official god

Chapter 1966 You--Dare to


In the intensive care ward, several people guarded Ji Rulan with tears in their eyes.

They are all Ji Rulan's relatives. The care for Ji Rulan comes from family affection, and naturally they are all sincere. But Ji Rulan, surrounded by her relatives, closed her eyes tightly, her face was ruddy, and her breathing was steady, just like entering a sweet dreamland.

I don't know if there is any summer thoughts in her beautiful dream?

Ji Rulan has been in a coma for a week.

What made the doctor helpless was that Ji Rulan's coma was different from the usual coma. The various functionalities of her body were normal, and she was not injured at all on the surface. Under the impact of the explosion, her body did not even break her skin. It was a miracle. Moreover, she breathes normally and her brain wave activity is normal. Except after falling asleep, she can't be normal anymore.

Judging from the rich medical experience of the attending doctor for many years, it is not appropriate for Ji Rulan to call a coma. It should be called sleep. That is to say, if Ji Rulan suddenly yawned a lot and then sat up, just like waking up from a big dream, she would not be surprised.

But the problem is that Ji Rulan just doesn't wake up.

The doctor really has no choice but to describe Ji Rulan's situation as self-closure caused by excessive self-protection consciousness. In other words, Ji Rulan does not want to wake up and can't extricate herself from her dream.

A dream that makes people want to sleep and not wake up is naturally a beautiful dream.

Several attending doctors of Ji Rulan vividly sent Ji Rulan, nicknamed Sleeping Beauty.

Early this morning, Lin Shuangpeng came to the hospital to visit Ji Rulan, brought flowers and fruits, and said a few words with the Ji family. When he was about to leave, Ji Ruzhu suddenly asked, "Ha Xiang hasn't cleaned up Wu Xiaoyang yet?"

Lin Shuangpeng smiled helplessly: "Xia is not the head of the Military Commission. Besides, even if he is the head of the Military Commission, it is impossible to say that he will clean up a lieutenant general. The old man is going to accompany Xia to the Military Commission today. After today, there will probably be a way to solve the problem.'"

"What will the outcome of things look like in the end?" Ji Ruzhu asked again, and suddenly remembered the tension, "What will happen to the tension?"

"The final result of the matter... I can't say it either." Lin Shuangpeng admitted that he did not have enough vision and had been rotating in Lingnan Province. Except for Chen Haotian, Mi Jihuo and Xiawan, who wanted to be qualified to sit in the south and look north, the rest of Lingnan lacked the realm. "As for tension, I'm afraid it will become a victim."

What Ji Ruzhu and Lin Shuangpeng didn't notice was that when they were talking about Xia Xiang and tension, Ji Rulan's closed eyes seemed to try to open, but after several efforts, it seemed that she still didn't want to wake up the beautiful dream, and she returned to her sleeping posture.

Ji Rulan's big dream may be a beautiful dream.

Some people are awake, but they are about to face a bottomless nightmare.

When Xiaxiang's car was parked at the gate of the Military Commission, it was still greeted by Gu Chang. Gu Chang came to the door with confident and relaxed steps. As soon as he stopped, he was stunned.

Xia wanted to explain in advance that someone would accompany him. The Military Commission thought that it was at most a secretary or an accompanying person, and even made the worst plan, that is, there would be an ancient appearance.

The result is really an ancient appearance.

If it was just an ancient appearance, it would not make Gu Chang stunned on the spot, but behind the ancients, there were not only Ji Lao, but also Zheng Lao!

That's good. Mr. Zheng, who has basically been out of the world for a long time, actually came forward in person and appeared in the Military Commission as Xiaxiang's escort. This matter... It's a big mystery.

Gu Chang lost his mind for a moment, but the Military Commission has clearly agreed to Xiaxiang to accept his request that he will have an escort to come with him. There is no reason to refuse Xiaxiang to enter at the same time. What's more, if you want to refuse, you have to be qualified!

Who dares to refuse the three old people who have an unparalleled influence on the Military Commission!

Gu Chang hurriedly and respectfully invited Xia to enter a few people. Under the superficial enthusiasm, his heart was extremely bitter, and he suddenly rose with strong uneasiness.

Xia wanted to calm down, and a winning smile inexplicably made Gu Chang's heart jump, but then he thought of today's elaborate layout, which stabilized his mind a little.

In the Military Commission, it is no different from when Gu, Ji Lao and Zheng Lao often came. Now when they revisit their hometown, the three old people sighed with emotion and whispered while walking.

Many people recognized the three respected old men. Whether they were generals, lieutenant generals or major generals, they all saluted the three old people one after another. Xia wanted to stay in the meantime and also enjoyed the ultra-standard treatment.

Hearing that the ancient three people unexpectedly appeared, many senior officials of the Military Commission could not sit still and went out to greet them one after another. However, it was still a step late. I don't know whether several old people did it intentionally, or Xia wanted to deliberately make a bad move. When the leader of the Military Commission heard the news and stepped out of the office building, Xia thought and the three old people had already come to the conference room.

The Military Commission came forward to receive Xiaxiang's party. It was still Wang Renjiu, but in addition to him, there was another Fu Yuan.

