official god

Chapter 1963 Enter the stage of full network collection

The driver didn't run away and was already scared. ——

But the cargo owner who was traveling with the driver disappeared. Taking the opportunity to go to the toilet, he peeed and disappeared. The service area is only a service area of a county-level city. It is not big and is located on the edge of the highway. Where can the cargo owner go?

After controlling the driver, the reinforcements arrived. A total of three police cars came, with a total of more than a dozen police inspectors. Three people were left to count the bombs and do further investigation and evidence collection, and the rest began to catch the owner.

Just as the police were encircling and quietly approaching the toilet in the service area, suddenly there was a crisp gunshot in the distance!

The police suddenly cheered up, and there was a big case. Immediately change the tactics, decide to contain the opponent, and take coercive measures if necessary. Unexpectedly, before approaching the toilet, a BMW rushed out like crazy, crashed into several police cars one after another, and rushed straight to the highway.

The cargo owner shot the owner of the carriage, grabbed the car and fled.

The police were furious and got into the car to catch up one after another. However, the police car is an old Volkswagen, which is the technology of the 1960s and 1970s, which is not the same as the new BMW. As a result, the BMW drives faster and faster, and the taillights disappear in a blink of an eye.

Naturally, the police will not let go of the cargo owner easily. They immediately notified the next exit, and be sure to intercept the other party!

After inventory, the bombs on the truck included lethal explosives and mortar shells, with a total of more than 15,000 bombs. After a clear inventory of the number, he learned that more than 10,000 shells could completely flatten a county-level city, and all the police officers present were shocked. Dumb.

The case was very serious, and it was quickly reported at the first level. It was faster than ever before, from the county to the city and then to the province. Half an hour later, Chen Feng and Governor Mei Shengping of the Provincial Party Committee of Chu Province held an emergency meeting at the Provincial Party Committee.

A vast east wind quickly formed a thunderous phoenix storm on the land of Chu Province.

If the Jedi of Yan Province counterattacked and the operation of dairy products is to fire on food safety issues again, then the shell incident in Chu Province may really be an accident in an accident. The serious consequences, not to mention, in Yu Province, which is close to Yan Province, suddenly burst into serious food safety problems. Clenbuterol and frozen food germs exceed the standard!

Henan Province is a major food province, producing many well-known brands of ham sausages and frozen dumplings. It can be said that the ham sausages and frozen food in Henan Province have created a lot of profits and taxes for Henan Province.

Almost at the same time, the safety of ham sausage and frozen food was exposed at the same time, which immediately reduced the image of the food province in Henan Province. The reduction of points is small, and the reduction of production is big. Terminal retailers in various places have been urgently removed from the shelves, and a large number of merchants have urgently returned goods, which has caused the food manufacturing industry in Henan Province to encounter an unprecedented impact.

The Henan Province quickly held an emergency meeting to try to recover the impact and reduce the loss, but it was time...

Under the severe situation of food safety problems in China, many experts began to walk from behind the scenes to the front of the stage, on TV, write articles or through the Internet to express their views on the problem of food safety that need to be solved, pointing out that food safety under the new situation is related to the national economy and people's livelihood and the nation. The big plan of the future can no longer be ignored. While strengthening legislation, it is necessary to involve more powerful capital forces, take market laws as leverage, take capital as the promotion, and carry out a strong reshuffle through policy guidance and capital injection.

Although the opinions of experts are not official, they represent the views of some people behind the scenes. Most of the appeals of ordinary experts will fall on the policy guidance, but the opinions of the experts coincidentally put forward the need for the promotion of capital, which immediately let the interested people smell out the unusual atmosphere. Is it that new interest groups want to take advantage of the momentum to break the monopoly of the old interest groups and start from the domestic food industry? Are you ready to rebuild the market order under the dual means of policy support and capital advantage?

Some people can't help but suspect that policy support can be solved by political means. Whoever has a strong backstage can take the opportunity to seize the lead. However, if you want to unify the domestic food industry, it is undoubtedly a dream. Hundreds of billions of industries can not be unified.

From the seed safety in Heliao Province, to the safety of dairy products in Yan Province, to the problem of pot products in Western Province, and now there are the problems of meat products and frozen food safety in Henan Province. If we move forward, we will think of a series of conflicts caused by Xiaxiang in Qi Province because of the salt problem, and the behind- What a cunning Xia Xiang, using the Wu Xiaoyang incident to hide people's eyes and ears. On the surface, he was forced to enter Beijing by the Military Commission. In fact, he took this as a breakthrough to intervene in the domestic food industry, to disrupt the current chaotic phenomenon of the food industry, and rebuild the market order?

It's not that easy!

Don't think about it!

Not to mention that Xia can't get help from the source of the policy. It's just the huge amount of funds needed to push back again, and it's not a small amount. Rome was not built in a day. Xia's idea is too naive.

