official god

Chapter 1996 A very intriguing phenomenon

Ye Tiannan has had a good time in the capital in recent days.

It was because many things came to an end one after another. Although it was Xiaxiang's victory, he also regarded it as his own victory, which made him feel relieved and very gratified.

If Ye Tiannan thinks about it deeply, he will probably be surprised by his transformation. Once upon a time, he regarded Xiaxiang as the biggest opponent, and later lost to Xiaxiang, and regarded Xiaxiang as the biggest enemy.

But not long after arriving in Lingnan, he slowly slipped to Xia Xiang's camp - although there are reasons why the Prime Minister attaches great importance to Xia Xiang at this stage, and there is also reasons why he personally wants to open up the situation in Lingnan, which is inseparable from Xia Xiang's support - and he is also very happy and realizes the

Xia wants to be quite cruel to his opponent, but he loves his allies very much. Ye Tiannan is a smart man. Under the situation, he realized that Xia wants to intend to incorporate him into the political system, and he will lose the greatest help with the retreat of the prime minister.

Of course, with Ye Tiannan's human and political standpoint, it is impossible to turn to Xia in an all-round way, but it is also a great opportunity for him to get closer to Xia in exchange for greater political space.

Especially when Xia wanted to mention Jiang Gang's name, Ye Tiannan turned around and found out the Jiang'an incident clearly, and immediately understood Xia wanted to test him!

Although Ye Tiannan does not know who is the biggest force in Xia Xiang's political team, he is very confident. If he joins Xia Xiang's camp, he will occupy a very prominent position in Xia Xiang's political team - he has always been confident in his political wisdom.

Ye Tiannan let the wind go, deliberately letting the wind spread to Jiang Gang's ears, making Jiang Gang believe that only through his appearance can Jiang'an's detention trouble be successfully solved.

Jiang Gang was really fooled, and immediately asked someone to contact Ye Tiannan and offered to invite Ye Tiannan to dinner. Ye Tiannan was happy to go to the banquet during the Two Sessions. Anyway, there was not much to do.

There is no need to mention the food and drink with Jiang Gang. Jiang Gang's naked sincerity also made Ye Tiannan's eyes red-eyed and warm-hearted, and he almost couldn't control it. Later, he forced himself to endure it and did not accept Jiang Gang's generous gift. He also knew that it was Xia wanted to test him. The position of the committee should also be failed.

Then, Ye Tiannan vaguely reported the story to Xia, and asked Xia for instructions on how to make a big deal out of Jiang'an.

Xia thought did not answer directly, but said meaningfully, "Tiannan, you have full control to deal with the matter. I believe you."

What does summer mean? Ye Tiannan figured out the meaning of Xia's thoughts for a long time, and finally suddenly guessed something. He laughed and called Jiang Gang again.

Ye Tiannan made a phone call. Jiang Gang was on call, but he couldn't do it. Jiang'an was imprisoned for several days, and his relationship was all over. He gave tens of millions of gifts alone, but he couldn't get people out. He also went to Lei Zhixue several times, but after two results, Lei Zhixue was very impatient to shut him out.

It's the same. Xia wants to let Lei Xiaoming go. Why does Lei Zhixue mind more to save Jiang'an? Jiang Gang understood Xia's approach of differentiation, and then he knew that he deliberately released Lei Xiaoming and detained Jiang'an, in fact, in order to increase the gap between him and Lei Zhixue.

Now Ye Tiannan has become his only straw, and he regards Ye Tiannan's words as the imperial edict.

Ye Tiannan deserves to be Ye Tiannan. He really understood Xia Xiang's intention, and he understood it too thoroughly. He directly asked Jiang for 5% of the shares!

Jiang Gang is known as the richest man in the Western Province. His assets are said to exceed 10 billion yuan, but Jiang Gang is not only involved in coal mining, but also has a number of iron and steel mines. The outside world's estimate of his wealth is seriously inconsistent with his real assets. Ye Tiannan conservatively estimated that Jiang Gang's personal assets should exceed 30 billion!

5% of the shares, calculated at the officially announced price of 10 billion yuan, is also a market value of more than 500 million yuan... Ye Tiannan really has a big appetite, and he really dares to open his mouth. If Xia wants to know that Ye Tiannan's appetite is so good, he doesn't know whether he should be lucky to find the right person, or whether Ye Tiannan is more insidious and bold than he thought.

However, let alone, Ye Tiannan really settled Jiang Gang. Although he and Jiang Gang had only met once, he found Jiang Gang's weakness with his unique vision, so he dared to put forward the conditions without changing his face.

As Ye Tiannan expected, Jiang Gang only hesitated and unexpectedly... agreed.


"Actually, I have always hoped that you could stay calm in the capital for a while." Wu Caiyang denied Xia Xiang's speculation with a smile, "I'm afraid it won't go north to Heliao or south to Chu Province. The remote place in the northwest is quite suitable for experiencing a person's temperament."

"Caiyang, the northwest is too remote." Mr. Wu didn't say anything for a long time. Maybe he was really unhappy that Xia wanted to get too close to Mr. Ji and Mr. Zheng, but he didn't show it too obviously. Now he finally said, "It's better not to leave the range of a thousand kilometers around the capital, and it's convenient for Xia to want to return to Beijing Quiet."

