official god

Chapter 1994 The Last Meeting

After the event in Yanshi, Xu Guanhua first returned to the capital, met Cong Fenger and Li Qin, and then returned to Yangcheng on the same day.

There are too many things. He can't stay in the capital for one more day, and he can't stay with Cong Fenger.

Now that Yangcheng is calm, he mentioned the matter of asking Cong Fenger to reunite with him in Yangcheng, but Cong Feng'er still didn't agree. The reason is different from before. The previous reason was that she didn't want to go to Yangcheng early to distract Xu Guanhua, but now the reason is that she wants to stay in the capital and contribute to Xiaxiang's economic plan.

Xu Guanhua also knows a little that Xiaxiang has a mysterious economic team in addition to the political team, but he doesn't know how large Xiaxiang's economic team is. However, the prestige meeting held in Xiama District shocked a large hotel to be closed for three days. He knew that the capital power behind Xiaxiang was amazing.

In Xu Guanhua's cognition, the biggest capital force behind Xiaxiang is Xiao Jia. Xiao Jia has more than one billion industries... Now the market value of Xiao Jia's industry has reached billions - it is strong enough. Is there any capital strength than Xiao Jia?

Li Qin is not a person with a big mouth, but she is willing to shock others how scary Xia Xiang's strength is, so she said something that Xu Guanhua has been closed since he returned to Yangcheng.

"The strength of Secretary Xia's economic team, if united, can be Wu's next province!"

Of course, Li Qin's words are not exaggerated. It is only based on acquisition and holding, from the perspective of business. In fact, it is impossible to buy a province under the current domestic political system.

However, Li Qin's goal obviously reached Xu Guanhua's aftertaste of Li Qin's words all the way. He took it seriously, because in his opinion, there is nothing Xia wants to do.

Xu Guanhua was shocked that he thought that when the baton of the ancient general was handed over to Xiaxiang, Xiaxiang would be like a god's help, but he didn't expect that even if Xia Xian didn't take over the baton of the army, he would go further than he thought.

With such a strong economic strength, if Xia wants to do something, can he kill a lot of people with money?

Xu Guanhua's idea is a little simpler. After all, he is a soldier who has no detailed concept of how the economy affects the political pattern. It's just a brief idea. He did not know that behind Li Qin's propaganda of Xia Xiang's turbid strength to him, he was also starting to arrange the next step of mergers and acquisitions.

And Cong Feng'er is indeed making every effort to invest in the economic plan at the request of Li Qin, so as to lay a good foundation for Xia Xiang's road to heaven now and in the future.

Xu Guanhua returned to Yangcheng... Li Qin and Cong Fenger participated in the economic plan. He couldn't get involved. The Two Sessions, which were being held in the capital, had nothing to do with him... What he had to do now was to continue to eliminate the remnants of Wu Xiaoyang and complete the final end.

If not unexpected, the news of Wu Xiaoyang's death will be informally announced after the Two Sessions, and the official announcement will probably be delayed for several months. But whether it is informal or officially announced, now basically everyone in the Yangcheng Military Region knows that Wu Xiaoyang has said goodbye to the world.

Therefore, the work of eliminating the remnants of Wu Xiaoyang has progressed much more smoothly.

Wu Xiaoyang's direct lineage, many people have been shot directly, and many others have to go to military court, which is basically a fate to avoid being in prison. In addition, several old officers above major generals have surrendered.

The situation is very good, which makes Xu Guanhua very gratified. After a few days of isolation, Shi Qishun regained his freedom, but if nothing unexpected happens, Shi Qishun will soon retire. His position will be taken over by Mu Feng.

Yes, the general secretary has issued an appointment, and Mu Feng has been officially promoted to major general!

And Xu Guanhua will also take a step forward, be promoted to lieutenant general, and replace Wu Xiaoyang as the commander of the Yangcheng Military Region!

The power of the ancient times has won a complete victory.

To be honest, if it hadn't been for the push behind Mr. Ji and Mr. Zheng, the pace of Xu Guanhua and Mu Feng would not have been so big. It also has to be admitted that it is precisely because of Xia Xiang's careful planning, as well as Xia Xiang's sad and indignation speech and blood in the Military Commission, which has doubled the pressure on the Military Commission. Otherwise, if Xu Guanhua and Mu Feng want to move forward significantly, they will also have a lot of resistance.

Of course, we must also see the key role played by the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee, especially the appearance of Chen Haotian, which has brought a lot of pressure to the Military Commission. But Xu Guanhua knew in his heart that behind Chen Haotian's appearance was to come forward for Xia, not for him. He and Chen Haotian had no friendship.

In any case, Xu Guanhua must agree with Xiaxiang's key role in it. He raised his hands in favor of the power of the ancient general to entrust Xiaxiang.

