official god

Chapter 1978 Another Major Choice

The capital.

An old house.

Lao Gu sat in the sunset, sat in the sunset, narrowed his eyes slightly, and showed a kind and kind look. He said to several officers standing behind him, "Don't think that Xia wants to be young and low-level and despise him. His current network is bigger than you think. On the one hand, the network is huge, and on the other hand, his rising momentum is very strong. Now it has exceeded 90% of you, and it is estimated that it will exceed all of you this year.

Xia thought that he is now the deputy department. If he surpasses the lieutenant general and major generals around Lao Gu, he must at least go to the department level.

Someone asked puzzledly, "Ancient, Xia [Book] Remember how old is this year?" The meaning of the word is naturally that he does not believe that Xia will be promoted to the main department at the age of 36.

Lao Gu did not answer directly, but said meaningfully: "Now from [Zhongzhong] to the Military Commission, the real rulers are more than 60 years old. Think about the Han Dynasty, think about the prosperous times of the Tang Dynasty, the feudal emperors are all in power in their prime and have made great achievements. In ancient times, they were all generals in their 30s and 40s, and now they are all generals in their 60s and 70s. To be honest, people are old, lack of qi and blood, and everything is not as quiet as anything. There is neither blood nor morale. I think that I used to be a sword immediately, and now I want to sit in a chair and sleep? People can't accept the old. People are always the law of nature! The country of old people's politics is not energetic enough, and the atmosphere is heavy. This is true. If the deputy national senior officials are surveyed on the average age, it must be the politics of the elderly. The so-called old man's rich life experience can govern the country well is just a self-deception. [China] The strongest period of the country was under the rule of young emperors.

"Some people abroad became president at the age of PS. [China] Why can't someone reach the top at the age of 50?" Lao Gu stood up and said, "The country has entered an aging society, and it can't be aging politically! Now at the meeting, you see that they are all old men over 60 years old. With a rigid concept, they don't know modern war, computers, and the international situation, they know how to seek benefits for future generations. If you want me to say, they should all go home and take their grandchildren. ,...

"Spring is warm and the season is good. Yan City is close to the capital and inconspicuous. I'm going to Yan City for a walk and have a look." Looking back, a man behind him said, "Mingke, you arrange a free time to organize a party on the grounds of visiting and studying at Yanshi Army College." Zhao Mingke is the most valued person in the ancient direct line, except for Xu Guanhua. He is 45 years old and has the rank of major general, and now serves as a general.

"It's time to move your arms and stretch your legs." Lao Gu made a cross-waisted posture, as if to return to the years when he was immediately on the sword and on the horse. The sunset is infinitely good, but it is near dusk, but the sunset at dusk still sprinkles thousands of brilliance on the world, to burn the last light of life.

If all the light is gathered together, it will definitely fall on one person's nose.

Yangcheng, Lingnan Provincial Party Committee.

Chen Haotian and Mi Jihuo sat opposite each other and were discussing the next situation in Lingnan.

"Xia wants to give up the position of the Commission for Discipline Inspection [book], which is a general trend, but nothing. It's just that Liu Jinnan is transferred to the deputy governor. Who is more suitable to take over as the secretary-general of the provincial party committee?" Mi Jihuo said that to the outside world, he tried his best to maintain Chen Haotian's authority and did not speak, but he still had a certain right to speak in internal affairs, especially in the adjustment of the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee.

Not to mention the relationship between him and the general [book], you can't even speak or not. The Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee is the housekeeper of the Provincial Party Committee. He must be a trusted person of the Provincial Party Committee. At the beginning, Liu Jinnan's promotion was promoted by Chen Haotian and directly promoted from the main hall to the deputy department.

"I think Tang Qi's name is okay." In Chen Haotian's smile, there is a temptation.

Tang Qi's name? Mi Jihuo was stunned. Did the Honghuā Municipal Party Committee [Book] remember the name of Tang? I haven't heard that Tang Qiming has a good relationship with Chen Haotian, and Tang Qiming is not from other provinces. Why did Chen Haotian suddenly want to promote Tang Qiming?

However, although Mi Jihuo was puzzled, he did not object: "Tang Qi's reputation and qualifications are enough." Chen Haotian smiled and said, "Ji Huo, you must want to know why I nominated Tang Qiming?

It's very simple. First, the secretary-general of the provincial party committee should find the people of the province, which is conducive to the development of the work. Second, Comrade Kang Xiao has just passed away, and the Kuodi Department needs someone to make progress. Third, Comrade Tang Qiming is qualified enough, and after the Kangxiao incident, his position is very firm..."

Mi Jihuo understood that politics is the art of balance, so he nodded and said, "Just follow the instructions of Chen [book]."

He thought it was over, but Chen Haotian mentioned another thing, which made him suddenly realize and better understand the tacit understanding between Chen Haotian and Xiaxiang.

"Tang Qiming no longer serves as the Honghuā Municipal Party Committee [Book], and Mayor Cui Anqi will take over [Book], the position of the mayor, Ji Huo, do you have a suitable candidate?" Chen Haotian asked meaningfully.