... The behind-the-scenes man made fun of Xiaxiang's innocence, but the facts soon proved that the person who made fun of others was actually the most naive.

Almost at a time when food safety issues in various provinces are hotly speculated across the country and a storm is formed, it is rumored that a foreign holding company intends to enter the domestic food industry and intends to invest in a large-scale food factory, from cold fresh food to meat processing, to the development and production of frozen food. It is an unprecedented food production base in China.

As soon as the news was released, it immediately attracted great interest from all provinces in China. The huge investment of zm B US dollar is a large group of foreign investment for any province, which can at least drive more than 100 billions of upstream and downstream related industries.

In the economic era, the attraction of capital power is amazing, and there is far more room for operation than some people think.

So far, Xiaxiang's whole intention is basically clear, and the layout is close to completion.

Although the bomb incident was seized in Chu Province, after a day of investigation, the local police released it. It is a normal military transportation, and the purpose is not the capital, but Heiliao Province, there are many doubts behind the scenes, such as why it is transported by civilian trucks? Why did the owner abandon the car and run away? And after being hunted down by the police, the owner's whereabouts are unknown, and no one mentions it again?

Although there are still many unresolved doubts, after all, things have passed, or from the corner of the news, things are over, just a false alarm. In fact, behind the news, the shock wave of the matter directly hit the Military Commission and the behind-the-scenes black hands.

If the concentrated explosion of food safety issues in various places only hurt the economic foundation of the black hands behind the scenes, but the bomb transportation of false alarm was a sharp arrow shot straight into the chest, making him not breathe for a long time. Although he also knows that it has nothing to do with him, if someone really wants to throw dirty water on him, it will be difficult for him to clean it for a while.

People who splash dirty water on others will eventually taste the taste of dirty water splashed by others.

Although the incident was proved to be a misunderstanding later, it also made the behind-the-scenes black hands scared. At the same time, they were even more angry. They decided to increase their offensive against tension and Mufeng, and take extraordinary measures if necessary, at least let one of them loosen the tension and Mufeng. That's all I have to do.

As long as one person opens his mouth to bite out Xiaxiang, Xiaxiang can't jump for a few more days.

In addition to the vigorous events, the talks between Xiaxiang and Guan Yuanqu also came to an end.

"Principal Guan, I have a dream, a beautiful dream that has been forced by reality but does not want to wake up. Maybe it can't be realized in my lifetime, or maybe my power alone is too small. I hope Principal Guan will comment on my dream, or simply wake up my unrealistic fantasy." Xia wants to use his dream to tell the truth. Among the true and false, there is no intention to deliberately test Guan Yuanqu's political philosophy after taking office.

Guan Yuanqu did not ask how Xia wanted to talk with Yannei after the meeting, but he was still slightly stunned when Xia wanted to finish the meeting with the government in such a short time.

Xia wants to mention his dream first. He is as smart as Guan Yuanqu. How can he not know that Xia wants to use his dream to talk about things and explain to him the ups and downs of the provinces? Naturally, he is willing to listen to it.

After Xia wanted to spend more than ten minutes to tell his dream, Guan Yuanqu was speechless for a long time. He stared at the sky outside the window and felt that the sky was blue. It was a rare good weather in spring in the capital. He was speechless.

Aphaned, because his heart was moved for a long time. Yes, Xia wanted to move him.

Once upon a time, Guan Yuanqu saw more bureaucrats who were bent on being officials. Yes, he was only bent on being an official. The purpose of being an official was to be an official, that is, to seek personal interests for personal interests and for the interests of his family. When he had enough, he went abroad and left. As for where the country

As Xiaxiang, he pays attention to the interests of the country and surnames day and night, and the point of all political struggles is for the country and the people. Guan Yuanqu dares not say that he has never seen the pillars of a similar country. At least in recent years, Xiaxiang is the only person in his sight.

With Xia Xiang's dream alone, he knew that on the Wu Xiaoyang incident, he should adhere to his due and fair position.

Guan Yuanqu's firm position is that Xia wants to borrow another east wind during the capital. So far, the preliminary layout is basically close to completion, and then it has entered the stage of full network collection.

Xia wants to believe that this battle will definitely make some people pay an extremely painful price.

Just when the Military Commission stepped up its offensive against tension and tried to use tension as a breakthrough to break the deadlock, Mi Jihuo, who had never made a position above the tension incident, unexpectedly publicly stated the tension incident at the meeting of the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee for the first time.

Mi Jihuo was at the executive meeting of the provincial government. In the deployment of various government work in the first half of the year, he accidentally mentioned the tension problem. At this time, Mi Jihuo has changed his new secretary. Although he only clicked a little, he still conveyed a very intriguing message.