In fact, the Yangcheng Military Region is about to be surnamed Xu, but before that, Xu Guanhua still has a big thing to complete... According to the remaining forces of Wu Xiaoyang, Wu Xiaoyang's embezzlement amount is very huge, which can be called the first case of corruption of senior generals after the founding of the People's Republic

The key is that some of the evidence points to the senior management of the Military Commission!

Xu Guanhua was not only shocked, but also a little uneasy. Things in the army cannot often be theorthetical. If at the local level, even if it involves deputy senior officials at the national level and operate properly, it is possible to pull the other party down. However, in the army, when it comes to the senior management of the Military Commission, it is difficult to take advantage of the situation to let the other party fall off the horse, or even if it is careless, it is likely to suffer.

We must deal with it carefully. Xu Guanhua is also facing a severe test not only to achieve certain political goals and warn some people not to act rashly, but also to keep the remaining power of Wu Xiaoyang as a bargaining chip.

How to use the Wu Xiaoyang incident to further consolidate the results and expand the territory is Xu Guanhua's most important task at this stage. He must do his best to seize every favorable terrain as possible, and work hard for the first comprehensive expansion of Xia Xiang's power in the army.

In the same way as Xu Guanhua's efforts to promote the military plan, Li Qin and Cong Fenger are discussing the next national layout for Xia Xiang's economic plan.

Compared with the past, which was only limited to one province and one place, now Li Qin's vision has looked at the whole country. If Xia Xiang's economic team is compared to a large holding company, Lian Ruohan is the chairman, Li Qin is the general manager, and Cong Fenger is the deputy general manager.

As for others, such as Xiao Jia, such as Qi Yanan, such as Sun Xianwei, and Xiao Wu, they are all equivalent to major shareholders.

Lian Ruohan is responsible for the overall planning and fund allocation, while Li Qin is responsible for the specific details and implementation. Previously, Lian Ruohan had held a plenary meeting to convey the spirit of Xiaxiang's three-point instructions.

First, under the premise of further improving the existing economic structure, at this stage, most industries still aim to double the output value and market value with the main purpose of increasing the total capital and economic scale.

Second, strive to fully control the domestic food industry within three to five years, and gradually control the source, production and sales of the food industry in the form of participation or holding, so as to achieve the initial goal of fully controlling domestic food safety. Food is the first necessity of the people, so that the people can eat reassuring food, which is one of the most basic dreams of Xiaxiang.

Third, strive to gradually control the three major industries of food, medicine and energy in China within five to ten years, and fundamentally solve the three major problems that plague the people. If the food safety problem is not solved, no matter how much money you make, there is no sense of security. The windfall profits of medicine are not eliminated, and wealth and poverty are only between a serious illness. If the energy problem is not solved, it will extend a series of serious problems. Prices rise, the cost of living increases, and the happiness index of the people declines. No matter how big and widespread it is, the energy crisis can even cause unrest in the country.

Xia wants to play a big game of chess. Fortunately, he has military strength. He has ancient care, Xu Guanhua and Zhao Mingke to implement it in detail. In the economic team, he has Lian Ruohan in charge, and Li Qin and Cong Fenger are in charge of it.

But without political power, the military force cannot be commanded, and the economic force cannot call for wind and rain. One of the things Xiaxiang is trying to promote now is to ensure that his political path is broader and his future is more ambitious.

He can not participate in the layout of military force in person. He can only guide and not intervene in the plan of the economic team, but the construction of the political road must be done in person!

As the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, he may not have too many appearances during the two sessions, but Xiaxiang, who is far away from the flash, hides behind and takes advantage of the great opportunity for the members of the national provincial party committee to gather in the capital. On the occasion of this meeting, he carried out a series of behind-the-

It should be said that this Two Sessions is the last meeting before the 18th National Congress, and we can't miss a good opportunity. Or it can be said that the two sessions are the last opportunity for Xia to carry out all-round activities under the protection of the General Secretary and the Prime Minister. After the 18th National Congress, it will be another brand-new situation.

It has only been more than half a year. In half a year, where can he go? Can he go from a towering tree to a Maowei forest? No matter how heavy the storm can destroy him, it's all between his operation.

On the third day of the Two Sessions, Xiaxiang basically completed all the deployment. He had an in-depth conversation with Chen Feng, Qian Jinsong, Mei Shengping, Fu Xianfeng and others, and completed the layout of the first stage of the future situation.

When Chen Feng heard that he was expected to enter the National People's Congress as the vice chairman to solve the deputy national treatment, he was surprised and held Xia's hands tightly. He was so excited that he couldn't speak. Who would have thought that he moved Xiaxiang from Ba County to his side by a single thought. He didn't expect that the reward he got now was so rich that it was unimaginable!

Thinking of him around him was the most wise blessing he had ever done in his life.

A week later, the Two Sessions officially ended. At the press conference where the Prime Minister answered questions from reporters, the Prime Minister pointed out a matter meaningfully. At that time, it did not trigger much media speculation, but no one expected that on the second day after the end of the Two Sessions, a major event that shocked the whole country and caused a sensation in the world