official god

Chapter 1808 How to end

It is not the first time that the Royal Hotel has received all the leaders of the provincial party committee. Before that, it has hosted countless banquets of the provincial party committee. Basically, it can be said that the Royal Hotel is another office building of the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee.

Today's incident has happened so far, and the staff of the Royal Hotel have not come forward to coordinate. It can only be said that it is not dereliction of duty, but intentional.

Xia Xiang had seen it for a long time. Before Mr. Wu made trouble, he must have said hello and analyzed the situation. He just thought that he could be eaten in one bite, so he dared to be so arrogant.

Arrogance also needs to distinguish the object. When he was in the capital, Wu Gongban's arrogant was aimed at Xu Guanhua, but he was beaten back by Xia, and was suppressed by Jiang Xuesong. He was definitely not convinced. He felt that there was a home advantage in Yangcheng, and he must be doubled to get it back.

How can Xia think be bullied by a second generation of officials who can't support the wall? It happens that he has a card in his hand to play. If he does not return it face to face, it will leave an impression on some people that he is easy to bully. If he is weak, gives in, and is seen by a group of leaders of the provincial party committee, his authority will be greatly reduced. If he wants to command in future special operations, who will listen to his orders?

Xia wants not only to hurt Mr. Wu today, but also to take the opportunity to stand up!

When Xia wanted to say that he wanted to cancel the qualification of the Royal Hotel, not only Mr. Wu and Shi Qishun were shocked, but also Ren Chang was furious, and even all the leaders of the provincial party committee present were shocked on the spot.

Although the authority of the provincial fixed-point hotel is under the jurisdiction of Xiaxiang, Xiaxiang has just arrived, and he clearly heard that the person of Liu Jinnan's royal hotels is Chen Haotian. As a brother, he vetoed the decision of the leader in public. Is Xia [book] ignorant or spoiled?

Many people have guessed that Xia wants to take the opportunity to stand up, but they also think that Xia [book] has two more positions, and it's only three handles. He said that it really doesn't count. At least one or two leaders have to nod at the same time. Some people even gloated and waited for Xia to make a fool of himself. As long as Mi Jihuo or any one of Chen Haotian played the scene, Xia thought that Xia Da's heroic words would be lost.

As soon as I got up, I heard Governor Mi, who had never spoken loudly, shouting his support for Xiaxiang!

As soon as Mi Jihuo's voice fell, the whole scene calmed down, and he was shocked and didn't know why.

The shock was not because of Xia's strength, but because of Mi Jihuo's fire.

For the strength of Xiaxiang, the leaders of the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee have heard a little about it. Xia wanted to go all the way through the customs. Although Xia Da [Shu] seemed to have stopped a lot during the period in Qi Province, no one thought that Xia [Shu] really put away his teeth and no longer eat people. Therefore, Xiaxiang's strength, although it was a headache, it was expected.

Mi Jihuo has never had a local political experience in the capital for many years. In addition, before he came to Lingnan, he went deep and rarely appeared in the media, so that many people could not figure out Mi Jihuo's character, let alone Mi Jihuo's ability to govern.

Although Mi Jihuo has not been in office for a long time, the leaders of the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee have come to the same conclusion. The one-meter governor is mild and low-key, and he is a weak governor.

But today, under the call of the strong summer [book], the moderate governor also made a deafening voice, showing the leader of the provincial party committee present as never before!

Every provincial party leader who wanted to state his position for a while took back his thoughts.

Xia [Shu] and Governor Mi have agreed. Now, unless Chen [Shu] Ji speaks, no one can persuade anyone to do it.

Seeing that Lin Shuangpeng was about to move and take a step forward, he quickly shook his head secretly at Lin Shuangpeng.

Lin Shuangpeng hesitated and slowly took it back.

I thought that no one would persuade me again, but someone still coughed on his own identity and said, "Gendi Governor Mi, take a step to talk.

is Kang Xiao, the executive governor of the province.

Kang Xiao's qualifications are very prestigious in the provincial government team. Mi Jihuo must give him some face, so he nod his head and followed Kang Xiao to the side.

Kang Xiao whispered a few words to Mi Jihuo. It was so far away that everyone didn't hear it clearly, but they all saw a slow and firm shaking of Mi Jihuo's movements!

No matter what Kang Xiao's proposal was, it was rejected by Mi Jihuo!

Kang Xiao's face was very ugly. He quickly communicated with Mou Yuanhai's eyes, and then turned his head to look at Ren Chang.

Just now, when Xia wanted to cancel the qualification of the Royal Hotel as a designated hotel for the provincial party committee, Ren Chang was the first to object, and his voice was extremely loud. He thought that someone would echo him, but Mi Jihuo was the first to express his approval, so no one dared to make a voice of support.

The proposal of the provincial party committee [book] and the approval of the governor are very powerful.

At this time, Ren Chang was difficult to ride the tiger, and suddenly made an unexpected move. He pulled Mr. Wu away from Xia Xiang and talked to one side.

What to say, of course, others can't hear it, but they can see it. Mr. Wu blushed and shook his head repeatedly, and Ren Chang's face turned red. He didn't know whether he was angry or excited. Anyway, he almost argued with Mr. Wu.

Shi Qishun looked at Xia Xiang with hatred. In a blink of an eye, he also joined the dispute between Mr. Wu and Ren Chang. He reconciled in the middle, and the three of them didn't know what they were arguing about, but they couldn't agree.

