official god

Chapter 2039 After the network is closed, there is an outbreak

In fact, many people are behind the fact.

Whether it is a historian who studies Xia Xiang's life or an opponent around Xia Xiang at every stage, he always comes to the same conclusion after analyzing Xia Xiang's action afterwards - sometimes Xia Xiang is gentle and gentle like a gentleman, but sometimes he is as cruel as a butcher.

In fact, the butcher said that his opponent slandered him. If Xia wanted to describe himself, he would rather call himself a card player according to common sense.

Yes, throughout every reform in history, all reformers who follow the rules have been swallowed up by the torrent of history. However, there are still successful precedents to learn from, and every successful reformer has its own side.

Or, on the way to reform, there will be a sudden magic stroke.

Xia Xiang has no shortage of magic strokes in the previous contests with his opponents. It's not that he really has no omissions. There are really no people in the world who have no omissions. Even if he is as smart as Zhuge Liang, he has many failures... It's that after experiencing countless political disturbances, he quickly matures. With mental calculations and unintentional, and doing enough work in the early stage, he can be There are endless means to make all the opponents defenseless.

Tonight, Xia thought that he didn't go anywhere. He just sat at home and surfed the Internet, chatted with Lian Ruohan, chatted with Wei Xin, and chatted with Song Yifan. One person chatted with several people at the same time, opened several windows, and was very busy. If Lei Zhixue, Wang Qianqian and others knew his image of him sitting cross-legged in his pajamas and chatting, he would definitely laugh and cry. Is this the governor of Xia who commanded Ruoding? Is this the pioneer who wants to break the dependent resource economy in Western Province?

Isn't it just an ordinary ordinary person with his heroic words and enthusiasm, isn't it a momentary effort**?

Xia thought, don't look at the bad image - what else do you pay attention to at home, that is, you are tired of yourself. It's tiring enough to make a straight face in the provincial party committee every day. He wants to relax and chat in **, but in fact, what he is talking about is a big deal.

and Lian Ruohan once again finalized the acquisition of energy in the Western Province with a huge amount of money. The reason why it is not called a sniper is that Xiaxiang is still willing to take the energy industry in his own hands rather than using knives and guns. Of course, if the opponent is too strong and always refuses to give in, then you have to say two words.

Even if Ruohan fully supports Xiaxiang's plan, she also wants to use the funds in her hand to do more useful things and always be an entity in the stock market, which is not her intention. If we can use the hard-earned money of the American people to increase the happiness index for the Chinese people, it is the greatest value of life.

As for Xia, after controlling the energy of the Western Province, she doesn't care where to go and what kind of chess she wants to play. Now she just wants to manage a few women in Xiaxiang with the power of her mother's world, and then take care of her husband and children, and be a virtuous wife and mother.

One son and one daughter are said to be good. Lian Ruohan is the most satisfied now. At least she has one daughter than Cao Shuyi. As the wife of Xia wants to media, Cao Shuyi can't have a second child.

However, although she has not invested much in many industries in the past few years, because her holding company has cross-holding many industries, her assets are increasing at a rate of 30% per year. Now her strength is not the same as that of a few years ago. She also played a little trick and didn't tell Xia about her real strength now. If she said it, she would definitely scare Xia to jump. She just waited that one day when Xia wanted to be embarrassed, she threw a lot of money to buy him with a smile. Thinking about it, she could definitely proudly see Xia Xiang's surprised expression.

Xia thought naturally didn't know Lian Ruohan's little woman's thoughts. After chatting with her, he said a few words to Wei Xin and Song Yifan.

Wei Xin and Song Yifan's company has developed rapidly. Compared with the young one year ago, they have taken a solid foothold in the capital and have a place in the industry. Of course, there are many of them supported by Xiao Jia and others.

Wei Xin is still the same, weak and gentle, and the water-like tenderness is the beauty that she will always be attached to. Song Yifan is still like a happy elf. He and Xia want to say some irrelevant words. In her world, there seems to be no sorrow.

However, Song Yifan suddenly said, "Brother Xia, did you go to the Western Province to fight with Lei Xiaoming and Jiang'an? If they are still making trouble, beat them up. Don't be polite.

It's rare that every girl also has a grudge, and Xia wants to laugh dumbly.

After Lian Ruohan, Wei Xin and Song Yifan were offline, Xia wanted to see that the time was only after 9:00 p.m., and there was no news for the time being. It should be that the big network in a certain place had not been completely put away. He wanted to wait a little longer and glanced at his friends online at random. It Mei Xiaolin is online.

Yan Xiao has also been busy recently, the business scale has improved a lot, and she accidentally won a big project, which is enough for her not to worry about making money in three years. The big project was won in Qi Province. Li Dingshan has helped a lot. Recently, Yan has been running back and forth in the capital and Qi Province since she was a child. Like Fu Xianxian, she has become an airflying man.

It should be said that among several women, Yan Xiao is the most shrewd and talented in business. However, she has not had the family power of a stout dog behind her. He is not as good as Gu Yu... He is born like jade and is the first smooth. She must do everything, and she is much more tired.

