official god

Chapter 1827 Planning

Chapter 1827 Planning (Ask for votes.)

If Xia wants to win the first game of a phased victory in the previous confrontation with Wu Xiaoyang, then Shi Qishun's smooth promotion and entry into the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee is recognized as Wu Xiaoyang's counterattack and won the second round.

In fact, as far as Xia Xiang is concerned, everything is expected. Shi Qishun's promotion is the meaning of the question. Even if there is no previous defeat of Wu Xiaoyang, Shi Qishun's promotion will be promoted smoothly.

Of course, if Lao Gu and Fu Yuan have to stop it with one hand, Shi Qishun's appointment will also be extraortous, and it may even be a loss. However, instead of blocking, Lao Gu and Fu Yuan secretly took a step forward.

If it hadn't been for the help of Lao Gu and Fu Yuan, Shi Qishun's appointment might not come down until after the Spring Festival. The reason for pushing forward has its own deep meaning.


The end of the year is approaching, and many people will have a hard time this year.

Wu Xiaoyang is one of them.

Mr. Wu was detained in the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, neither arraigned nor released, which is equivalent to disguised detention. Mr. Wu has grown up and has never suffered such a big loss. Although the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection treats him well, it restricts his personal freedom. He makes a lot of noise every day, but no one quarrels with him and no one pays attention to him, just as if he doesn't exist.

If you don't judge and don't let people go, it's obviously hanging people.

How can Wu Xiaoyang swallow his evil spirit? He sent people to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection several times to negotiate and asked for release. The reply of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection has always been a public prevariant: "Take the order of the political commissar and wait for further notice."

It's like kicking the ball! Wu Xiaoyang was furious, and the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection took the order of the military to make a fuss. But except for the slander, he really didn't dare to say it, because Chen Haotian personally said what he said about the detention of Mr. Wu. That is to say, unless Chen Haotian nod himself, all efforts are futile, and the provincial party committee can shamelessly shirk responsibility.

However, Chen Haotian has been very busy recently. Wu Xiaoyang can't even get through to Chen Haotian's phone, let alone see Chen Haotian. Every time, Xia Shengnan, Chen Haotian's secretary, answered the phone call. He said a few words in a business place, and then said that it had been recorded, and Chen would call back in time... Every time there was no more follow-up.

Xia Shengnan's surname is also Xia. Since then, Wu Xiaoyang has no good impression on all the people surnamed Xia in the world.

Wu Xiaoyang knew that after he was cleaned up by Xia Xiang, he was fooled by Chen Haotian.

This revenge will not be revenged, and he vowed not to be a human being. Wu Xiaoyang gritted his teeth.

However, Wu Xiaoyang also knows that whether it's Xia Xiang or Chen Haotian, he doesn't want to do anything to Mr. Wu for the time being. He just wants to be bound for a period of time. As soon as the time comes, he will let him go.

In Wu Xiaoyang's spacious and luxurious villa, Shi Qishun sat on a sofa worth 400,000 yuan, looked at a few precious trees worth more than 100,000 yuan in the yard, and said worriedly, "Cap, I heard that Fu Yuan wants to take you to stand up. Will the spring of the South be too dazzling?"

The spring of the southern country, which covers an area of more than 60 mu, reveals luxury and preciousness everywhere. Together with the villas and the trees and scenery outside, the cost is as high as more than one billion yuan. In the rich land, it is also one of the best luxury.

"A Fuyuan can't touch me!" Wu Xiaoyang sat opposite Shi Jishun, turned to the young man beside Shi Qishun and said, "Song Gang, has Xu Guanhua done anything abnormal recently?"

Song Gang is about 40 years old. He has the rank of colonel, with a big face and a very powerful soldier's face. However, everyone who knows him knows that under his broad face, there is a delicate mind that is not broad.

"Xu Guanhua has been very calm recently. There is nothing abnormal. He is like an arrow in his heart and is ready to go back to the capital for the Spring Festival. On the contrary, Mufeng was a little too active. He made friends with a lot of northern officers and fought with them. If Shi Qishun is Wu Xiaoyang's think tank, then Song Gang is Wu Xiaoyang's thman.

"Oh..." Wu Xiaoyang answered faintly and looked out of the window. At this time, in the north, it is still a cold winter, but in the winter in Yangcheng, green can be seen everywhere. No matter how cold it is, it will not freeze.

"The recent situation has been very unfavorable." Wu Xiaoyang, who had always been calm, suddenly sighed after being stunned for a moment, "Chen Haotian got the help of Xia Xiangzhi. In the confrontation with the southwest side, there are signs of turning defeat into victory. The special action thrown by the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee is obviously a replica of the southwest model, but it is more demanding than the southwest model, which is a step more sublimated, which illustrates a problem worth pondering. Only when the southwest is calming, will there be wind in Lingnan.

"How come?" Shi Qishun was shocked, "It's not that he is always in favor of the Southwest. In addition to the Prime Minister, Southwest has received a high degree of support. Xia thought that he is just a deputy ministerial-level cadre. Can he affect the overall situation?

"I used to think so, but now I'm very worried, because Xiaxiang's network is too complicated. If you think about it carefully, at least one or two leaders in four or five provinces in China will have close personal relations with him. It can even be said that he has the influence to influence their decisions." Wu Xiaoyang is not simple. At least he saw a key point, "The one in the southwest hit the black and made Chen Haotian lose a lot of points. At that time, Chen Haotian tried his best to transfer Xia to Lingnan. I thought Chen Haotian wanted to use Xia to use his family power. Now when he thought about it, he was still confused by Chen Haotian. What Chen Haotian was looking for was the relationship between Xiaxiang and Song Chaodu.

