official god

Chapter 1992 Xiaxiang's Chip

After Lei Xiaoming was released, he returned to his house in the capital. As soon as he entered the door, he found that Lei Zhixue was waiting for him.

Before that, Lei Xiaoming did not call Lei Zhixue. He was also a little afraid of Lei Zhixue's majesty. Although he also knew that his father still had a deep doting in his majesty, it was not indulgent doting, but conditional care.

Lei Zhixue is rigorous, very strict with himself, and the requirements for the people around him are almost harsh. Only the requirements for his son, under the superficial strictness, are actually doting and indulgent. I can't help it. There are no parents who don't spoil their children. It's just the degree of importance.

However, because of Song Yifan's problem, Lei Xiaoming and Xiaxiang had an unexpected conflict, which made Lei Zhixue hate Lei Xiaoming for listening to the instration of his friends, and he couldn't help but feel unhappy with Xia.

Lei Zhixue's promotion road has always been smooth, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a flat step. He did not have the experience of starting from the grass-roots level like Xia, nor did he experience the experience of the position of politics. He worked from the district governor to the minister in the capital, and then as soon as he left the capital, he became a feudal official. He was obedient, and there were almost no twists and tribulations.

It is precisely because of this that Lei Zhixue has developed a calm and calm temperament on the surface, and in the dark, it is the self-confidence that can't be lost to the last time!

But on the matter of Lei Xiaoming, under the aggressive momentum of Xiaxiang, although he maintained his demeanor and calmness, in fact, his inner resentment was full of his chest.

Xiaxiang is too arrogant!

Sure enough, he is young and ambitious. I don't know the depth of heaven and earth. With the support of someone, he wants to challenge his authority head-on? Who is he? He is the youngest provincial party committee, the reserve force, and the national helmsman of the future that is at the same time as Gu Qiushi!

What is Xiaxiang? Even if Xia wants to be the seventh generation, he has to be recognized by the sixth generation to reach the top. That is to say, it is impossible for Xia to bypass him and enter the Politburo.

It is said that Xia wants to be young and heavy, but from the incident that Lei Xiaoming and Jiang An were beaten and imprisoned, Lei Zhixue's view on Xia Shang has changed, believing that the rumors from the outside world are not true. Xia Shang is not a person who is important and rational. He has the impulse that young people in their 30s

That is to say, he is different from the calmness in the outside world.

Through his contact with Xiaxiang, Lei Zhixue has gained an intuitive impression of Xiaxiang - Xiaxiang is a young man with extraordinary political wisdom, 13 years younger than him, but more stable and skillful than he was 13 years ago. However, if it is now concluded that Xiaxiang will have a lofty future and can reach the top one day, It's too early to say.

Lei Zhixue is not completely optimistic about the prospects of Xia Xiang. He also knows that many people are trying to promote Xia Xiang to help Zheng this year. For Xia Xiang's hope to enter the main door at such a young age, he is not optimistic... Mu Xiu Yu Lin, the wind will destroy it.

If Xia wants to correct it within the year, he even thinks it is the biggest wrong step that Xia wants to take!

If Lei Zhixue knew that Xia Xiang not only wanted to help Zheng within the year, but also just held an unprecedented military conference in Yan City, he would not only be shocked, but also shocked inexplicably, and would believe that Xia Xiang was looking for his own death.

After meeting with Song Chaodu, he returned to Lei Xiaoming's usual home in the capital and waited for Lei Xiaoming to come back. His intuition told him that the calm talks with Song Chaodu showed that Song Chaodu had an attitude of not mentioning the aftermath of dealing with Lei Xiaoming's incident. So with the close relationship between Xiaxiang and Song Chaodu, Song Chaodu did not blame the past, and Xia thought would definitely let people go.

Lei Zhixue was really powerful. His inference was completely correct. After waiting at home, Lei Xiaoming came back.

Seeing that Lei Xiaoming's face was bruised, his nose was covered with gauze, and one eye was still swollen. No matter how embarrassed he was, he would be. The anger that Lei Zhixue suffered under the light beating of the Song Dynasty suddenly expanded a lot. The resentment against Xiaxiang deepened a little.

Yes, although the atmosphere of the meeting with Song Chaodu is still harmonious, it is obvious that there is a sense of beating in Song Chaodu's words, which makes Lei Zhixue, who has always been smooth sailing and enviable, very dissatisfied, but it is not easy to show it to his face. After all, he is at a loss. After all

A small matter, my son was beaten badly by Xia Xiang, and he was woken up by the Song Dynasty, which made people angry when he thought about it. I wanted to scold Lei Xiaoming as soon as he saw him, but when he looked embarrassed, he softened again.

"Xiao Ming, how can you... hang out with people like Jiang'an?" Lei Zhixue stood up with a sad face, "You have lost all my face!" Song Yifan is the daughter of Song Chaodu. How can you fool her?

"I'm not messing with you!" Lei Xiaoming was also angry. When he came up, he was scolded by Lei Zhixue. He was not convinced, "I just thought of Yanshi, thinking of the place where Song Yifan grew up to courted her, surprise her, and moved her... I was sincere. For her, I don't want any women. What did I do wrong?"

