official god

Chapter 2050 has changed a lot

Xia Xiang, like just now, is still in a calm and calm posture, sitting in the middle of the stage. His expression has not changed from beginning to end, but in the eyes of Wang Qianqian, in the eyes of Jiang Gang, and in the eyes of various heavyweights in the industrial and commercial circles of the Western Province, Xia Xiang is essentially different from

Xia thought just now, whether it is pretending or introverted, in short, it gives people a feeling of humility and easy-goingness. Now he still feels humbleness and easy-goingness, but under humility and easy-goingness, he has a faint pressure of not being angry and self-willing.

Yes, pressure, everyone feels that Xiaxiang, as the governor, is the youngest but highest-ranking person among the people here. He seems to have no official authority, but behind his shallow smile, he is full of strong self-confidence, which is a kind of self-confidence that is in power and everything is up to me.

In a blink of an eye, Xia thought was like a person who had changed.

Xiaxiang is still Xiaxiang, which has not changed at all, but he did not take out a big killer just now, and now, he not only wins, but also throws bait enough to make everyone here excited.

is a bait and a must-do multiple-choice question. That is to say, whoever tests the water first may benefit, but at the same time, he may also be trapped. But whoever doesn't test the water first may be one step behind.

Sometimes, one step behind, one step behind, it is not clear how much courage the country should show to support the energy-based economic transformation of the Western Province. Everyone here also knows that the crux of the Western Province lies in two places, one is the state's control of coal prices, and the other is the unreasonable distribution system. Therefore, when Xia wanted to put forward the proposition, Jiang Gang implicitly pointed out the unreasonable policy of the state to control coal prices.

The result... Unexpectedly, Governor Xia really hinted that the country was expected to open up coal prices. How could it be possible?

What's more incredible to everyone here is that Governor Xia immediately threw out a second blockbuster to plan the energy industry market in the western province. Could it be said that the first step is for the country to liberalization of coal prices and be priced by enterprises. The second step is to allow foreign capital to intervene in the energy industry in the western province, and even do not hesitate to let foreign capital pour in, in order to regulate the market. Is everything market-oriented and market-led?

If this is the case, whoever seizes the opportunity will take charge of the energy industry in the Western Province. And whoever is one step behind may be completely submerged in the tide of reform.

So isn't it possible to rewrite the ranking of the richest people in the Western Province?

"All right, take a ten-minute break first and give you a time to think about it. Ten minutes later, whoever will be the first to sign up will decide on the spot who is the first pilot enterprise in the West Province!" Xia wanted to throw down a sentence and turned around and left.

As soon as Xia wanted to leave, the venue suddenly became a mess. Three or five or five of the business people present whispered to each other and expressed their views on the sudden major news. It is a major decision that is related to everyone's vital interests. It must be sloppy and must be treated with caution.

If it is true, everyone wants to take the lead and occupy the highest point first, which is a great opportunity to turn over the battle. However, they are afraid that after becoming a pilot enterprise, the national policy cannot be implemented in the end, so it will be a wronged person and become a laughing stock. They will even be attacked by the entrepreneurs in the Western Province and become the target of public in the Western Province.

But in case it is true, in case Governor Xia set the universe with a word and let go of the great opportunity to become the first pilot enterprise in front of him, will he regret it?

It is precisely because of this that the debate between people is the most intense, and it even smells like gunpowder.

Jiang Gang firmly opposes some people competing to be pilot enterprises. He believes that it is just a strategy for the provincial government to divide coal enterprises in the western province. How can the country open the fixed price of coal? What an international joke? The country has controlled it for many years. It has long been used to the poverty of the western province. The rich coastal provinces are also used to squeezing the resources of the western province. The development of the country also needs a low-cost energy supply. The western province is destined to be poor, so don't think of good things.

However, some people think that the country may really raise the transformation of the energy-based economy of the Western Province to the policy level, so the Western Province will transfer the youngest governor in China!

Such a young governor, if there will be no future in the future, no one will believe it. It is also because of his youth that Governor Xia can't make advances. He only needs to stay for a term in the Western Province, and he can rise steadily. However, since Governor Xia has to vigorously promote the transformation of the energy-based economy in the Western Province, it can only prove that Governor Xia is acting in accordance with the decree.

Some people figured out this section, and then thought that when Governor Xia put forward the guiding policy of the State Council just now, Wang Qianqian, the executive vice governor, looked a little more determined. Governor Xia's words are definitely not groundless. I'm afraid that [Zhong] Yang is going to be serious.

Ten minutes passed in a flash, and Xia wanted to appear in front of everyone on time, still with a calm smile.

Jiang Gang is ready. When anyone is the first to take the initiative to apply for a pilot enterprise, he dares to object and joins with others to attack him.

Unexpectedly... As soon as Xia wanted to sit down, he answered a phone call. After a few words, Xia wanted to stand up and said apologetically, "I have something to do at the last minute. I have to go first. Everyone, who would like to become the country's first pilot enterprise in the economic transformation of the western province, please sign up directly with Vice Governor Feng Jianchao after the meeting.

