official god

Chapter 2076 Amazing Change

In the conference room of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, all the members of the Standing Committee were in full, and none of them were absent.

Lei Zhixue sat in the middle and looked as usual, but there was still an unconcealed fatigue between his looks. Not to mention whether the trip to the capital is smooth or not for the time being, the recent trip alone makes him a little overwhelmed.

Although he is still young and can't describe his fall in age, he is an absolute young man among the provincial party secretaries.

Xia wants to know more or less about Lei Zhixue's experience in the capital. Although it is not detailed, it is enough for him to make an accurate judgment at today's meeting.

This time, I went to Beijing more or less smoothly than the two times before Lei Zhixue. Things have made a little progress. Therefore, although Lei Zhixue is slightly tired, he still insists on holding a meeting as soon as he comes back. He also wants to take advantage of the hot iron and win the position of Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of .

Lei Zhixue's eyes swept across everyone's face, and his self-confidence returned to his face, bursting out of a powerful aura as a leader, which made people familiar with Lei Zhixue secretly shocked. I haven't seen Secretary Lei so powerful for a long time. Is it possible that if Wang Zegang's appointment today can't Is it time to exercise a veto?

In his impression, at the beginning of Secretary Lei's tenure in the Western Province, although he did not exercise the veto power, he put aside a lot of arguments before gradually establishing authority in the provincial party committee. Now I have met the youngest and most powerful governor in the history of the Western Province. The duel between the first and second leaders is about to be staged. Many people have opened their eyes wide to see who will laugh to the end.

The two nominations of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, Wang Zegang and Qiu Tang, are the nominations of Lei Zhixue and Xiaxiang respectively, which are well known to the members of the Standing Committee.

Lei Zhixue presided over the Standing Committee.

After clarifying the location questions, Lei Zhixue did not clearly express his support for Wang Zegang or Qiu Tang, which is also the political quality of the leader. Then, the right to speak was handed over to Xiaxiang.

Xiaxiang did not make a clear statement, but said, "Listen to the opinions of the Organization Department first."

Zhang Weizhao also echoed Xiaxiang's opinion: "Yes, let's listen to Comrade Shen Wen's assessment opinions on Comrade Wang Zegang and Qiu Tang first.


Zhang Wei said something. Not to mention the assessment opinions of the Organization Department, it seems that it is the same as Mao Shenwen's personal assessment opinions. Although the Minister of Organization can fully represent the Organization Department, it is obvious that Mao Shenwen's personal assessment opinion is so deliberately highlighted.

Mao Shenwen's eyes flashed with a trace of dissatisfaction. He knew that Zhang Weizhao's dissatisfaction with him was because of the election nominated by Zhang Weizhao. The Organization Department did not give face and did not formally no nomination. When reporting the proposal, although Zhang Weizhao was extremely dissatisfied, he still let it go. After all, Wang Zegang and Qiu Tang were nominated.

Mao Shenwen ignored Zhang Weizhao's cynicism. He was used to Zhang Weizhao's two-faced person and directly stated the assessment opinions of the Organization Department.

When he spoke, Mao Shenwen seemed to deliberately reply to Zhang Weizhao. He highlighted the opinion of the "Organization Department" several times. Zhang Wei listened and pretended not to hear it, but it was obvious that disdain flashed in his eyes.

It should be said that the assessment opinions submitted by Mao Shenwen on the Organization Department are quite pertinent. Wang Zegang has a good mass foundation, outstanding business ability and strong leadership ability, but sometimes he does not pay much attention to working methods. Qiu Tang's mass base is slightly poor, and he also has leadership ability. During the period of temporarily presiding over the work of the municipal bureau, he paid great attention to working methods and won the reputation of the municipal bureau.

In a word, the assessment conclusion of the Organization Department is slightly biased towards Wang Zegang, because Wang Zegang is more senior than Qiu Tang, but his preference is not very obvious. It can be said to be negligible, which fully shows Mao Shenwen's superb political skills as the head of the Organization of the Provincial Party

After Mao Shenwen finished his speech, he officially entered the voting session. According to common sense, Lei Zhixue should clearly state his support for which one, but the strange thing is that Lei Zhixue still does not have a clear attitude, but just said, "I "Baidu Tieba Sailing Text" first listen to the opinions of comrades."

As soon as he finished speaking, he also deliberately looked at Xia Xiang: "Comrade Xia Xiang, let's talk about your opinion first. You are more familiar with the public security front than me."

This sentence has a deep meaning. It is unknown whether Xia wants to deal with the public security department a lot before, or implies that Xia wants to interfere more in public security affairs. Anyway, Lei Zhixue's words have something to say.

Xia wanted to nod slightly, directly filtered part of Lei Zhixue's words, and said, "During the period when Comrade Qiu Tang presided over the work of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, all the work progressed smoothly and won the respect of the Municipal Bureau. He took over the position of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, which was conducive to the continuation of The public security in Jinyang is very poor. The Municipal Public Security Bureau needs a director who is familiar with grassroots work and starts from the grassroots step by step.

Xia wanted to be so outspoken and inclined to Qiu Tang, which surprised everyone a little. They all thought that Xia thought that Xia would more or less implicitly mention Wang Zegang. Unexpectedly, he kicked Wang Zegang out directly without any mercy. Wang Qianqian's face was not very good-looking, and he directly objected and said, "Is Comrade Xia Xiang's statement too subjective? I think Comrade Wang Zegang has more grassroots experience than Comrade Qiu Tang. He has been the deputy secretary of the municipal law committee from the county-level political and legal system..."

