official god

Chapter 1950 Frontal Second Game

After a day of hustle and bustle, the night in Yangcheng came slowly.

The explosion case and the assassination of Wu Xiaoyang have not become a topic of street discussion in Yangcheng people, nor has it risen to the popularity of everyone talking about after dinner.

There are some things that don't need to be known to the citizens, and there is no need to let the people talk about them, so the citizens and the people will not know the truth.

Even if you hear such a little bit of empty wind, it is neither real nor far away.

Of course, there are also many insiders who mysteriously reveal part of the truth, but encounter the sneer of others, thinking that he is just a mystery, what explosion, what assassination, is it good now, is the era of peace, long live the great unity of the people of the world, [China] Long live the great harmony of the people of OK?

As a result, the insider was choked with nothing to say, so he had to swallow the truth back. Sometimes lies are more touching and easier to believe than the truth. I can't help it. The world is so helpless.

Not to mention that the truth is not known to ordinary people, even most of the officers and soldiers of the Yangcheng Military Region don't know what's going on!

I only know that after the arrival of the Military Commission, Mu Feng was strictly controlled. Not only was he suspended, but he may also go to the military court. Even Xu Guanhua was suspended from all his duties, which is equivalent to being overhead. It is unknown what the final result will be, but it is speculated that Mu Feng and Xu Guanhua will not have

The key is that it is also frightening. Mu Feng and Xu Guanhua's cronies are all under control. They not only unload their weapons, but also are strictly ordered not to go out, and they are not allowed to have any communication alliance with the outside world, which seems to be a precursor to a major purge.

The middle-level and above-level officers who have experienced the purge have come to a conclusion. I'm afraid that Mu Feng and Xu Guanhua can't escape the disaster. The Military Commission took advantage of Wu Xiaoyang's assassination incident to fight, and just wiped out all the opposing forces in the Yangcheng Military Region in one fell swoop,

What makes people feel inexplicably nervous is that there are rumors that Wu Xiaoyang's cronies in the Yangcheng Military Region, a total of more than a dozen officers of colonels and major generals, are about to take advantage of Wu Xiaoyang's assassination to deliberately brew a large-scale incident, want to make a big deal of the /P>

It seems that in the midst of turmoil and unrest, the huā-free bombing was deliberately or unintentionally covered up. Originally, a vicious incident in which Xia wanted to be assassinated and Mu Feng was hunted down, under the brazenly pushed behind the scenes of some characters turned over the clouds and rain, but it became Xia Xiang's master to kill Wu Xiaoyang, and encouraged Mu Feng to sniper Meng Zan. Finally, Jiao Liang fought to death in anger and wanted to

With the logic of the master behind the scenes, Wu Xiaoyang's assassination is a great injustice. Xia wants to be bombed for himself and deserves it!

Chen Haotian left his anger for the first time.

"Qiu Shi, I'm going to Beijing with you." Chen Haotian said angrily, "If someone splashed my dirty water and stepped on my shoulder, I will put up with it. After all, history will prove everything. But now some people turn black and white upside down and want to kill Xiaxiang with a stick. It's too shameless and has no bottom line.

Gu Qiushi didn't seem to be annoyed at all: "Brother Haotian, I understand your mood. In fact, with your political wisdom, this matter will not make you angry. If you care about it, it will be chaotic."

Chen Haotian smiled at Gu Qiushi's unhurried tone: "If I care, it's chaotic. Don't you care about Xia? In addition, how does Mr. Ji want to communicate with Xia? Why does he want to make the decision for Xia and accompany Xia to Beijing together? What does he mean? You don't have to make it clear to your face.

After Ji Changxing expressed his position to Gu Chang, Gu Chang left, but he did not stop. He only said hello to Chen Haotian and turned away. It seemed that he came to the provincial party committee just to have a word with Gu Chang, which made Chen Haotian extremely depressed. He really didn't understand the meaning of Ji Changxing's move.

Xia's going to the capital is equivalent to a sheep entering the tiger's den. Although the capital has a general [book], four families, and ancient Qiushi, the military has always been self-contained. Xia wants to be taken into the Military Commission, even in the name of respectfully inviting Xia Xiang, which will not only destroy Xia Xiang' He framed Xia Xiang for success and confirmed the fact that Xia Xiang's master Zhang Li assassinated Wu Xiaoyang, so even if he always [book] comes forward, there is no way to protect Xia Xiang.

As long as the other party solidifies the accusation against Xiaxiang in all aspects, forges enough evidence, and submits it up, at the same time, the army tacitly cooperates with some abnormal movements, and Xiaxiang will not die.

I have to say that the master of planning the whole incident behind his back is really cruel and makes Xia want to die! Xia wanted to go to Beijing at this time. Didn't he acquiesce in the other party's accusations, didn't cheat himself, or threw himself into the trap?

Gu Qiushi talked a lot with Ji Changxing along the way. Before Ji Changxing's car last time, he also talked a lot with Xiaxiang. If Xiaxiang is the planner of the whole plan, he is the identity of center coordination, and Ji Changxing is Xiaxiang's umbrella and foreshadowing.

