official god

Chapter 1844 Solve the problem

After Zhang Guowei was defeated by the Qin and Tang Dynasties Municipal Party Committee, he was involved in Niu Lin's wide range of affairs, and his political future was bleak. Later, he was transferred to the constitution as the mayor, from developed cities to backward cities, or flat adjustment, which means flat adjustment.

If nothing unexpected happens, Zhang Guowei will be in the position of mayor and finish it.

Xia Xiang didn't pay attention to Zhang Guowei's movements for several years, but vaguely heard that he went to Shuiheng City to serve as the mayor. Under the leadership of the Municipal Party Committee [Book], who was a teenager younger than him, he muddled by. That's what politicians do. If you want you to do it, you have to do it. Well, let you do it. If you don't do it, you have to do it. Well, if you can't go up or down, you have to hang in the air, no matter how uncomfortable it is, you have to bear it.

I believe that Zhang Guowei has been hanged very uncomfortable now.

Zhang Guowei's life and death, Xia think that he no longer cares about it now. What he cares about is, why did Zhang Li sit with Zhang Guowei? As the closest person around Mi Jihuo, Zhang Li is not an outsider in Xiaxiang's eyes.

And Xia wants to have a good impression of tension.

Zhang Guowei's eyes flashed, jumped on Xia Shang, and looked at Song Yifan intentionally or unintentionally. Then he noticed the waiter beside him, immediately handed over a bank card, and waved his hand to the waiter to leave quickly: "Do you know who he is? He is the deputy [book] of the provincial party committee. Can't you afford a meal?

Let me tell you that he has a phone call, and the people who queue up to check out for him can line up to Tiananmen Square! Hurry up, one more step later, and let your manager come out and make amends.

Not to mention, Zhang Guowei had an attack and was quite good at cleaning up the waiters who looked down on people.

Xia thought about stopping it, just thought about it, and then returned it to Zhang Guowei and left. However, I thought it was funny. I didn't expect that it was Zhang Guowei who relieved him. It was really funny.

Xia thought that every chapter of the national stick expressed his feelings.

Zhang Guowei waved his hand repeatedly and refused to accept it: "Lao Xia [Book] Remember that no matter how polite I am, I will be ashamed."

Song Yifan originally wanted to sit face to face with Xia, so he gave way to his seat and sat side by side with Xia: "Don't stand, please sit down."

Tension hesitated and didn't dare to sit down. Xia thought, "Since you have met, don't be polite. Anyway, today is Guowei's treat."

With the instructions of Xiaxiang, Zhang Li nodded and smiled and sat down.

As soon as Zhang Guowei heard that Xia wanted to agree, he was overjoyed at the invitation: "Xia [Book] Remember, how many more dishes will be served?"

Xia wanted to wave his hand: "Just talk, don't bother."

Xiaxiang introduced Song Yifan for Zhang Li and Zhang Guowei.

As soon as he heard that Song Yifan was the daughter of Song Chaodu, both Zhang Li and Zhang Guowei's attitude changed, and they were very respectful.

"Xia [Book], Governor Mi has visited relatives and friends in recent days, so he gave me two days off, and I will meet my friends in the capital." Zhang Li took the initiative to explain the reason why he was with Zhang Guowei. "Mayor Zhang and I are old classmates. We met when we were in college in Yangcheng"

Xia wanted to nod his head slightly to understand the reason. Suddenly, he remembered something and asked again, "At the way, Zhang Li, where are you from in Lingnan?"

, "People from Meihuā City."

Zhang Li is not Xiaxiang's secretary, so Xiaxiang only knows that he is from Lingnan, and it is really unclear where he is. At first glance, when he heard that Zhang Li was from Meihuā City, Xia wanted to suddenly jump in his heart and suddenly remembered a doubtful thing.

In the flash, he skipped the tension again and asked Zhang Guowei, "How's Guowei doing recently?"

Zhang Guowei said goodbye to Xiaxiang and had no resentment in his heart. Maybe it was the passage of time, or maybe it was Zhang Li's words about Xiaxiang that made him feel much calmer.

"No matter what position you are in, you just need to do your best to do things for the people. Now I just want to settle down, and then try my best to do as to how much I can do and how much I can benefit the people. My ability is limited to ask for a clear conscience.

Xia wants to be shocked. It's rare for Zhang Guowei to think like this.

As long as he does practical things for the people, he can definitely benefit one side with his ability.

After a few more insignificant gossips, Zhang Li and Zhang Guowei got up and said goodbye. Xia wanted to take the initiative to say, "Guowei, leave your phone number and I'll give you the money back."

Zhang Guowei refused: "Xia [Book] Remember to pay back the money, it's the same as scolding me."

Zhang Li said, "Guo Wei, Xia [Book] Remember to leave the phone"

Zhang Guowei just woke up and left the phone number. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take this opportunity to re-establish contact with Xia. It's too stupid to miss it.

As soon as Zhang Li and Zhang Guowei were sent away, unfortunately, Gu Qiushi called in.

"Xia Think, you will definitely be there for Mr. Fu's memorial service tomorrow? Ji Huo and I will go together in the second wave.

The third wave is several giants in the center, the second wave is some Politburo members, the third wave is the first or second leaders of the provinces, and then the rest are arranged in the fourth wave.

"Yes, have you solved the problem I gave you last time?"

