official god

Chapter 2043 A storm is about to take shape

Sang Tianliang confessed.

He not only confessed to the fact that he instructed others to kill Li Xiangwen, but also confessed to many scandals that he worked for the tiger and served the State of Di. It was not that Sang Tianliang did not have integrity and did not support Di Guogong, but that several bodyguards did not hesitate to confess to the coal boss behind the scenes. At the same time, the news of Di Guo's merit also reached his ears.

As soon as Sang Tianliang heard this, the psychological defense line, which was already on the verge of collapse, was even more **. He couldn't hold on for a moment and revealed all the truth.

The number of things he said was far beyond the expectations of the staff of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Several case handlers thought that Sang Tianliang was just a little shrimp. Of course, they didn't know the inside story, and no one would reveal too much to them in advance, so as not to mislead them... Unexpectedly, Sang Tianliang was a small shrimp on the surface, but secretly it was a big fish.

A very huge posture!

The staff of the Commission for Discipline Inspection was excited. Sang Tianliang led Di Guogong, and then Di Guogong did not necessarily lead to any bigger fish. Like a cat whose eyes will shine when you see a fish, which case handler of the Commission for Discipline Inspection doesn't want to handle a shocking case by himself?

After making a speech to the Commission for Discipline Inspection, the case handlers were even more complacent and determined to deal with a big case that caused a sensation in the Western Province.

With Sang Tianliang's confession and the confession of the bodyguards, a storm is about to take shape.

No one will be willing to retreat from the historical stage, whether it is a big man or a small shrimp, even a shrimp that does a lot of evil.

In fact, it is no exaggeration to say that in Jinyang, which is all over the provincial, ministerial and department levels, not to mention that Sang Tianliang is a small shrimp, Di Guogong is actually a small shrimp, but the small shrimp can also harm the country and the people.

Di Guogong did not think that he was a shrimp, let alone that what he did was a disaster to the country and the people. The horror of lack of faith is here. I have done something extremely evil, but I don't know what's wrong. Instead, I think it's reasonable!

Xia wants to kill Sang Tianliang and Di Guogong, which is also based on the above understanding. Some wicked people, if they don't hit him in pain, don't let him know that they are afraid, they will never repent.

But Di Guogong did not realize his real situation at this time. He ignored anyone's phone call and ignored the municipal party committee's decision to punish him. He only madly led a few loyal subordinates, mobilized the forces he had been operating in Jinyang for many years, used all the network, and almost every corner of Jinyang. Turn over the bottom.

The result is nothing.

Di Guogong was almost frightened. How could it be? How come?! With his power in Jinyang, a thief stole his wallet. He made a phone call, and he could return to Zhao in half an hour. The four living people wanted to eat, drink and live. Whether they were hidden in a hotel or in a hidden corner, they could not escape his search.

Jinyang is his territory. He has been painstakingly managing for decades. He is extremely familiar with the first inch of land. Where to hide dirt, where is the hardest-hit area, and where is clean. He is like Zhiyu. How could he mobilize all his strength, and he can't find four living people.

Is it... torn up?

Di Guogong has lived for a long time. He has never been as anxious and frightened as he is now. If he is allowed to exchange his life for the lives of four sons and daughters now, he will kill himself with a gun without saying a word. Unfortunately, he can't receive a single message. He doesn't know what the other party wants at Is the woman missing or kidnapped?

After being a public security all my life, I was finally calculated to be a group of people. How can I bear it!

Di Guogong gritted his teeth with hatred and was so angry that he was furious, but it didn't help. The four of them disappeared like disappearing in the air. They didn't see anyone, died... didn't see the corpse.

No one called again to ask for ransom or anything else.

At the beginning, Di Guogong also suspected that the mastermind behind the incident was a high-level figure, but he could only think about it. He didn't dare to say anything, let alone question it in person? If he dares to suspect that the provincial party leader instructed others to kidnap his children, as long as he speaks, it is a serious political mistake!

The person most suspicious of Di Guogong is actually not Xiaxiang, but Zhang Pingshao!

For a long time, Zhang Pingshao has been at peace with him, and Zhang Pingshao has never been able to control the municipal bureau. Coupled with Zhang Pingshao's attitude on the Sang Tianliang incident, he has enough reason to suspect that Zhang Pingshao is behind Sang Tianliang and his incident.

But then, with the progress of the situation, Di Guogong turned the finger to Xiaxiang. The reason was that the more he thought about it, the more he felt that with Zhang Pingshao's political wisdom was not enough to set up such a strict situation. Throughout the whole provincial party committee, he stood on the opposite side and the most intelligent person, only Xia

... No matter how Di Guogong imagines behind the scenes of the whole incident, he is still far from the truth. With his level of little shrimp and political wisdom, compared with Xiaxiang, it is still ten thousand miles away, and Xiaxiang doesn't regard him as a political opponent at all. He is just a fuse, or just a Poor victim.