Seeing this scene, someone finally came out.

, "Xia [book], I think it's forget it. Mr. Wu is young and energetic. He doesn't stop the car properly. Just let him get out of the way. There is nothing to do with the Royal Hotel." What is the Minister of Propaganda of the Provincial Party Committee, Si Ying" "Xia [Book] has just No, no."

As soon as Si Ying opened his mouth, Chi Yongli, Minister of Organization of the Provincial Party Committee, also said, "That's right, Xia [Shu] Don't be angry. Soak a pot of chrysanthemums in a while to put out the fire."

, "What's the matter with the Royal Hotel? Minister, as a designated hotel of the provincial party committee, the Royal Hotel is making a lot of noise outside, and even a person who comes forward to coordinate does not show up. Is this the service consciousness of the designated hotel? Besides, there is nothing wrong with the minister. Why do you want him to compensate me? Xia thought that he would not give up, and then said to Chi Yongli, "Thank you, Minister Chi. I appreciate your kindness. But now I'm not in the mood to sit in the Royal Hotel and drink tea..."

Well, strong [book] is really strong, and the Minister of Propaganda of the Provincial Party Committee and the Minister of Organization of the Provincial Party Committee will not give face!

Si Ying and Chi Yongli looked at each other with a helpless face.

At this time, the results of the discussion between Ren Chang, Mr. Wu and Shi Qishun also came out. The three came to Xia Xiang together. Mr. Wu blushed and reluctantly squeezed out a sentence: "I'm sorry, Xia [Book] Remember, I'm sorry for bumping into you. I'll make Shi Qishun also reluctantly squeezed out a smile and smiled without smiling: "Xia [Book] Remember, forgive others and forgive others. What happened today... I lost!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Shi Qishun withdrew his smile, turned around and left with Mr. Wu, and started the car. For a moment, several military vehicles that surrounded Xia Xiang came quickly and went quickly. When they came, they were aggressive. When they went, they were embarrassed and disappeared from everyone's sight in a blink of an eye.

Ren Chang smiled and said, "Xia [Book], can you sit down?" But he stamped his feet with hatred in his heart. Today, it was a fall. I didn't expect that Xiaxiang would really borrow things to make trouble, tricky and make people itchy.

I thought that there was a big step. Xia would definitely go down and would not give him any face. Unexpectedly, Xia wanted to wave his hand lightly: "I have a problem. If I say it, I won't take it back. I won't take it in the Royal Hotel!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xia wanted to only wave to Mi Jihuo: "Gunuch Mi, I'll go first." Turn around the car, and then... go away.

Ren Chang was so angry that his face was red and different. Standing on the spot, he felt that his whole body was dry and hot. For the first time in his life, he was severely flashed. He was almost so angry that he was mixed all over!

Xia Think, you bully people too much!

Xia wanted to leave as soon as he wanted. All the leaders of the provincial party committee who looked down at each other were indeed a little too friendly. Many leaders of the provincial party committee whispered and were very dissatisfied with Xia Xiang's behavior and criticized him one after another.

However, Xia's behavior is too much. After all, it is up to Mi Jihuo or Chen Haotian to decide.

Mi Jihuo looked at Xia's headlights that wanted to disappear in the distance and smiled quietly. He knew very well that there was a deep reason behind Xia wanted to play on the topic, but it was not just a battle of spirit.

"Gendow Mi, Xia [Shu] It's too much. How can it be like this? We are holding a reception banquet for him. Who else can he show it to? Before Governor Mi left, he left. He didn't know the rules." Kang Xiao sued Xia in front of Mi Jihuo.

Mi Jihuo shook his head and smiled: "Xia [Book] Remember that he is young and energetic. I appreciate his character very much."

Kang Xiao was gagged and almost didn't get choked.

There are still people who want to say something, but because of what Mi Jihuo just said, they dare not say more. Everyone has left. What should I do? Cool it! I can only wait for Chen [book] to remember.

Some people also think maliciously that Chen [book] will come later to see how today's things will end. It's better to convince Chen [book] not to change the place, and make another phone call to make Xia want to come back in dismay. Instead, he wants to see how shameful it will be to see how shameful it will be!

Chi Pingfan and Lin Shuangpeng stood aside and smiled quietly.

Lin Shuangpeng lowered his voice and said, "Xia [book] has a personality."

"Shuang Peng, Xiaxiang's personality varies from person to person. What he sent today is not an open fire, but to use fire to achieve his goal." Chi Pingfan smiled mysteriously, "Don't pretend to be confused. You must have seen it."

Lin Shuangpeng also smiled: "Xia [Book] is smart enough. Today's small thing, I almost touched everyone's thoughts again, but has he done it a little bit? How can he end up like this?"

"How does the summer [book] end?" Chi Pingfan shook his head slightly, "If you want me to say, it should be how Ren Chang will end up. The matter of Shuangpeng, Honghuā City, is still hanging in the air.

Lin Shuangpeng was suddenly shocked: "Gao, knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger, it's really high. Why didn't I think of it?"

Chi Pingfan wanted to say something else. Liu Jinnan quickly came to Mi Jihuo's side and whispered a few words. Mi Jihuo nodded and got up and said, "Comrades, take Chen [book] instructions. Today, Chen [book] can't leave at the moment, and the reception banquet is postponed to tomorrow."

? Many people looked at each other in consteries, and Chen [Book]'s decision was an obvious favoritism for Xia Xiang!