official god

Chapter 1782 Behind

As a word came out, the venue was suddenly silent, and the sound of falling needles could be heard quietly.

The Great Hall of the People of Qi Province is decorated with a magnificent and sacred, red curtain. It is decorated with a brand-new Huāpu. The shape of the waves and pearls are placed on the top of the hall on the first floor of the hall, implying the sailing of the Bay Economic Zone of Qi Province, plus the solemn and solemn The atmosphere is peaceful and solemn in the hall.

But now, the atmosphere of the synagogue is silent and solemn!

Those who dare to be on the venue and question the authority of the governor face to face are not without precedent, but they dare to be so powerful. They accuse Xi Min of being incompetent for the position of governor to their face, and nominating Xia wants to be the candidate for governor. It can be said to be bold. It is not the political awareness that If so!

Qiu Renli's face changed greatly.

Kong Ximin's face changed greatly.

Zhou Hongji's face changed greatly.

Xia Xiang's face remained unchanged. He looked at the proposed representative of the National People's Congress with great interest, like a township entrepreneur, but no matter who he was, he was a gun, a gun with two arrows, one shot, two bullets, one hit Sun Ximin, and the other hit him.

Like the original rumors, killing people with a knife not only smeared the people, but also dragged him into the water, killing two birds with one stone.

Cheng Zaishun's face remained unchanged, and Qin Kan's face remained unchanged, but he showed a trace of shock. He still had to do something. After all, it was a big event in domestic political life. If it is reported by the news media, it will definitely be a national sensation.

Of course, there will be no one-word report in the news media.

After the deputies to the National People's Congress like the Han of Qi Province, he did not forget to nod politely: "It's just my own immature opinion, thank you."

It doesn't matter whether you are mature or not, and it doesn't matter whether you are dissatisfied with the governor or not. Even if you scold Xi Min's mother behind your back, it doesn't matter as long as you don't speak your mind in public.

Therefore, a righteous, political event, and a serious political event quickly flashed in many people's minds! It's amazing. After the end of the Two Sessions, there will definitely be a political disturbance involving a wide range of post-autumn accounting.

What is different from others in the long run is that there is only one idea in Xi Min's mind. How to pass today's things? What else does Cheng Zaisun have?

It is true that deputies to the National People's Congress have the power to directly question the government's ability to govern, and also have the power to directly nominate candidates for governor, but as mature deputies to the National People's Congress, things will be done behind their back rather than in public. There is still a way to retreat behind it. If you put it forward in public, it is equivalent to breaking the cauldron and sinking the boat, and you don't even want the back road.

A deputy to the National People's Congress who usually can't fight with the governor, why does he accuse the governor of his poor work, and what qualifications does he have to nominate a candidate for governor?

Yes, he is not qualified and has no courage. But there are people who are qualified and courageous, and there are also means. What we want is to kill people with a knife, and kill Xi Min and Xiaxiang with the knife of the deputies of the National People's Congress.

Qiu Renli must take a stand. He said very seriously, "Deputies to the National People's Congress have the power to supervise the government, but please pay attention to individual representatives. It is not something that can be said casually. I solemnly remind my comrades that it is an immutable fact that Comrade Ximin, as the only governor candidate designated by the Central Committee of China, is irrevocable. 〖 Zhong's intention is unquestionable and will not change!"

Cheng Zaishun also hurriedly rounded up: "According to the election law, the nomination of a deputy to the National People's Congress will not be submitted to the conference for discussion and will not be included in the agenda." The explanation is actually more like a hint that the joint nomination of the statutory must be reached before it is valid.

After the meeting, don't Xi Min meet with Xiaxiang again to discuss countermeasures, but Xiaxiang comforted Ximin instead.

Xi Min was very puzzled. Although he was the first to become the target of attack, Xiaxiang was also dragged down. It is even possible that Xiaxiang was finally hit by the biggest impact. No matter when he started gossip or when he really took action now, Xiaxiang has been calmed down. Does he already have a perfect solution?

The question is, what else can Xia think do to pass the test?

Don't Xi Min doubt Jiang Chong. He returned to the office and discussed with Zhou Hongji for a long time. The conclusion was that he could only start with group discussions and do the work of each representative as much as possible. Although it is not Xi Min or Zhou Hongji, it is really strange to the representatives. Not to mention that it is not as good as Representatives not only knew each other, but even worked together. Even Qin Kan often went down to the grassroots level because he served as a deputy province for a long time, and he also had a deep friendship with some representatives.

The result of Qiu Renli and Xia's discussion is that the matter is not big enough, and they can't report it to [Zhong] for the time being.

A little thing can be reported, which seems to be very careless. If you can press it down, just press it down. I believe it's enough to make a fuss once.

Xia wanted to agree with Qiu Renli's handling opinion, but did not express too many opinions. Qiu Renli saw that Xia was not in a low mood. He thought Xia wanted to deal with it negatively, so he said, "Xiaxiang, you don't have to have a psychological burden. Several old people will protect you. I also believe you. I don't think you will fool around. You just relax and stand in the last shift in Qi Province."

