official god

Chapter 2041 has officially entered the substantive stage

When Xiaxianghuan was in Yan Province, it was rumored that the president of a court had married a wife of four rooms, and each house had a marriage certificate, which was equivalent to having four legal marriages.

It is impossible to find out whether this matter is true or not. Xia thought that he didn't pay attention to it at that time. However, the fact that the dignified Di Bureau has a four-bedroom legal wife is an iron fact.

And the four-room wife, two sons and two daughters, I have to say that after learning about the happy life of Di Bureau, Xia Xiang quickly flashed in his mind the image of the Kuomintang's public security director in the Republic of China TV series. Thinking about it now in the new era, there is also a director who has a few aunts Is it backwards?

Di Guogong's four wives, at the same time, four fires. Before the matter finally came to light, Xia wanted to be slandered by Di Guogong as a bloody hand. At that time, the jade-faced Xiaxiang image was no longer seen, and it was replaced by a cold-faced image that was unscrupulous to achieve the goal.

In fact, many people, mainly Xiaxiang's opponents, misunderstood Xiaxiang. At any time, Xiaxiang will stick to the bottom line of life and will not hurt the innocent.

After receiving phone calls from the main room, the second aunt and the fourth aunt, he learned that his two sons and two daughters were missing at the same time. Di Guogong felt as if his internal organs had been taken away at the same time. He was heartbroken and finally tasted the pain of losing his loved ones.

Many times, the high-level people will not sympathize when they see the hardships of the people, because they have no empathy. Just like when Di Guogong asked Li Xiangwen for bribes, he never considered that Li Xiangwen also had parents and relatives. And when he acquiesced in Sang Tianliang's instructions to kill Li Xiangwen in the street, he would not have the pain of losing his son. Today, he finally tasted the bitter fruit, just like his heart was forcibly picked away, which was extremely painful.

Di Mugong fainted.

It doesn't matter if he fainted, but the third aunt was at a loss. In panic, she remembered to call the police.

Not only the third aunt called the police room, the second aunt and the fourth aunt.

As the people's guard who cracked major counterfeiting cases and the people's hero Di Guogong, who cracked down on economic criminals, has a very positive image in front of others. He has not only been showing the image of greatness, but also has never had a problem of life style. But today, there was a scandal that shocked Jinyang and even the Western Province, not only the whole country.

Sang Tianliang and the five private bodyguards who came to rescue him were all taken down on the spot by one left!

Several staff members of the Commission for Discipline Inspection who were knocked unconscious had been rushed to the hospital before. Several people are not serious. The private bodyguards are designed to save people, not to harm people and do not hurt the killer.

The soldier silently surrounded several people in the middle, and none of them resisted, which was also interesting. As a veteran, he knows the soldier's decision to carry out the order, and he doesn't know what order the other party has received. A little resistance may be the end of killing.

It's not cost-effective to die in the hands of soldiers.

After several people were arrested, they were detained in separate rooms. Obviously, the other party not only prepared the trap in advance, but also prepared the pie. Sure enough, soon a master who was well spersed in psychological tactics came to interrogate everyone separately.

As a result, the Sang Tianliang incident entered the second stage.

The Sang Tianliang incident has entered the second stage, that is, it has officially entered the substantive stage. Sang Tianliang is still stubborn for the time being and refuses to spit. But the personal bodyguards who came to rescue him were different. Under the interrogation of the master, he quickly explained the mastermind behind the scenes.

The main reason is that the person who interrogated the private bodyguard is not a local official, but a soldier! The private bodyguard couldn't figure out the situation and didn't know why it was a soldier who came to interrogate. But as veterans, they know that since they have alarmed the military, the nature of the matter is very different. It is irrational to carry it to death. If soldiers are not relent, they will do it. If they say it, they will do it. If it is said to be disabled, it will be disabled. There is no place to reason.

The fall of the bodyguard and the confession marks that the Sang Tianliang incident has finally involved the largest and most mysterious group of coal bosses in the Western Province. The coal bosses in the Western Province, who have been constantly negative news in the domestic news, will show the most real side in front of Xiaxiang. At the same time, they will also stage a profit A life-and-death battle.

Although Sang Tianliang was still stubborn, he still wanted to hold on, but at dawn, after the staff of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, who had been knocked unconscious, sat in front of him coldly again. He was no longer the way he used to smile, but threw a sentence coldly: "Comrade Sang Tianliang, don't hold on any longer ..."

The staff of the Commission for Discipline Inspection pushed the laptop in front of Sang Tianliang. The intimate posture of Sang Tianliang and Ami was displayed on the computer screen, which was the standard ecstasy photo that caused a sensation in the whole network.

If the above news did not shock and shame Sang Tianliang, then when he saw the real identity of netizens, Sang Tianliang, who was controlled by the Commission for Discipline Inspection, had been isolated from the outside world. He knew nothing about what was happening outside and almost vomited blood. His beloved baby, love If it was a precious woman, he always thought it was a new car, but he didn't expect it to be a repainted second-hand car, a broken shoe that had long been worn by thousands of people!

