official god

Chapter 1987 Behind the Trick

It was the second day that Cao Yongguo came to the capital. NP

He didn't know about Xia's coming to the capital for the time being. As soon as he landed, he reunited with his family and didn't care about contacting Xia.

Cao Shudai took over Cao Yongguo, and Xia Dong also met his grandfather. In addition, Cao Shujun and his wife specially came from Yan City. In addition to Xiaxiang, the family was reunited.

Cao Shuhui's house in the capital is many square meters. Although it is not big, it can be enough. Before Cao Yongguo came to the capital, Wang Yufen also came to the capital about a week earlier, in order to familiarize himself with the environment of the capital with Cao Shuyi, so that Cao Yongguo might be transferred to the capital and do a good job in the preliminary work.

For Wang Yufen, taking good care of Cao Yongguo's life is the top priority. Her daughter is living a very comfortable life now. She doesn't have to worry about it. Although her son has not made much achievements, he is contented and happy, which also makes her very at ease. The young couple are always with her company. Now her thoughts are all in Cao Yongguo's land. She just wants Lao Cao to be healthy and everything goes well. For her, she has the same as the national treatment of the National People's Political Consultative Conference and the chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

Is Lao Cao a national leader? In her eyes, he is also an old man to be taken care of by her.

However, in Wang Yufen's opinion, the only advantage of Lao Cao's ability to enter the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference is that he can live in the capital and have a lot of leisure. Living in the capital, you can be with your daughter, you can also accompany your grandchildren, and it is also close to Yan City. If you want to see your grandson, you can go back at any time. In addition, Lao Cao stepped down from the burden of the secretary of the provincial party committee. He has fewer things and worries, and he can live for a few more years.

is a good thing, absolutely a good thing.

It is also because the family has no requirements for Cao Yongguo to be the secretary of the provincial party committee, so Cao Yongguo is very concerned about the upcoming resignation of the provincial party secretary. Of course, one of the most important reason is that the Cao family has stepped down as a provincial party secretary, and will also support a ministerial-level cadre, and the The secretary of the provincial party committee has a long future.

The first thing Cao Yongguo did after he entered Beijing was to visit Wu Caiyang.

Before, Cao Yongguo and Wu Caiyang also met, but in the office of the Central Organization Department, it was a business meeting, and they didn't say a few words in total. But this meeting was specially arranged by Wu Caiyang, and the meeting was also arranged in a private club, which was a completely private meeting.

The secretary of the provincial party committee who can meet with the minister of the Organization Department of the Central Committee in private is not absent, but there will not be many. First, the Minister of the Organization Department of the Central Committee will not make a high profile to establish a close personal relationship with the officials of Fengjiang, which is easy to be taboo. Second, Wu Caiyang But it is the candidate under drawing.

Therefore, Cao Yongguo was still slightly excited about the private meeting with Wu Caiyang. Another reason is not only because Wu Caiyang is the future helmsman of the Wu family, the head of the four major families, but also because of the complicated relationship between Xia Xiang and the Wu family.

The meeting with Wu Caiyang went smoothly. He talked about some personal topics and talked about the life and weather in the capital. Finally, the focus fell on Cao Yongguo's next step. Wu Caiyang only clicked a little: "I'm working with all parties."

Cao Yongguo knows it in his heart.

After seeing Wu Caiyang, Cao Yongguo met Gu Qiushi again.

Gu Qiushi's words are much the same as Wu Caiyang's words, but he is more implicit than Wu Caiyang's, implying that he will try as hard as possible, and will definitely give Cao Yongguo a satisfactory answer, so that Cao Yongguo, who has been working for the country and the people all his life, will not feel that the At the same time, Gu Qiushi conveyed the General Secretary's condolences to Cao Yongguo more implicitly.

Cao Yongguo was greatly comforted.

After going back, I couldn't help shaking my head secretly after careful thinking about it. Whether it was Wu Caiyang or Gu Qiushi, I was willing to meet him patiently and explain it. In fact, it was all based on Xia Xiang's face!

... Marrying his daughter to Xiaxiang is the wisest decision he has ever made in his life.

However, what Cao Yongguo didn't think of was that after Wu Caiyang and Gu Qiushi, the general manager sent the news through his secretary to arrange a meeting with him! And it's also a private meeting.

With a nervous and puzzled mood, Cao Yongguo and Zong Li met in private. It was in Zong Li's favorite meeting place. In a relaxed and easy-going atmosphere, Zong Li expressed his condolences and care for him. It is not a denial of him to let him retire in advance. On the contrary, it is the central government's affirmation and encouragement to him. He hopes that he will continue to contribute to the Party and the country with full enthusiasm in his new position.

Finally, General Li repeatedly told Cao Yongguo to pay attention to his health. The wind and sand in the capital is strong in spring, and the dryness is easy to get on fire, so that he can stay in the capital at ease.

If the teaching of Chunchun of General Reason has made Cao Yongguo feel warmth and care, then when parting, General Reason not only sent him downstairs in person, but also held his hand and solemnly mentioned Xiaxiang: "Comrade Xiaxiang is a very excellent young man, and I appreciate his feelings for the country and the people. I think we should give Comrade Xiaxiang more burdens. The country needs talents like him to go to more important jobs.

