official god

Chapter 1849 Another Round

Chapter 1849 Another Round

When Xia wanted to throw out the property he wanted to annex Xiao Jia in public, the heart of the government suddenly set off a huge wave!

This time, he encouraged a group of cannon fodder and horse pawns to attack. What he wanted to do was to do a heavy blow to Xia. At the same time, he hid behind and was fine. Although he hates Xiaxiang to the bone now, he still dares not openly tear his face with Xiaxiang.

The best thought in the government is that in case Xia can't finish, he will act as a good person and persuade him to fight. He is not only good, but also known as the heart. He kills two birds with one stone. Why not?

I never thought that the wonderful plan he wanted to stand by was seen through by Xia, and Xia wanted to hesitate to fight and put him directly on the table. He pointed out in public that he wanted to annex Xiao Jia's property. Compared with the good father that Xia thought had just thrown out in a high-profile way, the government felt like being splashed with In the end!

What does Xia want to do? If you want to confront him head-on and put the contradictions with him on the surface, doesn't it mean that you don't even care about the chairman's face?

After thinking about it carefully, the government office was shocked. Xia thought was not stimulated to be angry and lost control for a while, but was prepared for today's emergency, so he calmly counterattacked for the camp step by step.


The rapid change of the situation made Fan Zheng dazzled and shocked that he was speechless.

If Chen Feng's response is direct and powerful, and in a faint tone, it is contempt and contempt, then Li Dingshan's rhetorical question directly points to the essence of the question, which is equivalent to exchanging his innocence for Xia Xiang's name!

Such a high-profile and bright festival, it is almost extinct in the officialdom, but today, it is really staged in front of everyone. It is Xia Xiang's character that is too strong and deserves Li Dingshan to stand up, or Li Dingshan is open and aboveboard, the road is uneven, and he firmly believes that Xia Xiang is a

It doesn't matter what the reason is. The important thing is that Chen Feng and Li Dingshan, two senior provincial and ministerial officials, do not hesitate to cover Xia Xiang with themselves, and support Xia Xiang in public. The political meaning is very strong!

Hou Kang narrowed his eyes, and a strange light flashed in his eyes. He thought that Xia thought that he was not only good at doing things and means, but also very good at counterattacking and building momentum. What a smart role!

Fan Zheng said "ah" and stepped back two steps in shock before standing firm. Seeing that Chen Feng was not angry and arrogant, Li Dingshan was awe-inspiring. He was flustered for a moment and stammered, "I'm just making a metaphor. I don't mean that, and I dare not blame Chen and Li."

"Then why do you have the courage to blame Xia? Is it that Xia is not as good as me, not as old as me, or do you think Xia is weak to bully? Chen Feng directly choked Fan Zheng again.

Li Dingshan said firmly, "Fan Zheng, you are a scholar of the Academy of Social Sciences and a senior intellectual, but you have no evidence in public and openly accuse a senior national cadre. Where is your party spirit? Where is your principle? Your father once served as the provincial party committee. Didn't he teach you? What is prudent? I haven't taught you what shame is?!"

"Li, it's a little too much to say. How can I educate Fan Zheng is my business? I don't dare to work hard for you to dictate!" Just as Fan Zheng was criticized by Li Dingshan and speechless, another person appeared in time. As soon as he appeared, he fought back against Li Dingshan angrily.

It is Fan Ruiheng.

As soon as Fan Ruiheng appeared, it caused a little restlessness, not to say that Fan Ruiheng has more weight - in the eyes of many senior provincial and ministerial officials who are still present, Fan Ruiheng has long been a marginal figure after abdicated - but because he is a person who walks with Fan Ruiheng.

In fact, at his level, if he appears normally, it will not cause association and restlessness. However, the timing of his appearance is very **, and because he is with Fan Ruiheng, and his identity is related to Fan Zheng's accusation of Xiaxiang. Therefore, he and Fan Ruiheng's appearance at the same time immediately attracted everyone. Eyes.

... It's none other than Lu Ru, the mayor of Yan City.

Lu Ru and Fan Ruiheng went together. Whether it was a coincidence or intentional, it made everyone suspicious. If it is normal, if Lu Ru appears, few people will care about him. After all, although the mayor of Yan City is a deputy ministerial-level senior official, he really can't show his light on the occasion of today's high-ranking officials.

But... Lu Ru unexpectedly appeared - it is estimated that the Fu family will not inform Lu Ru. First, his level is not enough, and second, his camp is different - and he travels with Fan Ruiheng. In addition, when he appeared, it was really just right, so people couldn't help thinking about it.

Everyone knows that Lu Ru is the chairman!

If you think about it again, as the mayor of Yan City and has been operating in Yan City for many years, Lu Ru is bound to have a clear understanding of Xiao Jia... And there is no doubt that he will stand on Fan Zheng's side.

The situation has undergone a fundamental reversal again, from the confrontation that originally seemed to be personal enmity, it has risen to a political confrontation!

However, it's the same. At the level of Xia Xiang, as the ** of the government, I think of the fact that Fan Zheng, Gao Jianyuan and Xia Xiang used to be friends. By the way, there is also Mr. Wu, who has been staring at him and has not yet taken action. Today's incident is a serious and serious political Sudden...political events!

