official god

Chapter 1793 The First Results

In the voting stage of Li Rongsheng's nomination, it is the last stage when Qin Kan and Cheng Zaishun can create trouble. If Li Rongsheng's nomination is approved, Li Rongsheng will be awarded the throne of governor. If... If Li Rongsheng does not win the support of more than half of the deputies to the National People's Congress, then the Qi provincial incident will rise to the second stage of confrontation.

is also the highest stage of the ally.

Everyone knows that if Li Rongsheng loses the election, it means that the authority of the central government has been severely damaged in Qi Province, which means that the contradiction between the whole Qi Province and the central government has reached an irreconcilable point.

It is true that in normal times, there are also many contradictions between local provinces and the central government. Some provinces violate the central government's policies, some do not directly implement them, and even openly disobey, but things will be covered up, so as not too obvious. Like Qi Province, in the election process of the National People's Congress, it is not unique and extremely rare to dare to openly oppose the nomination of the governor of the central government. No matter how large the local power of Qi Province is, Qi Province is also the central Qi Province. If it is not an independent Qi Province, it should also obey the central government. Everyone knows that Cheng Zaishun dares to encourage the deputies of the National People's Congress to make trouble and dare to fight against the nomination of the central government because there are people behind him.

Before the conference, many deputies to the National People's Congress received hints. The content of the hint is very brief, but the direction is very clear, that is, when voting on Li Rongsheng's appointment, please press the red according to the objection.

Let many representatives know that Cheng Zaishun is either crazy or has a major conspiracy. In the current situation, he dares to fight back and fight against the central government? Qi Province is a major economic province, but it is not a major political province and not a municipality directly under the central government. The industrial security system of a municipality directly under the Central Government is self-contained, and it has police cars and police uniforms that are not unified with the regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Security. Qi Province is politically stronger than the local forces, but it is not strong enough to dare to challenge the central government. Many representatives plan to follow Cheng Zaishun's instructions and recall the grand situation of Qi people governing Qi in those years. Perhaps a vote in their hands now can strive for greater rights and interests for Qi Province - Qi people's belief in governing Qi has always had a market in Qi Province, and the very group of Qi people very much miss Qiu Renli's future Qi Province from The cities are all a good time for the people of Qi Province to be in power. However, after Qiu Renli parachuted into Qi Province, the local power of Qi Province gradually declined, and there were still signs of division within.

Nowadays, with the sudden resignation of Sun Ximin, the central government hastily appointed Li Rongsheng as the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and nominated him as a candidate for governor. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the local forces of Qi Province to show their unity to the central government again. Although the central government appointed Li Rongsheng, It means that Li Rongsheng himself is from Qi Province. But Li Rongsheng is still a regiment.

Looking at what Li Rongsheng did in Qi Province, the local forces in Qi Province did not psychologically accept Li Rongsheng, believing that Li Rongsheng and the local forces in Qi Province were not single-minded.

Therefore, after some analysis and comparison, under the guidance of the principle of maximizing interests, the balance in the hearts of many representatives, in addition to the selection of the central government and Qi Province, is still towards Qi Province. The central government is the central government of the country, and Qi Province... is its own Qi Province.

After experiencing a series of events, the deputies to the National People's Congress at the meeting were very bearable. They all accepted the nomination farce of some representatives and the unexpected resignation of Xi Min. Now they will face the most important voting process and cast a sacred vote, which is a nomination for the central government. Recognition, or affirmation of Li Rongsheng, or out of selfishness and continue to take advantage of the right time, place and people to fight to the end?

After Qiu Renli solemnly announced the start of the voting, most people raised their hands and slowly put their hands on the voting machine.

At this moment, there is a quiet place above the synagogue, and the time of a decisive battle... has come!

is to successfully pass the appointment, let the central government successfully complete the further control of the province. Will it decide on Li Rongsheng's appointment, and then continue to stage another vigorous fight until the central government retreats?

All the leaders of the provincial party committee sitting on the rostrum, including Xie Xincai, fell into their throats in an instant. Xie Xincai had an attitude of being out of the matter at the beginning, but now he must be seated on the rostrum. It is not a last resort, but he volunteered to ask Wu Caiyang. After obtaining Wu Caiyang's approval, he personally participated in the election of the Qi Provincial People's Congress as the deputy minister of the Central Organization Department, which The role comes to supervise the vote, to cheer for Li Rongsheng, and to deter the few people in the local forces in Qi Province who are still undead.

Although Xie Xincai did not fully understand the reason for the internal struggle in Qi Province at this time, and what kind of consideration and confidence behind Cheng Zaishun and Qin Kan's desperate struggle, he knew that the situation had developed up to now, and the competition around whether Li Rongsheng's nomination had passed the vote had risen to the local forces of Qi Province and It's a ratt.

