official god

Chapter 1982 Unexpected Wind

Chen Haotian was very satisfied with the broad consensus reached between Xiaxiang and the Ji family.

In fact, before Xia wanted to go to the Ji family, Chen Haotian had partially learned about the attitude of the Ji family, knowing that the Ji family and Xia wanted to work together for a long time in the future.

For Xiaxiang who came to Lingnan and soon reached a cooperative relationship with the Ji family, Chen Haotian said that it was self-deception that he did not envy. In fact, when he first came to Lingnan, he also wanted to reach a broad consensus with the Ji family, but unfortunately, it was not reached after all.

It's not because he is not as capable as Xia. If he has to clarify a reason, he would rather say that he is not as young and handsome as Xia.

However... Chen Haotian just took Xiaxiang as a joke. He was very happy to see the interaction between Xiaxiang and the Ji family, mainly because of the Ji family's support for the political reform he proposed, which gave him a great reassurance!

With the strong support of the Ji family, it is equivalent to the unity of the Lingnan three departments around the provincial party committee. Lingnan's internal efforts make him have no worries and can concentrate on dealing with the pressure of the outside world.

In fact, Xia Xiang also relieved the pressure from the outside world a lot for him. Xia Xiang sent a message to the Ji family for the Prime Minister, so that the pressure from the outside world specifically targeting him can be solved!

It is precisely because of this that Chen Haotian officially proposed political reform on the premise that there is no external pressure and no internal troubles. If someone in the outside world is politically high enough, it is enough to draw a conclusion from the fact that he has freed his hands to raise the banner of political reform - some people are doomed to failure.

I have to say that Xia Xiang has not been in Lingnan for a long time, so he has wiped out a lot of worries for him from the outside to the inside. If anyone wants to be like God's help in officialdom, then whoever gets Xia Xiang's help will get what he wants.

Chen Haotian patted Xia Xiang on the shoulder: "Xia Xiang, do you yearn for the northeast, southwest, or northwest?"


The night is like water. Xiaxiang and Gu Yu walk on the streets of Yangcheng, and their mood is as relaxed as the clouds in the sky.

Gu Yu chattered non-stop, talking about what she had seen and heard in Yangcheng, an interesting story in Yangcheng, and said that she fell in love with a new car and almost bought it on impulse. Later, she thought that she would drive back to the capital. God, it would take thousands of kilometers, so she gave up the impulse shopping.

Gu Yu's shocking narrative, Xia wanted to listen to it with relish, and felt that after so many years, Gu Yu was still like a child, and she could not hold sadness in her heart. Her happiness and innocence could easily infect everyone around her.

It's not like Ji Rulan, Konggu Youlan's temperament. The flower of love only blooms once, and once is permanent. But he was always immersed in his own sadness and refused to get out of the cage he set.

Everyone has a self-binding side, but they just don't know it.

Xia thought that it was rare to have a leisure time to walk with Gu Yu, so he let go of his mind, put aside politics, carried his hands on his back, walked on the left side of Gu Yu, and walked with her aimlessly.

There are few women who can enjoy Xia Xiang's treatment of leaving behind all the accompanying her for a walk. Gu Yu also knows that Xia Xiang is busy, so he cherishes the rare happiness very much. From time to time, he takes Xia Xiang's hand and shakes it around like a playful child.

After talking about the customs and delicious and fun feelings of Yangcheng, Gu Yu suddenly became homesick: "I want to go back to the capital. The weather in Yangcheng is too sticky and uncomfortable. Also, Grandpa coughs in spring, and I want to go back to accompany him.

The most rare thing is filial piety. Xia wanted to agree: "I'll accompany you to Beijing."

"Good, good." Gu Yu almost jumped up with joy, but then figured out something and said unhappily, "No, you must not want to accompany me on a special trip, but want to go back to the capital to find your little lover, such as Wei Xin, Song Yifan..."

Once Gu Yu mentions the women who want to be in summer, he loves to pull the index, which is extremely funny.

Xia wanted to laugh: "You are getting more and more jealous now. I have business when I go back to Beijing. I want to meet the ancients, the Prime Minister, and the Minister Wu, as you said. Children's homes will think nonsense every day.

"I'm a child in front of you. Sometimes I wonder if I treat myself as a child every day, so I don't have a child..." Gu Yu said as he rubbed his stomach, which was extremely funny.

Xia wanted to smile happily. Gu Yu and Ji Rulan almost had opposite characteristics. If Ji Rulan had half of Gu Yu's simplicity, she would not be worried everywhere.

"Yes, Grandpa said that he wanted to organize a party to be held in Yan City, and you had to be transferred back to the capital. Isn't it true?" Gu Yu's mind jumped quickly, "You should go back to the capital quickly. I don't like you running around the country. There are so many departments in the capital, just be a minister.

If Gu Yu really praises him, can he become a minister casually? How many deputy provincial cadres are there in the country, and how many of them can be straightened and hold important positions? However, he still heard the clue from the ancient jade words. How could Lao Gu say that he was going to be transferred back to the capital?

He really didn't hear the news, not at all.

Could it be said that Wu Caiyang deliberately suppressed Ye Tiannan's nomination, which really intended to pave the way for his next step?

