official god

Chapter 2013 The Heavy responsibilities of Xiaxiang

The industrial structure of the Western Province is extremely unreasonable. Before Xia thought took office, he had carefully studied the industrial structure of Western Province, but after further contact with it again, he found that the reality was more serious than he thought.

From a global perspective, rich resources can make a place extremely rich, such as the Middle East, or a place extremely poor, such as Africa. The reason for such a disparity is that resources can not only bring wealth to resources, but also bring injustice and oppression to resources.

The western province is very rich in coal resources, which is a rare innate advantage, but the western province is relatively poor, and the development speed is also very slow, unimaginably slow. In 2009, the economic growth rate of Western Province ranked last in the country, and the per capita disposable income of urban areas and the per capita net income of farmers ranked 20th in the country.

A large energy province, a large coal province that lit up the southern half of the country and warmed the northern half of the country. Under the favorable factors of the continuous increase in coal prices, the speed of economic development has never been able to improve, and the shocking numbers stung Xiaxiang's eyes.

There are some images of unclothed coal-backed coal workers in Xia Xiang's eyes. There is nothing all over their body that is not coal ash. If it is not a pair of rotating eyes, it can make them look like a living person. When they stand in front of the coal mountain, they can hardly tell whether they are people or a pile of

The income of coal-backed workers is pitifully low. They spend hundreds of trips of coal a day, and they only get one hundred yuan.

There are more unscrupulous coal miners who hire 13 or 14-year-old children to carry coal and only pay more than ten yuan or even a few yuan a day!

In contrast to this, after the outbreak of coal mine owners, they bought luxury houses and luxury cars to marry second- and third-rate stars. Behind their money-squandering life, there are blood and tears of miners' lives.

The resource-rich provinces are not just one province in the West Province. Why is the coal boss in Duxi Province synonymous with wealth in recent years? Why are there many stories of luxury throwing, 70 million married women, and dozens of Hummers to welcome relatives and show off their wealth in the Western Province? At the same time, the coal nest case and official coal collusion are also common in the newspapers, and all the coal bosses in the Western Province are involved?

What caused the limelight of the coal boss in the West Province?

Who is Xiaxiang? He is a legend who created a giant business empire by himself. He is a legend who has personally experienced the collusion between officials and businessmen and directly fights with countless princes and government officials without defeat. How can he not know the root of the current situation in the Western Province? It is simply under a deformed distribution system that power and capital plunder social wealth unscrupulously!

At the same time, the development of high-intensity coal resources has also caused serious environmental pollution problems. The data shows that the GDP energy consumption and sulfur dioxide emissions of 10,000 yuan in the Western Province are more than twice the national average. The tourism industry vigorously promoted by the Western Province is difficult to achieve the expected results in the coal ash flying sky and in the face of a heavily polluted environment.

If the sinking of ten centimeters per year at the Beijing West Railway Station is a natural disaster, it is also called a natural disaster, and most of them are also caused by design and construction defects...

Then the amazing speed of groundwater in some parts of the Western Province sinking 21 meters in three years due to excessive coal mining is a living human disaster.

One of the root causes of poverty and backwardness in the Western Province is the lack and dereliction of duty of the Western Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government in the management of the coal industry, the unreasonableness of the deformed distribution system, and the strong plunder of social wealth by power and capital.

Therefore, after Xia wants to take office as governor, his first task is to reformulate a reasonable distribution system, which is to work for the rich and unkind coal boss!

Of course, the overall backwardness and poverty in the western province, the unreasonable distribution system, the collusion between officials and businessmen is on the one hand, and on the other hand, the state's squeezing land resource allocation to the western province.

For example, in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, in order to ensure the supply of cities, the state adopted a policy of squeezing the fruits of farmers' labor. Relying on lowering the price of agricultural products, non-agricultural household registration and other household registration allocation policies, farmers were limited to the Only by giving it to a small urban population can the smooth progress of urbanization.

Unfortunately, urban people who get benefits by extracting the fruits of farmers' labor look down on farmers for a long period of time and feel superior to others, which is really a tragedy of a nation.

The subsequent reform and opening up, the policy of letting a few people get rich first, is actually a policy of benefiting a small number of people by sacrificing the interests of most people. What is the result? The coastal provinces and Xiajiang City, which became rich first, also raised their arrogant heads and looked down on the poor and backward inland provinces, but they did not know that without the great sacrifices made by the inland provinces behind them, the wealth of coastal provinces could not be talked about!

Just like Yan Province, which is weakly around Beijing and Tianjin, how many great sacrifices have been made for the development of Beijing and Tianjin, but under the overall situation of the country's obedience, only the officials get benefits, and countless poor people still sacrifice their youth and lives in obscurity.

Specifically, the resources of the Western Province were originally subject to the needs of the country, which was subject to the rapid transformation of agriculture to industry. They were expropriated by the state free of charge and made due sacrifices.

After the reform and opening up, it has become the resource support of coastal development and open areas, and it is necessary to make sacrifices again for the country's development needs and development order. Resources are shipped from the western province at low prices and even free of charge.