Xia wanted to turn around and leave. After a few steps, he turned around and ordered, "Comrade Jianchao, the registration of this pilot enterprise does not talk about any additional conditions, and does not compare the scale and output value. Whoever signs up first will be determined."

After saying that, Xia wanted to smile and hold his fist in the field, and his head went away without looking back.

Jiang Gang was stunned on the spot and did not keep up with Xia's thinking at all. He was ready to argue with Xia's thoughts again. He did not hesitate to contradict Xia's thoughts, and could not let Xia's strategy of dividing the coal enterprises in the western province work. Unexpectedly, Xia thought did not give him a chance at all.

After being stunned for a long time, Jiang just understood that the stinguity of Xia's move was to coaxing psychology. If he bid in public, he would not dare to be a bird, but if he stayed behind to bid, everyone was afraid that others would seize the opportunity.

Gao Ming, Jiang Gang thought with hatred that Xia thought that where the governor was, he was simply a businessman who sat on the ground.

However, it doesn't matter how Jiang Gang thinks. The important thing is that Xia Xiang's move is indeed killing two birds with one stone, which not only psychologically broke through the defense line of the people present, but also buried the foreshadowing for each person's own affairs. At the same time, by letting Feng Jianchao be responsible for this

After Xia wanted to leave for a long time, the conference room roared into a mess.

Wang Qianqian looked very pale and was thrown on the spot by Xia Xiang. The feeling in his heart was really uncomfortable. Seeing that Feng Jianchao was faintly proud, he was even more indignant.

I wanted to say a few more words, but the phone suddenly rang. After answering, Wang Qianqian's face suddenly changed.

Not only Wang Qianqian's phone rang, but Jiang Gang and Xiao Lei's phone also rang at the same time.

As if Xia Xiang's departure was an opportunity, he opened a link at once... and the phone calls of everyone at the scene rang together.

After answering the phone, Jiang was shocked and stood up: "What's going on?"

Xiao Lei was more out of his temper than Jiang Gang. After receiving the phone call, he was so nervous that he almost turned over the table in front of him: "What? Missing?? How is that possible? Come on, send someone to find it immediately!"

The whole venue was in chaos. In the chaos, no one noticed that Wang Shengshuai, the third-ranked coal boss in the Western Province, quietly came to Feng Jianchao and whispered a few words with Feng Jianchao..." Wang Qianqian received a phone call about two things. One was about Lei Zhixue's entry into the bureau, which It was confirmed to be missing.

Wang Qianqian was almost shocked. If Lei Zhixue's entry into the situation affected his long-term, then the disappearance of Di Guogong affected his eyes.

How did Di Guogong disappear?

How did Di Guogong disappear? Xiao Lei's shock was the same as that of Wang Qianqian. There was only one news on the phone he received. Di Guo's kung fu was missing!

He is the most direct person responsible for Di Guogong. The municipal party committee has long decided that the municipal bureau should restrict the activities of Di Guogong. That is to say, any problems with Di Guogong will be the responsibility of the municipal bureau. And as the head of the municipal bureau, he must be the blame.

Could it be said that "... Xiao Lei's brain jumped out of the last flash of thought again. Zhang Ping's case of Sang Tianliang's case was in charge of one hand, but Zhang Ping's of Di's Guogong's case was left alone and handed over to the municipal bureau for self-examination and self-correction.

The idea in Xiao Lei's mind flashed by, and then he was distracted by the huge turbulence that could have been the trace of Di Guo's kung fu. He turned around and kept making several phone calls.

After Jiang Gang answered the phone, he turned around and left without saying a word. He didn't even have time to say hello. It was not rude. He was really panicked. He just received the news that someone contacted many small and medium-sized shareholders of Anda Mining behind the scenes and acquired a large number of shares of Anda Mining from them. It is Ten.

Jiang Gang immediately understood something. Someone wanted to think about Anda Mining! He was furious. Although he had been forced to hand over 5% of his previous action to Ye Tiannan, and then gave 5% to Chen Yan, he still had the absolute controlling interest.

But... If Chen Yan's 5% and Ye Tiannan's 5% are merged, plus 10% of the newly acquired retail investors, it will add up to 20%, approaching the red line of the major shareholders in his mind.

It's strange that Jiang Gang is not in a hurry.

Xia thought that only left for a while, and all kinds of people in the conference room had different thoughts and dispersed. As Xiaxiang's first joint meeting since he served as governor, it seems that it is not successful on the surface, but in fact, whether it has received the expected effect of Xiaxiang, everyone has a conclusion rhythm of the meeting, which is completely under the control of Xiaxiang.

In fact, the rhythm of the meeting is completely under the control of Xiaxiang. It should be said that the situation in Jinyang has changed greatly during the joint meeting. With the convening of the joint meeting and the disappearance of Di Guogong, the situation in the western province has officially entered the third stage.

During Lei Zhixue's entry into Beijing, some unknown great changes happened in the Western Province...