiushi's straightforwardness that Xia thought that he did not feel threatened by others. Instead, he felt that everything was above the surface, which was the best.

But it must also be said that Chen Feng's entry into the game should be a heavy weight, but it weighs on him, which makes him a little difficult for him to adapt.

He is the deputy of the provincial party committee [book]. A deputy of the provincial party committee [book] can control a provincial party committee [book] to further step into the political bureau. When others hear it, they will definitely say that it is a fantasy, but it is a living fact.

Reality is always more wonderful than imagination and novels.

"My views on when you will leave Qi Province are not the same as that of Minister Wu..."

It's been a long time for Xia to get to know Gu Qiushi. Today, he saw the strong side of Gu Qiushi for the first time, because Gu Qiushi's subsequent words surprised him a lot.