"You're still stubborn!" Lei Zhixue slapped Lei Xiaoming in the face, "Don't forget how Ye Tiannan fell, and don't forget how Fan Ruiheng and Gao Chengsong fell! Their common disadvantage is that they are too indulgent to their son, which makes Xia want to catch the loophole. Do you also want to be killed by Xia as a typical one?

"Xiaxiang, Xiaxiang again, how can you hear this annoying name every day?" Lei Xiaoming was restless, "I didn't do anything bad. Xia thought just took the opportunity to make trouble and deliberately beat people. Dad, your provincial party committee, why are you afraid of a deputy of the provincial party committee? I don't understand."

Lei Zhixue didn't expect Lei Xiaoming to dare to talk back to him. In the past, although Lei Xiaoming was not a very obedient child, he was not so unreasonable. He knew that Lei Xiaoming was indeed wronged.

Lei Zhixue sat back again: "Xiao Ming, you don't know that the officialdom is like a battlefield, step by step, careless, all the game is lost. I have tried to keep a low profile now, but there are still news media to dig my background and my backstage, and I can't wait to dig three feet to find out If Xia wants to make trouble for you and blame me for not being able to teach my son, what a bad impact will it have on my reputation?

"Dad..." Lei Xiaoming's voice also lowered a little, "I really didn't want to hurt Song Yifan. It's too late to love her. How can I hurt her? But..."

"But what?" Lei Zhi's mind is not good at learning.

"But Jiang An said that women are the easiest to be moved. Maybe when they arrive in Yanshi, they will touch the scene and fall in love. Coupled with sweet words, Song Yifan and Wei Xin will throw a hug..." Lei Xiaoming is a young man in his twenties. He is at the age of fantasy and sexual impulse for women. With Her hope is that she will make 100% effort.

"Nonsense!" Lei Zhixue was angry again, "Song Yifan is not a second-rate and third-rate little star. She is the daughter of the Provincial Party Committee! You should have less contact with Jiang'an in the future. What is Jiang'an? He is just a local rich man who is waiting to die.

Lei Zhixue painstakingly educated Lei Xiaoming. It was not that he was keenly aware that he had to restrain Lei Xiaoming to prevent Xia from catching his loopholes, not that he knew that he was about to stage a cross-generational collision with Xia xiang, but out of instinct.

Yes, Lei Zhixue has an instinct that is close to animals to detect the approaching danger in the change of the wind direction and the fine-tuning of the situation in the officialdom.

"How is Jiang An now?" Lei Zhi is angry, but Jiang Gang, as the richest man in the western province - whether he is really the richest man, there is no need to study it carefully for the time being. As a provincial party committee, he does not dare to say that he can find out how much money the coal boss in the western province has. He has made great contributions to the economic development of the western Yes.

"I don't know." Lei Xiaoming replied simply, "He and I are not locked up, but Jiang'an's ribs are broken. It seems that someone is treating him."

Speaking of being imprisoned, Lei Xiaoming was angry again: "Dad, things can't be settled like this. I was slapped in the face and imprisoned again. You are the provincial party committee, so it's over. Where can I put my face?"


Xia wanted to go to the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference with Wu Caiyang. In fact, he didn't mean to show off anything or create a topic, but just on the way.

When he arrived at the CPPCC, Xia Xiang broke up with Wu Caiyang and was busy with his own important things. Wu Caiyang also wants to meet with the president and the prime minister, and he will meet with Mr. Zheng and Mr. Ji to finally finalize the issue of Cao Yongguo's deputy state-level treatment. If nothing unexpected happens, Cao Yongguo will live in the capital after the Two Sessions.

The meeting with Mr. Zheng and Mr. Ji was very smooth. In fact, the preliminary work was ready. This meeting was just to deepen the relationship. In addition, Mr. Ji personally came to the capital to promote the smooth progress of Cao Yongguo's affairs. With such affection, Xia wants to come forward to express his solemn gratitude.

Mr. Ji didn't care about Xia Xiang's solemn gratitude, but just hoped that Xia Xiang would make a bigger difference after the Two Sessions. On the contrary, Mr. Zheng is becoming more and more interested in Xiaxiang now, and he said something that made Xiaxiang very moved.

"Xia Xiang, the country has had no war for decades, and there have been no immortal figures for decades. I hope that in my lifetime, I can meet a young man with courage and achievements, and finally stand on the highest political stage and make a voice of China's real rise to the world!"

Xiaxiang admires Mr. Zheng's ancestors very much. He believes that the ancestors of the Zheng family are one of the greatest leaders since the founding of the People's Republic of China and the chief designers that Chinese people miss most.

Then, Ji Lao said meaningfully, "Lao Gu told me that he was ready to bet on you, and also encouraged me and Mr. Zheng to increase my bargaining chips on you. After discussion, Mr. Zheng and I decided..."

Zheng Lao smiled and said, "Don't put too much pressure on Xia, just let him move forward according to his own ideas. I just want to say that it's hard to strike iron.

Mr. Ji nodded: "From now on, there is still half a year before the change of the term. In half a year, Mr. Zheng and I will make a final judgment on your future development. Before that, Mr. Zheng and I will give you an answer!" RO