Since Gu Qiushi's call came at the right time, Xia Xiang smiled and said, "I don't know if I haven't solved it, but it seems that the matter has fallen on Governor Mi."

"..." Gu Qiushi seemed to be stunned for a moment, and then smiled again. "With you, okay, I'll reveal an insider information to you tomorrow, but whether it's good news or bad news, you can only listen, not express your opinions."

De, Gu Qiushi's Guanzi was sold one after another.

Send Song Yifan back to her residence. She still lives in the opposite door of Wei Xin. It's also strange. Why don't you rent a house together? She and Wei Xin's house are both a two-bedroom house. Xia wanted to go, but Song Yifan stretched out his arms and stood at the door.

"You have to keep your word. I can't keep my word. It's a puppy.

Xia wants to spoil Song Yifan the most. In front of her, she always compromises and has to say, "Okay, I'll accompany you tonight, but you have to be obedient and go to bed early. I have something to do tomorrow morning."

"Hmm!" Song Yifan nodded vigorously, as if she was really obedient.

Xia thought that there were indeed a lot of things to do. Between Song Yifan's shower, he answered more than a dozen phone calls. After answering the phone, I made a few more phone calls to arrange a matter for tomorrow.

My intuition tells me that there will be unexpected things happening at tomorrow's memorial service, and I must know it in my heart so as not to be caught off guard. The government didn't hit him with Xu Guanhua's call just now. Although the few people who were caught insisted that they were instructed by Gao Jianyuan, the clumsy tricks of Gao Jianyuan made Xia think more and more that the mastermind behind the scene was the government. Gao Jianyuan had no strength to fight with three luxury cars, and he did not have the ability .

The chairman will go to the memorial service tomorrow, and the government will definitely go. Although Fan Ruiheng is listed as an unpopular person of the Fu family by Fu Xianfeng, he is expected to go. It is still necessary to make a good appearance, which is also a favor.

So can it be said that Fan Zheng and Gao Jianyuan are also likely to appear?

Yes, there is also Mr. Wu.

Tomorrow, it's really lively. Mr. Fu has something to know. I don't know whether to be happy or bitterly?

I was distracted for a moment, and suddenly I heard Song Yifan shouting, "Brother Xia, help me get another bath towel. My bath towel has fallen into the water."

What a careless girl. Xia wanted to take another bath towel, pushed the bathroom door open a crack, and handed the bath towel in.

"You're polite and didn't peek." Song Yifan giggled and thought to Xia that she was never defensive.

Xia wanted to feel the steam of the steam, and the familiar fragrance in the steam. He all reminded him of the fact that he was alive and fragrant. At a distance away, there was a bright and beautiful woman. At this time, it was the first brother ** incomparable beauty's bath picture phone abruptly ringing.

Xia wanted to be absent-minded for a moment. As soon as his hand shook, the bath towel fell to the ground. He couldn't help shaking his head with regret. Why is he so stupid?

Song Yifan was even more annoyed: "I didn't take a bath, Brother Xia, what do you want me to do?"

The phone keeps ringing. Whose phone is so out of place? Xia wanted to see the call and couldn't help laughing bitterly. It was Wei Xin.

The last time he was with Wei Xin, Song Yifan came to make trouble, which made him go out in the middle of the night. Now, he sent a bath towel to Song Yifan, and Wei Xin happened to call, so that Song Yifan did not have a bath towel.

"Wei Xin called. I'll answer it." Xia wanted to remind Song Yifan and got up to answer the phone.

"Hey" Wei Xin's hoarse voice, magnetic and penetrating, as clear as in his ear, "I'm sure I didn't bother you. You won't be with her and the child now, either socializing or with... other women."

Wei Xin seems to be biting his lip to speak.

How can you guess so accurately?

Xia thought about it and laughed, but didn't dare to laugh, so he had to say vaguely, "You're right. I'm socializing." Halfway through the words, he choked again, because he saw Song Yifan coming out of the bathroom!

If Song Yifan wore clothes or surrounded the bath towel, it was nothing, but she didn't wear an inch, so she came out. The flesh was fragrant, and she didn't even wear shoes. It was as light as a huā fairy. A white light flashed in front of Xia Xiang's eyes and disappeared in another room.

Moreover, Song Yifan deliberately gave him a white look, as if he didn't care about his surprise, and seemed to be very dissatisfied with him peeking at her!

Xia thought that he hesitated to answer Wei Xin a few words. It was not until he hung up Wei Xin's phone that he came to his senses. When he heard that there was no sound in the room, he did not dare to go over, so he whispered, "1 Bu Fan, get dressed and don't catch a cold."

No echo.

Xia Xiang was worried. He was about to go there to see what happened when the phone rang again. It was Mei Xiaolin.

I talked to Mei Xiaolin about tomorrow's memorial service, and more than ten minutes passed. When he crept to Song Yifan's room, he couldn't help laughing at the flesh-colored woman just now, who had now turned into a cute girl in plush pajamas, curled up, holding a big hairy bear, and fell asleep.

It's really a heartless girl. Xia wants to be relieved.

The next morning, he said goodbye to Song Yifan. Xia wanted to drive to Fu's house to prepare for the last big event in the capital. Halfway through, I accidentally received a phone call from Zhang Guowei.

More surprisingly, Zhang Guowei's first sentence is: "Xia [Book], I want to report a very important situation, Fan Zheng and Gao Jianyuan"