"Old..." Li Dingshan called the old man lightly, just to let Fan Ruiheng recognize the situation, "I'm right or not someone else. Whether he is Fan Zheng or someone else, as long as he accuses Xia Xiang, I will argue with him to the end!"

"What's wrong with accusing Xia? Doesn't Xia think Xia doesn't have any shortcomings to be blamed?" Fan Ruiheng is very powerful and seems to have a sure chance to win. "I think if Xia stands straight, she won't be afraid of being blamed, right? Besides, Fan Zheng and Xia have known each other for more than ten years. I'm afraid that everyone present doesn't know Xiaxiang as well as him. When he knew Xiaxiang, Xiaxiang was the deputy county magistrate. Not only him, but also Mayor Lu and I have known Xiaxiang for seven or eight years. Isn't it, Mayor Lu?"

Fan Ruiheng emphasized the long-term problem again, obviously in order to further increase the criticism of Xiaxiang to lay the foreshadowing and increase credibility.

Sure enough, Lu Ru was pushed to the front desk by Fan Ruiheng.

Lu Ru calmly nodded slightly: "Yes, I knew him when Xia was still working in Xia Ma District. Is it Xia?"

It's not your fault to come out. It's your fault to kick your nose and face. Xia wanted to nod and answer, "Yes, Mayor Lu is still my old leader. When I was the deputy department, Mayor Lu was the leader of the municipal party committee... What is the guiding spirit of the old leader?"

One sentence made Lu Ru suddenly ashamed.

Xia wants to be in the deputy hall of that year, and he is in the main hall. Now Xiaxiang is the deputy department, and he is also the deputy department, but he is only the mayor of Yan City, not the municipal party committee or the standing committee of the provincial party committee, while Xiaxiang is the deputy of the provincial party committee, and he is also the deputy department. In fact, according to the practice of officialdom, Xia Xian is his leader!

"Xia, don't make fun of me. How can I have the right to instruct your deputy of the provincial party committee..." As soon as he said, he seemed to feel that something was wrong. On the way, he was fooled by Xia. He didn't even have the right to instruct, let alone blame?

"If the instructions are not, don't worry about it. Mayor Lu, since Fan Zheng and Xia argued about Xiao Jia, Fan Zheng was scolded by Comrade Li Dingshan for this. You can judge and talk about what kind of woman Xiao Jia is. From your point of view, as the mayor of Yan City, let's preside over justice.

Fan Ruiheng's phoenix is not as good as a chicken. He is willing to fall, and he is also angry with the government, waving the flag and shouting for the government.

Xia Xiang also secretly admired the strategy of writing and not fighting in the government. Today's events are interlinked, step by step, and the level is high, which is admirable. Compared with Mr. Wu's method of mad dog biting people randomly, it is beyond a little.

The key is to be able to be so well-arranged and step by step. In addition to encouraging countless pawns, there are also politicians to cheer. The government must have made a lot of effort behind it.

also proves that some people want to use today's events to hit his prestige heavily. It's best to blacken him. If you can't, you can also make him ashamed and make him ashamed!

It must be admitted that the cause of the matter is not only related to the appointment of the executive vice governor of Qi Province, but also related to Lingnan affairs.

Lu Ru is elegant and said slowly, "Xiao Jia's family is average, but she is very beautiful. She comes from a poor background. Her parents are both farmers, and she has a younger brother who does business in Yan City. Before she broke into the capital, she was an unknown nobody in Yanshi. She once worked as a book editor in a cultural company. By the way, it was at that time that she had a colleague relationship with Xia, and they were all under the leadership of Li... Ha ha, a cultural company came out with a billionaire and two deputy senior officials. It's really not easy!"

Lu Ru's words seem to only state objective facts. In fact, there are many hints. I still want to convey a message to everyone present, that is, Xiao Jia is attached to Xia Xiang and Li Dingshan, so that he can achieve today's achievements.

If the spearhead just pointed at Xia Xiang, as soon as Lu Ru came forward, he attacked in two places, punched Xia Xiang and kicked Li Dingshan. Under the cover of politeness on the surface, he was cold and aggressive in his bones.

"There are only two vice-ministries in one company, a billionaire. It's amazing, it's really amazing!"

A character that no one could have thought of suddenly opened his mouth.

Five or six senior provincial and ministerial officials, including Zheng Sheng, Chen Feng, Qian Jinsong, as well as the governor of the Western Province, Wu Dongfang, the governor of Beijing, Wang Shifei, and Yan Rongzheng, the mayor of Tianjin, have been standing aside, either standing by, watching the fire across the shore, or frowning slightly. Chen Feng strongly supported Xiaxiang, and several others, including Zheng Sheng, did not say a word.

Just as Lu Ru's voice fell, Wang Shifei, the mayor of Beijing, accidentally opened his mouth, which immediately made the already complicated situation even more complicated.

Thinking of Wang Shifei's identity as the mayor of Beijing, and now Xiao Jia is a giant businessman in the capital, and everyone pays attention to him, because his position on this matter is very critical!

: Ask for the last few hours! Ask for the guarantee in March. In March, the official god will continue to ** repeat. After midnight, there will be updates, please stay tuned! RO