Sang Tianliang was almost in front of him. The feeling of being deceived by the most trusted person was very er... When he saw the news on the Internet, he not only found out the Li Xiangwen incident, but also pointed to Di Guogong. There were even some netizens who did not know the truth pointed out that the whole incident was actually a collusion The line is close to collapse.

Coupled with the fall of several private bodyguards who saved him, Sang Tianliang knew that he was desperate.

Sang Tianliang was hoarse and red-eyed. Under the double blow of love and career, he lost his fighting spirit and stretched out a hand: "Please give me a cigarette..."

The two members of the Commission for Discipline Inspection looked at each other and saw the dawn of victory in each other's eyes.

At dawn, on the coming and going of Jinyang Street, citizens face the morning sun and go to work with hope. I thought today would be an ordinary day. When I passed the street in front of the Municipal Party Committee, I found an unusual place.

At the door of the Municipal Party Committee, there are many more suspicious people than usual. If ordinary citizens can also see that the figure is suspicious, it proves that there are many plain clothes... What's wrong?

There must be something wrong! Both those who do not know the truth and those who understand the truth have come to the same conclusion.

It's really a big deal, not only a big deal, but also a ridiculous annoy.

The four wives of the deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, the People's Guardian, and the anti-counterfeiting hero Comrade Di Guogong. Yes, they are indeed four wives. If they are fake, they will come to the Municipal Party Committee at the same time because of the same thing to report two things to the Municipal Party Committee. One is to He accused Di Guogong of bigamy.

Someone has said that all relationships that are not for the purpose of marriage are hooligans, so how to define any marriage for the purpose of hooliganism?

In fact, the four wives did not mean to accuse Di Guogong... It's not that they didn't want to, but before they met, no one knew that characters like Duan Zhengchun would really exist in real life. Several people didn't know the existence of each other, and they didn't believe that Di Guogong really had the ability of dragon

As a result, Zhengfang came to the municipal party committee first. With the identity of the wife of the deputy director of the municipal bureau, he sat in Zhang Pingshao's office and insisted that Zhang Pingshao personally pay attention to the disappearance of her son. When Zhang Ping was dealing with it, the fourth aunt of Di Guogong arrived.

The fourth aunt also gave birth to a son.

The fourth aunt just said a few words, and the main room recognized something wrong, and then the two staged a battle between two women in the office of the secretary of the municipal party committee. While arguing, the second aunt appeared again.

The two women fighting for the husband turned into three women fighting for the husband, which was so quarreling that almost everyone in the whole municipal party committee knew about it. Di Guogong was originally famous, and in this way, it caused a tsunami-like sensation.

What surprised everyone was that they all thought that three women in one play was already great. They didn't want to kill a woman again, but it turned out to be a four-fess competition, which was simply an unheard-of real-life version of the four parts of Tianlong.

Many people were shocked by how Di Guogong could deal with four women at the same time. Some people did not believe that Di Guogong was really such a person, but when they thought that there was also a municipal party secretary who collected and treasured women's underwear in China, they were relieved. Officials are also human beings. Where they are human beings, there are capable people.

Di Guogong became famous in one fell swoop.

In front of the municipal party secretary, the mayor, the director of the public security bureau and all the leaders of the municipal party committee, because of the disappearance of the four children, the four wives went into battle together, not playing mahjong, but in the ring - let the reputation and disguise of Di Guogong be destroyed!

The fact that it has the visual impact of the first scene shines the golden eyes of every municipal party committee leader.

At this time, Di Guogong was leading the cronies of the municipal bureau to mobilize his network in Jinyang, vowing to fish out the four sons and daughters even if he was looking for a needle in a haystack. Although he also knew that the disappearance of the four children at the same time must be a well-planned conspiracy, the father and daughter can't take care of anything. If he doesn't care about everything, even if he digs the ground three feet, he will break the black hands behind the scenes with a treacherous smile.

Di Guogong is going crazy. He can't be crazy. He just received a text message from his two daughters, but it's his daughter. It can be seen that the opponent is well versed in his psychology - the text message is very short, which means meaningful: "Dad, the bad guy wants... me!"

There is a lot of room for imagination, but Di Guogong can't imagine it. Thinking of his young adult daughter's struggle under the claws, he can't wait to kill the behind-the-scenes black hands.

But who is behind the scenes... Di Guogong dare not guess.

Di Guogong was tricked. First, his mother-in-law made a fuss about the municipal committee, which ruined his reputation and put an end to his political life. Second, he used the network to search the four sons and daughters, so that the shadow that had been following him followed him all the time, and the network he had been running in Jinyang for decades. After this battle, he was clear!

If Di Guogong looks back at this time, even if he stops and thinks calmly, he will not go to the unfathomable abyss step by step...