official god

Chapter 1926 Doubtful

The location of Song Gang's death was very strange. Coincidentally, he died at the project site that Kang Xiao had just inspected.

The project inspected by Kang Xiao is the Telecom Building, which was originally an unfinished building. After several years of rottenness, it has always been a pain in the heart of the Blue Ocean Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. Halfway through the construction of a landmark building that had invested hundreds of millions of dollars, the investor disappeared.

The investor disappeared because of an accident in private financing. In other words, there was a rupture of the capital chain in private lending, so they had no choice but to run away.

As a result, the unfinished building has not been taken over for several years, and the landmark building has become a scar on its face. The Blue Ocean Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have been trying to solve it, but with little effect.

In the end, Kang Xiao came forward to find an investment and solved the pain in the heart of the Blue Ocean Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government.

The reason why Kang Xiao went to inspect was not only because the project was facilitated by him, but also because of his achievements project. Therefore, when he heard that the funds were broken again, he rushed to solve it and stayed for two days in a row.

As for whether Kang Xiao's attention is really on the unfinished building, it is unknown. Anyway, the geographical location of the unfinished building is very superior. When you climb to the roof, you can see a troop compound not far away at a glance. Occasionally, you can also see Xu Guanhua rushing around in the army compound.

Yes, Xu Guanhua, who came to the Blue Sea to carry out his mission, lives in the army compound that can be overlooked from the roof of the unfinished building. In other words, the roof of the unfinished building is an excellent highest point.

Of course, from the perspective of ordinary people, no one will think of the highest point, what to look down, etc., but when a person falls from the roof and dies, many people realize what...,

Because the person who fell to death was wearing a military uniform!

And he died in the early morning!

What is the intention of a soldier to climb a building under construction in the middle of the night? It is said that at the scene of the fall, there was also a long sniper rifle.

Of course, the above statement is purely a rumor. The source is the Blue Ocean Taxi Channel News Association,

The street and alley office and the soy sauce party forum, according to the [police] who rushed to the scene at the first time, declared that the deceased, named Song Gang, was an active soldier in the Yangcheng Military Region. He fell from the roof and died on the spot.

There was no evidence left at the scene.

According to the preliminary investigation, if it is not a mistake, it is suicide.

The time of Song Gang's death is also a coincidence. In the early morning, when the news of Song Gang's death came out, Kang Xiao's car had driven on the highway back to Yangcheng. That is to say, if someone pay attention to the coincidence, it was like Kang Xiao knew the news of Song Gang's death in advance and left the

As the executive vice governor, at the end of Kang Xiao's inspection, the Blue Ocean had to see him off, but as a result, Kang Xiao quietly went on the road early in the morning and did not even say hello to the Blue Ocean Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, which was quite embarrassing to escape. It was not until he got on the highway that Kang Xiao notified the Blue Ocean Municipal Party Committee.

There are many doubts about Song Gang's death. The biggest doubt is that the unfinished building project is now under intense construction. Although Song Gang is a soldier, he is also an outsider to the construction unit. How did he avoid the investigation of countless construction personnel on the construction site and go up to the roof alone?

With Song Gang's literary literacy, it is definitely not poetry and recitation when you get to the roof. Ten thousand steps back, Song Gang really feels that he has no interest in life. If he really wants to commit suicide, he doesn't have to jump off the building. There are many tall buildings in the blue sea. Besides, you can also jump into the sea or in the river. No matter what, it is much easier than how to die now.

There are different opinions and speculations about what the truth is behind it, but for Wu Xiaoyang, no matter what the truth is, the ending is the same for him, that is, his first step plan failed!

If summed up from the perspective of history, the death of Song Gang is a very warning major turning point in the confrontation between Wu Xiaoyang and Xia Xiang. If Wu Xiaoyang dies at this time, there may not be a series of fierce collisions in the future. But as Xu Guanhua said, it is true that Song Gang is Wu Xiaoyang's right-hand man, but there is indeed no Song Gang around Wu Xiaoyang, and there are countless Song Gang who can be driven by him to make a big plan for his revenge.

But it must also be admitted that Song Gang's death was a blow to Wu Xiaoyang.

The spring in Yangcheng is already very warm. The spring of the southern country is full of brocade and green. From the perspective of the season, the spring of the southern country at this time is really worthy of the name. All kinds of precious trees and grass compete with each other, which is refreshing.

But from the perspective of feeling, the brightness and beauty of the courtyard fall into Wu Xiaoyang's eyes, but there is no beauty at all. He frowned, his face was full of anger, and he didn't like anything. He just wanted to open the gun.

Shi Qishun did not dare to speak and stood respectfully in front of Wu Xiaoyang without saying a word. After Song Gang's incident came, Wu Xiaoyang smashed a precious jade tea table at that time, and more than 100,000 yuan was wasted.

is another major blow that made Wu Xiaoyang furious after the death of Mr. Wu.

Wu Xiaoyang has not yet jumped out of the sadness of Mr. Wu's death. Song Gang's mission failure is small, but he died for no reason, which means that he thinks that the seamless plan is so vulnerable in the process of specific implementation.

