official god

Chapter 1914 Change in a flash

Chapter 1914 Change quickly

Wu Xiaoyang never thought that the situation would change so fast!

In a blink of an eye, the situation that was about to be controlled by him was completely out of control and completely fell to the other side, which caught him off guard. He even opened his mouth wide and didn't even scream.

He has been worried that Chen Haotian would come forward to stop him, and also worried that Xia would make trouble for him from the sky - in fact, Wu Xiaoyang did not realize that he had been afraid of Xia Xiang in his bones, but he was unwilling to admit it - but he did not expect that the person who appeared in front of Xiang Minxin was Lin Shuang

Although Lin Shuangpeng, as a municipal party committee, should have appeared on the scene, Wu Xiaoyang knows a little about Lin Shuangpeng and knows that Lin Shuangpeng is not a vigorous and popular person. Why did he show his power as soon as he appeared today and immediately gave the order of the general attack?

Whether Wu Xiaoyang understands what Lin Shuangpeng has done or not, he has no time to think about it, because he knows his grumpy son best. If the police forcibly attack, others may be arrested. Mr. Wu plays tricks, but no one recognizes him. But there are many people in it, and there are not necessarily messy people. What if the police accidentally injure Mr. Wu?

Even if he is shot and killed by the police, there will be no way to restore the scene at that time, and then investigate who is responsible! Besides, who knows if the police have given the order to kill all if they resist? The more Wu Xiaoyang thought about it, the more afraid he became, and his heart was burning.

He knows more or less about what Mr. Wu and Kang Zhi have done today. Although he scolded Mr. Wu for being too messing around, he is his son no matter what. He wants to save his life. And judging from today's situation, maybe someone has made up his mind and wants to hit it with one blow. He doesn't want Mr. Wu and Kang Zhi to be better.

Wu Xiaoyang didn't have time to pinch it. He quickly got out of the car and trotted all the way to Lin Shuangpeng and Xiang Minxin.

"Lin, Director Xiang, Mr. Wu and Kang Zhi are in it. Please order the police to stop first. I advise him to hand over the criminal suspect." Wu Xiaoyang hurried forward and asked Lin Shuangpeng and Xiang Minxin.

Lin Shuangpeng was not surprised by Wu Xiaoyang's appearance, and even ignored the necessary etiquette. Instead, he quickly said, "Please ask Commander Wu to avoid it. The police's handling of the case has nothing to do with the military."

"..." Wu Xiaoyang was choked enough. Why did Lin Shuangpeng have such a bad temper? When he provoked him, he said unhappily, "Lin, what do you mean by this?"

"It's meaningless. It's business. I also want to ask Commander Wu, what do you want to bring a team of people here? Do you want military control again? Lin Shuangpeng's attitude became colder and colder, "If Commander Wu has nothing else to do, please don't prevent the police from handling the case."

At this time, there was a banging sound from the Hetian Health Center. It was hard to hear whether something was broken or a gunshot. Wu Xiaoyang was anxious. The gun did not have eyes. He really hurt Mr. Wu by mistake - maybe he was deliberately injured - he didn't know how to live!

Wu Xiaoyang decided to break through the barrier by force!


Before the negotiation experts entered the Hetian Health Center, Mr. Wu and Kang Zhi had discussed countermeasures. First of all, they contacted Wu Xiaoyang and Kang Xiao respectively, and they broke through on the periphery. Secondly, Mr. Wu and Kang Zhi decided to clear the wall and wait for rescue. Finally, if the first two points fail, Wang Fu, Hong Fei and others will be handed over to protect themselves.

In a word, if you want to die, you have to live by yourself.

I didn't want Mr. Wu and Kang Zhi to discuss the countermeasures, but Wang Fu and Hong Fei overheard it.

Hong Fei is fine. He just smashed Xia's car and was caught back. At most, he had another fight, and the sentence would not be sentenced for a few years. Wang Fu is basically a dead end, and Wang Fu will also offer Kang Zhi. Kang Zhi just came out, and his body has not been washed. If he is bitten by Wang Fu again, it will be a big trouble.

In addition, although Wang Fu was instructed by Kang Zhi to kill Sha Dabao, he was a subordinate of Mr. Wu and knew many secrets of Mr. Wu. Therefore, after eaking over the arrangement of Mr. Wu and Kang Zhi, Wang Fu knew that he could not escape the disaster and would definitely be regarded as a victim.

What should I do? Take the risk! ! No one wants to die. Wang Fu encouraged Hong Fei to take hostages with him, otherwise it would be a dead end.

Although Hong Fei is an educated hooligan, he is still a hooligan after all. He also feels that he will definitely be betrayed by Mr. Wu and Kang Zhi at the critical moment, so he will get along with Wang Fu. There are many hostages in the health center, which are randomly hijacked, and the people who come to the health center are both official or expensive. They are all important people.

Coincidentally, Wang Fu hijacked tension, while Hong Fei hijacked Ji Rulan!

That's right. After calling Zhang Li to go to the Hetian Health Center, Ji Rulan was somehow restless and immediately left for the Hetian Health Center. After arriving, he quietly came in without taking a shower or massage. He sat in the hall pretending to wait for someone, took a newspaper, hid behind the newspaper, and kept turning around.

