official god

Chapter 2080 Springboard

The cause of the matter is still due to the uneven distribution of benefits.

Like the current situation of the coal industry, the interest entanglement of the power industry in the Western Province is also extremely resentful. However, what is different from the concentrated uneven distribution of the accumulated grievances of the coal industry is that the interest entanglement of the power industry is mainly the conflict of interest between the local power grid and the national power grid.

The cause of the incident, on the general surface, is still the conflict between the distribution of interests between the local power grid and the national power grid. In essence, it is actually a microcosm of the competition between the country and the provinces and the people.

At the time of the incident, more than a number of local power workers in the Western Province forcibly pulled the line across the kilovolt transmission line owned by the State Grid Corporation of China. What's more incredible is that the police and ** of Shuifeng County, Western Province, not only did not stop them, but also participated in and created this violent incident that seriously threatened the safe operation of the national power grid!

There were a total of employees and police, holding all kinds of weapons, shovels, batons, rebars, and wooden sticks, and the police were fully armed, and even used riot shields. They rushed into the station of the State Grid in the Western Province with momentum. They rushed up and fought, causing one death and six serious injuries of the State Grid employees More than a dozen people were slightly injured.

Although the incident occurred in Shuifeng County, Shuifeng County is not far from Jinyang. It is the residence of the West Province Electric Power Corporation. It is referred to as the West Province's local power company. The violence drove away the normal operation of the employees of the State Grid and attacked the employees of the State Grid. It is not an isolated case. It is .

As early as the year of z, there was a similar case with the State Grid Corporation of China in the Power Supply Branch of Didian Short-Wen County, Western Province. At that time, it was called a short article incident, which once caused a sensation, which caused a big headache for the Western Provincial Government, and triggered the strong dissatisfaction of the State Grid with the Western Province. In the end, the State Council even intervened to calm the matter.

calming down is just to cover up the contradictions, but does not solve the contradictions from the original. Just like the cat cover the shit, it is a way to cover the ears and steal the bell.

Unfortunately, the governor at that time was not Xiaxiang. Under the pressure of the central government, he had to compromise and sacrifice the interests of the western province to safeguard the authority of the central government. However, the central government's unfair plundering and squeezing development policy for the provinces has buried the hidden danger of only making big cakes and not distributing cakes from the beginning of the reform and opening up.

Until today, it is a plunder that allows backward inland provinces to provide cheap resources and labor to rich coastal developed provinces.

Since the State Council has finally realized that the preferential policy of making up for the lack of losses not only does not help the coastal provinces to further increase the total economic volume, but also makes the rich and the poor poor poor, and even makes the gap between the rich and the poor continue to widen to the edge of danger. Therefore, the policy of energy-based economic transformation Taiwan has also piloted the opening of coal prices.

The reform of the coal industry is imperative. Does the power industry still need to be indifferent?

It should be said that Jiang Gang chose to encourage the contradictions and conflicts between the western province's land power and the state power grid to create a difficult problem for Xiaxiang. It is indeed a very smart chess game. There must be the guidance of political masters behind it. Otherwise, with Jiang Gang's political wisdom, he will definitely not come up with such lethal

Compared with the problems in the coal industry, the problems in the power industry are more of a minefield. I believe that no matter how strong Xia wants to be, no matter how strong he is, he can't move the mountains of the power industry.

Jiang Gang was determined that the conflict together cast a shadow on Xia Xiang's road to the governor of the Western Province. If the contradictions in the power industry are not handled well, Xiaxiang will anger the powerful figures behind the power industry, and it will be difficult to end. Maybe the efforts to promote the transformation of the energy-based economy in the western province will be put into vain.

It is also true that starting from Jiang Gang's position and analyzing the problem with his perspective, the armed struggle between the western province's local network and the state power grid makes the newly appointed governor Xia inevitably have a headache and at a loss. It is the responsibility of the governor to safeguard the interests of the western province's local power, but it will certainly make the If the interests of the national power grid are safeguarded, Xia wants to say that he wants to seek benefits for the Western Province and strive for the so-called energy-based economic transformation of policies for coal enterprises in the Western Province, which has become empty talk.

After the incident, Jiang Gang sat firmly on the Diaoyutai. It was really a club called Diaoyutai. He wanted to wait for Xia to solve the problem. He wanted to appreciate how Xia wanted to talk about himself and how to show his fake empty real face in front of the coal enterprises in the Western Province. He waited for the news while drinking tea,

Although Anda Mining's stock price plummeted and caused him heavy losses, the joy of about to win back the game still made him proud. After all, Anda Mining is only one of the many industries under his name, not all of them, which can't hurt his roots. And I believe that if Xia wants to be trapped in the difficulties of the power industry and has no time to pay attention to the reform of coal enterprises, it will not be long before his stock price of Anda Mining can rise back to the normal price.

It can even be raised a lot.

Soon after the news came that Xia wanted to hear about the martial arts incident, he immediately held an emergency meeting. At the meeting, Xia wanted to strictly control the further development of the situation to avoid getting out of control, and appointed Wang Qianqian as the fulgent person in charge to go to the scene to properly deal with the incident.

