official god

Chapter 2029 The Second Fire

Although it happened late at night, although Lei Zhidai and Wang Qianqian had already fallen asleep, they were still awakened by the phone. After waking up, Lei Zhixue was very angry. He immediately wanted to call Xiaxiang or Mu Chengjie about what was going on. Suddenly, he realized that it was very inappropriate to interfere too much in the special action led by the government. He put up with it and put down the phone.

As soon as he put down the phone, Wang Qianqian called in.

"Lei [Book], people from Xia Province..."

"I already know what's going on. It's too late to say anything now. We'll have a meeting tomorrow and study it again." Lei Zhixue was afraid that Wang would do something irrational forward, and said, "Calm down first and don't panic." If it's a mess, it's easy to make mistakes.

"I know."

Wang Qianqian promised to put down the phone, but his heart was in a mess.

Lei Zhixue is also like a grass in his heart. It's so messy that he has no clue. He has long heard that Xia wants to be defenseless. He thought that the special action was just a continuation of the previous government's policy. Unexpectedly, Xia wanted to take the opportunity to make trouble soon after the Chen Yan incident.

What surprised Lei Zhixue even more was that Ma Huaiming led the special operation, and Mu Chengjie actually came forward to cooperate with the action in person. Did Mu Chengjie help Ma Huaiming or Xiaxiang?

Or, when did Xia want to conquer Mu Chengjie again?

It's the end of spring at this time, and the weather in Jinyang has reached more than the strength. Even at night, it won't be cold, but Lei Zhixue felt a gust of cold wind blowing into the room through the cracks in the window, making him feel cold all over.

Xia er... It's terrible. In silence, another member of the Standing Committee turned to Xia Xiang. As a provincial party committee [book], the leader not only did he not know it in advance, but now he can't even figure out the position of each standing committee. Failure is really a great failure.

How could Mu Chengjie fall down to Xia? How is that possible?!

Lei Zhixue still couldn't believe Mu Chengjie's betrayal of him. If Zhang Weizhao wanted to get closer to Xia, which shocked him, he was just afraid. Because Zhang Weizhao was round, it was already untrustful. Then Mu Chengjie's turn around and left, which made him not only feel shocked, but also un Disappointed.

Yes, a strong loss of meat - he has always placed high hopes on Mu Chengjie, took good care of Mu Chengjie in the provincial party committee, and even regarded Mu Chengjie as his cronies. Mu Chengjie betrayed not only his political position, but also his emotional deception!

Lei Zhixue left his anger.

Zhang Weizhao turned to Xia Xiang. He could accept it. Even if Zhang Ping Shao unexpectedly became Xia Xiang's horse, he also put up with it. In the final analysis, Zhang Weizhao is the deputy of the Provincial Party Committee. Although he is in charge of the party group and personnel, it is difficult for him to make great achievements under the joint Although Zhang Pingshao is a member of the Standing Committee, he is only a [book] of the Jinyang Municipal Party Committee. His jurisdiction is narrow, which can't shake the foundation of his control over the overall situation of the provincial party committee.

But Mu Chengjie's betrayal is different. Although Mu Chengjie ranks low in the Standing Committee, he is the Director of the Provincial Political and Legal Commission [Book] and the Director of Public Security. As the leader of the largest armed force in the locality, Mu Chengjie fell to Xia Xiang in an all-round way, which is an extremely dangerous signal, Political power!

With the power of dictatorship in hand, Xia wants to break the situation of collusion between officials and merchants in the Western Province, which is equivalent to having the first magic weapon to win. Lei Zhixue was shocked. He thought that he wanted to take power in the aspects of personnel, politics and law, and dictatorship in an orderly manner. What he wanted was to comprehensively promote the transformation of the energy-based economy in the Western Province after taking power.

If Xia wants to promote reform desperately, he is not afraid of being burned to the bones by the anger of vested interest groups?

The deeper you think about it, the more anger of Lei Zhixue gradually subsides. Whether it is Zhang Weizhao, Zhang Ping Shao and Mu Chengjie, I'm afraid they have been fooled by Xia Xiang. Before they don't know the political concept that Xia wants to promote in the Western Province, they follow Xia Xiang's footsteps. When There are only two roads in front of them.

First, there is a road to the dark, and I want to be tied to death with Xia. The second is to abandon the dark and return to his side. Lei Zhixue sneered. He believed that Zhang Weizhao, Zhang Pingshao and Mu Chengjie were smart people. After recognizing Xiaxiang's madness, he would definitely turn back and would not continue to accompany Xia.

Xia thought is too naive. The situation in the western province has been like this for decades. The class has been formed, and the power of interest groups has long been deeply rooted and unshakable. When he first came to the western province, he thought he could change the status quo with only one cavity of enthusiasm? Crazy people talk about dreams!

It has been more than a year since the Central Committee approved the establishment of a provincial economic transformation zone in the Western Province. Until today, there has been no improvement. It is not that the provincial party committee and the provincial government have not done anything, but that he has also started to promote the transformation with the previous governor. Before he has operated with great fanfare, he has After that, he found that the harvest was not directly proportional to the effort, and it was even possible for him to fall in the Western Province, so he gave up.

He is now compared with Gu Qiushi's seniority, not a pioneering spirit and political achievements, so he must make steady progress and not aggressively.

