official god

Chapter 1805 Major Deployment

Chen Haotian presided over the Standing Committee of the Lingnan Provincial Committee.

Chen Haotian first welcomed Xiaxiang on behalf of the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee and issued a warm welcome speech, which took up five minutes, which fully demonstrated Chen Haotian's importance to Xiaxiang. Subsequently, Chen Haotian listened to the report on the reform and opening of the whole province, and studied and deployed the next step. It is pointed out that it is necessary to summarize experience in a timely manner, unify understanding, further deepen reform and opening up, and promote the rapid development of Lingnan.

Before Chen Haotian's speech, he first took a look at Mi Jihuo, and then thought about it for a while. Then he said, "The economic development model that simply pursues speed no longer meets the phased requirements of economic development and the reality of Lingnan. In the future, Lingnan will no longer fight against other provinces in GDP ranking. Some people may ask, no more than GDP, but richer and more creative than whose people.

The ranking of GDP does not fully reflect the level of economic development, and Xia wants to have a deep understanding of this. The GDP of Yan Province ranks above average in the country, but in fact, the purchasing power of residents is below average. Qi Province's GDP ranks third in the country, and it is almost the same as the first place and the second place, but the reality is that the purchasing power of the people of Qi Province is only a little stronger than that of Yan Province, which is much worse than that of Lingnan and Jiangsu Province.

In many cases, GDP is just data. It is a shining achievement that countless officials are scrambling to put on their heads. It has nothing to do with the real income and wealth of the people. Lingnan Province's annual tax revenue exceeds one trillion yuan. Jiangsu Province has more than 8,000, and G. The province with similar P is only 5,000.

Xia wants to nod secretly. Under the current situation that many domestic officials are still invented and abandoned by Americans, the GDP index is popular and regarded as a magic weapon, Chen Haotian is the first official in China to put forward the GDP theory, which is not only valuable.

At least Chen Haotian saw the current situation in China and soberly realized that today, in the blind pursuit of GDP, the annual growth of 8% or 10% of GDP cannot resist the power of 15% of the price increase of a cabbage!

After deploying the future economic work, Chen Haotian's tone changed from serious to severe just now, and his voice also increased a little: "In the current situation, the public security situation in Lingnan is not optimistic. At present, it is a critical period for our province to accelerate transformation and upgrading and build a happy Lingnan. Especially this year, the economic situation at home and abroad is complex and severe, which brings severe challenges to Lingnan's economic and social development. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a campaign with the main content of cracking down on bullying, cracking down on counterfeiting and selling, cracking down on commercial bribery, building a social credit system and building a market supervision system, with the goal "Three dozen and two buildings, work..."

As soon as Chen Haotian's words were spoken, the members of the Standing Committee here changed slightly, because they had not heard any news in advance. Why did they just say that the prospects for the transformation of Lingnan's economic situation were promising, and suddenly faced a complex and severe economic situation at home and abroad? And it also needs to carry out three dozen and two construction work, which is obviously a copy of fighting the black and eliminating evil...

Some unwitting members of the Standing Committee looked at each other in constergroom. Although they deliberately covered up, they still let Xia want to find the dissatisfaction in their eyes. It can be seen that Chen Haotian made a sudden attack!

Mi Jihuo took over Chen Haotian's baton and further expounded the political significance of three dozen and two constructions. He said, "This operation will break all obstacles and obstacles, and break down the network and umbrella behind the gangs involved in organized crime." He will completely eradicate the illegal criminal soil and return the pure land in the market.

is a powerful measure to open up the working situation for the new team after the change of office and create a good environment for the successful convening of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the 11th Provincial Party Congress. For the specific work arrangement and deployment, the provincial committee will further study it, and initially plan to establish a professional master's action leading group with the general responsibility of Comrade Xiaxiang. The group members of the provincial party committee and the provincial government will announce it in the near future.

If the opening of Chen Haotian only surprised everyone, then the further explanation of Mi Jihuo is very shocking, because no matter how you look at it, the sudden release of Chen [Shu] seems to be specially deployed for Xiaxiang's arrival.

That is to say, it is a large-scale, wide-ranging and far-reaching political action specially tailored for the dual identity of the Xiaxiang Provincial Party Committee.

Awesome, it's really awesome. What's the beginning of Xiaxiang? On the second day after taking office, Chen [Shu] threw out a huge work deployment to welcome him. Xiaxiang is really a sharp sword out of the sheath"

The first sword is to get up and down with the sword. Whose head is cut off?

Kang Xiao's eyes flashed" A trace of darkness flashed on his face, and he quietly exchanged a look with Mou Yuanhai. The professional master's action leading group will have nothing to do with him, but there will definitely be the participation of Mou Yuanhai as a political and legal commissar. It's time to test Mou Yuanhai. If Mou Yuanhai is not proactive, he will inevitably let the deputy of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission or the head of the Public Security Department take advantage of the situation and quickly move closer to Xia.

Mou Yuanhai's face was calm and there was no gaffe.

Pengcheng Municipal Committee [Book] Chi's ordinary and calm expression was also slightly moved. His eyes crossed a few people and fell on Lin Shuangpeng. Lin Shuangpeng noticed Chi Pingfan's eyes and responded to him with an imperceptible nod.

As the two big provincial cities in Lingnan, in this operation, they must be the first to charge forward and take an example to share the worries of the provincial party committee, that is to say. Chi Pingfan and Lin Shuangpeng want to deal more with Xia.