What made Wu Xiaoyang even more angry was that Song Gang died inexplicable!

Song Gang went to the Blue Sea. On the surface, he monitored Xu Guanhua with the help of Kang Xiao. In fact, his real task was to kill Xu Guanhua and then blame Kang Xiao. He not only wanted to get rid of Xia's great help, clear the obstacles for the next step, but also dug the first pit for Kang Xiao.

is also the first game of a series of plans carefully planned by Wu Xiaoyang and Shi Qishun.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be... the beginning was unfavorable!

More importantly, Song Gang fell to his death. Whether he was darkened by Xu Guanhua or by Kang Xiao's design, Wu Xiaoyang was uncertain, and his troubles were extremely blazing.

Or, Xiaxiang and Kang Xiao secretly jointly killed Song Gang and cheated him?

Wu Xiaoyang is almost crazy. Now he feels suspicious of everyone except Shi Qishun.

"Qishun, what's going on with Song Gang? Have you checked it out?" Wu Xiaoyang asked angrily.

If Shi Qishun could find out the truth of Song Gang's death now, he would be an immortal. Unfortunately, he is just a mortal, so he doesn't know: "It's hard to say now. I initially suspect that Song Gang may have been cheated by Kang Xiao.,...

"Kang Xiao?" Wu Xiaoyang didn't believe that Kang Xiao would guard against him, let alone that Kang Xiao would be cruel to Song Gang. "Song Gang is dead. What's the good for him?"

"It's hard to say, I just suspect that it was Kang Xiao's did, not like Xia Xiang's method, and according to the Blue Navy's report to Xu Guanhua's movement, Xu Guanhua did not realize that Song Gang was in the Blue Sea from beginning to end. Besides, Xia Xiang had just returned to Yangcheng, and it His inference and inference.

"One more thing" Shi Qishun hesitated for a moment, as if he seemed to consider whether he should tell the inside story, and finally said, "Lin Shuangpeng came to me today. He implicitly said that Mr. Ji is old. Recently, he occasionally feels cold and is lying in bed. He is most afraid of any wind and grass, and it is If Mr. Ji's condition gets worse, it will be difficult to deal with it." With a bang, Wu Xiaoyang raised his hand and dropped a crystal cup and said angrily, "Ji Rulan is the pearl of the Ji family's palm, and my son is not the descendant of the Wu family? Ji Changxing bullied people too much! When you are old, if you don't spend your old age in peace, who do you want to threaten?" Qishun, you should investigate the truth of Song Gang's death as soon as possible. If it's Xu Guanhua's hand, it's okay. If it's Kang Xiao's hands and feet behind his back, find a way to make Kang Xiao restrain him a little. If he insists on going his own way, he will change his strategy. Also, transfer Meng Zan and Jiao Liang to me as soon as possible. Shi Qishun's heart was tight. Meng Zan and Jiao Liang were known as the two generals of Longhu. They were not only first-class, but also first-class shooting skills. They were a little more powerful than Song Gang, which was equivalent to Wu Xiaoyang's last trump card.

The trump card was revealed. Commander Wu wanted to sink the boat. Shi Qishun agreed verbally, but a trace of worry flashed in his heart. Although he was loyal to Wu Xiaoyang and even made a determination to sacrifice even for Commander Wu, seeing Wu Xiaoyang's increasingly anxious performance and the embarrassment that has been resolved repeatedly, he also had to shake a little bit. In case Kang Xiao turned around and joined hands with Xia Xiang, Commander Wu had no chance of winning. Question mark

Not only is Kang Xiao unreliable, but in his opinion, the tension may not be reliable. Because although Zhang Li can't be regarded as the real Ji family, he listens to Ji Rulan's words the most. Now Lin Shuangpeng has clarified the attitude of the Ji family to him. Ji Rulan is disgusted with Xia's idea that she is the Ji family after all, so she pushes him. That is to say, with Lin Shuangpeng's

If Kang Xiao's support is lost in the provincial party committee again, Wu Xiaoyang has no second way to go except for using unconventional means to directly think about Xia? Shi Qishun left the Spring of the South China while thinking about it, because his mind was messy, and because of Song Gang's death, no one reported Mu Feng's whereabouts. Not only Wu Xiaoyang, but also he ignored a key Mufeng's where he went?

When Kang Xiao returned to the provincial party committee, it was almost noon. Generally, no one bothered the leader at this time. The leader was also a person and wanted to eat, but he kept going straight to Chen Haotian's office. He was in a hurry and almost trotted.

Kang Xiao wants to ask for sick leave, because he is afraid. He is not only afraid that he will sweat all over, but also afraid to death.

Compared with life, power and status are all things outside the body.

He knocked on the door of Chen Haotian's office from time to time. Kang Xiao made up his mind. No matter how Chen Haotian retained, even Chen Haotian took the opportunity to weaken his power, and even proposed to [Zhong] Yang to let him give up his seat. He also admitted it. Anyway, he only recognized Once left, cherish life and stay away from Yangcheng.

As soon as he entered the door, he was stunned. He didn't see Chen Haotian, but only Xia Chang with a meaningful smile.

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