The realm of Xiao Xiami can never experience the high-level mind. When it comes to Xiaxiang's position, he climbs high and looks. He dares not to say that the world is in hand, at least the Western Province is in his hands. In his long-sight, Di Guogong is just a scum who is greedy for money and forget

But scum, like wine scum, is also useful.

Di Guogong made trouble for a whole day, and the people behind him also followed him, and came to a meaningful and influential one-day trip to Jinyang.

Not only is there someone behind him, but there are also a lot of shadows behind the hands of other people he ordered. Moreover, every shadow is very professional and erratic. If it is as far away, with the professionalism and level of Di Guogong, he is not aware of it at all.

As a result, Di Guogong's power in the whole Jinyang was all exposed to the eyes of the behind-the-scenes characters and was recorded. It is equivalent to the entire underground network of Jinyang, which is completely exposed to the people behind the scenes.

In addition, the bodyguard caused by the Sang Tianliang incident was caught. After being caught, he confessed the power of the coal boss, which means that Jinyang's last fig leaf was also pulled in front of the behind-the-scenes figures.

What is the final fate of Di Guogong? It is rapidly sliding down in the direction of Xiaxiang's imagination. Unless force majeure factors appear, Di Guogong will definitely become the trigger of the Jinyang earthquake.

After work, Xia wanted to receive a phone call from Chen, Xiao Wu, Song Li and others before going out. After answering the phone, he pondered for a moment and told Tang Tianyun: "Tianyun, please contact the General Office of the State Council to determine the schedule of the Vice Premier's work inspection, and then upgrade to arrange an energy economy. Joint meeting of transformation.

Tang Tianyun answered, quickly recorded it, and asked, "Did Secretary Lei attend?"

"It will be arranged according to the specifications of Secretary Lei's attendance."

"Are there any business people present?"

"Yes, definitely... yes." Xia wanted to smile knowingly. The so-called business people, for the Western Province, are dedicated to coal bosses. "This joint meeting is specially held for them."

Kai" Tang Tianyun looked puzzled and didn't keep up with Xia's thoughts.

"If the Sang Tianliang incident does not let some people jump, the Di Guogong incident will really touch the bottom line of some people. The convening of the joint meeting is a good opportunity to show my power to me." Xia wanted to laugh, "Waiting for a good play to be staged soon."

It's not just a good show... As soon as Xia Xiang finished speaking, the phone on his desk rang. The phone call when I got off work was mostly an invitation to eat. Xia thought he didn't want to answer. Maybe he had a hunch and was stunned. He still answered the phone in person without the hand of Tang Tianyun: "Hello, I'm Xiaxiang.

"Good, Governor Xia!" A crisp female voice came from the microphone, crisp and spiritual, just like a clear spring in a mountain stream, which made people feel the feeling of spring coming to their faces.

Although the county had never heard her voice or met her, he guessed who was coming - Chen Yan.

Xia thought "Oh" and asked lightly, "Who are you?"

"I'm Chen Yan. Governor Xia must have never heard my name, but it doesn't matter. I have admired Xia Province for a long time." Chen Yan's voice revealed a slight excitement, and I don't know whether she was really excited or pretended.

"What's the matter?" Xiaxiang is still lukewarm, just waiting for Chen Yan to cut into the theme.

"Tonight, I want to invite Governor Xia to dinner." Chen Yan's proposal is very abrupt. Generally speaking, inviting the governor to dinner is a very difficult task. As the highest administrator of a province, how many governors are there in China? The governor is the existence that countless people look up to. I don't know how many people want to talk to the governor, let alone sit and eat with the governor.

"Sorry, I have an appointment in the evening." Xia wanted to simply refuse Chen Yan, but he wanted to see how Chen Yan could convince him.

"The governor, don't refuse people thousands of miles away. I'm also sincere." Chen Yan's pleading voice showed a delicate meaning, "Moreover, I also have a major investment to talk to the governor."

Chen Yan knew that the phone call from Xiaxiang's office was not difficult, but it was not easy for her to invite Xiaxiang, so she had to do everything she could.

"If there are any investment projects, please contact the deputy governor in charge..." Xia wanted to see that Chen Yan was not sincere. As soon as she paused, she wanted to hang up the phone.

"Gournat, I still have something to say." Chen Yan knew that if Xia wanted to hang up the phone, it would be difficult for her to talk to Xia again. She said hurriedly, "I have 5% of the shares of Anda Mining in my hand, and I want to transfer..."

Xia wanted to smile. Chen Yan was really not simple, and she hit his weakness at once... Although it is not accurate to call it a weakness, it must be said that it is indeed his next step.

"Well..." Xia wanted to meditate slightly and pinched, "You call my secretary on the phone."

Put down the phone, Tang Tianyun, who listened to the side, smiled with a smile.

In the evening, the night wind is blowing, and the spring is intoxicating. Xia wants to go to Chen Yan's appointment. As the first move between him and Chen Yan, there was a very dramatic scene.