official god

Chapter 1919 Each trick

When Tang Xiao came to the Spring of the South, he lost his mind and left. When he left, his spirit rose sharply.

Sadness and hatred make a person ecstatic, but the revenge ** will also make a person rejuvenate the fighting spirit of life. Kang Xiao decided to take a risk.

Wu Xiaoyang is right. Xia wants to use legal means to kill Kang Zhi with the insidiousness of public revenge. Mr. Wu's son Kang Xiao said that he didn't believe that Kang Zhi and Mr. Wu killed each other. He would rather think that Mr. Wu was stupid and couldn't tell the enemy from me. Why can't Did he pay the same painful price for what he did?

Originally, Kang Xiao wanted to attack Xia Xiang's family. The most painful thing for a person was to watch his beloved die in front of him but there was nothing he could do, but Wu Xiaoyang denied his idea. Wu Xiaoyang's view was that Xia Xiang's family was not easy to touch, and it was better to deal with Xia Xiang directly.

Xiaxiang's wife, Cao Shuxun, is now abroad, and his son Xia Dong is in the capital. It should be said that Xia Dong is the best goal, but when Kang Xiao heard that Xia Dong and the granddaughter of the general [book] were together every day, he immediately took a cold breath and knew that the idea of taking action against Xia Dong was impossible to achieve.

As for Xiaxiang's lover, what Kang Xiao knows is the ancient jade alone, but the ancient jade can't be touched. When touched, it is a great disaster. Wu Xiaoyang knows more than Kang Xiao. He knows that Xia Xiang is the son-in-law that the Wu family will not publicly admit.

But Wu Xiaoyang, the daughter of the head of the Central Organization Department, did not have the courage to touch it. Even if you have the courage, you can't touch it, because even Ruohan is in the United States.

Therefore, after Wu Xiaoyang and Kang Xiao discussed against each other for nearly an hour, their hands were tightly clenched together. They did not have a grudge because of the inexplicable self-killing between Mr. Wu and Kang Zhi. Instead, they strengthened their cooperation more closely and reached an agreement that Kang Xiao was responsible for internal response, waiting for everything After the arrangement is made, Wu Xiaoyang will personally command the Battle of Xia!

On the way, Kang Xiao still squinted and thought that Wu Xiaoyang must have the intention to take advantage of him. Although the Military Commission has heard that Wu Xiaoyang may be removed from office, on the surface, Wu Xiaoyang is very determined to make great determination, but after all, it is of great importance, and he does not know much about the appointment What's the matter?

He can't be defensive at all. He is a fool to be completely at the mercy of Wu Xiaoyang, and he has to think of a way out. After knocking on his forehead, Kang Xiao thought about how to get rid of Xia Xiang with the hand of Wu Xiaoyang, and he can completely think of a perfect solution!

As soon as Kang Xiao left, Shi Qishun flashed out of another room.

"Supresor, do you really want to cooperate with Kang Xiao?" Shi Qishun was loyal to Wu Xiaoyang. Although he knew that Wu Xiaoyang might not be able to protect him in the late season, he still did not betray Wu Xiaoyang. "I always feel that Kang Xiao is unreliable."

"I have never felt that Kang Xiao is reliable... Wu Xiaoyang's eyes were cold, "He is just a pawn. In case of an incident, he is the most suitable scapegoat."

Shi Qishun had a cold war, and in an instant, he felt that Wu Xiaoyang in front of him was strange and terrible.

Wu Xiaoyang seemed to realize something and patted Shi Qishun on the shoulder: "Qishun. My son is gone, and now you are the only person I trust the most. Don't worry, even if I am dismissed, before I am dismissed, I have enough weight to speak. I will hand over all the relationships that have been in the general for many years to you. In the future, you will be the core of their leadership.

One sentence almost moved Shi Qishun to tears. Wu Xiaoyang's entrustment was too heavy, which was equivalent to telling the afterth. Wu Xiaoyang has been in the army for many years, and his power is so huge that it is in his hands, which is equivalent to that he will definitely sit in the high position of the lieutenant general.

"Commander..." Shi Qishun choked and couldn't speak.

"Don't do this. I'm still alive. Even if I'm removed from office, I won't die." Wu Xiaoyang suddenly regained his arrogance. The above gave me a buffer period of one month, which is enough to toss a smoke in Lingnan.

"The best result is that Kang Xiao and Xia want to lose both!" Shi Qishun's face showed a fierce look, "Ahead two major troubles in one fell swoop."

Kang Xiao may not believe that Kang Zhi and Mr. Wu killed each other, but Wu Xiaoyang believes that the gunshot wound on Mr. Wu was done by Kang Zhi, because if the [police] was shot, Mr. Wu would definitely be shot dead, and it was impossible to be shot several times without being killed. Another point is that the bullets on Mr. Wu's body do not match the guns used by the police.

Of course, Kang Xiao didn't know that Shi Qishun knew the link well. In addition, he knew Wu Xiaoyang. He had long guessed that although Wu Xiaoyang didn't say anything, he still hated Kang Xiao to the bone. The reason why he and Kang Xiaoxu and the snake was that he also dug a big hole for Kang Xiao when he

Wu Xiaoyang didn't answer Shi Qishun's words. In fact, it was equivalent to defaulting, but asked Shi Qishun, "Mu Feng,..., how's it going?"

