official god

Chapter 1916 The Next

At the moment when Wu Xiaoyang appeared in Ji Changxing, his heart sank to the bottom. No matter what reason Ji Rulan or Zhang Li entered the Hetian Health Center, he was announcing a silent fact to him. The Ji family only believed that [police] could protect Ji Rulan's safety and would not let a soldier enter!

That is to say, whether Xia wants to do something behind his back or not, in short, Ji Changxing's appearance is like a big mountain in front of him, making him unable to cross it. He can only watch the [police] sweep all the cows, ghosts, snakes and gods in the health center.

It can even be said that if Xia thinks about taking the opportunity to kill Mr. Wu, his goal has been achieved, and Mr. Wu is dead or alive. As the commander of the large military region, there is nothing he can do. The gate of the Hetian Health Center, which is only one step away, is as far away as thousands of mountains and rivers, Wu Xiaoyang couldn't wait to pick up the grenade and blow up Xia Xiang to pieces.

At the moment the leader of the Military Commission left, Wu Xiaosnip understood the fact that Xia not only calculated him, but also the leader of the Military Commission did not let him go. The departure of the leaders of the Military Commission proves that he lost all of his counter-planning plan today.

It doesn't matter if you lose. If you return it in the future, the key is that if Mr. Wu is safe, it's okay... Wu Xiaoyang's eyes respond to Xia Xiang's meaningful eyes like electricity. If it weren't for too many people present, he might have lost his mind now and wanted to draw a gun to Xia.

The cheers of the people on the periphery were continuous, the applause was shocking, and the [police] who won a complete victory enjoyed the cheers of the citizens. Like a hero, everyone's face was full of pride, and many people also threw contemptuous eyes on the soldiers who were still on the spot.

Wu Xiaoyang had nothing to say. Under the hostile eyes of the [police] and the laughter of the masses cheering to the [police], they all withdrew their arrogant postures in frustration, and the military posture was not straight.

Wu Xiaoyang withdrew his eyes and no longer wanted to look at Xia, but looked for Mr. Wu among the prisoners arrested by the [police]. Kang Xiao also widened his eyes and looked for Kang Zhi.

The first wave of people came out, no.

The second wave of people has come out, not yet.

Wu Xiaoyang's heart sank little by little. The later he came out, the more likely he was to be seriously injured or even... die. He clenched his fists and made up his mind that if Mr. Wu had anything to do, he would try his best to destroy Xia Xiang!

The third wave of people came out, and several [police] were carrying two bloody people. The bloody people were covered with blood, and there was no intact place all over their bodies. They couldn't tell whether they were dead or alive, let alone who they were, but Wu Xiaoyang still recognized at a glance that one of the bloody people was Mr. Wu!

Ah... He blushed, rushed over like crazy, pushed away Lin Shuangpeng, bumped into Minxin, and threw himself on Mr. Wu: "Son, how are you? Son, what's wrong with you? Mr. Wu no longer had the prestige of the past, and his mouth was bleeding out. Seeing that it was not good, he reluctantly pointed to another bloody man with his hand: "Damn it, Kang Zhi dared to shoot me and I killed him first,..." As soon as he finished speaking, his head tilted and he didn't know whether to die.

What? Kang Zhi shot Mr. Wu? Wu Xiaoyang didn't have the demeanor of a lieutenant general now. He came to another bloody man and grabbed his collar: "Kang Zhi, why did you shoot him? Why are you?!"

Unfortunately, Kang Zhi has closed his eyes forever and can no longer hear Wu Xiaoyang's roar and accusations.

Kang Zhi is dead!

Kang Xiao couldn't move any more, and sat on the ground again. A deep sadness made it difficult for him to maintain the demeanor of an executive vice governor and cried loudly.

No one pays attention to Wu Xiaoyang's pain and no one cares about Kang Xiao's sadness. Many people don't think that there will be retribution one day when they act recklessly, but when the evil and evil retribution finally come, they will not reflect. Instead, they will shift the responsibility to others, and even become more and more serious about

The last two people came out were Zhang Li and Ji Rulan.

The tension lost his soul, and his whole body was deformed. His feet were soft, like flying clouds and fog. If it hadn't been for someone, he would not have been able to walk out of the gate of the Hetian Health Center.

For the rest of his life, Tension has never entered the door of any health center,

From then on, the health center is like a tiger.

Behind the tension is Ji Rulan.

Ji Rulan's clothes are complete, and her eyes are still bright and cool. She is as gorgeous as Lanhu, but her eyes are slightly dull, her footsteps are floating, and her shoulders tremble slightly. Obviously, she is too scared.

Ji Rulan stepped out of the door and his eyes fell on Lin Shuangpeng. He didn't respond, and then fell on Ji Changxing. He didn't react yet. Finally, his eyes inadvertently fell on a calm young man beside Ji Changxing. He squeezed his lips slightly, and his eyes were slightly related.

