official god

Chapter 2000 Wind Moves the World

On the third day, major news media and online reports about Xiaxiang were still overwhelming. Not only did Xia want to receive countless calls for interviews, but even his parents who were far away in Shancheng were not bored. They were noisy by the reporter's phone calls and had nowhere to hide. Finally, the single city committee came forward to help Xia's parents temporarily settle a house, so that they stayed away from the impact of the media.

Xia An has also experienced a severe test in his life. Many news media can't interview Xiaxiang, and they can't contact Xiaxiang's parents, so they want to start from Xia'an's place. They want to get Xiaxiang's first-hand information through interviews with Xia'an, so that they can be an exclusive report.

Xia An has never seen so many media in his life, and even many foreign journalists have found him through various channels, using all kinds of methods to let him speak.

Fortunately, Xia An is much more mature than before. No matter how the reporter asked, he kept his mouth shut and had no comment. Whether he wanted to take out 10,000 dollars** or the porn** of individual amorous female reporters, he insisted on his position.

Xia An knows that to protect the star is to protect the Zixia family, and then to protect the Cao family.

At this time, Xia An will not think further in the long run. Another point that he is not bold enough to think of is to protect Xiaxiang, that is, to protect the country.

Although many foreign media did not interview Xiaxiang, they still published a large number of articles about Xiaxiang based on various public or non-public materials. From the perspective of comments and analysis, they exclaimed that Xiaxiang's appointment as governor was a historic event in China and even the world. Xia Xiang successfully embarked on the road of governor at the age of Bi'sui. It was the first time that the country had restored the self-confidence of a great country, and it was the Chinese nation once again proudly announced to the world that the coming of the century of the country began with a young governor.

Xia didn't expect that the overseas media paid so much attention to him, and he was shocked and rose to an unparalleled height, which also made him helpless. What he didn't expect was that an overseas media directly described his national treasure with another word!

The unsupervised overseas media's report on Xiaxiang is extremely sharp. If the national treasure of the country, which makes Xia want to laugh and cry, is implicit in comparison, then what's more, some newspapers directly claim that Xia wants to be the core leader of the seventh generation, and the country wants to play a big game of chess in Xia. The title points out that Xiaxiang is expected to lead the country to reach the peak of the world 100 years before the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Xiaxiang's reputation spread all over the world overnight, especially in Western countries.

Even in the small country in the South China Sea, many media have raised strong questions. If Xia wants to win the position when he falls into the year, what policy will he adopt for the South China Sea? Huairou or the iron fist?

The media of the Kingdom of Dongying is even more exaggerated, expressing concern and shock with a red eye-catching title. [Day] There are only 20 years left! Within 20 years, if we can't solve the problem of soy sauce island with the country, after 20 years, we will submit to the iron hooves of the country.

The media directly expressed its shock with appalling statements. Since the Ming Dynasty, [Sun] has never been defeated in the confrontation with [China] country for hundreds of years. Please remember the name of a [China] Chinese people, because Xia thought that if it was not the nightmare of [Sun], it would be [Day]. Re-understand the alarm of your subordinate position in Asia!

To be precise, there are two major events in China that have made the country of Dongying very depressed for a while. First, on the eve of the 18th National Congress, the members of the pro-Japanese Politburo were not only hopeless, but also plummeted. If this person can enter the permanent residence, it will be of great benefit to the economic layout of the country, but unfortunately, not only is it impossible to enter the permanent residence, but it is also good to save his life.

If someone's fall has given Dongying's ambition to take the lead, then Xia wants to help Zheng directly pour another basin of cold water on some immortals in China!

[Day] Ben's long-term plan... In the dream that can never be extinguished is to build an Asian financial empire with the help of the [Zhong] country as a springboard. Of course, the baton of the empire is in the hands of [Day]. Today's situation is not the same as before. If you want to win by war, there is no chance, but there are many kinds of war situations. Economic wars are more hidden, more deceptive than armed wars, and more quietly buying a large number of domestic high-ranking officials and dignitaries for their own use.

However, I sadly found that after Xia wanted to step into the position of governor and laid the direction of future core leaders, after collecting and sorting out a large amount of information about Xia thought, although there is no direct evidence that Xia wants to be anti-Japanese, there is no sign that Xia wants to be pro-Japanese. If Xia finally wants to go to the stage of history, with Xia's youth and the toughness of successive responsibilities, [Sun] will certainly not have been able to get a bargain from the country.

As the most thorough study of [China] and has penetrated into all aspects of the national economy, there is only one thing to do to determine the tone of Xiaxiang to Japan. If it is anti-Japanese, it will use domestic pro-Japanese elements at all costs to promote Xiaxiang to step down, and then increase the economic offensive. Make sure that Xia can't reach the top!

Xia didn't expect that he was still very far from reaching the top, and even before he officially became governor, he had triggered a series of chain reactions, and even foreign forces were ready to attack him. Now Xiaxiang has not become the focus of domestic and even international news, and he is not in a hurry to take office at all. Instead, he is ready to relax at home for a few more days. Raising huā, planting grass, taking a walk, and even wanting to practice calligraphy is a short retirement time.