"Comrade Zegang has been working from the Legal Affairs Commission and has no experience in the public security front. The span of serving as the director of the public security bureau is too large. After all, the public security front is a pragmatic department." Dongfang Xiao rudely refuted Wang Qianqian.

Mao Shenwen was a little embarrassed. Dongfang Xiao jumped on him. His speech just now was on behalf of the Organization Department, which did not represent a personal statement. He coughed: "I'll say..."

"Comrade Shen Wen, you can ask Comrade Dongfang Xiao to talk about it after you finish it. Don't talk about it." Zhang Weizhao accurately seized the opportunity and gave Mao Shenwen a stumbling tumbling.

"..." Mao Shenwen choked. He had never seen anyone unreasonable or so unreasonable, but Zhang Weizhao was the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee. He was higher than him and ranked higher than him. He had to put up with it.

Dongfang Xiao returned Zhang Weizhao with a slight smile and said, "Since Comrade Qiu Tang presided over the work of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, all achievements have been obvious to all. He directly took over as the head of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, which is expected by everyone, and only Comrade Qiu Tang can continue to lead the work of the Municipal Public Security Bureau to Now the old and new of the municipal bureau are alternating, and stability is overwhelming.

Xia wanted to shake his head secretly. The reason Dongfang Xiao said was indeed a good reason, but it was too direct. The same thing can be said implicitly or directly. If it is too direct, it is no different from a threat. Dongfang Xiao's words are heard by others, which means that if the municipal bureau is not Qiu Tang to take over as the director, then there may be a situation of chaotic management.

This woman has political wisdom, but she always likes to be smart. Xia Can't comment on Dongfang Xiao.

Feng Jianchao's attitude is not surprising to support Qiu Tang.

After Feng Jianchao, it was Liu parallel, the secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

From previous things, it can be concluded that Liu Pinghang is a firm follower of Lei Zhixue. Since the opening of today's Standing Committee, there has been no accident. That is to say, the people who support Qiu Tang's "Baidu Tieba Sailing Text" are all the department of Xiaxiang, and the department that supports Wang Zegang, all of which are the departments of Lei Zhixue.

In the key appointment of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee and Director of the Public Security Bureau, it inevitably rises to the confrontation between the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and the Governor.

According to common sense, Liu parallel must support Wang Zegang's attitude, but unexpectedly... Liu parallel abstained.

"I won't express my opinion." Liu parallel only said one sentence and did not explain the reason, so he shut up.

Lei Zhixue was shocked.

Xiaxiang was also surprised.

Everyone was shocked.

Lei Zhixue was surprised that he didn't expect that Liu parallel would abstain. Xia was surprised because he didn't expect that Liu parallel would abstain. Why did Liu parallel abstain? He has not had any kind of contact or transaction with Liu in advance.

After a brief shock, the remaining few people were very moved. Judging from the vote just now, the situation is very favorable to Qiu Tang. In case more than half of the members of the Standing Committee of Qiu Tang are supported, how will Secretary Lei respond?

Later, Zhang Pingshao's speech also supported Qiu Tang without surprise.

Then there is Dong Wenwu.

Dong Wenwu's attitude was very straightforward, and his speech was very brief: "I know Qiu Tang, and I also know Wang Zegang. Comrade Qiu Tang is suitable for doing practical things. Comrade Zegang is still very good at managing the Party."

Oke is the secretary-general of the provincial party committee, and will inevitably support the nomination of Lei Zhixue. What's more, Wang Zegang's nomination was hinted to the Organization Department. Of course, he firmly supported Wang Zegang.

It is not enough to support Wang Zegang. According to the prior agreement, it is also necessary to suppress the prestige of Qiu Tang to make Wang Zegang rise to power smoothly. The reason why Lei Zhixue did not make a clear statement was that he was waiting for him to ignite the fuse.

He lit the fire, Wang moved forward to fan the wind, and finally Lei Zhi learned to make a final, and the big thing could be done.

"Comrade Qiu Tang's conditions are not bad in all aspects. It is logical for him to be the secretary of the Political and Legal Secretary and Director of the Public Security Bureau, but personnel appointment is a major event, and you can't be careless..." The Oak people didn't want to be a leader today, and they were easy to be hated by others, but there was nothing they could do. Under the promotion of all parties, the task of being a bad person fell on him this time. "'I just received a report from the public, reflecting that Comrade Qiu Tang was kinship, suppressing dissidents, and >

"In this case, the problem is too serious..." As soon as the Oak people finished speaking, Wang Qianqian couldn't wait to fan the wind.

"Comrade Qianqian, if you robbed me of my words, don't you want me to speak, or do you think I don't need to speak?" If Wang Qianqian was deliberately provocative, then Mu Chengjie's rude reply was provocation.

was pushed by Mu Chengjie's hidden needle. Wang Qianqian's face was not very good-looking. Just as he was about to refute a few words, Lei Zhixue suddenly got into trouble. He gently knocked on the table: "In the matter of catching the wind and shadows, don't talk nonsense at the Standing Committee. Pay attention to It's solemn."

Then Lei Zhixue said firmly, "I support the Organization Department's nomination of Comrade Qiu Tang!"

Ah, how come? All of them are shocked.

PS: Say hello to your brothers in Shanghai. ( To be continued)