official god

Chapter 1888 A Collision of Skilledness

Wang Qingcheng's face immediately changed with fear.

Ye Tiannan couldn't keep calm and stammered: "Secretary Xia, Secretary Xia, why is Wu Xiaoyang so arrogant?"

Xia wanted to sigh: "Brother Tiannan just came, and I don't know much about some situations. Forget it. Let's not talk about it. I'll go. Comrade Shuangpeng really can't cope with it alone. But it's also a strange thing. Mr. Wu clearly knew that Minister Wang was sitting in the car, but he just didn't give way. He was too ignorant..."

Xia wanted to get out of the car and left. Wang Qingcheng's eyes were cold: "Tiannan, Wu Xiaoyang really gave birth to a good son."

"Wu Gongzi has no tutor, not only Yangcheng, but also many people in the capital know it. How about..." Ye Tiannan looked out of the window. Xia's figure who wanted to leave in a hurry was resolute, which even made him have an illusion in his heart, but he still stabilized his mind and said, "Wu Gongzi may not mean to be against us, but want Xia to be embarrassed."

"I don't care what he thinks, but I can't stop my Feng." Wang Qingcheng never suffered such humiliation and said angrily, "Tiannan, you have to re-examine your relationship with the Wu family. With such a guy as Mr. Wu, you will become a wrongdoer sooner or later."

Wang Qingcheng has a lot of strength under the Central Committee of the Central Committee for the reactivation of Ye Tiannan. His personal relationship with Ye Tiannan is also very good. Ye Tiannan is usually the most independent, but the words of two people have the greatest impact on him, one is the prime minister and the other is Wang Qingcheng.

Wang Qingcheng directly dug a huge gap for the possible cooperative relationship between Ye Tiannan and Wu Xiaoyang in Lingnan.

After Xia wanted to get out of the car, he walked over against the swarming army. At present, the two salute Xia in turn. Xia wanted to shake hands with them separately and didn't know what to say. The two of them saluted again.

The two brought nearly a hundred soldiers, on both sides, standing neatly on the roadside, supporting a bright road for the motorcade. Obviously, the new soldiers and the rioting soldiers are not in the same camp.

Wang Qingcheng's mood suddenly stretched a lot and said, "After all, Comrade Xia Xiang is more powerful than Lin Shuangpeng. It is still the most powerful to deal with soldiers. Tiannan, you have to learn from Xia's vigorous and vigorous style, and those who achieve great things don't care about trifles.

Ye Tiannan nodded silently, thinking of Xia, turning over the clouds and rain. Just now, Wang Qingcheng was extremely dissatisfied with him, and in a blink of an eye, he praised him again. It was really a failure.

I thought again that if what happened today is Xia Xiang's first-hand judgment, it will not only make Lin Shuangpeng and Wu Xiaoyang turn against each other, but also make Wang Qingcheng and him hate Wu Xiaoyang. At the same time, he must share the same hatred with Xia. Today's situation, not only kills everywhere, but also kills

Although Ye Tiannan was not sure of his guess, he was still uneasy. Today is the beginning of his tenure. Official figures also pay attention to luck, but first he encountered digging a pit, then encountered a detour, and then was blocked and intercepted. He was really unhappy with the Wu family's father and son.

After Lin Shuangpeng appeared, Ye Tiannan knew that Mr. Wu must know who was in the car, but he still refused to give in and obviously did not pay attention to him. Uh-huh, I think so. Originally, he still held the idea that the enemy of the enemy was a friend and wanted to join hands with Wu Xiaoyang. Now I think deeply that Minister Wang is right. With such a wasteful snack as Mr. Wu, the cooperation between him and Wu Xiaoyang will be used by Xia Xiang's backhand sooner or later.

It's time to re-examine the position in Lingnan... Ye Tiannan took a deep breath, thinking that Xia wanted to come forward, and there was military protection. The convoy must be able to pass safely. Unexpectedly, as soon as the convoy speeded up, it suddenly changed again!


Originally, Mr. Wu had decided to stop at the moment when Xu Guanhua and Mu Feng led the army. He also knows that he can't offend Lin Shuangpeng too much. After all, the Yangcheng Military Region is on the ground of Yangcheng, and he also has a lot of business that needs Lin Shuangpeng to raise his hand. If he really completely angers Lin Shuangpeng and Lin Shuangpeng makes things difficult for him everywhere, it will be difficult for him to live in Yang

There is another point. Xu Guanhua and Mu Feng appeared too on time, and the soldiers brought were all their direct line. They only listened to their orders, that is to say, now they no longer have the upper hand in the number of people, and there is no certainty of winning. It's better to stop it as soon as possible.

But as soon as Xia wanted to appear, Mr. Wu changed his mind in an instant.

Xia wanted to take calm and firm steps, and every step was like stepping on his heart, which made the anger he had accumulated for a long time burn uncontrollably. He remembered the shame of being slapped in public by Xia in the provincial party committee, and the pain of being washed by Xia in the capital. Until now, his face is still faintly It hurt secretly, and his eyes suddenly turned red.

When the enemy meets, he is very jealous. It is the portrayal of Mr. Wu's dog at this moment.

It happened that Xia wanted to quarrel with Xu Guanhua and Mu Fenghan. When he turned around and was about to leave, he was only a few meters away from Mr. Wu, and he suddenly had an attack - like an angry bull, he wanted to hit Xia like crazy.

In fact, in front of Fu's house last time, Mr. Xi and the government discussed the containment plan against Xia Xiang, Mr. Wu slapped Xia in the face in public, and what he wanted was to make Xia want to be embarrassed. However, at that time, Mr. Wu's brain was short-circuited for a moment, and he was shocked by Xia Xiang's momentum and did not dare to take action.