Cao Yongguo was more determined. His reasonable words gave him great encouragement and comfort. First, he told him that his deputy national treatment was expected to be solved, and second, the door of Xiaxiang's main department was about to be opened.

Cao Yongguo also knew that Zong Li was eager to receive him, all because Zong Li's appreciation of Xia thought, but it was not clear. Chong Li now not only appreciates and valued Xia, but also asked for Xia thought in some things.

Yes, the general ideal is to achieve the political reform he wants, or other purposes. If Xia doesn't want to open up the situation from generation to generation, it will be difficult to get what he wants.

The importance of Xiaxiang is becoming more and more prominent.

Xia thought that at this time, he did not know that his father-in-law had received super-standard treatment in the capital. For the first time, he sat face to face with Lei Zhixue and felt the hidden atmosphere hidden under Lei Zhixue's calm temperament. Although it was not the pressure from the face, it was deeply unfathomable

Song Chaodu described Lei Zhixue as unfathomable. When Xia wanted to see it for the first time, he only recognized Song Chaodu's conclusion on Lei Zhixue as soon as he met.

"Secretary Xia, in fact, I have wanted to know you for a long time, but I haven't had a chance. Although there is a reason for Xiao Ming to sit together today, the time is ripe. Lei Zhixue picked up a cup of tea and said, "First, use tea instead of wine, and toast Secretary Xia for a cup."

"I dare not, I respect Secretary Lei." The etiquette on the scene should not be abandoned. Xia wanted to do it first. "I have also been listening to Secretary Lei for a long time. I have been looking up for a long time. Today, when I saw him, Secretary Lei was really extraordinary."

"Ha ha, Secretary Xia is overrated. In front of your youth and vitality, I feel a lot of pressure." Lei Zhixue's smile has three points of sincerity and four points of humility. In short, it makes people feel very kind and sincere, not pretentious at all. "To be honest, after I arrived in the Western Province, I felt the nostalgia of the people of the Western Province for Comrade Cao Yongguo. I have always admired Secretary Cao and also wanted to It's not a coincidence."

"Today, I would like to invite Secretary Xia to come over. First, I want to get to know him and deepen my understanding. Second, I want to ask Secretary Xia to send a message to Secretary Cao on my behalf, saying that Lei Zhixue wants to ask him a few questions about the future development of the Western Province."

Lei Zhixue's statement is to be sincere or pretend to ignore it for the time being. At least his attitude is very correct. In front of Xiaxiang, he has neither the arrogance of the youngest ministerial-level senior official who is as famous as Gu Qiushi, nor the complacent of a faction's reserve force. Even the airs of Uncle.

And it also poses to have an equal dialogue with Xia.

In addition, Lei Zhixue did not mention the current situation of Lei Xiaoming, which made Xia want to admire his forbearance.

"Akay, I will definitely send it to Secretary Lei's words." Xiaxiang's attitude is neither cold nor hot, not far nor near, very measured. Since Lei Zhixue does not take the initiative to mention Lei Xiaoming, he does not mention it. Anyway, he is not in a hurry.

Then, he said a gasp. Lei Zhixue not only did not mention Lei Xiaoming's matter again, but also the short and fat man who kept wiping his sweat seemed to have forgotten, but he did not introduce who he was. The short and fat man wanted to speak several times and stopped, but he secretly looked at Lei Zhixue several times. Seeing that Lei Zhixue did not have any hints, he did not dare to speak after all.

Xia Shang also talked gossip with Lei Zhixue for more than half an hour as if nothing had happened. Seeing that it was not early, he ate the meal and asked for wine, but Xia Shang only took a sip and stopped drinking on the grounds of driving, and Lei Zhixue was not reluctant.

After 9:00 p.m., at the party was over, Lei Zhixue personally sent Xia to get on the car. It was not until the moment when Xia wanted to get on the car that he casually pointed to the short and fat man who had been following him: "Jiang Gang, Jiang An's father."

Jiang Gang finally heard that Lei Zhixue mentioned his name. He nodded and bowed and wanted to laugh with him: "Secretary Xia, I'm the chairman of Anda Mining Company in the Western Province. Please take good care of me..."

Xia wanted to take Jiang Gang's business card casually, put it in the car, and didn't say anything. He kicked the accelerator and drove away.

Jiang Gang was stunned on the spot. Looking at the taillights that Xia wanted to disappear quickly, he suddenly spit and cursed viciously: "A provincial party secretary Lei, what crazy? Damn, next time I'll take out 10 million to smash you. If you don't believe it, you won't give me a smiling face"

When he turned around, he saw Lei Zhixue's unhappy face. He knew that he had said something wrong and was busy with a smiling face: "Secretary Lei, I..."

Lei Zhixue waved his hand impatiently: "Jiang Gang, you go back first.

Jiang Gang wanted to say something more. Lei Zhixue turned around and left without looking back. He left him alone on the spot and didn't move for a long time.

After Lei Zhixue returned to the room, he sat quietly for a while, and then someone pushed the door in. He sat in front of Lei Zhixue and said, "Secretary Lei, you really have self-restraint. You don't even mention a word of business. If it were me, I would directly submit

Lei Zhixue shook his head slightly, looked up at the person, and said, "Anai, Xia wants to say that he has played with you several times and won. What can you do with him now?"

With a quiet sentence, the government suddenly became angry: "Secretary Lei doesn't need to provoke me. Xia and I are about to settle the account."