official god

Chapter 1872 Bottom Line

Xia wants to encounter women for a lifetime.

From the earliest Mei Xiaolin in An County, to Tu Yun, Liu Yilin, and Wang Qiang Wei in Lang City, to Chen Jiesui in Tianze, Yang Yaoer in Xiang Province and Wen Zixuan in Qi Province.

Women who wander between officialdom and shopping malls, either knowledgeable and courteous, or domineering, or deep-minded, or brainless, or talented and beautiful, all left a deep impression on Xiaxiang.

But no one is as careful as Ji Rulan, who makes him be very careful when he only sees him once!

Yes, it comes from the innermost precautions.

There has never been a woman who made Xia want to stay away from him, but today, he finally met one.

Not counting the identity of Miss Ji Rulan's family, even if he first met Mei Xiaolin when he was a seedling and learned about the huge and amazing Mei family behind Mei Xiaolin, he was not afraid of Mei Xiaolin, and still felt that he and Mei Xiaolin could communicate calmly.

But for Ji Rulan, Xia wanted to be inexplicably and strongly vigilant against a woman for the first time. She felt that behind Rulan's smile, there was an unfathomable trap waiting for him to step on.

Because although Ji Rulan's voice was beautiful, it was like a shadow under the bright sun outside the window, which made Xia Xiang's heart suddenly sink down in an instant.

"Xia [Book], I'm with Yan Xiao's sister" Ji Rulan's voice is delicate and eager. "My sister and I invited Xia [Shu], I don't know if Xia [Shu] will come?" After putting down Ji Rulan's phone call, Xia's mood was difficult to calm down for a long time.

If when Fan Zheng and Gao Jianyuan first appeared, he knew his details as a threat, and even sent a threatening letter with bullets, he still didn't care and could repel the other party, then Ji Rulan's wrist was like a soft but resilient vine, little by little, to wrap him all over his body. Go around!

In silence, Yan Xiao didn't know when he came to Yangcheng, and he didn't inform him in advance or meet him, but he was with Ji Rulan, which really surprised Xia.

The Ji family is indeed much more difficult to deal with than the local forces in Qi Province. Ji Rulan alone makes Xia want to have a feeling that she can't do it. After all, she is a woman, a beautiful woman, with the most lethal weapon of women, and the natural gender advantages of women. She is soft and strong and knows how to use Maximization is indeed the strongest opponent Xia wants to encounter in his life.

Just as this special operation was put on the agenda, the Ji family increased its offensive against him. There must be a hidden political purpose behind it.

See or not? Xia thought that he only hesitated for a few seconds and then made a decision: "Okay, I'll be there on time." Ji Rulan smiled happily: "I knew that Xia [Shu] was reasonable and was a good person." Xia wanted to smile silently and hung up his electric nose.

"Tianyun, go to Comrade Hemin's office and get a file of the red huā anti-corruption case." Xia wanted to say.

Wang Hemin is the deputy [book] of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the director of the Supervision Department.

After a while, Tang Tianyun came back, followed by Wang Hemin. Xia wanted to stretch out his hand: "Comrade Hemin, thank you for your hard work. Just let Tianyun bring the file."

Wang Hemin didn't dare to be so big. What's more, he didn't know what important instructions Xia [Shu] had, so he hurried to run here in person.

"It happens to be a big corruption case, and some situations need to be reported to Xia [Book]." Wang Hemin's attitude is very respectful and full of posture. After all, as the immediate boss, Xia [Book] is not only the Book of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, but also the deputy [Book] of the Provincial Party Committee.

Before Xia wanted to speak, Tang Tianyun had poured tea for Wang Hemin, and personally handed it to Wang Hemin's hands, which was also a tacit understanding between Tang Tianyun and Xia Xiang. Without the leader's speech, the secretary went to tea. It was Tang Tianyun's strong signal to Xia Xiang, and Wang Hemin was credible

At the beginning of the lanterns, Xiaxiang's face was filled with a faint smile, and he took a confident step and sat in the special car sent by Ji Rulan to pick him up.

is a very inconspicuous crown. People in Yangcheng prefer Japanese cars. The streets are full of cars of various Japanese brands, but there are not many European and American brands.

There was only one driver in the car, and Tang Tianyun sat in the front.

Not bad, Xia wanted to bring Tang Tianyun to this banquet.

In ordinary private meetings, Xiaxiang usually doesn't bring a secretary. It's not that he doesn't trust the secretary, but that he wants to have a private space. Today, Tang Tianyun's accompanying him has his own deep meaning.

It was still the villa we met last time. After arriving, Ji Rulan greeted her from the inside. However, when she saw Tang Tianyun, who was opening the door for Xia, there was obviously a trace of strangeness in her eyes, and she even hesitated.

Ji Rulan's eyes complicatedly stayed on Xiaxiang's gentle and confident face for a few seconds.

Xia wanted to take the initiative to shake hands forward: "Rulan, see you again."

Ji Rulan gently closed her long hair and raised her hand. Maybe the breeze happened to blow, and a fragrance came, which made people feel refreshed.

not far behind Ji Rulan, standing a slightly haggard but happy Yan Xiao.