To be fair, Xia wants to be a little uneasy about the road to the main part now. After all, he is too young now. If he steps into the main part now, it is really too dazzling and easy to be put under the magnifying glass to pick up.

Another problem is that whether you are transferred to the capital ministry as a minister or a local governor, you can't escape the pursuit of the news media that likes to catch the wind. Fortunately, the domestic media will definitely report it.

Xiaxiang is actually a good person who likes to keep a low profile.

If you want to enter both the main part and keep a low profile, the first place in the center of the regiment is the best position. However, the first water genius of the Central Committee of the League has not been in office for a short time, and it is impossible to give up the position. The key is that Shuitian is not yet in time to release.

It's time to go to the capital, and the Two Sessions will be held soon. No matter where he is transferred, it will definitely be after the Two Sessions and after Cao Yongguo leaves office.

"Hey, what do you think about? To be honest, which little sister do you think of? Gu Yu pouted and pushed Xia to think about it.

Xia wanted to laugh and said, "I'm thinking about how you want to accompany me tonight?"

Gu Yu was intimidated by Xia's expression. "Ah" jumped to one side: "I'm afraid of you, okay?"

... It's night, and the spring breeze is intoxicated.

At dawn, Xia wanted to see that the time was still early, so he planned to get up a little later, but Gu Yu got up early to take a shower. Hearing the sound of water, he remembered the stars last night and the wind last night, and he was a little confused for a moment.

It's not that Gu Yu's amorous feelings were infinite last night, but he suddenly felt that several old men, Lao Gu, and even Wu Caiyang, seemed to be particularly enthusiastic about pushing him into the front. Although he also vaguely guessed that there would be a big change in the near future, after the big change, There are still a few months left. Why do you have to spare no effort to push him forward now?

What is the hidden political purpose?

Now Lingnan has basically calmed down and entered a period of peace. In the foreseeable future, there will be no more accidents. Lingnan's three systems have returned to the heart, Wu Xiaoyang has been eliminated, and Chen Haotian's external troubles have basically been defeated. If the above aspects are considered, his task in Lingnan has indeed been successfully .

But Lingnan can't be the premise for him to enter the main department at the young age of 36. Xia wanted to turn over and sit up from **, and his eyes suddenly lit up. I'm afraid that several old men are still worried about Ye Changmengduo, so they can't wait to help him get to the position.

Or there are deeper reasons that he doesn't know... Thinking about it, Xia wanted to jump up from ** and shouted to Gu Yu, " Book a ticket and go to the capital immediately."


When the plane landed at the capital airport, Xiaxiang received a phone call as soon as he turned on the machine. Unexpectedly, it was Song Chaodu who called.

And Song Chaodu's voice was very rapid. He came up and said, "It's all my fault, it's all my fault. Xia thought, you have to do me a favor."

It was the first time that Xia thought he heard Song Chaodu's nervous voice, and he was also stunned: "Song, what's wrong? Don't worry, say it slowly."

"What happened to Xiaofan!"

"What?" Xia wanted to be shocked and inexplicably, "What's wrong?"

"She refused to say anything. She just called and cried. I asked her for a long time, and she only said that Lei Xiaoming had bullied her. Song Chaodu's chagrin overflowed with words, "It's also my fault that I care too much about her. I always feel that it's time for her to solve a lifelong event. It happened that Lei Zhixue wanted to introduce Lei Xiaoming and Xiaofan to Xiaofan. I couldn't save face, so I agreed. I thought that Lei Xiaoming was at least a top student studying in the UK, but who knew..."

After hanging up Song Chaodu's phone, Xia wanted to be anxious and immediately called Song Yifan's phone. Unexpectedly, the phone was turned off. Thinking that Song Yifan and Wei Xin were together, he called Wei Xin again. Unexpectedly, he turned off the phone.

What's the matter?

Although Gu Yu would be jealous of Wei Xin and Song Yifan, she was very anxious when she heard that something had happened to Song Yifan. She immediately wanted to go to Wei Xin's company with Xia. Xia Xiang didn't want Gu Yu to see the sorrows of the world with his own eyes, but Gu Yu insisted on going, so he didn't force himself. He drove straight to Wei Xin's company.

halfway, I received a phone call from Lian Ruohan.

"Do you know that something happened to Wei Xin?" Lian Ruohan's first sentence surprised Xiaxiang again.

"I just got off the plane and I'm rushing to Wei Xin's company... What's going on?" Xiaxiang was anxious again.

"I don't know. I just heard from others that Jiang An, the son of a mine owner, pursued Wei Xin and couldn't catch up with him, so he made a bad idea to deceive Wei Xin. By the way, Song Yifan also followed him. I don't know what happened in the end. When I heard the news, I called Wei Xin, but I couldn't get through. It happens that you are here, and it's up to you to deal with it. After a short pause, Lian Ruohan gritted his teeth and said, "If someone really harms Wei Xin, don't be soft, at least let him take care of himself for the rest of his life."

Since he met Lian Ruohan, Xia thought was the first time he heard Lian Ruohan say such tough words.

As soon as she hung up Lian Ruohan's phone, the car had been parked downstairs of Weixin Company, and Gu Yu had just finished the call. She asked, "Grandpa said, is it enough to give you a class of soldiers?"

: There are too few recommended tickets, guys, don't be lazy! RO