official god

Chapter 1837 Crossing

As for the heavy trust of the Fu and Mei families, Xia wants to feel the heavy responsibility. Although in another sense, the Fu and Mei families have the intention of relying on him, in the long run, they want him to lead the Fu and Mei families to continue to make great strides forward, unite and not be overwhelmed by the changing political situation.

It is no exaggeration to say that Xiaxiang at this time has the potential to become the core figure of the four major families, and it is only one step away from becoming a high-profile figure.

Imagine that if one person can become the leader of the four families instead of the spokesperson, the one, one and four families will only obey his orders. In all major matters, the four families will be at the same pace and have a unified voice. What a terrible force!

If there is such a day, Xia wants to have a pivotal position in the domestic political situation. No matter who is the first person today, he will regard him as an ally rather than an opponent.

The power of the four companies is merged in one place, and I dare not say that it can occupy more than half of the Politburo, at least one-third. Coupled with the huge and amazing economic strength of the four families, and even the wealth of Ruohan is as rich as the country, Xiaxiang thinks that even if he is not the first person, he can have or even surpass the power of the first person.

Broadly speaking, the scope of family power is very broad. The four major families led by the Wu family are the local families with the Ji family as an example. Further extended, Fu Yuan and Hou Kang are also members of the family forces.

That's true, since Xia wanted to know Mr. Wu, he has never heard him mention Fu Yuan and Hou Kang, nor has he mentioned traditional family power. According to Xia's speculation, I'm afraid there is an irreconcilable contradiction between the traditional family forces and the emerging family forces.

Therefore, when Xia wanted to see Hou Kang sitting with Mr. Wu with his own eyes, he could imagine the shock and puzzlement in his heart.

"Secretary Xia... Hou Kang went to get up to greet him. "I heard from the old man that you were coming over in the evening, so I waited for a while to meet you and have a few words to say."

Hou Kang's attitude of going is not very enthusiastic, but it definitely does not make people feel alienated. Xia Yang politely held Hou Kang's hand: "Secretary Hou, I've been looking forward to you for a long time."

"Hehe, I believe you have admired me for a long time." In Hou Kang's laughter, he was very cheerful, "Those who know me say I'm worried, and those who don't know what I want?" Perhaps in the eyes of many people, I am a person of fame. It doesn't matter what others say. I believe Secretary Xia has his own judgment.

Hou Kang's going is the same as the legendary dare to say and dare to do. Although the words are very straightforward, they are not boring.

Xia thought and said, "Take responsibility for the past, what's the name behind you?" Time is the only criterion for testing the truth. It is right and wrong. Some descendants have commented that as long as there is a heart for the country and the people, history will have a clear lesson.

"Secretary Xia, well said." Hou Kang went to pull Xia's hand and turned back to Mr. Wu and said, "Sir, Secretary Xia and I went out to say a few words with him. Please take care of him."

Mr. Wu waved his hand: "Say it, say it, I have no problem with it."

In the courtyard, the cold wind is gentle, which makes people clear-headed. Xia wanted to follow Hou Kang to the tree where Mr. Wu likes to sit down and drink tea most. He stood still and asked, "What is the guiding spirit of Secretary Hou?"

Hou Kang scolded with a smile and said, "Just a few gossips...' Before I came to the Wu family, I always came to the house. Have you heard of it?"

Xia wanted to shake his head: "No. Today, I met the general reason in the Fu family.

"The general reason is to visit several elderly people separately, which also reflects the care of the Central Committee of the Party and the State Council for the older generation of leaders." There was always a faint smile on Hou Kang's face, as if Xia was really his old friend. "But when he came, Ye Tiannan was also by his side."

Hou Kang's eyes stayed on Xiaxiang's face for a few seconds, deliberately observing Xiaxiang's reaction.

Xia wanted to be as calm as water, and his expression did not fluctuate at all. He said, "Ye Tiannan is now registered in the General Office of the State Council, and he is also needed for work."

Hou Kang smiled implicitly: "General Li has revealed the wind and intends to let Ye Tiannan serve as the executive vice governor of Qi Province. I came to visit Mr. Wu today. By the way, I talked with Minister Wu about this matter. My attitude is very clear. Comrade Ye Tiannan is not suitable to serve as the executive governor of Qi Province.

After sending Hou Kang away, Xia wanted to stand alone in the breeze in the courtyard.

Hou Kang went to the Wu family just to make it clear that he opposed Ye Tiannan's attitude to Qi Province? I'm afraid not necessarily. Ye Tiannan's appointment is bound to be discussed by the Politburo. It's not too late for Kang to express his opposition. There is no need to do more.

To take a step back, even if Hou Kang wants to communicate with Wu Caiyang first and intends to explore Wu Caiyang's speech when visiting Mr. Wu, he does not need to pull him specifically and solemnly explain this matter to him.

Hou Kang will not do anything unnecessary. His move must be conveying a political signal...

Back to the room, Mr. Wu was talking to Wu Caiyang.

