official god

Chapter 1933 The number one big trouble

If judged only by the temperature, Yangcheng is now in early summer. The temperature at night is also more than ten degrees, and it will quickly rise to nearly thirty degrees during the day. Most men wear half-sleeved, while most women have already worn skirts.

After the meeting, in the slightly drunken spring breeze at night, she felt the enthusiasm of early summer, and Xia wanted to return home directly.

During the whole meeting, he hardly spoke much, and did not have a direct flow with Kang Xiao. It was not until the end that he shook hands with Kang Xiao and said, "Take care."

Kang Xiao only responded indifferently: "Thank you, Secretary Xia, for your concern."

Then, the two passed by, as if they were unreconnected passers-by.

Xia Xiang didn't care about Kang Xiao's attitude. He just didn't want Kang Xiao to be Wu Xiaoyang's help to deal with him. If he had to have a little noble mind, he didn't want to see Kang Xiao being played in the palm of Wu Xiaoyang's hand, and then finally killed by the donkey.

It doesn't matter whether Kang Xiao knows that he is behind the scenes, and whether he is grateful to him or not. The important thing is that he hopes that Kang Xiao's trip to the capital can achieve the expected results.

As soon as he entered the house, Xia wanted to open the window and put in the fresh air. There is only one person at home, which is indeed a little lonely. Fortunately, he is used to making tea alone. After reading the newspaper for a few minutes, he was about to turn on the computer when the phone came.

is a call from Ye Tiannan.

"I just talked to Kang Xiao, and he is very confident about Wu Xiaoyang."

Ye Tiannan was reluctant to say, but Xia Xiang understood that the so-called matter of Wu Xiaoyang naturally refers to the fall of Wu Xiaoyang.

"But..." Ye Tiannan continued, "I always feel that Kang Xiao and Ma are similar."

Ye Tiannan is tricky enough to secretly ridicule Kang Xiao's words, which is actually not important.

Xia wanted to laugh: "It's not good to talk about the right and wrong of others behind their backs. Then again, Vice Governor Kang is not our ally. Another pause, talking about Wu Xiaoyang, "At least we have won a valuable buffer time for Vice Governor Kang's behavior in the capital, and also shortened the situation to a week. A week passed quickly..."

The original intention of Xiaxiang is actually to say that Kang Xiao has completed his historical mission no matter what, which is worth affirming. However, Ye Tiannan misunderstood and thought that Xia wanted to imply that Kang Xiao had completed his historical mission and could cross the river and tear down the bridge...

The matter once again deviated from the track that Xia wanted to set.

In fact, in hindlight summary, even if Ye Tiannan did not come to the door to push Kang Xiao forward, after all the behavior of Kang Xiao's trip to the capital was known by Wu Xiaoyang, Kang Xiao had also been listed as the number one big trouble by Wu Xiaoyang!

Put down the phone and think about it for a while before turning on the computer.

As soon as

turned on, I found that Gu Yu, Wei Xin and Yan Shi were there. However, although they were all online, none of them took the initiative to talk to him, but an unexpected person left a message for him.

is Golden Jasmine.

Jinyin Jasmine has added Xia Xiang's QQ. When did he add it, Xia Xiang has no impression. Anyway, it seems that he hasn't talked much since he added it in his memory. It always feels like he has nothing to say.

Maybe the distance in space makes him and Jinyin Jasmine psychologically far away, or maybe he and Jin Yin Zili have not really approached. In short, for this pair of sisters, Xiaxiang's feeling is very complicated and difficult to say.

Jin Jasmine's message is very meaningful: "Xia, my sister and I have been studying in Switzerland for three years, and we will graduate and return to China next year. In the past three years, countless people have pursued me and my sister, including many very excellent people and even some princes from small countries. Unfortunately, my sister and I are not moved at all. I don't know if our sisters are doing particularly stupid things, or maybe it's just a hopeless wait. I just want to tell you that maybe you rarely think of us, but we hardly talk about you for almost every day!"

The time of the message was displayed a few hours ago, and Jin Qinli's avatar was also dimmed. Obviously, it was not online.

Xia wanted to close the dialog box and didn't reply. Maybe not replying is the best answer, and he really doesn't know what to say. No matter where the best destination of gold and silver jasmine is, it should not fall on him anyway.

Let's deal with it cold first.

I haven't contacted Wei Xin for a long time, so Xia wanted to take the initiative to talk to Wei Xin.

"How have you been recently?"

"It's okay, how about you?" Wei Xin immediately replied. Xia wanted to know that she didn't have many friends on her QQ, and with her nature, she was not a person who liked to chat.

"How's your business recently?" Xia thought again.

"The business is not bad, the business is growing rapidly, and Xiaofan is very capable. Now she is half of the sky." You can see Wei Xin's excitement between the lines.

Xiaxiang was also gratified: "Pay more attention to your health and don't tire yourself too much. By the way, is there anything wrong with your health? The hidden disease of Wei Xin's body has always been the eternal pain in his heart. Maybe one day Wei Xin will suddenly leave him. He can't even believe whether he can bear that moment.

