official god

Chapter 1796 Lingnan Scenery

Chapter 1796 Lingnan Scenery

Lingnan Province is a province located on the southern coast of mainland China. It is located in the south of the Nanling Mountains, on the coast of the South China Sea, facing the South China Sea, across the sea from Hainan.

Lingnan has an extremely unique side in terms of language and customs, history and culture, etc. There are three major civil departments, which are very different from most parts of China. As the most economically developed province in China, Lingnan is also a major political province. There are two sub-provincial cities in the province and the only city in the country named after a great man.

Lingnan is a coastal province that took off quickly after the reform and opening up. Historically, it has always been a remote and poor place. In the Tang Dynasty, Han Yu had a poem that "a dynasty played nine heavens, and the Chaoyang road was 8,000 yuan at night". It can be seen that Lingnan was still a wild place at that time

Lingnan, which has always been poor and remote, has quickly become the first economically powerful province in China in the decades of reform and opening up, which also proves that once the enthusiasm of the working people is mobilized, the creativity is also infinite. There are no people born poor, only people born not to work hard to get rich.

When Xiaxiang and his party arrived at Yangcheng Baiyun Airport, it was noon. Chen Haotian, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, Lingnan Provincial Party Committee, and Governor Mi Jihuo led all the members of the Provincial Party Committee to hold a grand welcome ceremony at the airport.

It is true that the Organization Department is at the official level, but as the deputy minister of the Central Organization Department, Xie Xincai is the deputy ministerial level, while Chen Haotian is a member of the deputy national-level Political Bureau, and is even expected to be promoted to the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau at the national level in a few months. Xie Xincai thought At best, it's good to have Mi Jihuo to come forward.

Unexpectedly, Chen Haotian dropped on the noble master and picked him up in person! You know, unless a national leader or a member of the Politburo comes to Yangcheng, and a State Councilor comes, Chen Haotian will not come to greet him.

What a grand event, what an unexpected meeting!

Xie Xincai knew that Chen Haotian's powerful welcome ceremony was not to pick him up, but to welcome a deputy ministerial-level official, the new deputy Xiaxiang of the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee.

Chen Haotian's face was full of spring breeze, and Xie Xincai just shook hands briefly. He only said "welcome" and then held Xiaxiang's hand and said with infinite emotion: "Xiaxiang, it is the good scenery of Lingnan. When the flowers bloom, it will meet you again. It's good. The spring in Lingnan

Xie Xincai was snubbed aside and did not feel embarrassed. In front of Chen Haotian, he was not qualified to pose, not to mention that he was also convinced of Xiaxiang. However, when he heard that Chen Haotian was almost full of poetry, he welcomed Xia Xiang with a modified ancient poem, which made him speak secretly. Xia Zhenshen also made Chen Haotian, who had never easily show his true temperament in front of people, sighed. Not only did Chen Haotian attach great importance to Xia Xiang, but also his love for Xia Xiang.

Xie Xin knows more or less about Chen Haotian's personality. He knows that Chen Haotian seems to be gentle, but he is extremely hidden. He rarely reveals his true feelings in front of people. The impression he gives to outsiders is unfathomable and difficult to think about. Today, after witnessing Chen Haotian's real side, Xie Xin realized that who said that Chen Haotian was estranged was because Chen Haotian felt that he was not worth close to. Look, Chen Haotian's attitude towards Xiaxiang, who can think that Chen Haotian, who is full of enthusiasm in front of him, is Chen Haotian, who is more serious in the eyes of most people?

Xie Xincai's admiration for Xiaxiang rose to an unparalleled height. Although he also knows that Chen Hao came to pick up the plane a day ago, which has an unusual political significance behind it. It's not just that it's so simple to raise Xia.

As for the behind-the-scenes, Xie Xincai is too lazy to guess. Anyway, he just needs to know that he and Xiaxiang have a good relationship. It is his greatest honor to make Xiaxiang's friend.

It was also unexpected that Xia wanted to greet Chen Haotian in person, but he was relieved when he thought about it. No matter how much glory he was, he had to bear much responsibility. Chen Haotian was polite to others and must ask for something. He politely thanked Chen Haotian for picking him up: "It's really my honor to let Chen pick What a surprise."

Chen Haotian smiled and said, "I've seen it, I've seen it. However, there is an ugly saying that I have to talk about it. Xia thought, the matter that I came to pick up at the airport will not be made public.

Xia wanted to smile and saw Chen Haotian's funny side for the first time.

Then shook hands with Mi Jihuo.

Compared with Chen Haotian's enthusiasm, Mi Jihuo's performance was much calmer. He and Xia wanted to hold his right hand and said slowly, "It's finally here. Fortunately, it didn't make me wait too long. Now is a good time in Yangcheng. It's always better than summer. You really can't adapt to the heat. No, it's hot.

Xia wanted to come to Lingnan, and he felt much better when he went to Qi Province. The provincial party committee and the governor were familiar with him, and he did not feel strange.

"Gourage Mi has been here for a while. How about it? Is there any unconvinced?" If you think about it, it's naturally a pun.

Mi Jihuo shook his head slightly: "Somewhat, Lingnan is almost the southernmost of the motherland, and the capital is almost the northernmost. From the capital to Lingnan, it takes more than three hours by plane. The geographical distance is easy to overcome, and the psychological distance should be slowly adjusted."