"Ji Lao wants to go to Beijing with Xia, in order to protect Xia's thought. With Mr. Ji here, the Military Commission doesn't dare to think about Xia. Gu Qiushi did not deliberately hide Xia Xiang's plan from Chen Haotian, but in Xia Xiang's plan... Chen Haotian is also a key link. "Xia Xiang really wants to go to Beijing to face the leaders of the Military Commission in person and make the matter clear, so as to wash away the accusations against him. Chen Haotian understands something: "X Guan Hua and Mu Feng came forward. But in this way, he may be caught by the other party and his close contact with the military, which can also make Xia want to leave a political stain." Xiaxiang must still have a way to deal with it. Gu Qiushi smiled meaningfully, "I also accompanied him to Beijing. The capital is ancient, plus an old Ji, and the two old men appeared in the Military Commission at the same time, which is also an unprecedented event."

Chen Haotian was mainly angry with Gu Chang. In addition, if he really cared about it, he was in a mess. His mind was a little confused. He didn't think about the intriguing things in it. Gu Qiu was a little more real. He straightened out his thoughts and smiled: "I'm all confused. Xia is the same Doesn't he know that I care about him more than Mr. Ji? Gu Qiu made a joke: "Now Mr. Ji cares more about Xiaxiang than you." Chen Haotian was puzzled: "What should I say?" Ji Rulan is now in a coma. The doctor said that only the person who cares most about her can wake her up. From the analysis of her behavior of sacrificing herself to save Xia Xiang at that time, now Xia Xiang is her most important person..." Gu Qiushi smiled meaningfully.

Before coming to Yangpo, Gu Qiushi was worried. After coming to Yangcheng, the situation was chaotic and he was worried. But after seeing Xiaxiang, he saw that Xiaxiang was not only safe and sound, but also confident. After a deep conversation with Xiaxiang, his anxiety gradually faded away, and now it was a white breeze.

It was also for this reason that Xiaxiang joked with Ji Rulan.

When Chen Haotian heard this, he was stunned at first, and then smiled with a smile: "Mr. Ji's wonderful plan to lower the summer......" Gu Qiushi took the next sentence: "I lost my daughter and owed a favor..."

"No, no rhyme, Qiu Shi, you are lazy. At least he is also a top student in the Chinese Department of Peking University. You have to fight well. Chen Haotian was also in a good mood. It was rare to make fun of Xiaxiang and Ji Rulan with Gu Qiushi. If outsiders knew that the two Politburo members laughed at Xiaxiang's children's private affairs, they would probably be shocked.

It was originally scheduled to be early tomorrow morning. After Wu Xiaoyang's injury stabilizes, the Military Commission will charter Wu Xiaoyang to Beijing. At that time, Gu Qiushi, Xia Xiang, Ji Changxing, Mu Feng, Xu Guanhua and others will go to Beijing together. So today's messy things should come to an end?

Chen Haotian felt that he had put down a big burden and got up and said, "Let's go, Qiu Shi, I'll take you to taste authentic Cantonese cuisine."

Gu Qiushi looked embarrassed: "You know I like spicy food, not Hayabusa"

"No, you have to taste whatever you say." Chen Haotian cordially invited, "You should have the courage to try." Gu Qiushi had no choice but to say, "Well, if someone stops and gives us a chance to eat, I will grit my teeth and try the flavor of Cantonese cuisine."

I didn't want Gu Qiushi to say something. As soon as the words fell, Lin Shuangpeng rushed in to report: "Chen [book], ancient [book], there is a sudden ** situation." The heart that had just been put down was suddenly raised again, and Chen Haotian's good mood suddenly disappeared: "What's wrong?"

"The Yangcheng Military Region dispatched more than a dozen colonels, major generals and other officers to lead people to the hospital and threatened to ask Xia for justice. Just now, the municipal bureau came forward to intercept and was hit and injured several [police] on the spot. Lin Shuangpeng was out of breath. At least it was also the Yangcheng Municipal Committee [book], but now he has no demeanor, which shows that the situation is serious.

"What?" Chen Haotian and Gu Qiushi were immediately shocked.

Okay, that's good. The other party is really vicious, step by step, really holding chicken feathers as a spiritual arrow. Do you really want to sit in the real summer and think that it is the frame of the culprit? I've never seen anyone who can be so shameless to frame others!

Chen Haotian got up: "Go to the hospital immediately"... He turned around and told Xia Shengnan to "notify the security area and mobilize 27 armed policemen immediately!"

"I'll go with you." Gu Qiushi also said word by word.

It should be said that Chen Haotian has taken great political risks to confront the military head-on. As an outsider of Lingnan, Gu Qiushi, although he is a member of the Politburo, if he intervenes in the military's large-scale abnormal movements, he may also bear extremely serious political consequences.

But... the development of things is urgent. The other party has exerted the conspiracy and trick to the point of unscrupulously. He sits by and ignores it again. In case Xia really makes any mistakes under the impact of the officer, he will never be able to face his heart.

The man did something and did not do anything. Gu Qiushi gritted his teeth and fought hard.

"I'll go, too." At the critical moment, Mi Jihuo also stepped forward. After hearing the news, he rushed to the first time, "If you need to form a human wall to ensure Xiaxiang's safety, count me!"

"Please approve Chen [book], count me in!" After the news spread to the provincial party committee, all the leaders of the provincial party committee were enraged, and almost all the members of the provincial party committee gathered outside Chen Haotian's office...