Generally speaking, the third-ranked deputy [book] of the municipal party committee, if it is not the last, it is basically natural to take over as mayor. The deputy [book] of the Honghuā Municipal Party Committee is that Li Yifeng and Mi Huo suddenly remembered something. Li Yifeng is not that Xia Xiang has just been promoted from the position of deputy director of Yangcheng to the deputy [book] position of the Honghuā Municipal Party Committee, which is a flat-level transfer, so it is not too abrupt to take

What a preseditated Xiaxiang, what a big seller Chen Haotian, Mi Jihuo smiled secretly. Anyway, he has no conflict of interest with him. Why don't he send a Shunshui person? Moreover, his relationship with Xiaxiang is also very good.

"I nominate Comrade Li Yifeng." Mi Jihuo rudely officially nominated Li Yifeng.

"Good, I agree with your nomination." Chen Haotian smiled and said, "I want to meet Xia later and finalize it." As long as the appointment of the Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee in Tang's name has been approved by the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Chen Haotian's connections in [Zhongzhong] Yang, he wants to mention a Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, [Zhong] Yang will basically recognize his candidate for Li Yifeng The three nodded, and now the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee is unified under the prestige of Chen Haotian, and it is estimated that there will be no opposition.

After getting closer to Xia, Li Yifeng took two steps forward in a short time, which can be said to be very fast.

There are more than a dozen steps in total, only a dozen steps away, but Xiaxiang feels as long as a few hours.

The past is vivid in my mind, and everything flashes in front of my eyes. What comes to my mind is full of Ji Rulan's voice and smile. To be honest, for many years, he has never faced women's confusion, but today, he is really confused.

Although he is not so confused, he is also confused. I don't know how Ji Rulan will deal with the kindness and resentment between her and him.

At the moment when Mr. Ji said to let him go upstairs, Xia wanted to notice the helplessness in Mr. Ji's eyes flashed by, and he didn't know what he wanted to imply.

Xia also knows that he has too many love debts and doesn't want to have emotional entanglements with Ji Rulan, but when she sacrifices her life, as a man, how can she refuse a woman's love for life?

Xia's footsteps are inevitably heavy.

As soon as he went up to the second floor, the right-hand room was obviously Ji Rulan's boudoir, and the door was specially painted purple. Xia Shen hesitated and knocked gently on the door.

"Please come in." Ji Rulan's voice came from inside, light and soft, weak.

Xia wanted to push the door in, but there was no light in the room. The moonlight passed through the window lattice, only making the room hazy, but could not see the figure clearly. Xia wanted to stand at the door without moving. The fragrance of Zhilan came from her nose, and her body was filled with a fresh and elegant fragrance. For a moment, she was intoxicated.

The door behind him closed quietly, and a soft, hot and slightly trembling body came up, and hugged Xia from behind.

Feeling the softness and warm fragrance of the body behind him, as well as the unique fragrance of indifferent orchid huā, Xia Xiang knew that it was Ji Rulan.

Ji Rulan was not low. She hugged Xiaxiang from behind, clung to Xiaxiang's back, and her chin was under Xiaxiang's shoulder.

"I'm sorry, my love" Ji Rulan's voice trembled. "I dare not turn on the light to see you. I'm afraid I can't help loving you again, but I can't love you. You are the first man I have really loved in my life, and you will also be... the last one!"

Xia was distracted and was about to speak, but his mouth was covered by a warm little hand.

"Don't talk, just listen to me."

"If there is no tension to die, I will follow you no matter what I say. Even if you don't want me, even if my family doesn't tolerate me, I'm not afraid. But the tension died. He died because of me and died for me. As soon as I closed my eyes, it was the tragedy of his death. When I think of you, I will think of the tragedy of his jumping. Listening to Ji Rulan whispering in her ear, the light huā is like a dream, the soft sound is like a fantasy, and the heart of summer is also floating, and I don't know the end. Ji Rulan is a wayward woman and a strange woman. She has opinions, talent, and a stubborn and tender side.

"I really want to love you, if the tension is not dead. But Zhang Li is dead. I want to love but I can't love anymore. When I'm with you, I will always remind me of the fact that Zhang Li died for me. I'm in pain, I'm tired, I regret, Xiaxiang, can you understand me?

Xia Xiang nodded silently in the dark. What else could he say? He understood Ji Rulan's inner struggle and pain, but he couldn't say anything of comfort.

"My people and my heart are only open to you, but I can't be with you. My love, please remember my love forever. Maybe one day, I will overcome psychological difficulties, but today, I only hope to say goodbye to you with a kiss..." Ji Rulan turned to Xiaxiang's front and hugged from the front. Xia Xiang, in the dark, her Rulan's lips suddenly pressed on Xia Xiang's lips, and kissed her into tears of lovesickness. Perhaps, for Ji Rulan and Xia Xiang's acquaintance and love, and then to a vigorous love of life, but it may not be the people who love deeply will be together. Kissing goodbye is the best. The ending.

After Xia wanted to go downstairs, the food had been set up in the living room. Mr. Ji solemnly raised his glass to Xia: "Xia [Book], there is one thing I want to entrust to you!"

Xia wants to face another major choice.

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