As a party, Xie Xin has no idea that more is better than less than less than more than less than less than less than less than less than less than less than less than less than less than less than less than less than less than less than less than less than less than less than less than less than less than less than less than less than less than less than less than less After smooth resolution, there is also a point of his political achievements, and I believe he will write a glorious mark on his resume.

Thinking of Xia's hint of what role he should play in this incident, Xie Xincai's nervousness relaxed a little. In the crisis in Qi Province, it seemed that Xia didn't think about anything, because Xia thought had been transferred from Qi Province, but in fact, all the people of the Qi Provincial Party Committee, including him, knew that it was Xia Hidden behind, with his own strength and Cheng Zaishun and Qin Kan's strength to resist to the end.

It is no exaggeration to say that today's vote, on the surface, is a vote of the local forces in Qi Province against the central authority. In fact, in essence, it is a successful vote on whether Xiaxiang's plan to disintegrate the close alliance between Qiyi's local forces is a positive collision between Xiaxiang and Cheng Zaishun!

is a fierce collision of whether a strong dragon can overwhelm the ground snake.

Whether it is true or not is absolutely related to the future trend of the local forces in Qi Province. It is to continue to raise high-profile, to make negative examples for other provinces that can force the central government to retreat, or to shrink in one fell swoop. On the basis of the vote related to Li Rongsheng's appointment, it split into two separate Divided and even disintegrate... It's all in one move.

Qiu Renli's worry is even more intense than the vote he faced when he was governor. Victory or defeat is in this move. Although the fate of Li Rongsheng is determined, the gap between success and failure can be described as the difference between heaven and earth. It is definitely a battle of life and death. It's about his entry, the long-term stability of the province, the internal efforts of the central government, and even in the long run.

Li Rongsheng was calm on the surface, but in fact, his inner tension was beyond words. He put his hands underneath, lest putting them on the table would make the people around him find him tremble slightly. Although, in fact, long before he was transferred to the deputy governor, he knew that he would step by step to the throne of the governor of Qi Province, he never thought that the day would come so suddenly and so fast.

He knows better that his nomination can be discussed in the Politburo as soon as possible and can be recognized by all forces, all relying on the power of summer. If Xia hadn't come forward to persuade Sun Ximin to nominate him to take over as governor, his nomination would definitely not have been nodded by the opposition forces.

After all, Xi Min is the governor. He really has a lot of face. After his opinion was reported to the Central Committee, all parties had to give in three points regardless of whether they were willing or unwilling. In the end, his nomination was successfully approved in the discussion of the Politburo.

The passing of the political bureau is due to the recommendation of Sun Ximin, so Li Rongsheng would like to thank Ximin for cutting Ximin. But he knows better that the person he should be most grateful for is actually Xiaxiang. Because whether it is to cut Ximin's nomination for him, or for today's vote to be successfully passed, Xia Xiang has done a lot of work behind the scenes.

It can be said that without Xia's efforts, his nomination in the Politburo would not have been approved, and in the subsequent voting, there would be no hope of winning. Li Rongsheng didn't know how much in-depth and meticulous work Xia Xiang had done behind his back, but he knew that Xia Xiang was the noble man in his life. Without Xiaxiang, he would not have the rare opportunity at present.

Xia Shang also sat on the rostrum. Compared with others who are extremely nervous about everything, he seems to be the most calm and frank. Xia Xiang's face was peaceful, he sat upright, with a smile on his face, and his eyes were flat. He seemed to be indifferent to the ongoing vote, or he was sure in his heart that everything was under control.

Pretend to be quite like. After a while, when you don't pretend, Cheng Zaishun narrowed his eyes slightly and turned his eyes to Xia Xiang. He also knew that in the voting stage of the National People's Congress, Qiu Renli, even Xie Xincai, who was majestic on all sides, was a floating cloud. His real opponent was

From the moment when 130 famous deputies to the National People's Congress co-nominated Qin Kan, he knew that Xiaxiang's entry point was the same as him, and he also started from the deputies to the National People's Congress, that is to say, he started to fight back from the inside of the local forces in Qi Province. He It's too short. Even if he is a strong dragon, he has to bow his head to give way in front of the local snake that has been standing for many years.

Cheng Zaishun smiled coldly in the dark, reached out and pressed the opposition on the voting machine and pressed the red.

Qin Kan also smiled, and there was resolute determination in his smile. If he did not succeed, he would become benevolent. He also reached out and pressed the opposition key of the voting instrument.

Then, all the deputies to the National People's Congress put their hands on the ballot machine, and a minute later, the result came out.

When the staff handed over the voting results to Qiu Renli, Qiu Renli took a deep breath and looked expressionless. He knew that Qi Province would usher in a new historical period from today.