Ren Chang, Minister of United Front Work of the Provincial Party Committee, quickly glanced over the faces of Chen Haotian, Mi Jihuo and Xiaxiang, with anger and dissatisfaction in his eyes, but he covered it well and entered in a flash, and no one found it.

After the meeting, Xia wanted to come to Chen Haotian's office again.

Chen Haotian happened to be answering a phone call. Xia wanted to wait for a while, but Xia Shengnan seemed to be afraid that Xia wanted to hear the content of Chen Haotian's call. He said self-containedly, "Xia [Shu], please avoid it. Why don't you go back to the office first and wait for

Xia wanted to have never been politely invited out in front of any secretary. Today, he was honored to be forced. He didn't know how Xia Shengnan was cold to him. Maybe Xia Shengnan was the same to everyone. No matter what the reason was, although Xia wanted to be generous, he was also slightly uncomfortable.

But he didn't insist. He nodded and smiled and turned away.

Looking at the background of Xia's want to leave, Xia Shengnan's eyes were complicated and stunned.

After a while, Chen Haotian finished the phone call and turned around and found that Xia was not there. He couldn't help but be surprised: "Csheng Nan, where is Xia [Shu]?"

Xia Shengnan replied, "Jue Cai Chen [Shu] Ji made a phone call, and Xia [Shu] Ji stood aside. I was afraid that he would hear the content of the call, so I would let him go back first..."

"Nonsense!" Chen Haotian changed his color. "Please ask Xia [book] to remember it immediately."

Xia Shengnan was shocked and hurriedly reached for the phone.

"Please go in person, what's the call!" Chen Haotian scolded again.

Chen Haotian rarely gets angry, especially for the people around him. Xia Shengnan has been with Chen Haotian for a long time, and it is the first time that he was scolded by Chen Haotian. I quickly put down the phone. When I was about to go out, I was stopped by Chen Haotian.

"Forget it, don't go, I'll go." While talking, Chen Haotian pushed the door and went to Xiaxiang's office to see Xiaxiang in person.

Looking at the figure of Chen Haotian leaving in a daze, Xia Shengnan's panic and anger surged into his heart. Chen [Shu] was furious with him because of a small thing, all because of Xia.

Chen [Book] The more he trusted Xiaxiang, the more angry Xia Shengnan was, because he felt that since Xia thought that since Xia was appointed, Chen Haotian's trust in Xiaxiang had exceeded him, and he was also 36 years old this year. Although he was the secretary of a member of the Politburo, he was also different from Xia

The anger in Xia Shengnan's heart gradually turned into jealousy.

Someone knocked on the door, and Xia Shengnan withdrew her mind. When she opened the door and saw that it was Lin Kangxin, she said angrily, "Brother Lin, Secretary-General, what's the matter?"

Lin Kangxin smiled and said, "It's okay, it's okay. I just passed by and took a look at Secretary Xia by the way. Do you have time at night? I asked Secretary Xia Da to inspect the work in a newly opened game restaurant. I heard that there is everything except dragon meat flying in the sky.

Xia Shengnan was delicious. As soon as she heard it, she was greedy, but it was not easy to agree immediately. She said vaguely, "I don't know if the leader has any work schedule at night..."

, "Then I'll arrange the room first. As long as Secretary Xia is free, I can go there at any time." Lin Kangxin continued to increase the offensive.

Xia Shengnan hesitated: "Let's talk about it later."

Lin Kangxin walked out of the office of the Provincial Party Committee, looked back at Xia Shengnan, who was a little distracted, with a trace of pride on his face.

Xia wanted to answer a phone call in the office. When Chen Haotian stepped in, he didn't notice or hear Tang Tianyun's notice. After the phone call, Chen Haotian was smiling behind his back.

Chen Haotian was really careful. Xia wanted to sigh that such courtesy proved that the weight of his burden was probably a little heavier than he thought.

, "Chen [Shu], I received a phone call from Song [Shu] last night, and the Internet wanted to report it to you." Xia wanted to talk more about the details with Chen Haotian. The main reason was that he didn't want to tell Xia Shengnan. Chen Haotian took the initiative to come to explain everything.

Chen Haotian nodded with a smile, "Chaodu cares about you very much. I met him in the capital some time ago, and he repeatedly told me to take good care of you, hehe."

Xiaxiang also smiled and said, "Song [Shu] and I have made friends. After he went to Jijiang, although he met less, he has been in contact with me a lot." After saying a few digressive words, he said, "Song [Shu] mentioned that the director of the Public Security Bureau of Gangshan City was taken."

"Oh" Chen Haotian just responded indifferently, as if he didn't pay attention to this matter, and mentioned Xia Shengnan's rudeness. "Shennan is a little bad, easy to be proud."

How can Xia think of having the same experience as Xia Shengnan? Besides, he didn't know the real relationship between Xia Shengnan and Chen Haotian. He just waved his hand with a smile and mentioned it: "Secretary Xia is conscientious and responsible, and I appreciate his rigorous style.

Speaking of Secretary Xia, I haven't thanked Chen [Book] for arranging the secretary's kindness for me in person.

Chen Haotian put his hand behind his back and said seriously, "Tang Tianyun is not an ordinary person. He is not an ordinary university lecturer, but has a great origin!"

Does Tang Tianyun have a great origin?