official god

Chapter 1953 Bury a bigger foreshadowing

When the Wu Li police rushed up to take down all the officers on the scene, some of the officers finally took action unbearably. He was a major. Because he was young, he was brave. Not long after he was promoted to major by Wu Xiaoyang. He regarded Wu Xiaoyang as a benefactor, he saw that he was close to Xia Xiang's Step, he was forced to be angry by Chen Haotian's strength from the bottom of his heart...

Soldiers are no better than local officials. Local officials survive in the source. Everyone has the ability to dance with long sleeves. They should not only be good at observing their faces, but also be patient.

Soldiers take obedience to orders as their duty, and loyalty as their first priority. He would rather sacrifice his life than lose his honor... Although it was the so-called honor under the black and white... The major quietly came to the door of Xiaxiang's ward when he was not paying attention. At this time, Ji Changxing was also slightly distracted and did not notice the approach of the major.

When Ji Changxing found out that the major was approaching, it was too late. He shouted angrily, "How dare you!"

The major has been overwhelmed by the madness and the so-called justice. There is no right and wrong in his eyes. Suddenly, he bumped into the old Ji Lao - Ji Lao was caught off guard and was knocked to the ground... The major hit hard and suddenly kicked the door.

If the door of Xia's room is kicked open by him, although a door is not worth a few money, it is of great significance. It is equivalent to saying that the two Politburo members led by Chen Haotian and Gu Qiushi, plus several leaders of the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee, still failed to prevent the Yangcheng Military Region from breaking into the

In other words, the door is a small thing, and the extended meaning is a big thing.

Seeing that he was about to kick hard, the door... suddenly opened by himself. It doesn't matter if you open it by yourself. It just resolves the major's flying posture. People who often walk the stairs and occasionally experience stepping on the air know that the strength is not used to the truth, which is a very uncomfortable thing. The major originally used a lot of strength, but he kicked it all at once. Naturally, outsiders can't understand how uncomfortable it is, but he fell to the ground with a crooked body, and then his head rose with With a bad posture, you can come to a conclusion. It is estimated that you can't stand up in a short time.

As soon as the door opened, Xia wanted to appear with the help of the nurse.

Originally, after Chen Haotian reached all the orders he took, under Yuan Wanming's request for officers to remain calm and rational, a group of officers in the Yangcheng Military Region were also ready to be arrested. They firmly believed that the Military Commission would really give them justice, and history would remember them. However, under the sudden change of the major's kick and sweating with pain, Xia wanted finally appeared, and it seemed that everything was light and irrelevant, and the anger of the officers of the Yangcheng Military Region was out of control.

Wu Xiaoyang used to be their leader, that is, the eternal leader in his heart. Xia wanted to be bold and dared to kill the chief by the murderer behind the scenes, which killed him with a shot.

Now Xiaxiang is not only fine, but also proud.

And the whole Lingnan Provincial Party Committee also shielded Xiaxiang, and even Chen Haotian insisted on the large number of people to take down General Yuan and detain all the officers on the scene. Are the officers and soldiers in the Yangcheng Military Region really a bastard? Do more than a dozen colonels and lieutenant colonels really eat dry food?

I don't know who shouted: "The head can be broken, the blood can be shed, and the morale can't be lost!" Yangcheng Military Region, we can't let the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee and the Wuqi police bully..."

"Resist to the end!"

"Fight to the end!"

"One life for another, I want to exchange one life with Xia!"

More than a dozen officers spoke in unison, putting on a righteous and awe-inspiring array. Some people were angry and even pulled out their lives...

As soon as he started the gun, a red light pointed to his forehead, and a cold voice ordered, "Put down your weapon immediately. After counting to three times, if you don't put down your weapon, it will be regarded as a threat of force to the middle of the middle!"

The end of the threat of force in the middle of the central government is to be killed by a shot!

This man is a lieutenant colonel in charge of logistics, smuggling and corruption. The amount is very huge. After several investigations, he was suppressed by Wu Xiaoyang. He regarded Wu Xiaoyang as more pro-parent than his own father.

At this time, when he saw Xia Xiang, he was like an enemy, and he was very jealous. Although he also knew that in fact, Xia wanted to kill Wu Xiaoyang, it was simply Wu Xiaoyang who designed Xia Xiang, but Wu Xiaoyang was seriously injured and not dead. It is said that he could be reinstated after the injury. At this time To make a fortune, he raised his mobile phone and aimed at Xia...

If he knew that there had been an officer who had been shot outside just now, he would not dare to make a big head. Sometimes he overdone, it was easy to exert too hard, and then lost his life - almost at the same time as he raised the gun, the gun was fired.

The lieutenant colonel's chest is right in the middle of a gun! Perhaps the sniper was so powerful that he hit his body half a meter back, and then fell to the ground like a pile of rags!

After the gunshot, it was a dead silence!

Including Yuan Wanming, they were stunned.

It's the same. Although Yuan Wanming and his party are real soldiers, they have been keeping a low profile for so long that many soldiers have not seen the scene of bleeding, let alone the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee really dares to shoot directly, and it is also a lieutenant colonel!