"Lao Fu is old, and it's very sad to think about it." As soon as Mr. Wu saw Xia, he sighed and said, "I heard that Lao Fu is alone at the end of his life?"

Xia wanted to say, "It's just that I'm not in a dilemma with the Fu family. It can't be regarded as an orphan. The Fu family is young, but the people are prosperous."

Mr. Wu smiled again: "Orphans and widows are orphans, and political isolation is also lonely. Xia Think, what do you think about the future of the Fu family?

What Mr. Wu said is not Mr. Fu's funeral, but refers to the political and economic layout of the Fu family in China.

"I have no idea." Xia wanted to answer very simply.

"Haha." Mr. Wu finally smiled again, "You are such a smart child."

Respond to all changes without change. After Mr. Fu's entrustment, Xia wants to get out, do not interfere in any affairs of the family, and secretly help the family politically, which is the most smartest way.

Late at night, Mr. Wu was not tired, and he was still excited and wanted to talk about the old things about him and several old men. On New Year's Eve, Xia Xiang did not accompany Cao Shuhui, his parents, or Cao Yongguo, but accompanied Mr. Wu and Wu Caiyang, which was also regarded as another filial piety.

Today, almost all the Wu family gathered together. Except for Lian Ruohan's absence, a large family rarely sat together, upstairs and downstairs, inside and outside the house, full of people.

Most people don't know Xia Xiang, but most people know Xia Xiang. For the core characters outside the Wu family, many people are curious and in awe of Xia Xiang, because there are few people in China who deserve Mr. Wu and Wu Caiyang's personal company. This text is provided by the departure update group. After the hour knocking at midnight, the New Year and the Year of the Dragon are officially ushered in.

Early in the morning, there was an endless stream of phone calls and people for New Year's greetings, which made people overwhelmed. Xia Xiang was fine. He hid in the study with Mr. Wu, drank tea and played chess, and it was rare to be idle for a long time. The incoming and incoming calls are all handled by Wu Caiyang and Wu Caijiang.

At noon, Xia wanted to sit with the Wu family again and have a reunion dinner.

Mr. Wu sat on the head and raised his glass: "The doctor told me to drink less. I took a sip today. First of all, I was happy because of the Spring Festival. Second, there is an important thing to announce. From today on, on the first day of the New Year, I will officially return home, and I will no longer care about family affairs. All major events of the Wu family, politically, are decided by Caiyang and Xia. Economically, it is up to Cai Jiang and Xia to decide. Family affairs are decided by Caihe.

"Old man..." Suddenly, Xia thought about shit a few words, because since he entered the Wu family, he had never been involved in the affairs of the Wu family, whether it was family affairs or political or economic affairs.

For him, the Wu family is different from the Fu family and the Mei family. The marriage relationship between him and Lian Ruohan will make the Wu family guard against him and think that he is coveted the power of the Wu family.

It is precisely because of his calm posture that he has been out of the matter. For several years, he has been standing upright in the Wu family, and no one has accused him of bad intentions.

Now the old man has officially proposed to let him participate in the decision of the affairs of the Wu family, and whether it is politics or economics, he has half of the right to speak. In fact, his power is above Wu Caiyang and Wu Caijiang!

How does this work?

"That's it." Mr. Wu said lightly. Although it was light, it was in an indisputable tone, "I live for a day, and the size of the family, I said forget it."

Wu Caiyang was the first to take over the words and said, "Xia Xiang, don't shied. It's up to him what the old man has decided.

You even promised the entrustment of the Fu family and the Mei family, but you didn't agree to the entrustment of the Wu family. Is it more generous to the other?

"But..." Xia thought about it, but he is an outsider of the Fu family and the Mei family, and he can be selfless and generous. For the Wu family, he is the son-in-law of the Wu family and a relative.

The difference between an outsider and a relative is one word, but the relationship is ten thousand miles away.

"No, but." Wu Caijiang also said in an indisputable tone, "Unless you don't want to do your best for the prosperity of the Wu family."

Xia couldn't think of anything more. If he shieded, he would really see the outside world, and he had no choice but to accept the reality.

From yesterday to today, one day has spanned two years. For others, it may be just one year older, but for Yu Xiaxiang, starting from the Fu family, advancing to the Mei family, and then advancing in the Wu family, officially establishing the identity of the core figure of his family!

If Xia Xiang in the past was only the role of the spokesperson of the nominal family power, today, in addition to the Qiu family's not officially entrusted, the owners of the Fu, Mei and Wu families have solemnly included Xia Xiang as the core figures.

Although Fu and Mei will not hand over the family business to Xia Xiang like the Wu family, they have made a major decision to be consistent with Xia Xiang in major events. As a result, the first historic reorganization of the four major family forces began.

The impact of this incident in all aspects has surprised many people...

In the afternoon, Xia wanted to receive a call from Cao Shuhui.

"Aunt Qi invites you to come home as a guest. Don't come here empty-handed. It's the Spring Festival, and I heard that the General Secretary will also show his hands and make dumplings in person..."

The general secretary's dumplings must have a unique flavor. (