Today... occupies the advantage of this game, and there are countless soldiers around. If you want to slap Xia, you can still get out calmly. A good opportunity should not be missed.

Mr. Wu's speed is not fast. He has usually done a lot of bad things. Sneak attack is a good thing for him, so as soon as he took action, he rushed to Xia Xiang's side in the blink of an eye.

Lin Shuangpeng was stunned.

Mu Feng was furious.

Only Xu Guanhua was slightly surprised, but he did not move. He did not want to block Mr. Wu for Xia, but stood by and watched with relish.

Seeing that Mr. Wu was about to jump on Xia Xiang, Xia Xiang, who seemed to know nothing about it, suddenly accelerated his pace and suddenly flashed forward - it was only half a meter away, and Mr. Wu was empty!

Mr. Wu thought that he was determined to win. Seeing that Xia didn't want to guard against it, he used all his strength, but when he was about to win, he was about to win. How could he stop his footsteps? The rest of the situation did not decrease, and he rushed to the soldiers who maintained order.

The soldier was Xu Guanhua's soldier. He flashed to both sides with great tacit understanding. No one reached out to help Mr. Wu. As a result, Mr. Wu continued to run forward and hit the right side of the special car taken by Wang Qingcheng and Ye Tiannan.

As soon as the special car speeded up, Mr. Wu just hit the front side of the car. His body was rotated by the usual practice of the car, and then the rearview mirror hit Mr. Wu's left arm heavily. He didn't hear any sound of broken bones. He just heard Mr. Wu's unwilling and painful howling. Xia Well, including Mu Feng, it was decided that Mr. Wu's arm was broken.

What a coincidence!

Even Xia Xiang secretly cheered. You should, you really deserve it. If it hadn't been for Mr. Wu's last crazy move, it wouldn't have achieved the best effect and maximum benefit - this collision, Wang Xicheng hurt Mr. Wu. In this collision, Ye Tiannan offended Wu Xiaoyang. This collision laid a far-reaching foundation for the situation in Lingnan!

If it is normal, even if Wang Qingcheng is the deputy minister of the Central Organization Department, and his car hits someone, he must get out of the car and help him in person. But today, the car did not even hesitate, and quickly accelerated away, leaving, leaving Mr. Wu, who fell to the ground and howled.

The soldiers who followed Mr. Wu quit. Mr. Wu was the lifeblood of Commander Wu and hit Mr. Wu. They couldn't eat and walk around - they all roared, and more than a dozen people rushed forward together.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether the soldier charged forward to save Mr. Wu or to intercept the special car. The important thing is that Xu Guanhua or Lin Shuangpeng must regard the soldier's impact as an attack! Therefore, Lin Shuangpeng and Xu Guanhua ordered: "Protect the leader's house!"

Xu Guanhua's soldiers and the special police brought by Lin Shuangpeng took action together. They rudely and took action to subdued four or five of the more than a dozen soldiers who rushed over, surrounded the rest of the people in the middle, and even showed their weapons. The muzzle of the black hole was aimed at the heads of several restless soldiers

And Mu Feng took action in person and put down the three soldiers neatly. When he started, his face was full of murder, so that the remaining soldiers who tried to resist were shocked on the spot and no longer dared to make any difference.

It was not until the convoy passed completely that Lin Shuangpeng waved his hand and the special police flashed aside. Then Xu Guanhua nod slightly, and his men also made way. Only then did several soldiers run over to lift Mr. Wu, who had been rolling on the ground, and sent him to the hospital in confusion.

As soon as Mr. Wu left, the soldiers also dispersed as birds and beasts, leaving only Lin Shuangpeng, Xu Guanhua and Mu Feng at the scene - Xia Xiang didn't know when he left with the motorcade and did not stay for a while.

Lin Shuangpeng shook hands with Xu Guanhua and Mu Feng, thanking them for their timely relief. Xu Guanhua and Mu Feng politely said a few words and also sent Lin Shuangpeng away. After the scene calmed down, Xu Guanhua quietly looked into the distance with a deep face and said to Mu Feng, "You just showed your skills just so that Commander Wu could see it right. You are so angry that Commander Wu is so angry that he can't sleep.

Mu Feng was shocked: "Where is Commander Wu? Why didn't I find him?"

Xu Guanhua smiled secretly. Not to mention that Mu Feng did not find that Wu Xiaoyang was hiding in the distance and did not show up, even Lin Shuangpeng did not notice it. Don't think about it, Wang Qingcheng and Ye Tiannan sitting in the car would not know that Mr. Wu was finally hit and hid in the distance! Look at Wu Xiaoyang in the car!

In fact, Xu Guanhua didn't notice the abnormality at the beginning. It was Xia who secretly reminded him when he wanted to leave before he noticed it and observed it secretly. It was really so. He couldn't help admiring that Xia wanted to observe more than him as a professional soldier.

That's right. In an inconspicuous ordinary car in the distance, Wu Xiaoyang and Han just sat in the car. Wu Xiaoyang, who had just put down the telescope, trembled with anger. He watched his son being knocked down but could not come forward to save him. He had never been so aggrieved in his life!

In addition to feeling sorry for Mr. Wu, Wu Xiaoyang also secretly admired Xia Xiang's joint action with Xu Guanhua and Mu Feng. Xia Xiang not only stepped on him fiercely, not only made Lin Shuangpeng hate him, but also completely closed the door of Ye Tiannan and his joint son.

PS: I got up early to dedicate the first update to my brothers, but it turned out to be zero monthly tickets. How can I bear it! Today, I wanted to watch the fourth update again. The zero monthly ticket is too hurtful. My self-esteem and motivation have been hit hard, and I don't even have the enthusiasm for the third update... Do you bully Lao He, an honest person who can only code words seriously and can't coax readers to reward and admire?