Ji Rulan also doesn't understand why she cares so much about Xia's private life. According to the cadres at the level of Xiaxiang, not to mention leisure in the health center, it's not too much to change into a beautiful female college student every week in the perennial private room of a five-star hotel. Moreover, there have been a Sex officer.

But Xia wants to leave the impression that Ji Rulan is too sunny. She can't accept the fact that Xia thinks of the land of the wind and the moon. In order to recognize Xia's face, it is necessary for her to see the truth.

Although she had thought about it for a while, maybe Tang Tianyun called her, which was a temptation or a conspiracy in itself, but she would rather be fooled than confirm the speculation. Women are sometimes women. When they are emotional, reason doesn't work.

As a result, she didn't wait for Xia to think, but waited for the tension.

Ji Rulan knew in her heart that Zhang Li still obeyed her request. She came to the Hetian Health Center to check Xiaxiang's whereabouts, but when she saw Zhang Li came in, she saw Miss Yingbin looking around. Her eyes were a little straight. She withdrew her mind to say hello to Zhang Li. She thought contfully in her heart It shows how affectionate she is to her. As soon as she comes to the flower world, she can't hold it. It's really useless.

Ji Rulan didn't think about it either. She refused to be a thousand miles away. The tension had nothing to do with her, and it had nothing to do with her how much she spent outside! However, women have always been like this. Even the man she doesn't like hopes that the man's heart and body are tied to her alone.

Ji Rulan pretended not to find the tension, and deliberately hid - as a result, Ji Rulan's careful thinking caused serious consequences, causing the tension to almost die, and she almost suffered an accident!

Tension circled downstairs and didn't find Xiaxiang. Under the kindness of Miss Yingbin, she went upstairs. He also thought about it. Since he came, he relaxed. Anyway, he was fine. He comforted himself and said that he should go deep into the tiger's den to check whether Xia wanted to relax upstairs for Ji Rulan.

Tension would not know that when his eyes fell on Miss Yingbin's twisted waist and the thigh between the cheongsam, Miss Yingbin led him not to the land of Taoyuan, but a fate that almost killed him, which also made him experience an unprecedented life-and-death experience.

Tension just went into the water, and the outside was already surrounded. After he came out of the water, he just lay comfortably in **, ready to enjoy the intoxicating fingering of the massage lady, the negotiator entered the Hetian Health Center.

When the negotiation between the negotiator and Mr. Wu broke down and was ready to leave the health center, Zhang Li also heard the wrong sound outside, so he got up and went outside to check. At a glance, he saw Wang Fu raising a gun and shooting at the back of the negotiator!

After the gun, the negotiator staggered out of the door and watched the negotiator's back bleeding. He screamed in horror and stood still on the spot.

It's not that I don't want to move, it's that I can't move.

It happened that Wang Fu saw the tension sent to the door at a glance. No matter what, he hijacked the tension - he didn't know what the tension was. Anyway, he hijacked it first - the intention of shooting at the negotiators just now was to force Mr. Wu to a dead end, so that Mr. Wu didn't It also warned Mr. Wu not to mess around, maybe he would go crazy.

While Wang Fu hijacked the tension, Hong Fei also did it - different from Wang Fu's idea that he only wants to rob people, Hong Fei, a hooligan with glasses, is very kind on the surface and a beast in his heart. He not only wants to take hostages, but also wants to kidnap a beautiful woman. Anyway, there Woman, he can take the plane.

Unfortunately, Ji Rulan fell into his eyes.

It's just that Ji Rulan's temperament is too good and eye-catching. In the crowd, it's difficult not to stand out.

When Ji Rulan was pointed at the head by a pistol by Hong Fei, her brain was blank for a moment, and she almost lost her thinking ability. She could only let Hong Fei drag her upstairs, then take her into a room, and then locked the door.

At this time, Ji Rulan had no usual calmness for a long time. She was so scared that she was stunned. Seeing Hong Fei taking off her clothes quickly, she clearly knew what the other party wanted to do, but she couldn't say anything and couldn't move. She watched Hong Fei take off his underwear and rushed at her...

At the critical moment, the gun went off! After a gunshot, there was a dull sound, "plop", obviously the sound of a man losing his life and falling to the ground.

Hong Fei jumped up. He didn't care about last Ji Rulan. He didn't even have time to mention his trousers, so he rushed out of the room. As soon as he saw Wang Fu's brain burst and the corpse lay on the spot, he was so scared that his legs trembled. Looking at it again, countless special police suddenly poured in

I'm not afraid of hooligans, but I'm afraid that hooligans are educated. Hong Fei, an educated hooligan, has countless thoughts in his mind for a moment, but the strongest idea is to shout downstairs: "Mr. Wu and Kang Zhi are here..."

With a bang, before Hong Fei finished his words, he was hit in the back by a sudden cold gun in the room. He shook his body and fell from upstairs to the shared space downstairs.

More SWPs broke through the window and rushed upstairs together...

: I need to go on a long trip today. I may come back later. The second one should be guaranteed, and the third one is more difficult to say. Run more than 400 kilometers back and forth. It depends on the situation. Try your best to update your brothers. If your energy is really poor, there is nothing you can do. Brothers, please support the counting of votes more. Let Lao He have the motivation as soon as he comes back, and he won't be lazy... RO