official god

Chapter 2073 Xiaxiang Research Group

In the quiet night, the stranger's voice blew into the room from the window like a cold wind, which made Chen Yan suddenly shiver.

It can be said that Chen Yan, who has read countless people, has never been afraid of a voice, but today, she does have a feeling of being peeped, as if the voice did not come from the phone, but from behind.

Subconsciously looked behind him, and there was no one behind him. Chen Yan was still worried. She ran to check the door. The door was so closed that no one could come in.

"Who are you?" Chen Yan was shocked as soon as she made a sound, only to find that her voice trembled slightly.

That's all!

But she didn't have the confidence in her heart. Only then did Chen Yan know that she was far less powerful than she thought.

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that I can afford to pay a high price, and I also know that you want to sell your shares now. If you don't do it again, you will set yourself on fire. The other party's voice is still cold.

"You don't even dare to say who you are. How can I believe Li?" Chen Yan sneered, "If I suspect that you are Jiang Gang's person, what should I say?"

"Hehe." The other party smiled, "Do Jiang Gang also deserve to be compared with me? To tell you the truth, I come from the capital. Entering the energy industry in Western Province is a long-term layout. I have taken the first step before.

Do you want to go?" Chen Yan held her breath for a moment, and she almost guessed who the other party was.

But there is another problem. Li Qin wants shares, and Fu Jia also wants them. Who do you want to sell to? Or is the Fu family acting with Li Qin or bidding?

With doubts, Chen Yan asked tentatively, "Well, since you are quite powerful, I believe you for the time being... What price do you want to offer?"

"The market price is 20% off." The other party directly offered a price.

"You are really good at bidding." Chen Yan smiled, "Now my shares are very popular. Besides, the stock price of Anda Mining is also very stable. You are in a hurry to buy it. Why do I have to sell it at a discount?"

"Because..." The other party also smiled, "The stock of Anda Mining is about to fall sharply. If you sell it now, you can get a 20% discount. If you sell it later, you won't get a 40% discount.

"You..." Before the words were spoken, the other party's phone was cut off. Chen Yan held the phone and didn't know what to do. She was stunned for a long time before she woke up and was suddenly shocked. So, Xia Xiang also took care of the layout of Anda Mining in addition to competing with Coca-Cola?

It must be.

Chen Yan thought of the opportunity for Li Qin to appear in time, and compared with the methods before and after the Fu family's acquisition of Shenghua Mining, she was even more sure that the Fu family would eat Anda Mining with the support of Xia Xiang.

Chen Yan didn't guess right, and she didn't even guess half of it. Her understanding of politics was superficial, and she didn't know that in addition to bargaining, politics also had a combination of virtuality and reality.

A few days later, the dust of the Coca-Cola incident was settled, and finally the source of pollution pointed to Anda Mining, because the Coca-Cola incident had been stirred up and almost became an international event. Unexpectedly, the final peak turned around, and the pollution fell on the head of Anda Mining. For a moment, Anda Mining took advantage of the It has become an "internationally renowned enterprise"!

The taste of the storm is not good. Not only the domestic media criticized Anda Mining and reported it, but also foreign media also criticized Anda Mining, attacking Anda Mining to the image of Coca-Cola Company, and even the right-wing media strongly demanded the U.S. government. Pressured the Chinese government to punish Anda Mining.

Members of the U.S. Congress also proposed that the U.S. government impose economic sanctions on Anda Mining.

The name of Anda Mining has spread all over the world in one day.

Jiang Gang was crazy. He was not psychologically prepared for the sudden famous situation, let alone the joy of becoming famous all over the world. In the past, how exciting it would have been for such a large-scale free publicity, but now he is anxious to turn around the group.

It is famous, but it is notorious. Moreover, the coal mine in an inland province shocked the U.S. government and was sanctioned by the U.S. government. He was really lucky. The most important thing is the hype of major media, and the most immediate effect is a stock crash!

The market value has shrunk by 10% in one day.

Jiang Gang finally learned Xia Xiashi's shocking wrist. When he was fighting with Coca-Cola, he was still standing by and watching the battle happily. He thought that Xia was so stupid that he still had spare time to make a fuss with Coca-Cola. He didn't know that he was burning his buttocks in front of him?

Now he suddenly realized that he was happy to watch the battle, but he was a layman watching the bustle. He didn't know that Xia wanted to dig a hole for him at the same time. The bigger the Coca-Cola incident is, the bigger the hole dug for him.

The stock decline of Anda Mining is only the first step, and the second step is encirclement and suppressing.

The Quality Supervision Bureau and the environmental protection department jointly went to Anda Mining to investigate and collect evidence. After testing, Anda Mining not only did not meet the standards, but also had many potential safety hazards. The Quality Supervision Bureau issued a deadline notice of rectification to Anda Mining, and the Environmental Protection Bureau issued a fine of 5 million yuan.

The news came out, and the stock price of Anda Mining fell again.

