official god

Chapter 2059 Who holds the black man

Fu Boju's work inspection entered the second day.

Everything is going on smoothly and orderly. The first day's itinerary is full, airport greetings, provincial party committee speeches, provincial party committee meetings, symposiums, etc., are all through-the-scenes of Wenshan meetings. Although it has little practical significance, the officialdom pays attention to a rule and rules. Without rules, it is not a circle

After the end of the day's inspection work, in the evening, the provincial party committee held a banquet and invited Fu Boju.

Among several vice premiers of the State Council, Fu Boju is the one who likes to be lively and showy. Although Lei Zhixue, who knows Fu Boju's preferences, does not have to flatter Fu Boju, it is still necessary to do the official article, so he set off a grand and warm position to hold a grand welcome banquet.

Fu Boju was really happy. He just said "I won't do it again" symbolically, and he sat down with a happy face.

The escort of the banquet is an official above the main hall of the provincial party committee and the provincial government. Fu Boju is sometimes full of official power and sometimes approachable. In short, a welcome banquet was held very successfully.

It can also be said that Fu Boju, Vice Premier of the State Council, inspected the work of the West Province, and the progress on the first day was very smooth.

After the banquet, Xia Xiang stayed in the office for a while and met Lei Zhixue. After discussing tomorrow's itinerary, he hurried back to his residence.

At this time, it's past ten o'clock in the evening.

No matter how late it is, Xiaxiang likes to turn on the computer to surf the Internet for half an hour and contact people he knows. Online chat is closer than the phone, and it can also be video.

But I'm too tired today, and there will be a lot of things to do tomorrow. Xia wanted to just say a few words and turned off the computer. As soon as I turned off the computer, I received a phone call from Chen: "Leader, Li Qin has just arrived in Jinyang."

Xia Xiang shook her head. In fact, Li Qin was in the capital, so she could completely command Ruoding and promote the whole plan, but she insisted on flying to Jinyang. I guess she also wanted to experience the charm of the hot battlefield.

Li Qin is a war maniac. Of course, it is an economic war. There is nothing she can do if she wants to do it. It's up to her.

Oh, Chen reported the latest trend: "Jiang Gang is estimated that there will be a series of counterattacks. According to reliable information, he may want to form an alliance to invest 100 million yuan in a research center. In addition, I think Chen Yan is unreliable and is not recommended to cooperate with her.

Xia wanted to smile: "The principle that Chen Yan believes in is wealth and danger, and the usual method is empty gloves and white wolves. Sometimes empty gloves take a long time, and you will always be blind. The Western Province is a large coal-producing province. Most of the wolves are black wolves. After a layer of white skin, they become white wolves. But when it rains, it reveals its true face.

Oh, Chen heard that Governor Xia was full of confidence in controlling Chen Yan. Thinking about it, Governor Xia never affected his judgment because of a woman's beauty. He was relieved: "One more thing is that I just met Qiu Tang."

Qiu Tang is Zhang Pingshao's cronies. Although he lacked courage and limited control over the municipal bureau, he won the tasks such as loyalty, cleaning up Xiao Lei's forces and rectifying the municipal bureau, which were handed over to him first. The heavy responsibilities such as dealing with the private bodyguard group and breaking the situation of collusion between officials and businessmen cannot be handed over to him for the time being. Xia wants to borrow his own strength.

The last time a private bodyguard helped Sang Tianliang escape incident, the divine soldier fell from the sky, which has already explained many problems. However, few people know about the incident. How much hidden power Xia Xiang has in the Western Province is also a big mystery. The answer will never be revealed until the last moment.

"Ji Tang is now initially in control of the situation, but there is still an undercurrent of opposition. He said he was sure to control it. But I'm not sure about the upcoming special action. Oh, Chen has been thinking about Xia for a long time. He inevitably has to guess Xia's thoughts, and he also thinks that he can see Xia's layout more clearly than the outsiders. "I think Qiu Tang can't be used much, and he can't be entrusted with heavy responsibilities."

The next special action is a powerful sniper battle. Qiu Tang has always been the deputy. Now he only exercises the power of the director on behalf of the director, and there is no fact that he is not a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee. It is completely understandable that he lacks confidence. Xia said, "If you send a message The action is in the right place."

After a few more words, Xia thought hung up the phone and looked at the time. It was almost eleven o'clock, and he was ready to fall asleep.

Unexpectedly, I lay down and the phone rang again.

The more things there are, the more accidents there are. Xia wanted to pick up the phone and said, "Chen Yan, you'd better have something important."

Chen Yan heard the impatience in Xia's tone, and seemed not to be afraid of Xia at all: "Don't be angry, governor. I'm not ignorant. There must be something important to report."

Chen Yan didn't lie. Sure enough, there were several major events. Jiang Gang urged her to take action against Xia as soon as possible. Jiang Gang was forced to do so. Second, Jiang Gang invested, and Yiyi is ready to set up a standardized coal mining research center to confront the pilot policy of the State Council head-on, which is also to say no to Xiaxiang's energy-oriented economic transformation. Third, Jiang Gang may take improper measures to sniper Xiaxiang on the side or behind.