After systematically analyzing the subsequent situation in Western Province, Lei Zhixue was not so worried, but he still couldn't understand the hatred for Mu Chengjie's betrayal. He picked up the phone and called Chen Hao: "Chen Hao, inform Comrade Mu Chengjie to come to my office early tomorrow morning." He wants to knock Mu Chengjie in front of him.

On a turbulent night that was enough to affect the historical process of the Western Province, Ma Huaiming took advantage of the power of the dictatorship and finally eliminated several arrogant sewage points in one fell swoop in the special operation.

Several sewage spots are all sewage points that were muddled through in the previous inspection. They are extremely arrogant. When the special operation is still being carried out vigorously, they dare to restore the sewage in the middle of the night, which proves that the other party does not pay attention to the special action at all, and also shows that the other party is full of confidence. If you go out, you will be notified of the dark line in advance.

It is also a special action led by Ma Huaiming recently. He is not humane and often raids, so that many pollutant discharge enterprises have to stop production and rectify. In order to make up for the losses, they can only be secretly promoted in the middle of the night.

The heavily polluted odorous water can make people can't open their eyes dozens of meters away, and the sewage rolls up and goes straight downstream. The downstream is countless farmland.

Similar to the countless cancer villages created in the Pearl River Delta, not to mention the whole western province, there are also many terminally ill villages and extinct villages near Jinyang. The ancients said... The bones are exposed in the wild, and there are no chicken crows for thousands of miles... It is no exaggeration to say that if it is not managed

With the help of Mu Chengjie this time, Ma Huaiming only led the most trusted people around him, and the rest were all police inspectors, so he quietly hit the other party off guard. When the police fell from the sky and appeared at the sewage point, although the other party was also shocked, he dared to resist.

As a result, Mu Chengjie gave a death order, and all those who dared to resist were arrested.

In the end, with the superior number of police inspectors, it took nearly half an hour to forcibly shut down the sewage site and arrested more than a dozen people. Ma Huaiming worked on the spot and instructed the environmental protection department to impose heavy penalties on enterprises that illegally discharged pollutants.

The environmental protection department issued a fine of 40,000 yuan.

Then, Ma Huaiming and his party raided Wang's forward wife's cousin's coal mine with lightning speed.

Because the sewage discharge of Qianjin Coal Mine is more serious, and it has been repeatedly reformed, and it also resists law enforcement, the environmental protection department issued a huge fine of 50,000 yuan!

If the Chen Yan incident was that Xia wanted to hit Wang Qianqian in the face in person, then the ticket incident was equivalent to Ma Huaiming's heart and feet, which hit Wang Qianqian's heart.

Wang Qianqian was so angry that he almost vomited blood and decided to fight back.

Earlier, it was also said that Wang Qianqian has been in the Western Province for a long time, and his power is deeply rooted. Especially when he was in his tenure as the Jinyang Municipal Party Committee, he was a member of the Communist Party. In addition, he himself was a native of the Western Province. He has been in the officialdom of the Western Province for

Originally, Wang Qianqian still had the idea of taking a step back to make three points. After Xia Xiang's new official took office, he fought back. Now he has to avoid his sharpness. If Xia wants to bully him, it's okay. Even Ma Huaiming kicked him. Does he really think he is a soft persimmon? Wang Qianqian ignored Lei Zhixue's advice and took action.

The next day, the special action team made a huge fine, which spread all over the provincial party committee. Many people took a deep breath when they heard it. Are they really serious? Do you really want to work with a real knife and a real gun? For many years, the coal boss in the Western Province has been so powerful that no one dares to directly impact the interests of the coal boss. How did Ma Huaiming have the courage to attack the coal boss?

Not only took the coal boss, but also moved Wang Qianqian's bottom line, which made many people see the facts clearly. The special action was in the hands of Governor Xia. It really became a sharp sword. He raised his hand and fell, killed the chicken to warn the monkey, and once again took Wang Qianqian's relative's coal mine to set up I was really suppressed by Xia and didn't have the power to fight back.

Unexpectedly, before Lei Zhixue could say something, several meaningful events happened in Jinyang.

It is said that there are several cases. In fact, it can be called together. Several well-known restaurants and hotels in Jinyang have been investigated for illegal acts such as pornography and tax evasion by the Public Security Bureau and the Taxation Bureau of Jinyang City, and have been heavily fined and suspended.

The punishments of several restaurants and hotels were all from Di Guogong, the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau of Yicheng City.

If Di Guogong is the fact that Wang Qianqian pulled forward in those years, and it is not enough to let people see where Jinyang's moving sword is pointing, then the restaurants and hotels investigated and dealt with are all the industries of Ma Huaiming and Mu Chengjie's direct lineage or cronies, which fully shows that behind the incident is the

Ma Huaiming and Mu Chengjie were angry and despised by Wang Xiangqian's private revenge. Xia wanted to hear it, but he smiled and was determined. The fox's tail was finally exposed. It was time for some people to pay off their blood debts.

Wang Qianqian didn't know that his counterattack just fell into Xia Xiang's carefully designed trap, which made Xia Xiang seize an opportunity and ignited a huge war.

The fire of war was ignited by Li Laohan's grievance, burned to Di Guogong, and then spread to the whole Western Province...