Fortunately, with the help of the influence of the father and son of the Fan family, she finally opened the door of opportunity. Now, under the invisible influence of Xiaxiang, it is much easier than before. The project that she didn't dare to think of before can now get it.

Compared with the influence of the father and son of the Fan family, Xiaxiang's current network has almost penetrated nearly ten provinces in China!

The reason why Mei Xiaolin did not go online is that she is facing Guan Feng from the main hall to the deputy department. She served as the secretary of the municipal party committee in Xiangjiang City and was promoted to the standing committee of the provincial party committee, or transferred back to the capital to enter the ministry. The Mei family has not yet decided yet, but Mei Shengping

But Mr. Mei may be old and really wants Mei Xiaolin to return to Beijing for two years. Now is the time to weigh. In addition, Mei Xiaolin has recently been worried about whether Mei Ting will go abroad or stay in China. Not only is she rarely online, but she doesn't have much contact with Xia.

Xiaxiang also vaguely heard about Mei Xiaolin. He wanted to ask, but the matter of the Western Province had always been imminent, and he really couldn't take care of it, so he had to alienate Mei Xiaolin.

After thinking about it, Xia Xiang still left a message for Mei Xiaolin and comforted her, saying that it was actually a good choice to return to Beijing... After a few words, the phone suddenly rang.

Xia thought that his heart suddenly jumped. OK, he finally closed the net.

It's really connected to the Internet.

In the whole plan of Xiaxiang, Sang Tianliang is the breakthrough and the key first game. He will definitely have a thorough layout and make full use of the advantages of Zhang Pingshao's careful cooperation to open a big gap in one fell swoop.

Unfortunately, Sang Tianliang has become not only a breakthrough, but also a bait.

The reason why Xiaxiang took strict precautions from the top to the provincial party committee to the municipal party, did not let the other party make any progress in the frontal confrontation, and controlled Sang Tianliang in his hands, was to stimulate the other party's determination to make a desperate attempt.

Hot speculation on the Internet is just a catalyst. If the classic theory is not valued by the leaders, it will not be transformed into political power. Political competition is still based on political power as the fundamental decisive force. No matter how noisy the Internet is, it is only an auxiliary.

But in the Sang Tianliang incident, the intervention of network power is indispensable. The non-hot speculation on the Internet is caused by Li Xiangwen by Sang Tianliang, and a series of chain reactions involving Di Guogong, the other party will not be very anxious. In the anxious situation, it is not clear at all how much evidence the Commission for the Discipline Inspection has of Sang Tianliang's illegal crimes, let alone whether Sang Tianliang will not be able to resist the full confession, and someone will jump over the wall.

The most urgent thing for the other party now is to find ways to meet Sang Tianliang and unify the caliber.

Xia wanted to sew a big pocket, set up the dragon gate array, and waited to put people in it. He thought that the other party would send someone to secretly contact Sang Tianliang and inform him. Unexpectedly, the other party was so bold that he wanted to save Sang Tian. It was really good, and the other party was still the private bodyguard of the coal boss. It's really heaven that there is a way for you not to go, and hell has no way to come... Xia wanted to laugh and said, "Tight the net, ask in an all-round way, and don't run away!"

After hearing that there was a movement outside, Sang Tianliang's heart was raised. He not only wanted to be rescued, but also afraid that he would be killed as soon as he went out. His heart was up and down, and he didn't know what was good. After a long time, the sound outside disappeared. He didn't see anyone rushing in or hear the personnel of the Commission for Discipline Inspection running. He was very confused. Was the chicken crow in the middle of the night just now a real chicken crow?

Thinking of this, he came to the door and listened carefully with his ears. Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at the door, there was a loud noise. The door was knocked open from the outside. Sang Tianliang couldn't dodge. He was hit by the door panel and squatted to the ground in pain.

Several people rushed in, picked up Sang Tianliang, and whispered, "Sangzhi, don't talk, come with us."

When Sang Tianliang saw that the momentum was not right, he didn't care about the huge pain in his nose. He hurriedly asked, "Who are you?"

"Don't worry so much. Let's go first." Three people came from the other side. After one person was cut off, the two set up Sang Tianliang and quickly left the room. Sang Tianliang was a little confused. The other party was definitely not a policeman. He didn't know what was going on.

Suddenly remembered the other party's coming from. He was the coal boss's personal bodyguard. He tightened his heart and hurriedly asked, "Where are the guards?"

"It's all down."

A strong ominous foreboding suddenly rose from Sang Tian's conscience and asked, "Have you found anything unusual?"

As soon as the voice fell, suddenly the lights in the yard were bright, and a neat line of troops surrounded Sang Tianliang and others in the middle like divine soldiers falling from the sky.

Unlike Sang Tianliang, who was caught in the urn, Di Guogong was suddenly made dumplings while waiting for Sang Tian's good news.

The detonation of the Di Guogong incident meant that the war between Xiaxiang and the vested interests of the Western Province broke out in an all-round way.

ps: Tears ask for double monthly tickets, monthly tickets, they are all crazy, brothers, hold on at the critical moment! The official god needs your support for every vote.