Mi Jihuo spoke not fast, as if every sentence was well thought out. Every time he talked to him, it always reminded Xia of the general speech.

After all, he has followed the general for more than 20 years, and his words and deeds are deeply influenced by the general style.

Just as he was about to shake hands with the next member of the Standing Committee, Mi Jihuo patted Xia on the shoulder and whispered, "Xu Guanhua is also here, but it's not convenient for him to come in on the periphery."

The pick-up ceremony is very grand. There are guards and staff on the periphery to prevent idle people from approaching. Of course, Xu Guanhua is not an idle person, but he is not an official of the provincial party committee. When the local official takes office, there is nothing to do with the military. When he comes, he has crossed the line. If it is mixed among the senior officials of the provincial party committee, it will be even more nondescript.

After all, among the members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, there is also the political commissar of the Lingnan Military Region. If Xu Guanhua, as the deputy political commissar of the Yangcheng Military Region, will make it difficult for the Lingnan Military Region to do.

However, Xu Guanhua knew that he should not have come. He was not a child, and he had to rush to meet Xia wanted to a moment in the morning. Xia wanted to know that he was afraid that there was a hidden situation behind the matter.

Subs, under the introduction of Chen Haotian, Xiaxiang shook hands with the Standing Committee of the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee one by one.

The same as most provinces is that there are a total of 13 members of the Standing Committee of the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee, and because there are two sub-provincial cities in Lingnan, and the municipal committees of Yangcheng and Pengcheng are both members of the Standing Committee. In addition, the political climate of Lingnan and Qi Province is very different. Therefore,

The Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection is not a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, which is impossible. In fact, Xia wants to take office in Lingnan here, not only flat tone, but he has two positions. He is not only the deputy of the provincial party committee, but also the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection!

That's right. Xiaxiang is now the deputy of the provincial party committee and the discipline inspection committee of the largest province in China. He has high power and great responsibility. Compared with the deputy of the provincial party committee of Qi Province, it can't be said in the same day.

It was also one of Xia's biggest concerns at that time that Xia repeatedly hesitated to come to Lingnan, because the deputy of the Provincial Party Committee and the Commission for Discipline Inspection not only managed to promote cadres but also supervise cadres. The power was so great that even the governor retreated in some aspects. In fact, if he would be good at playing with power again The No. 2 figure on the horizon is not a problem.

It is also the fundamental reason why he always supports him to come to Lingnan. He always trusts him and believes that he will not surpass the authority of Mi Jihuo and the dictatorship in Lingnan. If someone else serves as the deputy and discipline committee of the provincial party committee, perhaps for Mi Jihuo, who has just left the capital, it is like a

is both trust and responsibility. Xia wants to know that he came to Lingnan, that is, to resolve the crisis for Chen Haotian and to fight for the periphery of Mi Jihuo. The responsibility on his shoulders is very important.

Although the welcoming ceremony was grand, it did not take long, and no journalists accompanied it. Half an hour later, led by Chen Haotian, Xiaxiang and Xie Xincai, the vast team of more than a dozen cars set off from the airport and went straight to the provincial party committee.

Spring comes early in the south. At this time, Lu City is still cold, but Yangcheng is already full of spring. Xia wanted to sit in the car, and his mood improved with the gradually blooming scenery outside. Somehow, he suddenly remembered a famous saying that had not been mentioned for a long time - to save the country's life and death, how can he avoid it because of misfortune and blessings - when he came to Lingnan, he thought it was the right road, he would stick The possibility of stifling turbulence and unrest.

Thinking of more than a year before the 16th National Congress, a heavyweight Politburo member suddenly fell. More than a year ago, another Politburo member suddenly fell and ended sadly. Now less than a year away from the 18th National Congress, he came to Lingnan, the center of the storm, which is equivalent to directly participating in the last round of competition before the change. The risk is so high and dangerous that you don't have to think about it.

The 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the members of the Political Bureau who were previously ousted are all heavyweights of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau. They are also blown up in the political storm. What's more, he is a small deputy of the provincial party committee. At a critical moment, he may really become a scapego

Xia wanted to shake his head and smile to drive away the messy thoughts in his heart. First of all, he did not believe that Chen Haotian would throw him out as a victim. Secondly, he did not believe that several old people in the capital would die. Finally, he would not believe that he would be at the mercy of others without the power to fight back!

Yangcheng, what kind of big scene will there be waiting for him to come? Xia wants to be vaguely full of expectations.

Halfway through the car, the phone suddenly rang.

Xu Guanhua called.

Just now at the airport, Xu Guanhua still couldn't meet Xia and didn't talk to him. If it hadn't been for Mi Jihuo's reminder, Xia Shang would not have known that Xu Guanhua had also come to the airport.

Is there something wrong with the phone call at this time? Xia wanted to answer the phone as soon as she hesitated.

Xu Guanhua's voice is a little eager: "Xia, someone has prepared a big scene to welcome you. Be careful!"

: I wanted to take a break today, but after all, I was reluctant to let my brothers wait for a long time. Forget it. Today, I tried my best to do better. I'm tired and satisfied the expectations of countless brothers. It's worth it! Just ask for a few pieces of comfort! RO