"Mufeng is much easier to deal with than Xu Guanhua, and his personality is simple. He is now haled by several things, and he can't take care of Xiaxiang for the time being. Shi Qishun didn't quite understand. "I don't quite understand. Why don't you get the wood wind away?"

"Mufeng is well used, and it may be used as a shield at the critical moment." Wu Xiaoyang sneered, "Simple has the benefits of simplicity. For example, if you have a hot mind, you have to fight to the death."

Shi Qishun was shocked and roughly guessed Wu Xiaoyang's intention. He wanted to use Mu Feng to fight with Song Gang at a critical moment, and it was best to lose both sides.

It's really a wise calculation. Only then did Shi Qishun fully understand what kind of wonderful drama Commander Wu wanted to stage. He used the hand of Song Gang to get rid of Xia Xiang, and then the hand of Mu Feng to get rid of Song Gang, in case Song Gang would bite him. It's better for Song Gang to fight with Mu Feng again after killing Xiaxiang, the world will be at peace.

Then put the blame on Kang Xiao, and the matter ended perfectly. Even if Commander Wu was dismissed, he was clean and out of the matter.

Suddenly, Shi Qishun fought a cold war. Among all the people who knew the oak, only he was not calculated. Can he win Wu Xiaoyang's trust so much? If he is also calculated by Wu Xiaoyang, what will happen to him in Wu Xiaoyang's plan?

Wu Xiaoyang may have guessed Shi Qishun's thoughts, and suddenly his eyes turned red: "Qishun, you are the soldier I brought out. When I retire, I will rely on you to retire."

Shi Qishun's nose was sour: "Please rest assured, I will not live up to the expectations of the chief..." After a moment of hesitation, he still summoned up the courage and asked, "The chief, the plan is seamless, but it is very difficult to really implement it."

"It's very difficult, but Xia is not the only one in the world who wants to be a smart person." Wu Xiaoyang looked confident that "the whole plan... needs at least half a month of preparation, and it also needs a key person to be reconciled, otherwise, it is not easy for Xia to be fooled." Isn't there the cooperation of filial piety?"

"Kang Xiao doesn't count. His role is not to reconcile, but to wipe his buttocks afterwards." Wu Xiaoyang smiled complazily.

"So... who is the key person?"

Wu Xiaoyang looked out of the window: "Shuang Li!"

Zhang Li was packing up and getting ready to get off work. Seeing Tang Tianyun quietly coming to the door, he knew that something was wrong and quietly pointed inside, meaning that Governor Mi was still there and whispered.

Tang Tianyun whispered, "Xia [Book] Remember to treat you to dinner."

Tension was shocked and he hurriedly said, "I dare not, I dare not, how dare I take responsibility to let Xia [book] invite me. Tianyun, I'll ask Xia [Shu] to be with you. Please tell Xia [Shu] Ji. I'll arrange it first and invite him when it's arranged.

Tang Tianyun didn't force himself and nodded and left.

At about 7 p.m., a special car made a special trip to pick up Louxiang in the provincial party committee building.

Tension sat in the front co-pilot. Tang Tianyun accompanied Xia to sit in the back seat, and the four of them went to the proud building.

The proud building is the industry of tension. Although it is not big, it is better than secluded and elegant. It is also a rare honor to have a banquet in his own restaurant. Zhang Li is very interested. Although he is not very clear about the reason why today's summer [book] took the invitation, he didn't think much about it. He .

When they arrived at the elegant room that had been arranged upstairs, after they sat down separately, the guests were not too polite. They were all acquaintances and did not need to be introduced. Under the tension, the meal was ready in a short time.

Then Tension raised his glasses with both hands to Jing Xia and thought, "Xia [Book], I may have been ignorant before. Please forgive me. I know my shortcomings. I am smart in small things and easy to make mistakes in big things.

In the future, please criticize my shortcomings and guide me to the right path.

Xia wanted to touch a cup with Zhang Li and drank it with great face: "Zhang Li, don't say more about the past. Sitting together today, I have something to ask you in person."

Zhang Li looked respectful: "Please write down the instructions in summer.

"Did you coordinate the last Mufeng incident in the provincial party committee?" Xia Xiang's question is very direct and sharp. "Do you have contact with Shi Qishun or directly with Wu Xiaoyang?"

Tension blushed and said, "Xia [Book], I did do something wrong before"

Xia wanted to reach out and stop the tension: "I'm not holding you accountable before. There is something that must be asked clearly before you can start to do it."

Tian Li understood: "At that time, it was Shi Qishun, and later I met Wu Xiaoyang."

"Good." Xia wanted to take up the glass and said, "Come on, I'll give you a toast."

How dare Zhang Li make Xia want to toast? He stood up quickly and respectfully: "I respect Xia [Book]."

Xia Xiang couldn't help talking and had a drink first: "Maybe Shi Qishun or Wu Xiaoyang will also look for you. As a middle bridge sorghum, you should watch the road under your feet."

Tension drank it up quickly and respectfully: "Please Xia [Book] Don't worry, I know it in my heart, and I will definitely be firm in the direction."

... After the party, Xia wanted to return home. He was planning to fall asleep. Today's thing was a one-step layout. It's hard to say whether it worked or not. At least it could slow down Wu Xiaoyang's progress. Unexpectedly, before he lay down, the phone rang urgently.

After Xia wanted to answer, his face suddenly changed. He put down the phone and dialed Tang Tianyun's phone: "Tianyun, go to the capital with me immediately."