When Xia wanted to come to the Military Commission, Fu Yuan finally officially appeared and intervened in Wu Xiaoyang's matter, once again showing his firm determination to fight corruption to the outside world. At the same time, as a check and balance, Fu Yuan also wants to intenerate Xia.

Wang Renjiu and Gu Chang looked at each other, with anger and bitter smile in their eyes. No one expected that Xia would come. In front of the three old men, although the previous layout was detailed, if they were used in front of the three old men, what if they angered the three respected old people and could not end up?

Is it possible that today's thing can only be done for the sake of the mountain?

Angu said: "Comrade Ren Jiu, Comrade Fu Yuan, Comrade Gu Chang, I and Mr. Xiao and Mr. Zheng are here to listen. They will not affect the conversation between the Military Commission and Xia Shang, nor will they express any inclined opinions. They just play a supervisory role. Don't have a psychological burden, and you can do whatever you '

"That's right.'" Mr. Ji also echoed a pleasantly.

"What, Comrade Ren Jiu and Comrade Fu Yuan, won't you not welcome me to pick up a few old guys?'" Mr. Zheng asked with a smile.

"The old chief guides the work. On behalf of the Military Commission, it's too late to welcome. Wang Renjiu had to say against his will, and then told the secretary, "Change a few cups of green tea and prepare to record the conversation."

I had already served tea, so I specially ordered the secretary to change the tea, not the tea, but the behind-the-scenes communication. Xia thought it clearly, and Lao Gu knew it clearly. Mr. Ji and Mr. Zheng are also people who have been in officialdom for a long time. How can they not know? But he didn't break it, smiled without saying anything, and acquiesced to Wang Renjiu's change of tea.

Wang Renjiu temporarily changed the tea, which actually proved one point. Under the positive and strong pressure of the three old men, he hesitated and had no idea whether to continue to advance the plan he had formulated.

As soon as Xia thought a few people expected, after the secretary went out, he quickly made a telegram. After a minute of the call, the secretary put down the phone and changed the new tea and came back to the conference room.

According to the usual practice, the first cup of tea should be given to Lao Gu first. After all, Lao Gu used to be the highest level in the army, but the secretary didn't know whether he was dizzy or didn't figure out the rules for a while. The tip of the first cup of tea was given to Xiaxiang.

Wang Renjiu knew it in his heart. The order of the secretary's tea was a reminder to him. Someone reminded him that the original plan remained unchanged, and he acted according to the plan!

Lao Gu quietly exchanged eyes with Mr. Ji and Mr. Zheng, and the three old people showed meaningful smiles. Well, if you don't see the coffin, you don't shed tears. You have the nature of a hero, but... Unless you are the first generation of old people who have really experienced the founding of the country, the second generation and the third generation, in front of Lao Gu, Ji Lao and Mr. Zheng, they are still a small generation after all. Even the

Wang Renjiu took a deep breath and strengthened his confidence to win. He asked, "Then I'll ask Xia Shuji first. Did you know about it in advance before Zhang Li assassinated Wu Xiaoyang?"

This sentence is not only a trap, but also very impolite. Xia thought was not unhappi at all. He shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"I heard that Tension has always had a good relationship with you. Is it true?'" Wang Renjiu continued to ask.

"The relationship between me and tension is not bad."

"According to relevant evidence, the reason why Zhang Li no longer served as the governor's secretary before assassinated Wu Xiaoyang is that you suggested to Comrade Mi Jihuo to change the secretary. Does it mean that you knew in advance that Zhang Li would assassinate Wu Xiaoyang? For the sake of safety and to protect the reputation of Comrade Mi Jihuo, you The proposal?'" Wang Renjiu continued to ask, and increased his efforts to try to provoke Xiaxiang, which made Xiaxiang angry and confused.

Xia Xiang is still calm: "This statement is idealistic. Tension was removed from the position of secretary of the governor and there is no direct relationship between him and his personal enmity with Wu Xiaoyang. The two things can't be equal, and there is no causal relationship.'

Wang Renjiu ignored Xia's explanation and continued to ask, "Excuse me, the relationship between Xia Shumaiji and Mu Feng and Xu Guanhua is very close. Is it true?"

"Yes, it's really a good personal relationship." Xia wanted to answer truthfully and was very frank.

"So the preliminary investigation conclusion of the Military Commission is due to the contradiction between Mu Feng and Meng Zan, which triggered Jiao Liang's revenge on you. Do you agree?'"

It can be said that Wang Renjiu's question from beginning to end is either continuing to reverse black and white, or to make Xia want to go astray. In a word, continue to think to the end.

Xia wanted to answer this question directly, but was silent for a while. Then he looked up and smiled meaningfully: "Director Wang, after talking for a long time, you are speculating out of thin air, and there is no real evidence. I don't think we really need to waste any more time... Before coming to the Military Commission, I put up three conditions, one of which is that the matter should not be made public. However, I noticed that the Military Commission should have arranged some reporters, so I just want to make things big and open. In this case, it's better to simply open the skylight and ..., ''

Xia wanted to suddenly raise his voice and said loudly, "I just invite the media to participate in today's meeting. I will explain the cause and effect of the matter clearly in front of the media. Director Wang, do you... dare?''

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