Xia wanted to smile meaninglessly: "Thank you for Qiu [book]'s enlightening. I'm fine. Not only do I have to stand on the last guard, but I also have to polish the gun and shoot the last shot in Qi Province.

Qiu Renli saw that Xia wanted to be very confident. He thought that Xia wanted had not seen the serious consequences caused by the chaos in the National People's Congress election, so he deliberately mentioned several political events in the unknown elections for Xia.

Xia wanted to hear it and said, "I know it in my heart. Please don't worry, Qiu [Book]."

It's strange that Qiu Renli can rest assured. If he doesn't mention himself, he will also be impacted. He is more worried that Xia's future will be greatly overshadowed by this incident.

In the afternoon, the meeting continued, which was the election of the new Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.

Fortunately, there were no more accidents in the afternoon election. Qiu Renli was successfully elected as the director of the new Provincial People's Congress, and Cheng Zaishun and others were elected as the deputy director of the Standing Committee of the new Provincial People's Congress. The pattern has not changed much from the previous session, that is to say, it is basically Cheng Za

Tomorrow is the governor's election and closing ceremony. If the initial news and the accident this morning, behind the approach of the other party step by step, the intention is clear at a glance. However, because the other party relied on the huge and complex network of local forces in Qi Province, the Ximin had nothing to do, and Qiu Renli was almost helpless, so he directly sounded the alarm for Xia Xiang.

Let Xia understand that the difficulties faced in going to Lingnan may be more serious than those in Qi Province.

Don't mention that there is a group of military figures in Lingnan who are waiting for him to go, that is, the unity between the local forces in Lingnan. Because it is hidden and low-key, it is more difficult to deal with than the strong alliance between the local forces in Qi Province.

If you are strong, the loopholes will be obvious. If you keep a low profile, it is not easy to find a breakthrough. Everything has both advantages and disadvantages. Although in the last shift in Qi Province, Xiaxiang also experienced the most severe examination in his life, and was forced to fight, it also improved his patience and experienced his worldly wisdom.

In the evening, Xia Xiang met Wu Tianxiao and Wen Zixuan again. In addition to the three people, there was another person to accompany him. If Qin Kan found out who this person was, he would definitely be shocked.

It's He Jianghai.

He Jianghai quietly came to Lu City, and almost no one knew about it except Xiaxiang.

He Jianghai sat respectfully in the lower head, his hands trembled slightly, and took the thick stack of materials that Xia wanted to hand over. After a few glances, he didn't dare to look at it again. He sighed and said, "Lao Cheng doesn't know the current affairs, Xia [book], can you let him go?"

, "Director Cheng is the director of the People's Day, and he is on the same level as me. I can't control him.

If you don't let him go or not, you have the final say. Xiaxiang's face was calm, and there was a coldness before the storm.

, "Qin Kan is in the same camp as me now. Although I retreated, it's not good to stab Qin Kan in the back." He Jianghai threw Cheng Zaishun aside and said in embarrassment about Qin Kan.

, "God's sins are still forgivable, and the words of self-inflicted and inability to live in ancient times have great wisdom."

Xia's tone was very light, so faint that there was no fluctuation. Obviously, he had made up his mind.

, "Xia [Book]" He Jianghai still made up his mind and looked at Xia Xiang with an expectant face.

, "Brother Jiang Hai, you have retired. Now you are light without an official. You are neither the people of this camp nor the people of that camp, but [from] people. If you want to save yourself, if you want to save a group of old guys, just do what you should do. I sold the favor to you, but I don't want to make things very unpleasant. What I mean is obvious. The first evil must be done, and the coercion never asks!"

The cold sweat on He Jianghai's face flowed down. He had always thought that Xia thought was a gentle and elegant personality, but he didn't want to show his fangs today. Not only was it frighteningly cold, but he was also ruthless. He almost couldn't believe that the Xia thought in front of him was the previous Xia thought

, "If you still can't do it well, I will give the materials to Zhou Hongji." Xia wanted to reach out to get the materials back from He Jianghai.

He Jianghai held the material in his arms in shock and stammered, "I've thought about it, I've thought about it, Xia [book], I'll do it, I'll do it well."

Xia Xiang's eyes were indifferent and stared at He Jianghai for a moment. Suddenly, his eyes softened a lot. He said earnestly, "Brother Jiang Hai, I'm also thinking that I'm at least a friend if I don't know each other. Or else, the materials will be directly handed over to Zhou Hongji. I The world turned upside down. Many old comrades and leaders have worked hard all their lives and ended up with nothing. I can't bear to see this kind of thing happen, in case you are involved..."

He Jianghai's sweat flowed more and almost wet the materials in his hand. He ignored his image and wiped the sweat on his forehead: "Xia [Book] Please rest assured that I am an outsider now. The starting point of everything is for the interests of the old comrades of the old leaders in Qi Province. He doesn't think about it at all!"