official god

Chapter 1946 Situation Reversal

For most citizens, life is to live at sunrise and sunset, that is, to make some money to eat some meat and drink some wine, then the wife and children are hot, then play mahjong to brag, and then pull the lamp to sleep. It feels that the days are like flowing water, but the world is peaceful. Even if there is an earthquake,

Sometimes, ignorance is also a kind of stupid happiness.

But ignorance does not mean that there will be no swords and bloodshed under the wind and sun. Not to mention the dispute in the South China Sea, not to mention the competition in the Yellow Sea, not to mention the bloody battle of special forces between the domestic special forces and hostile forces in Myanmar, it is not the danger that ordinary people can imagine how many death threats they have suffered from domestic leaders from top to high levels to provincial and ministerial levels.

Too many people are sniffing outside the door of the truth, and even the soy sauce is made with inferior soy sauce.

At dawn, the news of Wu Xiaoyang's assassination spread. First, the Yangcheng Municipal Party Committee compound spread loudly, and then the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee also spread. It is passed down, but there are different opinions about the specific truth, and there is no authoritative statement.

The Yangcheng Military Region, the Yangcheng Municipal Committee and the Lingnan Provincial Committee all held an emergency meeting to discuss the current situation. The tense momentum permeates everyone in the hearts of the provincial party committee, the municipal party committee and the Yangcheng military region.

Xia wanted to not attend the meeting of the provincial party committee. After accompanying Ji Rulan all the way to the hospital, he fell into a coma because of fatigue and excessive sadness.

Lu Yi and Song Licun are inseparable from Xia's thoughts.

Xia wanted to be pale, closed his eyes tightly, and had a high fever. His face was flushed, and his body was frighteningly hot. Lu Yi and Song Li were so anxious that they were helpless when they encountered such a thing.

Fortunately, there is also Tang Tianyun.

After Tang Tianyun was busy, he helped Xia to deal with the matter, and he was almost exhausted.

When there was a major conflict last night, he hid in a safe place. Although he did not show up, he witnessed what happened at that time. When Xia [Book] held Ji Rulan in his arms and shed tears for a long time, he could no longer hold his calm state of mind and shed the man's tears.

ruthlessness may not be a real hero. Xia wanted to sing a long song and cried, which made his image plump in Tang Tianyun's mind.

After the smoke, when Xia [Book] got on the ambulance with Ji Rulan in his arms, Tang Tianyun took over everything that happened at the scene of the evidence from Lu Yi and Song Li. Under Xia Shen's careful layout, it was all recorded in the case and felt the heavy weight in his hand. Tang Tianyun's heart was indescrib

Wu Xiaoyang, the worm of the country, can be in a high position, and many people are dissatisfied with him but can't help him. Is it the sadness of the country or the misfortune of the people? How many years have many people turned a blind eye to the fact that a general living in a billion mansion has made people helpless?

I hope that the intention of Xia [book] can really eliminate a major harm for the country and the people.

Wu Xiaoyang's people will not be eliminated, the South China Sea will be difficult to calm down, and the territory will be difficult to harvest.

But when Tang Tianyun heard that Zhang Li assassinated Wu Xiaoyang, he was shocked and didn't know why. Until everything Xia thought was settled, he had not woken up from the shock, and he still couldn't believe it was the truth.

Unexpectedly, the news came later that Wu Xiaoyang was not dead with seven knives in his body. Tang Tianyun was surprised and clenched the evidence in his hand.

Just after dawn, Ji Changxing arrived and accompanied Ji Changxing to appear together, as well as Lin Shuangpeng.

The outside of the whole hospital has been full of people. There are [police] inspectors, soldiers, plain clothes, and many people in the Ji family. Ji Rulan's accident shocked all directions, and the Ji family is so powerful that the traffic has increased a lot of traffic from Meihuā to Yangcheng for a while.

Ji Changxing's face was frighteningly calm. With the help of Lin Shuangpeng, he came to Tang Tianyun and asked, "Tianyun, how about Xia [book]?" One sentence made Tang Tianyun respect the old man. Without asking Ji Rulan first, everyone's demeanor was clear.

"Xia [Book] I remember that my body was not hurt, but I was too sad and fainted." Tang Tianyun answered very skillfully. He was too sad, and he was also sad for Ji Rulan.

Ji Changxing obviously stagnated, and suddenly burst into tears and said shiveringly, "Excessively sad..., Rulan, do you know that you will regret your previous waywardness?" An old man who had experienced the vicissitudes of the world cried with sadness and was extremely infectious. Tang Tianyun's nose was sour, and tears couldn't help falling down: "Sir, I'm sorry for your prosperity."

Lin Shuangpeng's eyes are also red.

"My condolences?" The old man repeated it three times in a row, as if he was talking to himself, and it seemed to ask the sky sadly, and finally turned into a long sigh, "Rulan, is there really no hope? It's all my fault that I didn't stop Rulan's nonsense in time. I should have listened to people's advice earlier. They all said that the girl's heart is too high, and her heart is often higher than the sky and her life is thinner than paper. It's all my fault that I love you too much. If I had stopped earlier, Tang Tianyun accompanied Ji Chang to sigh, but his heart was as bright as a mirror. He was wayward to Ji Rulanming, and the Ji family let it go on the grounds of indulgence. In fact, it was the Ji family who had selfish thoughts in this matter. And the relationship between Ji Rulan and Wu Xiaoyang is either open or dark, and Mr. Ji is also aware of it, and he just doesn't want to close one eye.