And just when the spearhead was all aimed at Anda Mining, the Coca-Cola West Branch also quietly restarted. The contest ended with the complete defeat of Coca-Cola, and the spirit of Xiaxiang's instructions was fully implemented.

Although it is not big enough to rise to the height of Sino-US economic confrontation, Xu Guanhua's words is: "Great national prestige!"

The real competition is always behind the scenes. In order to withstand the pressure from the United States, on the surface, Xia wants to be extremely strong in the Western Province. In fact, behind the scenes, Wu Caiyang, Gu Qiushi, including the Prime Minister, have resisted a lot of pressure from the U.S. government.

The final outcome of the matter, in Xu Guanhua's words, is to promote the national prestige! It is no exaggeration. It does make the U.S. government lose face. Of course, the U.S. side also knows that the Western Province uses the suppression of Coca-Cola to talk about things, and the sword guides the sea storm.

is equivalent to handing hands and winning one game, at least the South China Sea has not calmed down.

After this incident, Xiaxiang left an extremely deep impression in the minds of countless politicians in the United States. Many politicians in the United States regard Xiaxiang as the number one confidant. As the reserve force most likely to challenge the authority of the United States, the United States has set up a special Xiaxiang research group to pay attention to Xiaxiang's every move from Take Xiaxiang's words and deeds as a reference for the future strategic policy formulation of the United States.

The deadline rectification and fines for Anda Mining are only the second step, followed by the third step.

Some of the coal produced by Anda Mining is supplied to Western Province, and most of it is exported to surrounding provinces. Among them, Yan Province is a large seller of Anda Mining.

As a barrier to the east of the Western Province, the transportation of coal in the Western Province to the east must pass through Yan Province.

Some coal trucks in Anda Mining were seized one after another when passing through the highway in Yan Province. The reason is very simple, overload.

Overloading is China's national situation. If you don't overload the transport fleet, you won't make money. What's the reason? High tolls are a mountain that raises prices, hinders traffic and lowers the national happiness index.

In the past, Anda Mining's transport vehicles were also overloaded, but they were rarely investigated, mainly feeding ** along the route. But it has been seized so much recently that almost every car must be checked, and once checked, it must be deducted.

In a few days, Anda Mining couldn't stand it. The coal produced was piled up like a mountain and could not be transported out. It was piled up in the coal farm of Anda Mining, which made Jiang Gang finally realize the unspeakable taste.

If only the coal trucks of Anda Mining were investigated, it would be fine. However, in addition to Shenghua Mining, at least one-third of the vehicles of almost all coal enterprises that jointly opposed the transformation of the energy-based economy were seized and suffered heavy losses.

In contrast, after the coal transportation team of Shenghua Mining was contracted to a new transportation company, not only has there never been a seizure incident, but also the transportation speed has been significantly accelerated, and the process is much more scientific than before. The transportation is fast, and the sales volume has increased. Many customers of Anda Mining have turned to Shenghua Mining.

Several coal companies that were not firm in position saw that the situation was not good, and immediately turned around and kept a distance from Anda Mining, but the transport convoy was still seriously seized, so they hurried to learn from Shenghua Mining. After receiving guidance, they all changed the transport convoys one after another, and then it was smooth all the way.

The hidden power of the Mei family was finally demonstrated, but at the same time, Xiaxiang did not let the Mei family contribute in vain, and let the Mei family undertake a lot of transportation business in the Western Province.

Under a series of blows, the market value of Anda Mining continued to shrink sharply, and the stock price continued to decline.

Anda Mining... After being swept away by the remnants of the Coca-Cola incident, it was so damaged that it slid to the edge of bankruptcy.

Chen Yan regrets how good it should have been to sell the stock in her hand earlier. Now it has shrunk by more than 20%. I'm afraid it has even 40%. It was sold at a 20% discount earlier, which is much better than now.

It's just that there is no way back to go back in the world. Chen Yan regrets it, and she won't take the initiative to transfer the stock to Li Qin again. Just when she was in a dilemma, Li Qin appeared again like a timely rain.

"Chen Yan, do you have time to meet and talk again?"

"Well, you said the location." Chen Yan is no longer reserved. She is worried that if she is one step later, Anda Mining may really go bankrupt and liquidate.

While Chen Yan and Li Qin met, many retail investors in Anda Mining could not hold on. They began to sell their stocks one after another. As soon as they sold, they were swallowed by a mysterious force.

At this time, Jiang Gang also realized that the worker might really be powerless. Before his anti-Xia thought alliance came in handy, Anda Mining was first played to death by Xia wanted. He was unwilling.

It's a little too early to splash the dirty water of the mine disaster on Xiaxiang. The timing is not right, and the effect will not be very good. It's better to wait until the National People's Congress is held next year to ignite the fuse of the mine disaster, and then mobilize representatives to

At present, we have to start the first killer first.

Being forced to be helpless, Jiang Gang is finally going to fight hard. In fact, he also calmed down and thought about it. Didn't Xia want to deliberately force him to make a move? But after thinking about it, he was overwhelmed by the anger of revenge.