After Yuan Wanming's great shock, it was Chongtian's anger: "Secretary Chen... Thousands of officers and tens of thousands of soldiers in the Yangcheng Military Region must ask the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee for justice!"

How could Chen Haotian be intimidated by Yuan Wanming's threat? He said, "Without my order, who dares to move again will be regarded as a threat to the central leader's personal safety and trying to hold the provincial party committee's leader, and will be punished as treason!"

Another wave of his hand: "Take them all, who dares to resist and kill them on the spot!"

In an instant, Chen Haotian's image became extremely tall, and what burst out was the powerful power of the only 10,000 members of the Politburo in China. As the top political presence in China, how can Chen Haotian be afraid of the ubiquitous major general like Yuan Wanming?

The next morning, two chartered planes took off from Yangcheng Airport at the same time and flew directly to the capital.

The original arrangement was that Xia Xiang, Chen Haotian, Gu Qiushi and Ji Changxing and Wu Xiaoyang were on the same plane, but Chen Haotian firmly disagreed and was directly chartered by the provincial party committee. He, Xia Xiang, Gu Qiushi and Ji Changxing took the same plane and separated from Wu Xiaoyang and his party, and clearly told Gu Chartered plane, don't worry.

Chen Haotian's toughness made Gu Chang very angry.

What's more annoying is that yesterday's carefully planned one not only did not destroy Xiaxiang, but also stole chickens and did not eclip the rice. Not to mention the lives of two officers, it made Chen Haotian detain officers above the famous lieutenant colonel, which has become the heaviest since the former core leader of the country Big military incidents.

Gu Chang gritted his teeth with hatred, but he was helpless. Who let Chen Haotian be a member of the Politburo? Who made Gu Qiushi also a member of the Politburo? What's more, Mi Jihuo, who has always been one of the key figures, has never made a statement. Not expressing a statement is more terrible than not expressing a statement. Who doesn't know the irreversible relationship between Mi Jihuo and the general secretary for more than 20 years?

In fact, according to Gu Chang's thinking, he was unwilling to launch yesterday's incident, but the master behind the scenes somehow learned the inside information. It is said that in an internal meeting, the general secretary, who had not made a positive statement about the Lingnan incident, suddenly dropped the document on the spot and rushed away angrily... The master behind the Knowing that the General Secretary must take this matter as an opportunity, it is very likely to take the Yangcheng Military Region. Thinking of Xiaxiang coming to the capital to be investigated with great cooperation, it proves that Xiaxiang must have been fully prepared in advance.

That is to say, if Xia wants to go to Beijing, I'm afraid he won't let his side do what he wants. It's better to do it first and destroy Xiaxiang first.

Although Gu Chang didn't want to make trouble again in Yangcheng, he did not dare to dissuate, so he had to plan the riot of officers and soldiers. Although I also imagined in advance that Chen Haotian might come forward to stop him, I didn't expect that Chen Haotian was so tough!

Now things are completely big. Although the situation is strictly controlled within a certain range, it is of great political significance.

Now he has no idea how to end the banquet.

The Two Sessions are about to be held. It's better not to have too many changes. Gu Chang sat on the plane and boredly read several newspapers. Seeing that he began to publicize Lei Feng and good people and good deeds again, he shook his head. The Lingnan affair is now being hyped by some foreign media. Of course, it will not be seen Take a way to divert attention to attract people's attention to others.

Suddenly, the sky outside flashed and thundered. It was just a clear sky. Why were there dark clouds in a blink of an eye? An ominous foreboding suddenly flashed in Gu Chang's heart, and he remembered that three people were involved in the Lingnan incident. One was Xia Xiang, one was Mi Jihuo, and the other was Chen Haotian. All three were the generals of the generals of the general secretary. When the general secretary's thunder was angry, in what way

A huge lightning flashed half of the sky, which scared Gu Chang with excitement.

On another plane, Chen Haotian and Gu Qiushi sat opposite each other and were saying something.

Xia thought that he had fallen asleep. Although he was resisted most of the shock waves by Ji Rulan, he was no less injured than Ji Rulan because he did not wear a bulletproof vest. Fortunately, he is a man after all. He is strong and only needs to rest. Of course, the severity of his injury is still strictly confidential to the outside world, and the final injury is either serious or minor, depending on the specific situation and the political situation.

Xia wanted to sleep deeply. On the side, Ji Changxing sat beside him, his eyes were full of love, guarding Xiaxiang step by step, and loving Xiaxiang like a nephew.

Chen Haotian and Gu Qiushi looked at Ji Changxing at the same time and looked at each other with a smile. Chen Haotian said, "How about the trip to the capital, is everything ready but the east wind?"

Gu Qiushi nodded with a smile.

"What if the east wind can't blow?" Chen Haotian asked.

Gu Qiushi smiled implicitly and looked at Xia and said, "You see that Xia wants to sleep so sweetly. If the east wind hadn't been borrowed, could he sleep soundly?"

... When two planes related to the final characterization of the Lingnan incident and the lives of countless people were flying to the capital at a speed of 1,000 kilometers per hour, the capital was even more surging.