"The idea is good, but at present, except for the suitable location in the capital, there are no vacancies in the provinces around the capital for the time being." In terms of Xia Xiang's where to go step by step, there is a small difference between Wu Caiyang and Mr. Wu. He believes that if Xia Xiang can't stay in the capital, it's better to go to a remote place, just like the local Wu Caijiang, silent for a period of time.

The old man doesn't want Xia to go far away. He can't stay in the capital, and he can't go to Yan Province. He just hopes that Xia can get closer to the capital as possible. Although Heliao Province is close enough, his father-in-law has just left, and his son-in-law has arrived, which is too easy to settle down. In addition, after Cao Yongguo gave way to the throne, Heliao Province was taken the position of governor by the opposition department.

Wu Caiyang believes that the old man's move is not based on the consideration of the political situation, but on the judgment of Xia's excessive love. When people are old, it is easy to be emotional.

However, what happened in the future confirmed the old man's foresight, and also surprised Wu Caiyang again the old man's vision of the vicissitudes of life. It was really amazing!

Xiaxiang's promotion - promotion means mobilization. It is impossible to adjust the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee and the governor. Xiaxiang Fuzheng must also be a minister or governor. It is inevitable to leave Lingnan. A very intriguing phenomenon is that the four major families work hard to promote, the ancients actively intervene, and the Ji family and the With the approval of the gang, even the Prime Minister expressed his willingness to be optimistic through channels. Xia wants to become the youngest ministerial-level senior official in China, but the most critical person has not made a clear statement.

Not to mention a clear statement, it has even kept a subtle silence on this matter.

That's right, it's always.

It should be said that it will never stop Xia from thinking of Fu Zheng, and it will definitely be a tacit attitude. It is also the fact that all parties believe that they will always support Xiaxiang's support. After all, Xiaxiang is not only about the general's love, but also about the long-term layout after Guan Yuanqu and Gu Qiushi. It is also thanks to the promotion of Xiaxiang that the General Manager has further strengthened his control over the military.

That's why the total silence seems intriguing and thought-provoking.


After the Two Sessions, the capital gradually returned to its former calm with the departure of representatives from all over the world, but under the calm, many dark tides are brewing a new round of impact.

The Lingnan delegation has returned to Yangcheng. Xiaxiang did not return on the same plane, nor did Ye Tiannan.

Living in the room specially reserved by the Wu family for Lian Ruohan, Xia wanted to look at Lian Ruohan, who was sleeping, but he was not sleepy, although Lian Ruohan's request just now was very crazy.

Thirty is like a wolf and forty is like a tiger. When a woman reaches a certain age, it is also very scary. Fortunately, he was used to Lian Ruohan's sometimes lady and sometimes wild temperament. Seeing that Lian Ruohan's face was still white and smooth, there was no trace left by the years. After giving birth to two children, her figure was still very fit, which also made him feel deeply.

Lian Ruohan is one of the greatest wealth in his life. From the acquaintance of Ba County to today, he has been with him. If Cao Shuyan is his virtuous assistant, then Lian Ruohan is his virtuous assistant.

Although the statement of virtuous foreign aid is very far-fetched, Lian Ruohan is not only the actual leader of his economic team, but also the largest shareholder of the most powerful economic consortium. It is also Lian Ruohan's strong capital that is the place where Xia wants to influence the political situation with the help of economic power in his long-

What's more... What makes Xia want to laugh and cry is that Lian Ruohan still has the power to unify the harem. At least now she has formed a women's corps to include Wei Xin and Gu Yu in it - Song Yifan doesn't count, Song Yifan is at best playing soy sauce, which is important to get involved - and she I also obeyed her orders when I was a child.

However, Xia thought and thought that even Ruohan could really unify the harem. Besides, Xiaxiang had never had the bad idea of establishing a harem. As far as he knew, it was impossible for Fu Xian to be restrained by others, Mei Xiaolin was impossible, and it was impossible for Yan Xiao. That is to say, the power of the mother Just put it in front of you.

At this time, Lian Ruohan fell into a dream. His sweet appearance obviously had a beautiful dream. Xia wanted to smile silently. In the smile, he also exaggerated and misunderstood Ye Tiannan's helplessness.

It's helpless and funny. I didn't expect Ye Tiannan to swallow 5% of Jiang Gang's shares in one mouth. I have to admit that Ye Tiannan is a talent. On the basis of taking advantage of the danger of others and not consulting with black people, he really has a unique talent.

Although Xiaxiang did not agree with Ye Tiannan's approach, he did not object. Ye Tiannan did not sipate the shares, but handed them over to Chen!

With a very smart hand, even Xiaxiang secretly appreciated Ye Tiannan's method of presenting Buddha through flowers. In this way, he opened a door for Chen's intervention in the energy industry in the western province.

With another possibility, Xia's thinking became clearer and clearer. He and Lei Zhixue, the Western Provincial Party Committee, laid a foreshadowing of conflict, and planted a hidden danger of conflict with Jiang Gang, the richest man in the Western Province, and his next step is very likely to go to the Western Province to take It's really interesting. RO