It is estimated that the overseas media will know what kind of discussion and speculation will be caused by his current [true] real life. Who says that overseas media are fair and fair? In fact, I also like to catch the wind and spread rumors.

After talking with Cao Yongguo last time, Xia thought decided to wait and see what happened. Before he went to the Western Province, he had to wait for one or more key calls.

Xiaxiang did not let Cao Yongguo take the initiative to introduce his direct line, but wanted to wait for Cao Yongguo's direct line to take the initiative to contact him. If it is learned that he is about to go to the Western Province to serve as the governor, and Cao Yongguo's direct line in the Western Province does not take the initiative to call to say hello or ask for instructions, it shows that Cao Yongguo's direct line has changed its position.

Now Xiaxiang is already the governor. With the governor's respect, if he can't let the other party take the initiative to get closer, then Xiaxiang would rather abandon all the direct lines of Cao Yongguo and start a new one.

Whoever takes the initiative to make the first call is his guide in the Western Province!

It has been less than three days since he took office, and there is still no happy word. Xia thought to himself, is it possible that Lei Luoxue's control over the Western Province has reached the level of iron plate? Just thinking about it, the phone rang.

Xiaxiang, who was transplanting a kumquat in the yard, answered the phone with mud with his hands. It was not a call from the Western Province, but by Tang Tianyun.

"Leader, in the Western Province, someone wants to visit."

That's right. Xia wants to officially decide to take Tang Tianyun to the Western Province to take office. Now Tang Tianyun is going through the transfer procedures in the capital. Tang Tianyun's calmness and moderation are the key factors for Xia to finally recognize him.

Tang Tianyun was full of ambition. After being happy, he made up his mind to follow Xia [Book]. No, Governor Xia was beside him, in front of him and behind him.

Xia wanted to laugh silently. Jiang Taigong fished, and the wish was hooked. Sure enough, someone took the initiative to come to the door, which was more direct and sincere than calling. Thinking about it again, he was even more dumbfounded. Then he understood why no phone called in the past few days. In order to avoid the bombardment of the media, he turned off his mobile phone, and few people knew about the phone of the new home decoration in the capital.

It turned out that he refused to be thousands of miles away. He turned off his phone and disappeared. Maybe it would be interpreted as Qinggao by the outside world. Xia wanted to shake his head and smiled and replied to Tang Tianyun, "You can arrange it. You don't have to come home. Just find a place to sit down."

In the capital, there is a high-end clubhouse, paper and gold fans, sound dogs and horses, wine pool meat forest.

Jiang An hugged a charming and enchanting woman and pinched her plump buttocks a few times. Maybe it was too hard and it hurt. The woman twisted her buttocks and muttered something. Jiang An was furious.

He kicked the woman's buttocks and kicked her to the ground. He didn't understand her hatred. He went up and kicked her hard on the chest, so that the woman almost vomited blood.

The security guard outside the door heard that there was something wrong inside and wanted to come in to relieve the siege, but was blocked by Jiang'an's bodyguard. The bodyguards dressed in black were all retired special forces, cold, indifferent and cold-blooded, and only obeyed Jiang'an's orders.

In the Western Province, almost every coal boss has more than a dozen bodyguards. Senior bodyguards have a monthly salary of more than 20,000 yuan, and ordinary bodyguards are also more than 10,000 yuan. It can't be said that every bodyguard will work for his master, but the loyalty is very high under a high salary. If the guardian is meritorious and injured once, he may get a reward of 100,000 yuan at a time.

Last time, for the sake of romance, Jiang An didn't bring a bodyguard, so he was severely punished by Xia.

Now he must bring a bodyguard when he travels, and the anger he suffered from Xiaxiang can't be vented. Now he doesn't like anyone.

He beat the little girl in the clubhouse without a man's image, and then raised his hand and threw away 20,000 yuan: "Take it for the whole face. Tomorrow will be another Korean star."

The beaten little sister picked up the money and left happily. As soon as she left, Lei Xiaoming said, "Brother Jiang, why do you have the same experience as the little sister who wants to make a living? It's not easy for her. "It's not easy for her. I'm easy for me? I kicked her twice and gave her 20,000 yuan. It was too late for her to be happy. If you don't believe it, you can pull her back and ask. I'll slap her five more times and give her 50,000 yuan. Will she do it? Not only will she do it, but maybe she will kneel down and beg me. Jiang An's anger did not subsided. He was stimulated by Xia to think that the western province would serve as the governor. "What did the central leader think? Didn't it hinder the development of the western province to let Xia think of this bastard to serve as the governor of the western province?" That's not necessarily the right time. Lei Xiaoming, who still hangs out with Jiang'an without listening to Lei Zhixue's advice, has been strictly guarded by Lei Zhixue for more than ten years, but as soon as he knew Jiang'an, he quickly learned badly. It can be seen that it is difficult for people to learn well, but there is no need to teach. "In fact

"How to report?" Jiang An's eyes widened, "Who wants to slap Xia in the face? I'll give him 100,000 yuan."

Lei Xiaoming smiled proudly: "You don't have to beat or curse. With just one move, you can make Xia want to lose the Western Province."