According to market laws, the lower the resource transaction price, the more it will harm the interests of the resource source, and at the same time, it will increase the interests of the resource input site. As a result, the development gap will gradually widen.

Although, which places are developing faster and which are slower: which places can be lightly loaded and which places can bear more costs, within a country, it is often the result of national development arrangements. But after decades of reform and opening up, the cake has been cut big. Have you ever seen the feat of taking the initiative to share the cake in rich areas?

He has been making big cakes without formulating the system of distributing cakes at the same time. As far as Xia thinks, it is an unreasonable system and unsecured plunder. Since he has served as the governor of the Western Province and the Western Province has been approved to reform the experimental area, it is up to him to start, from the unreasonable distribution system within the Western Province to The irrationality of the policy's tilt system, let's have a groundbreaking test!

The dilemma is that if the West Province is always required to make way for the country's development arrangements, and the country will be in a state of catch-up and compressed development for a long time, when will it end? Only when the resources of the Western Province are hollowed out and the Western Province is worthless to use, will the state stop the blood deployment to the Western Province?

How to balance this contradiction is also a problem, involving the major issue of the distribution of interests between the central and local, local and local!

People's greed is infinite. Similarly, the plundering of resources by rich provinces is also infinite. They blindly tolerate it and only make unlimited unreasonable distribution of large cakes. The gap between the rich and the poor will become wider and larger, and social contradictions will become more and more prominent.

If you don't make a comparison, I'm afraid the province with the largest income gap is the Western Province. The income gap between the rich coal boss and the coal-backed workers is almost unimaginable.

Xia Chang's thinking is becoming clearer and clearer. As for [China] Central Committee to work in the Western Province and implement the transformation of resource-based economy as the youngest governor, it is not only a signal that [Central China] is really determined to reformate the income distribution system, but also a specific supplement to the country's upcoming political system reform.

If Chen Haotian actively implements political system reform in Lingnan, so that Lingnan once again becomes a leader with the courage to be the first in the world, then the transformation of the resource-based economy in Western Province is the concrete implementation of the reform of the political system.

In the process of resource-based economic transformation, it is necessary to exclude collusion between officials and businessmen, and exclude collusion between officials and businessmen. The first thing is to reduce government functions and avoid excessive government interference in economic affairs.

Xia Xiang deeply felt that he had a great responsibility on his shoulders. Whether it was [book] or [general], including Mr. Wu and Wu Caiyang, he finally agreed to let him come to the Western Province. It was to hand over such a very challenging province as the Western Province to him to govern. Therefore, let him take office in the Western Province, which The major historical mission of economic transformation!

When he got off work, Ma Yu knocked on the door and came in with a smile on his face: "Gun Governor, several people in the government office insisted on pushing me forward and asking me to invite the governor to attend the government-run welcome banquet. I really had no choice but to come here bravely and ask the governor to criticize me." Ma Yu is the secretary-general of the provincial government. He is 44 years old. He wears a white shirt. He is from the Western Province. He has very northern characteristics and speaks Mandarin in the dialect of the Western Province.

As the secretary-general of the provincial government of Xiaxiang, Ma Yu and Xiaxiang have the most intersections in their work, and he is the first to know Xiaxiang when he takes office. Ma Yu is very knowledgeable. He graduated with a doctorate and is eloquent. He is very round and mellow. Xia wants to have a good impression of him.

The government office is a department that connects the upper and lower levels, the governors and deputy governors, and one or two departments directly under the provinces, prefectures and cities, which is also a key department.

The Secretary-General of the Government Office is an exquisite figure. Ma Yu invited him to dinner in the name of the Government Office. Xia thought it was not easy to refuse. Even if he is the governor, he should have a good relationship with a group of staff directly under the government. After all, there are many specific affairs that need to be carried out by a group of people under the government.

Xia thought and agreed: "Comrade Ma Yu opened his mouth, and I can sit down with my comrades.

As soon as Ma Yu heard what Governor Xia said, the meaning was obviously to give him face. He felt that there was a light on his face: "Thank you, Governor."

When he was about to go out, the door of Xiaxiang's office was knocked open again, and Tang Tianyun led Yang Renhai in. As soon as Yang Renhai entered the door and saw Ma Yu, he took the initiative to shake hands with Ma Yu and said with a smile, "I heard that the Secretary-General wants to treat? I happened to meet you. Can you join in the fun? Yang Jinghai usually doesn't have much contact with Ma Yu, but his status is special. Ma Yu also respects him as the executive vice minister of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee. Who doesn't respect three points?

Ma Yu was stunned and understood something in an instant. Yang Renhai did not meet him just in time, but came prepared. As the executive vice minister of the Organization Department and the governor, he had a close relationship, and took the initiative to participate in the banquet held by the government, which was very meaningful...

Suddenly, Ma Yu figured out the link. However, Governor Xia wanted to borrow the personnel issue and began to deploy the first bureau of the Western Province!