"It's okay, just don't worry. I have to stay with you for at least another 20 years. In 20 years, when you get old, your children and grandchildren. When the hall is full, I'm also old. It's also a good thing to suddenly call when I'm not old, isn't it?

Since ancient times, beauties have been like famous generals, and they are not allowed to see white heads in the world... Having said that, Wei Xin's relaxed and teasing words still made Xia want to be inexplicably sad.

Life is in a hurry. There are indeed many people who meet each other along the way, but how many people can really accompany you through your life? If Xia wanted to choose only three people to spend his life with him, he would not hesitate to choose Cao Shudai, Lian Ruohan and... Wei Xin.

Perhaps such comparison is unfair to others, but in Xia's mind, except for Cao Shuyi and Lian Ruohan, other women have their own belongings, but Wei Xin does not.

The next day, the news that Kang Xiao reappeared in the provincial party committee spread. In the provincial party committee, there was a lot of discussion. Some people rumored that Kang Xiao had gone to the embassy in a certain country, but some people said that Kang Xiao actually went to the capital to sue. Who did he sue? Of course, it's Xiaxiang.

Some people also said that Kang Xiao actually conspired with Wu Xiaoyang... If so on, rumors are everywhere, and there is no consensus.

At the same time, someone noticed another abnormal situation. After the three-day inspection of the whole city, after Kang Xiao returned, it ended quietly. It seemed that Kang Xiao's return was a signal, or what is the internal connection between Kang Xiao's disappearance and the city search?

The truth is always in the hands of a few. No matter how bizarre or untrue the rumors are, no one comes forward to correct it, and no one speaks to stop it. Anyway, whoever wants to say whatever he wants to say, the main leader of the provincial party committee does his or her job. It has returned to the peace of the past.

If Kang Xiao's disappearance and the arrest of the whole city of Yangcheng make many people feel the tension of the mountain rain, then Kang Xiao's return and the quiet end of the arrest of the whole city are like an unexpectedly spring rain, washing away the sultry heat and humidity of Yangcheng.

From the previous tension of the mountain rain, it has returned to normal calm in an instant, which makes it difficult for many people to adapt. Is it possible that the matter is over?

Even Kang Xiao thinks that when it's time for things to end, what else can Wu Xiaoyang set off again? It's only been less than a week. Now Wu Xiaoyang is the end of the crossbow. A few days is enough for him to arrange the afterth.

Kang Xiao even smiled proudly. Wu Xiaoyang still wanted to blackmail him behind his back? Fortunately, thanks to Ye Tiannan's timely reminder, he knew the seriousness of the situation, and he had to thank Ye Tiannan for saying anything. Thinking of this festival, he took the initiative to call Ye Tiannan: "Tiannan, let's sit together in the evening? I'm the host!"

According to the ranking, Kang Xiao is much higher than Ye Tiannan. His treat is a great face for Ye Tiannan.

Ye Tiannan is preparing to have contact with Kang Xiao, intending to add fuel to the fire at the last minute. He is afraid that the chaos in the world is the greatest advantage of Comrade Ye Tiannan. As soon as he heard that Kang Xiao took the initiative to come to the door, he naturally begged for it: "How dare you let Governor Kang treat

"Don't be polite, Tiannan. In the future, you and I will be friends."

"Yes, let's sit together first. Isn't it the same for everyone?"

Whoever invites him is the same, but the meaning is very different. What Kang Xiao didn't know was that it was the first time he sat down with Ye Tiannan for dinner, and it was also the last time.

Kang Xiao and Ye Tiannan had dinner together. Xia Xiang didn't know it. He also had socializing in the evening. Together with Xiang Minxin and Tang Tianyun, he went to the appointment of Xu Guanhua and Mu Feng to prepare for the last moment.

On the way, Tang Tianyun remembered something and asked in surprise, "Recently, the tension has been much lower-key, and he will leave in a hurry after work. He doesn't work as hard as before... What's wrong with him?"

Xia Xiang really didn't pay attention to the change of tension, and even Ji Rulan didn't care about Ji Rulan's movement. Tang Tianyun reminded him that he thought carefully, and it was indeed a lot of tension since he was criticized by the last lake villa.

Not only has the tension changed a lot, but it seems that Ji Rulan is really like what Mr. Ji said. She is like an unruly and capricious girl. In the blink of an eye, she turns into a gentle and virtuous lady. When she thinks about it carefully, she really can't believe it.

I don't want to pay attention to it even if I don't believe it. Anyway, it's only the last few days of Wu Xiaoyang's affairs. I guess Ji Rulan or tension will no longer have any problems.

Besides, even if Ji Rulan and Zhang Li still have any ideas, there is no time to lay out calmly.

As soon as he met Xu Guanhua and Mu Feng, Xia thought that the atmosphere was wrong. Xu Guanhua was fine. Although he was angry, he could restrain him, but Mu Feng looked angry.

"Secretary Xia, I'm afraid things are not good. Wu Xiaoyang is going to fight back." Mu Feng looked at Xu Guanhua discontentedly, "Before coming, there was a good opportunity to win, but General Xu didn't allow it, and he missed a good opportunity. Now we can only respond passively, and if we say something unpleasant, I guess it's not easy to resist..."