If Xia wants to hear Wu Xiaoyang's words with his own ears, he can't help giving a thumbs up to Wu Xiaoyang.

"Jijiang Provincial Party Committee Song Dynasty?" Shi Qishun also understood something, and his face changed. "Jijiang Province is the base camp in the southwest. It's high. It's really a good move. It's a draw from the bottom of the pot."

"The director of Gangshan City was arrested." Wu Xiaoyang lit an expensive Cuban cigar, took a deep breath, and spit out a big smoke ring. "Earlier, the deputy mayor of Gangshan City drowned in the river and was identified as suicide by the police... The deputy mayor jumped into the river and committed suicide? A deputy mayor committed suicide, a director was arrested, and it was not worth mentioning in a province. Many people ignored the internal reasons.

Song Gang keenly grasped a point: "Supresor, can it be said that Song Chaodu has already laid out for Chen Haotian?"

Wu Xiaoyang nod his head approvingly: "Or, I'm trapping the one in the southwest."

Shi Qishun didn't react: "It's too small to hurt a finger in the southwest at all."

"Stupid!" Wu Xiaoyang suddenly scolded Shi Qishun angrily, "Can't you hurt a finger? Qishun, your eyes are too short and shallow. It's more than just a finger, which can completely hurt your muscles and bones and directly remove one of the arms of the southwest!"

"Zhang Ding's team?" Shi Qishun knew that he had said something wrong. He should not mention the word "finger" and didn't have time to explain it, because he figured out something and blurted out, "Xia wants to calculate too much."

Wu Xiaoyang said coldly, "Not only Xia wants to calculate very well, but also the Song Dynasty also calculates very well. It should be said that the hostile forces led by Xia Xiang are very calculating very well."

"If Xiaxiang is eliminated, the bridge between Song Chaodu and Chen Haotian is lost, and there is no adhesion, will it be beneficial to the overall situation?" Song Gang can't use tricks, but he likes to work hard. He has always believed that violence can solve all problems. "In the events of the Xiang Provincial Military Region in those years, there are still many brothers in the Yangcheng Military Region. As long as there is an order, Xia Xiang will definitely..."

Although Shi Qishun is a soldier, although he is also very strong, he has not thought of personally hurting Xia Xiang. He couldn't help saying, "Although Xia Xiang is not an authentic regimental department, he is also a general."

"What will happen to the total love?" Song Gang stared and curled his lips in disapproared, "I was almost..."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense." Wu Xiaoyang interrupted Song Gang's words and didn't let him say wildly, "If you want to fight, don't fight in martial arts. It's still early to know the victory or defeat, and we can't show the cards first.

Shi Qishun, who is familiar with Wu Xiaoyang's character, heard Wu Xiaoyang's implication, that is, if it is critical, the possibility of thinking about Xia can't be ruled out. Now... Let's wait and see.

"Qishun, now that you have mastered the Lingnan Military Region, you have finally taken a step forward and entered the Standing Committee of the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee. Next, you have to think about a few tricks with Xia." Wu Xiaoyang got up and walked out, and Shi Qishun and Song Gang hurriedly followed.

When I came to the yard, the yard where it had just rained was slightly damp and cold. The raindrops hung on the leaves and flowers, reflecting the colorful sunshine. The air is particularly fresh, and it is a good time to clear up after the rain.

"Lingnan Provincial Party Committee, you can win the standing committees of Kang Xiao and Mou Yuanhai. At the same time, Si Ying and Chi Yongli can also have hope to fight for it. Others, contact them first. Although Chen Haotian is a member of the Political Bureau, he should also respect the Standing Committee and will not make a word in the provincial party committee. If you are in the provincial party committee, even if you can't control the Standing Committee, you can't let Xia think things go too smoothly. Wu Xiaoyang placed high hopes on Shi Qishun as a member of the Standing Committee of the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee.

"Song Gang, you continue to keep an eye on Xu Guanhua and Mu Feng. Find a way to let Xu Guanhua and Mu Feng have an accident. Pay attention, don't have big things, just small things, which can disrupt the deployment of the other party and disturb Xia Xiang's vision, and then..." Wu Xiaoyang also gave instructions to Song Gang

Compared with Shi Qishun's worried face, Song Gang looked excited: "No problem, please don't worry, commander. I've wanted to clean up Xu Guanhua for a long time, and I didn't like him. And that Mufeng, pretending to be as good as he is every day..."

Wu Xiaoyang interrupted Song Gang's words unhappily: "Say less useless words and do more useful things."

Shi Qishun took over the conversation: "Xu Guanhua came back from the Blue Sea. I heard that Gu and Fu Yuan also went to the Blue Sea, but he did not come back with Xu Guanhua. I don't know whether he has returned to Beijing or is still in the Blue Sea?"

"I'm afraid I haven't returned to Beijing or in the Blue Sea. I should have gone to Meihua City..." Wu Xiaoyang looked far into the distance, "Don't forget that there is also a huge family power in Lingnan!"

Shi Qishun suddenly realized and was shocked for a moment: "Lingnan Jijia?" RO