Ji Rulan's eyes lit up. First, her eyes were full of tears, and then she grinned and cried with an aggrieved face: "Dead summer, stinky summer, I hate you so much." He said hate, but he pulled Xiaxiang's arm, borrowed Xiaxiang's shoulder, and cried bitterly.

Tension looked gloomy and didn't want to look at it anymore.

In the eyes of the public**, Ji Rulan was so gaffe, and Lin Shuangpeng turned his head in embarrassment. Even Mr. Ji Changxing also showed a slight embarrassment. He turned around and pretended not to see it.

Xia wanted to be leaned on his shoulder by Ji Rulan. In front of him, his nose was indifferent. He saw Ji Rulan crying with rain. He knew that she had also been wronged. Although he did not mean to harm her, his unintentional end was also his unintentional fault. It was not easy to push her away and

A feast came to an end. Several families were happy and several families were worried. It seemed that everything had been settled, Kang Zhi was dead, and Mr. Wu's life and death were uncertain, and he was no longer under the attention of Xia Xiang, because Xia wanted to know that the greater danger was still to come!

If taking Huāke Restaurant as a major breakthrough in the special action has laid Xia Xiang's strong image in the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee, then the major events of Hetian Health Center have further made Xia Xiang famous, so that countless corrupt officials and evil forces have been afraid of Xia from now on.

Despite the Hetian Health Center, Xiaxiang hid behind him all the time, and only showed a little during the curtain call, but the insiders were very clear-minded. Behind the whole incident, it was inseparable from Xiaxiang's careful layout.

Even uninformed people will figure out a lot of frankness at the moment when Xia wants to help Mr. Ji appear at the last moment. If you carefully recall the almost seamless arrangement of the whole incident, you will have to admire Xia's senstingness.

In fact, if Xia wants to score a score for this plan, he will score 60 points, that is, he has just passed. Because although many things were carried out smoothly according to his idea at the beginning, there were unexpected deviations after that.

But if Chen Haotian is allowed to score Xia Xiang's plan, it is 90 points, because Chen Haotian believes that not only won a complete victory today, but also let Kang Zhi die in his place, Kang Xiao suffer a dumb loss, and also makes Mr. Wu, who has been doing wrong in Yangcheng for many years, almost die!

But if you let Ye Tiannan score for Xia's plan..., it's 100 points!

Ye Tiannan did not come out of the front door, but quietly disappeared from the back door under the cover of several people Xia wanted to arrange. Although the whole incident was turned upside down, the cause of the incident was completely cleverly covered up by Xiaxiang. No one knew that behind Xiaxiang's careful layout was actually to save him safely and quietly.

Xiaxiang's success saved his reputation [police] After collecting all the video equipment, it was completely destroyed in the health center, completely eliminating the possibility of going out. Ye Tiannan admired Xia's meticulousness, and he was very clever in dealing with it.

Ye Tiannan's admiration for Xiaxiang has risen to an unparalleled height.

Several [police] carried two bloody people and walked out of the Hetian Health Center with their heads up. For a long time, they were fixed in the minds of the Yangcheng people at the scene. At that time, the applause at the scene lasted for a long time, and the image of Yangcheng [police] rose to an unprecedented height in Xiang Minxin's prestige also rose sharply for a while.

After the Hetian Health Center incident, because Kang Zhi was arrested and released, the signs that some of the evil forces in Yangcheng were ready to move were completely curbed. Many evil forces sadly found that Xia thought was a cruel person and really dared to be cruel. Even the nephew of the executive vice governor dared to kill him, and even the son of the They are half dead. They are just a group of outlaws who dare to pretend to be stupid. What kind of capital do they have to challenge Xia?

For a while, the evil forces in Yangcheng were panicked all day long. Some were ready to run away, some were planning to go abroad, and some wanted to wash their hands in a golden basin. From then on, they said goodbye to the underworld career and were determined to be a good person who only did good deeds but did not keep a diary.

But there are also some evil forces who are still waiting for the arrival of the last moment. It doesn't matter if Kang Zhi died, because Mr. Wu admitted on the spot that he killed Kang Zhi. Kang Xiao wanted to find Xia Xiang's trouble, and he could only find a way within the system. As Kang Xiao's executive vice governor, it was not

The important thing is Mr. Wu's life and death!

Mr. Wu lived, whether he was disabled or incapacitated, in a short period of time, Wu Xiaoyang was immersed in grief, and he had no time and no energy to make trouble for Xia. But if Mr. Wu dies, Wu Xiaoyang will definitely turn grief into strength, pull up his gun, and shoot for Xia to see him off.

At the level of the commander of Wu Xiaoyang's military region, without the constraints of local officials in the system, he wants to deal with Xia Xiang. If he is desperate, it will inevitably cause a lot of trouble to Xia Xiang, even a threat to life.

Mr. Wu was sent to the hospital on the same day and was in a coma for three days without waking up. Three days later, news came from the hospital that Mr. Wu may become a vegetable and may never wake up.

As soon as the news came out, many people immediately cast their attention or curious, worried or gloating eyes on Xia.