official god

Chapter 1799 Initial Game

As the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and the secretary of the commissioner of the discipline inspection, Xiaxiang has great power, the scope of jurisdiction is wide, and there are many affairs, even more than Mi Jihuo.

Xia thought that after coming to Lingnan, it would take at least a month or two to enter the state. Unexpectedly, after he participated in the full cadre conference, he had not even gone to his office and even arranged for his secretary. That is to say, the problems of work and life have not been implemented, and Chen Haotian was already on his shoulder. It weighed on a heavy load.

Before Chen Haotian came to Lingnan, he served as the secretary of the Shancheng Municipal Party Committee.

As the youngest municipality directly under the Central Government in China, the mountain city is located in the southwest, remote and mountainous. Although the economic structure is reasonable, because it is young and located in the mainland, it ranks last among the heavyweight provinces and municipalities directly under the Central Government in China.

In terms of economic status, it is not as good as Jiang and Lingnan, and its political status is not as good as that of Beijing and Jincheng. Although it has the name of a municipality directly under the central government, it does not have the fact that it is directly under the central government. At the beginning of its establishment, its status was relatively awkward.

To be fair, Chen Haotian's role in the mountain city does not seem to be big. However, it is impossible to evaluate Chen Haotian's incompetence, because he has only been in the mountain city for two years. Generally speaking, after the leader is in place, he stands firm in the first year, the layout in the second year, and the foundation is laid in the third year. Perhaps Chen Haotian knows that he is just a springboard in the mountain

In addition, after all, the mountain city is located in the mainland, not a port city. It takes time to determine the central direction of development in an all-round way. It is precisely because Chen Haotian does not have enough time in the mountain city.

After Chen Haotian was transferred to Lingnan, Shancheng was taken over by the family. Subsequently, Shancheng launched a vigorous action to fight against evil. It can be said that Chen Haotian's figure who turned around and left was still there. Before Chen Haotian's position as the secretary of the provincial party committee came to Lingnan was hot, his successor held a big knife high and turned the whole mountain city upside down. It means that it was not just asking It's not just the appearance of fighting evil.

It's okay to fight against the dark, it's okay to eliminate evil, but it has to make a lot of noise, and you have to put it on the table, regardless of the face of the predecessor. No matter what kind of justice is behind it, it will also be misunderstood by the outside world as a big play to gain political reputation.

It really made the outside world guess right. After fighting the black and eliminating evil, it is to sing opera and sing red opera. Not only did he organize party and government cadres to sing day and night, but he also asked the TV station to stop all entertainment programs and only play ** movies.

**, revolution...who's life?

No matter who's life is changed, at least a group of people from the TV station have suffered, and countless people have lost their jobs and left their beloved positions with hatred.

It is true that in addition to the necessary political means, the successor has indeed made a lot of economic progress in the mountain city, and even put forward the idea of building a financial center in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. As an inland city, an old industrial base, the distance between the mountain city and the financial center is like the sky and the earth.

The slogan is loud, and the reality requires painstaking efforts. There are about three types of financial centers. The first type is the capital-type financial center where administrative headquarters are concentrated, the second type is the center of factor market agglomeration, such as Xiajiang, and the other type is the settlement financial center, typically Singapore. Mountain City wants to learn from Singapore.

Even Xia wanted to admit that the mountain city after Chen Haotian has made great progress, whether it is the political reputation or the improvement of the total economic volume. From the central government to the people in the mountain city, it is obvious to all. Under the huge contrast, it compares Chen Haotian's inaction when he was in office

If it's a normal period, it doesn't matter. After all, every new leader will do more productive work than his predecessor. After all, the overall domestic economic situation is making great strides forward, but the problem is that it is now on the eve of the change of office.

The more serious problem is that Chen Haotian and the secretary of the Shancheng Municipal Party Committee are still direct competitors!

There is never a lack of infighting between politicians, but everything should be done to a degree. The practice of sang a triumphant song like a mountain city to sweep away the achievements of the predecessors, and also occupied a large area of propaganda positions. Although it is acceptable, it is indeed too much to see it in the summer.

Things can be done in the dark, and you can fight in the dark, instead of hitting the face in public.

If Jijiang Province, the secretary of the Shancheng Municipal Party Committee, took office, after he left office, at the beginning of the Song Dynasty, he would fight against evil and eliminate evil with great momentum, and he would take out the momentum to sweep away all the cattle, ghosts, snakes and gods to clean up the remnants of his predecessor. Presumably

Chen Haotian has the oppression of the mountain city outside, the wind and clouds in Lingnan, and internal worries and external troubles. No wonder the situation is difficult. No wonder Chen Haotian repeatedly invited Xia to come to Lingnan, not only because he was the only person jointly recognized by the family forces and the general secretary, but also because of the extremely close relationship between him and the Song Dynasty.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the whole country, only Xia wants to be the first person to have the best personal relationship with the Song Dynasty.

Xia wanted to smile. They were all excellent people without omission. He knew that he would face an extremely important choice when he came to Lingnan.

Although Hou Kang, Secretary of the Shancheng Municipal Party Committee, is a member of the family power camp, he, like Guan Yuanqu, is a family force in the traditional sense, not an emerging family force led by the Wu family. The traditional family power has profound political capital, but it lacks the layout of the economic empire.