The reason why he pretends to turn a blind eye is just a customary way to pursue the maximization of benefits. If Xia wants to win, he will restrain Ji Rulan, prevaricate Ji Rulan's nonsense, and then shake hands with Xia.

Wu Xiaoyang wins, then Ji Rulan is successful, so the Ji family doesn't have to explain anything to Xia. Ji Rulan's success is the natural success of the Ji family.

Unfortunately, it is estimated that Mr. Ji, who has a wise life, did not expect that Ji Rulan had a deep love for Xiaxiang after the Hetian Health Center incident. If her previous contact with Wu Xiaoyang was to hide the interests driven by waywardness and nonsense, and after the health center incident, the Ji family and Wu Xiaoyang had no possibility of cooperation. Ji Rulan also used the name of cooperation with Wu Xiaoyang to threaten Xiaxiang, which is a real wayward nonsense. She is a woman in love. Unreasonable behavior.

A woman loves each other, and her IQ is equal to zero, which is also applicable to Ji Rulan.

But there is a saying that the machine is too smart to mislead your life!

Mr. Ji was extremely sad. In a strong self-reproach, he said the above words, which made Tang Tianyun suddenly realize the cause and effect of the whole incident. Perhaps Ji Rulan is also innocent. At the beginning, she made all kinds of difficulties for Xia's thoughts, which was not the fault she should bear alone.

But after that, her feelings for Xiaxiang are also emotions that she can't control. No matter from which perspective, Ji Rulan is actually an unfortunate woman.

A woman who has to deal with political interests and personal emotions and is difficult to face. Fortunately, she is strong-tece and dares to love and hate...

Tang Tianyun choked and replied, "Rulan has been in the operating room for almost two hours, and now the doctor hasn't come out yet... Ji Changxing burst into tears and was helped aside by Lin Shuangpeng. He was sad, sad, regretful, and almost speechless.

While Mr. Ji was crying, from time to time, someone hurried in and out with a nervous look and reported something to Lin Shuangpeng in a low voice. Lin Shuangpeng received a message and reported it to Mr. Ji.

"Gu Qiu has arrived."

"The leader of the Military Commission has arrived."

"The message has been confirmed...

Wu Xiaoyang is not dead, and the Military Commission is preparing a chartered plane to send Wu Xiaoyang to Beijing for treatment. Zhang Li is still in custody. Xu Guanhua and the Military Commission argue to keep Zhang Li in the Yangcheng Military Region. Otherwise, if Tension is brought into the capital, he will definitely die.

"Sir, I have to go back to the provincial party committee to attend the meeting. The ancient [book] should convey the spirit of Lou Shi in the center. It is estimated that the official statement of Kang Xiao's death and the characterization of the recent plan will be determined.

No matter what Lin Shuangpeng said, Ji Changxing was just blank, neither nodding nor shaking his head, as if he no longer cared about everything. However, Lin Shuangpeng still reported everything in detail, which fully showed his respect for Mr. Ji.

It was not until Lin Shuangpeng's figure disappeared at the end of the corridor that Ji Changxing suddenly woke up and grabbed Tang Tianyun's hand: "Tianyun, you are at the scene, tell me the specific situation at that time." After such a long time, Mr. Ji remembered the specific situation at that time. It can be seen that he was indeed in a panic and lost the calmness of the past.

Tang Tianyun briefly talked about the situation at that time, skimming many details that could not be disclosed to the public, and only roughly talked about the situation at the time of the incident. However, in the process of describing to Mr. Ji, he suddenly remembered an extremely important detail. Because of the panic after the incident, he forgot that before Jiao Liang broke in, Xia [Book] took off his bulletproof vest and let Ji Rulan wear it on his body!

At that time, Ji Rulan suddenly turned around and threw Xiaxiang down. Although it was vivid in his mind, there was smoke everywhere after that, and he did not see whether Ji Rulan was really blocking Xiaxiang.

When it exploded, although Jiao Liang was not far away from Xiaxiang and Ji Rulan, there was a huge solid wood dining table. After the explosion, although the solid wood dining table was broken, it was not completely smashed, that is to say, the solid wood dining table suffered most of the impact...,

Do you say that? Tang Tianyun jumped up.

As soon as he stood up, the door of the operating room was pushed open. The doctor came out of it with a serious face and asked, "Who is the family of the injured?" Mr. Ji stood up quickly. "I'm her father."

"Are you Xia Jing's father?, the doctor looked up and down at Mr. Ji in disbelief, didn't ask more, and said, "Xia [Shu]'s condition is not very good. I just thought he was too tired and fell into a coma. Just now, I found that Xia [Shu]' After that, he vomited blood... Ah... Tang Tianyun exclaimed, pushed the doctor away and rushed straight to the ward.

Ji Changxing was also stunned: "So, how serious is his injury? Also, Ji Rulan... How's it going?"