Chen Yan was really not an ordinary person. Less than half a day after talking to Jiang Gang, she sorted out her thoughts and told the transaction between her and Jiang Gang. The last one was that she woke up Jiang Gang and let Jiang Gang make trouble to sniper Xiaxiang. She also said it without blushing, which was really admirable.

After reporting the whole thing, Chen Yan yawned a lot: "I'm going to bed. Women can't sleep too late. The skin is easy to relax, and the aging will get worse. Governor, don't let my good intentions down. It took me a lot of effort to get secrets from Jiang Gang's mouth. In addition, tell the governor another good news. Lei Xiaoming's request for shares from Jiang'an is going smoothly. Unexpectedly, Jiang'an will agree sooner or later.

What a Chen Yan!

Xia wanted to laugh silently, with three knives on both sides, clever words, beautiful words, left and right, beauty and wisdom. She is really a very smart woman. No wonder she is like a fish in water in Jinyang. There are indeed three knives, no, nine knives.

Cats have nine lives, and Chen Yan has nine knives!

A knife kills people invisibly.

They are all playing chess. They all admit that they have mastered the overall situation, and they all think that they are the only one in charge of the situation, but who is the last yellow finch who laughs? Only when the bottom card is revealed will they be the final winner.

Chen Yan... Xia wants to shake her head slightly and compete with Ji Rulan's competitive nature, but perhaps it is because of her origin. She has the same waywardness and small nature as Ji Rulan, but she does not have Ji Rulan's confidence and background.

In the final analysis, a person who wants to be left and right forever will one day be left and right.

The next day, according to the original plan, Fu Boju was going to visit several coal companies in Jinyang. Early in the morning, Lei Zhixue and Xia Xiang met and confirmed the escort. In addition to No. 1 and No. 2 of the Provincial Party Committee, Wang Qianqian, the executive vice governor, and others accompanied them all the way.

According to the prior arrangement, Mu Chengjie was not arranged to accompany him. When he was about to finalize the list of escorts, Fu Boju's secretary suddenly proposed that Vice Premier Fu specially nominated Mu Chengjie to accompany him.

When the Vice Premier is named, the provincial party committee has to implement the instructions. Although Lei Zhixue was puzzled and didn't ask many questions, he just secretly looked at Xiaxiang and seriously suspected that Xiaxiang and Fu Boju wanted to act for him.

With the relationship between Xiaxiang and Fu Boju, he colluded with each other, which can completely put him in a passive position. Lei Zhixue was unhappy. Why did he suddenly disrupt the arrangement?

Think about it again, forget it. It's not that Mu Chengjie doesn't know the rules. He will be with him. I believe he won't talk nonsense. But somehow, Lei Zhixue always felt that there might be some accident in today's inspection.

The inspection team rushed to Wang Shengshuai's Shenghua Mining Industry first.

Since it is the first pilot enterprise of the State Council in the Western Province, it is reasonable for Fu Bo to take the first stop at Shenghua Mining. Shenghua Mining ushered in the inspection of the national leader for the first time. The lights were decorated with a new look. Wang Shengshuai carefully cleaned up, and as if he was ten years younger, he was happy to welcome the inspection team at the door.

The honor enjoyed by Shenghua Mining made many coal companies in the Western Province extremely envious. They thought that Xia wanted to mention it casually at the joint meeting, but it was just a tentative move, and they didn't expect it to come true. At the thought of letting Wang Shengshuai pick up a big bargain, no matter whether the State Council's policy can be implemented in the end or not, at least the Vice Premier's inspection can add luster to Shenghua Mining, and can also let Wang Shengshuai show his face one by one, many coal bosses in the western province, including Jiang Gang, are not

If you knew it earlier, you have to seize the opportunity to say anything. You can't let Wang Shengshuai easily pick up a huge bargain.

But it's useless to regret. After all, it has become a fact, and I can only sigh.

In the inspection of Shenghua Mining, everything went well. There were no accidents. It can be said that everyone was very happy. Fu Boju made a deal on the spot, promised that the policy of the State Council would be implemented, and also asked the Western Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government to provide assistance to the pilot enterprises to the best of their ability.

Fu Boju even stressed: "The century-old plan of Kansai Province should not be missed at all. The State Council is firmly on the transformation of the energy-based economy in Western Province, and for this reason, the State Council has also made major adjustments. The success or failure of Shenghua Mining will be related to the formulation of the country's long-term policy, and whether the future of the Western Province is better..."

Under the heavy trust of Fu Boju, Wang Shengshuai was flattered and said that he would live up to the trust of Vice Premier Fu, the provincial party committee and the provincial government.

After the inspection of Shenghua Mining, you should go back for dinner according to the established itinerary. Fu Boju had a whim and proposed to go to Anda Mining for a walk. The reason was very speechless: "I heard that there is a very good restaurant in Anda Mining, and there are often rare delicacies. I often hear people in the capital that since I'm here, it's a pity not to see it. How about it? Who will

Fu Boju spoke easily and harmoniously, but Lei Zhixue heard a messy mind. For a moment, the idea was that there was something to put on Anda Mining's head?

PS: Khan, who is so lazy that he doesn't even vote for the recommendation vote, so I'll have two updates tomorrow, okay? ( To be continued)