On the surface, traditional family forces and emerging family forces coexist peacefully. In fact, the cooperative relationship between traditional family forces and emerging family forces is not as close as the outside world thinks, and even... there are many contradictions.

Guan Yuanqu doesn't care for the time being. He is relatively in the middle and has the style of a general. Although Hou Kang is also a traditional family force, there is not much intersection with the four families such as the Wu family, and even Xia Xiang has never seen him. There are many opportunities to be in the capital, but they just pass by and never shake hands.

And there is news that Hou Kang has a close relationship with the opposition and has a close relationship!

Xia wanted to go to Hou Kang, with no good feeling nor bad feelings, and he has always been regarded as a passer-by. Although the other party is a member of the Politburo and has a fraction of the weight that affects his future, it is not enough to worry compared with the power behind him. Of course, if Hou Kang succeeds in becoming a permanent person and has no good impression on him, I believe it will have a great impact on his future direction.

On the plane, Xiaxiang has roughly straightened out Chen Haotian's situation. He can see the external pressure more thoroughly. For the trouble caused to Chen Haotian in Lingnan Province, he is still just looking at the flowers in the fog, which is not clear.

In the final analysis, Xiaxiang is still a complete outsider for Lingnan.

Xia's plan is to come to Lingnan, first familiarize himself with the work, find out the distribution of all factions of forces, and then according to Chen Haotian's deployment, according to the domestic and provincial situation, and then arrange various tasks specifically, from the big point of view, but start from the small first.

Unexpectedly, Chen Haotian did not give him the familiar process and breathing time. When he came up, he put on a huge burden and let him start directly from the big place!

The heavy burden is not only heavy, but also significant!

On the surface, Chen Haotian's work deployment seems to be a replica of the mountain city model, but when you think about it deeply, there must be deeper political reasons behind the incident, because with Chen Haotian's political wisdom, it is impossible to pick up people's wisdom.

According to the ranking of political status and the Political Bureau, the Secretary of the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee is ranked before the Secretary of the Shancheng Municipal Party Committee. In terms of politics, everything must be considered.

Do you think... Xia thought of another possibility in an instant.

Chen Haotian smiled and said nothing. He looked directly into Xiaxiang's eyes and waited for Xiaxiang's answer.

Xia Shang did not answer directly, but said with a smile, "Secretary Chen, I haven't even entered the office, I haven't even matched the secretary, and I haven't even drunk a mouthful of water. I have to let me rest for a day..."

Chen Haotian nodded slightly: "I'm going to say hello to you first. You should be mentally prepared first. As soon as Ji Huo came, I have a lot of things to do, and you must take on the main burden. You are young, hard, and can afford to pick.

He picked up another glass of water and sent it to Xiaxiang in person: "Who said he would not let you drink water? Come on, have some tea. You must be used to this tea. It's the tea I gave you last time.

Xiaxiang was not polite. He took the tea in his hand and drank it all at once: "I'm really thirsty."

Chen Haotian heard Xia's meaning. Xia wanted to avoid talking about work. He wanted to digest the huge amount of information first, so he didn't force it: "I have already arranged your accommodation and secretarial problems. Don't you think about it, with me, you have to worry about some small things when you come to Yangcheng? When my sister-in-law comes to Yangcheng, she will tell me that if she wants to go to any unit, she will ask Jinnan to arrange it.

Liu Jinnan is the secretary-general of the provincial party committee, Chen Haotian's number one follower, and the housekeeper of the provincial party committee.

Xia wanted to hear Chen Haotian personally ask about his accommodation and secretary. What he felt in his heart was not an honor or flatt, but a heavy weight.

The more enthusiastic and kind Chen Haotian is, the heavier the burden Xia wants to know. Unlike Qi Province, which is limited to one province, in Lingnan, he not only has to handle the affairs of Lingnan Province, but also has an eye on the domestic situation. That is to say, he is in Lingnan, beside a member of the Political Bureau, he must sit in the southern border and cherish the world.

According to the usual practice, the provincial party committee will take over the banquet in the evening, but Chen Haotian has something to do in the evening, and Mi Jihuo can't get rid of it, so he pushed it to tomorrow night, which is exactly what Xia wants, because he wants to meet Xu Guanhua in the evening.

After Xia Xiang just walked out of Chen Haotian's office, Chen Haotian's phone rang in time. Chen Haotian took a look at the call and picked up the phone after the phone rang a few times.

"Secretary Chen, Qi Province has changed a lot!" There was a slightly excited voice on the phone.

Chen Haotian said quietly: "Oh?"

"Qin Kan asked the provincial party committee for long-term sick leave and received holiday treatment due to extreme physical discomfort. In addition, Cheng Zaishun was hospitalized due to serious illness, and he also suspended his position as deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, which was a therapeutic vacation. The local forces in Qi Province are divided into four parts and can't be defeated!"

What a Xia Xiang. Chen Haotian slapped the table excitedly. Since Xia Xiang officially came to Lingnan to take office, it heralded the beginning of his comprehensive counterattack. His confidence increased greatly. Xia wanted to help him in this battle, and he would win.

However, thinking of the Bentley car incident that happened unexpectedly on the road just now, his face flashed with a trace of anger. The other party has crossed the border. In China, who dares to take Politburo members as cadres?

Chen Haotian grabbed the phone...