After the government meeting, Wang Qianqian made an emergency move to Shuifeng County, accompanied by Ma Yu.

Wang Xiang, formerly known as the executive vice governor, has a corresponding deputy secretary-general of the provincial government, but is accompanied by the secretary-general of the provincial government. Such an arrangement really makes people think too much. Now basically everyone knows that Ma Yu has completely fallen to Xiaxiang.

Xia wanted to sit in the office and took a sip of light tea in a hurry. She didn't feel panic because of the emergency at all. On the contrary, she looked confident and indifferent.

Tang Tianyun appreciates the self-confidence when Xia wants to be in power.

"Leader, what will be the result of Governor Wang going to deal with the incident?" Since Tang Tianyun decided to follow Xia's pace in the future, he had to learn the way of politics from Xia when he was young.

"No result is the best result." Xia wanted to smile and knew that the contradiction between the western province's ground power and the state power grid could only be the thin mud. The starting point of the western province would naturally favor the western province's ground power, but the state power grid has the power of administrative examination and approval, and it can't offend. In the end, it must be an end.

Wang Qianqian was in charge of electricity and sent him there, which was justified. In addition, Xia Xiang also knew that Jiang Gang, the agitator behind the incident, wanted to take the opportunity to smear his face. He wanted to see how Wang Qianqian cooperated with Jiang Gang's acting first.

Tang Tianyun smiled and said, "It's difficult for Governor Wang. It's not soft, it's not hard, it's embarrassing. However, I believe that Governor Wang also has experience in dealing with similar incidents. Coupled with psychological preparation, there should be a satisfactory result for all parties soon.

Xia Xiang also smiled: "That's right. Then again, accompanied by Ma Yu, the burden on Comrade Qian's shoulders will be lighter. In the power grid martial arts incident a few years ago, when Ma Yu was the deputy secretary-general of the provincial government, he happened to participate in the pre-processing process in person."

"The contradiction between the ground power and the national power is not the topic of the western province, but a national problem, which is not easy to solve." Tang Tianyun is very clear that there was a martial arts incident between the ground power and the national power a few years ago. The scale is not as large as the current one, the number of casualties is also small, But it's definitely better to deal with than this time.

The specific cause of the last incident is not easy to study in detail now, but the cause of this incident is a kV transmission line project planned to be built in the Western Province, which is planned to cross the main power grid of the West Province managed by the State Grid Jinyang Power Supply Company. According to common sense, as long as the procedures are complete, there is no reason not to give convenience to the State Grid.

But after the report, the State Grid has not been approved for a long time. The reason is that the land power in the western province does not have any approval procedures, nor has it performed the corresponding application and review procedures with the State Grid Corporation of China, and does not have the necessary security and technical measures... ", with the above official statement, anyone can see at a glance that the State Grid is perfunctory, procrastination and stuck.

While without approval, Guodian also requires local power in the western province to strictly implement the safety regulations, maintain the safety of the power grid in the western province, and carry out on-site power protection on both sides of the line (in the statutory power facilities protection zone).

It was the measure of power conservation that angered the land power in the Western Province, leading to the occurrence of vicious incidents.

In fact, the deeper root lies in the thousand-volt transmission line project built by the land power in the western province, which bypasses the power supply of the State Grid and diverts electricity from Inner Mongolia. That is to say, its fundamental purpose is to get rid of the control of the State Grid. How can State Grid let its customers buy electricity from other companies? Naturally, we need to use the power in the hand to block it.

One side is extremely dissatisfied with the high-priced electricity and monopoly of the national power grid, and the other side is blocking the action of the western province's land power to get rid of control. If they do not give in to each other, it will naturally be solved by force.

West Province is one of the main power sources of China's west-to-east power transmission. The power resources are relatively surplus, and the phenomenon of "electricity" in spring and autumn is also common. The question comes from this. Why does the land power in the Western Province seek the distance, turn to Inner Mongolia and then buy electricity from the North China Power Grid, and then send it to the territory of the Western Province?

It is clear that the electricity of the State Grid is in front of you. Why don't you use 9

The land power of the Western Province is a large provincial enterprise affiliated to the Western Provincial Government, including municipal branches and 66 county-level branches. The power supply area accounts for the inferiority of the Western Province, but its market share is only kik. The State Grid Corporation of China is the largest and most powerful super-large central enterprise in the power field in China, with a market share in the western province. The contradiction comes from this.

The power industry is a state monopoly industry, but there are two power enterprises in the Western Province. The two enterprises often clash, most of which are for the distribution of power supply benefits for large enterprises.

And every dispute needs to be coordinated by the provincial government, which is indeed a headache for the provincial government.

Jiang Gang did create a big or small trouble for Xia. However, the future development of the matter completely deviated from his expectations. He dug a pit for Xia, but he didn't expect that Xia wanted to use his pit as a springboard to complete a beautiful leap. ( To be continued)