Yan Xiao and Ji Rulan are old acquaintances.

The world is very big, but sometimes it is also very small. More than ten years ago, Yan Xiao had already met Li Rulan when he was in Yan Province in the future. Although he was not a close friend of his sisters, he was also a good friend at first sight. However, for more than ten years, we haven't had much contact, and we have met very few.

Suddenly, she received a grand invitation from Ji Rulan. When she was young, she hesitated for a long time and quietly came to Yangcheng. Although she complained about Xia Xiang's father and son to beat down the dust, she still couldn't help missing Xia Xiang.

Yan Xiao also knew that in fact, Xia thought it was not to blame. It can only be said that Fan's father and son took their own humiliation, but anyway, after all, blood is thicker than water, relatives are relatives, and no one can change the fact. She doesn't have much family affection with Fan Ruiheng, and she is .

What was Ji Rulan's intention to invite her to Yangcheng? Yan didn't think deeply, but with her mind, she could more or less guess that Ji Rulan was not just to catch up, but must have a political purpose, or she wanted to think about what Xia. After she came to Yangcheng, she didn't inform Xiaxiang. She just , test the real intention of Ji Rulan.

It is the bottom line of strict hours that no one is allowed to be unfavorable to Xia.

Fan's father and son were her relatives, but they were against Xiaxiang and finally fell at Xiaxiang's feet. Although she had complaints, she still stood firmly on Xiaxiang's side. If Ji Rulan wants to use her to deal with Xiaxiang, she will not care about any sisterhood, and she will also turn against Ji Rulan.

When Xia wanted to come closer, Yan Xiao smiled softly and said, "I'm coming."

"Coming." Xiaxiang and Yan Xiao's answer were much more casual. The more casual it was, the more it showed the unusual relationship between the two. "Why didn't you say a word when you came to Yangcheng? Is it possible that Rulan's villa is better than the conditions of the provincial party committee hostel?" Ji Rulan smiled and said, "Xia [Book], when I was a child, she was my guest. I invited her to Yangcheng, and naturally she would stay at my house.

When she arrived at the living room, Ji Rulan was still the same as last time. She made tea with her bare hands, and when she was young, she sat quietly and speechless, but her eyes secretly conveyed messages to Xia from time to time.

Xia wanted to know more or less about the purpose of Yan's visit to Yangcheng.

What Xia wanted to be surprised was not Ji Rulan's invitation to Yan Shi, but that she knew him deeply. Obviously, she had done a lot of meticulous work behind his back. In the face of such a careful and shrewd woman, Xia thought that she must do it step by step.

Tang Tianyun sat aside, calm and silent, as if it didn't exist. He never asked a question or was surprised by anything. He absolutely achieved the highest level of a secretary, turning a blind eye and turning a deaf ear.

Today's strict hour did not dress up, but put on light makeup, and the slightly haggard look could not hide the still exquisite facial features. She wore a long skirt and sat side by side with the elegant and quiet Ji Rulan, just like a leaf opening two huā.

Ji Rulan wore a blue coat and plain trousers, revealing a little refinement in the quietness. What is very different from the last meeting is that she has no home style at all this time, and the formal dress also shows that she wants to come and have something to talk about today.

Xia Xiang also had a secretary to follow, which also expressed a strong hint to Ji Rulan. Today's meeting is on business.

Yan Xiao may have felt the depression of the atmosphere, so he made an excuse to go out.

"Rulan, you invited me to come in the name of Yan Xiao. I'm here now. If you have any advice, please tell me." Xia wanted to be unhappy with Ji Rulan's tricks, and his tone was a little indifferent when he spoke. In fact, if Ji Rulan hadn't mentioned Yan Xiao, he would not have met Ji Rulan again today.

Because of the two-sided approach of the Ji family, he was slightly annoyed.

Ji Rulan sensed Xia's unhappiness. She stroked her forehead with her hand, and her eyes were light and calm: "Xia [Shu], Lingnan is a good place, and there is no need to cut down indiscriminately."

"In what capacity do you talk to me?" Xia's heart is like a mirror. The special action has to take on many senior officials at the department level. Most of the senior officials at the department level in Lingnan are the direct line of the Ji family, with more than one-third. That is to say, even if the special action is not deliberately aimed at the Ji family, if more than a dozen senior officials at the I think it was Chen Haotian who did it intentionally.

Ji Rulan faced Xia's questioning and indifferent eyes, and smiled calmly: "I'm an ordinary little woman. What's my identity?"

Are you still playing slippery? Xia thought about getting up and saying, "The decision of the provincial party committee, you, an ordinary little woman, don't have to say anything. I have something else to do, so I won't sit down. Xia wanted to leave as soon as she wanted. She didn't give Ji Rulan any face at all, ignored her shock, and quickly walked to the door.

"Xia Noa Ji, I cooked fresh soup myself and left without tasting it. It's too unpersonal." Ji Rulan's voice is as soft as wine.

Xia wants to go like iron: "It's not necessary." I don't even have a word of explanation.

As soon as he got to the door, an old voice came from behind him: "Xia [Book], please stay!" Xia was shocked, and the owner of the Ji family appeared?