official god

Chapter 2083 Extremely heavy winning chips

Looking at Xia, who wants to talk with Feng Fa, Liu parallel has mixed feelings in his heart.

The outsiders were surprised by the unexpected abstention in the Standing Committee, but his heart was helpless and unspeakable.

As the secretary of the provincial commission for discipline inspection, his position in the provincial party committee is very awkward. The secretary of the secretary of the discipline inspection should be a heavyweight in power. Punishing several corrupt officials every year is a matter of the matter, and it is also the only way for the political achievements of the secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. However, after The relatively independent discipline inspection commission system has almost become a forgotten corner.

The reason is only one afternoon, and the Commission for Discipline Inspection did not investigate and deal with any major cases.

Just like any governor who wants to develop the economy, any secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection wants to investigate and handle a number of major cases under his own term of office. Liu parallel also thought about it, but he didn't have a chance.

Lei Zhixue does not support his work. He ranks low in the Standing Committee. His speech is of insufficient, and the collusion between officials and businessmen in the Western Province is serious. With his power, even if he wants to investigate and punish anyone, he may be powerless.

Governor Xia's big plan is about to hit the coal enterprises in the West Province, which is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It's a pity to miss it. There is no doubt that if the transformation of the energy economy can really be further promoted, a coal boss will lead to a group of corrupt officials.

Liu Pinghe raised his glass and said to Xia Xiang: "Gun Governor, in the future, we should stride forward to import in the spirit of the governor's instructions"

Xia wanted to respond politely: "Parallel, I have served as the secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection in both Hunan Province and Lingnan. I am familiar with the work of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and have deep feelings for the comrades of the Commission for Discipline Inspection."

Liu parallel understood Xiaxiang's hint, which made him feel at ease and bold. At the critical moment, Xiaxiang would provide him with the support he could.

"Thank you, Governor. The Commission for Discipline Inspection can also add support to the energy-based economic transformation of Western Province."

Today's dinner was a lot of harvest. Xia thought that she was happy for a moment and couldn't help drinking a few more drinks, and she was very drunk. For Xiaxiang, who doesn't drink much easily, he is much drunk.

Although Jiang Gang laid a trap, Xiaxiang was still calm and did not fight back. It's not that he didn't want to, but it's not the time. What he wants is not to defeat Jiang Gang, but to break the old order of the Western Province when he fights with Jiang Gang.

Jiang Gang is the representative of the old order in the Western Province and the fulcrum of the collusion between officials and businessmen in the whole Western Province.

It is easy for Jiang Gang to be defeated. It is difficult to use the process of attacking Jiang Gang to resolve the offensive of the coal boss in the Western Province and take the opportunity to re-establish a new order. It is difficult to calculate the gains and losses at every step.

Jiang Gang borrowed the contradiction between the land power of the western province and the state power grid to cause trouble for him, and he took the opportunity to kick off his next plan. If Jiang Gang knew that his carefully deployed drama had created momentum for Xiaxiang's next goal, he would definitely regret it.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world to eat and there is no way back.

To be fair, Xia wanted to have no grudge against Jiang Gang, and he did not stage a big battle with Jiang Gang out of personal resentment. It is based on the starting point of promoting the transformation of the energy-based economy in the Western Province. Whoever stands on the road to the future of the blue sky and white clouds in the Western Province is the stumbling block he must remove.

There is another point that Jiang Gang is not alone in the battle. He is a fulcrum figure. After him, he is an interest group, which is not only the interest group of the coal boss in the Western Province, but also the connection point of the collusion between officials and businessmen in the Western Province. That is to say, Jiang Gang is a person who pulls his hair and moves his whole body.

Judging from the current situation, the West Province is now facing a major inflection point. If it crosses in one step, there may be blue sky and white clouds. If you get stuck in one step, you may be at the end of your work.

Xia thought dares not take it lightly. He is now fighting on two lines at the same time. Tomorrow, the heavy attack of the Municipal Public Security Bureau will certainly cause turbulence. Also tomorrow, the confrontation between the Western Provincial Power and the State Grid will enter the second stage. It is estimated that the intervention of the State Council will come as scheduled.

The road to the west has come to this day, and the real battle has just begun.

I haven't returned to the residence of the provincial party committee yet, and the phone rang. Most of the people who called at night were outsiders. Xia wanted to answer the phone, and Ji Rulan's intoxicated voice came from the phone: "I want to meet you..."

The car turned back on the same road, turned another corner, and came to a light manor.

The manor is not very exquisite and elegant. Xia wants to come to Jinyang for a long time. I don't know that Jinyang still has such a manor with garden characteristics. I also secretly admire Ji Rulan's vision. Is it a spiritual woman in the south or a woman who likes exquisite scenery.

It should be said that Ji Rulan and Yan Xiao have something in common.

When Tang Tianyun saw Ji Rulan, he showed an unnatural look. He said hello to Ji Rulan and whispered how Xia wanted to arrange it. Xia wanted Tang Tianyun and the driver to go out for tea and wait for him.

As soon as Tang Tianyun left, only Ji Rulan and Xia thought in the small room. Ji Rulan, dressed in a blue dress, is like a light blue orchid, fresh and elegant, chic and picturesque. She stood in front of Xiaxiang, with her hands behind her back, and leaned forward slightly, just like the first sight of that year.

Life is just a good wish if you see it for the first time. Since the last explosion, today is the first time that Xiaxiang and Ji Rulan have met face to face. When we meet again, things are different. There are thousands of mountains and rivers between him and her, and the feeling and heaviness that can never be said.

Ji Rulan stood still, with a mischievous and stubborn smile at the corners of her mouth. After a moment of laughter, she suddenly flew up like a butterfly and threw herself into Xia Shen's arms.

Warm and soft jade was full of arms, soft in his arms, fragrance in his nose, and what was in his heart... Xia Xiang couldn't explain for a moment. He only felt the slight trembling of Ji Rulan's body in his arms, and she leaned down in his ear, and whispered a word that was so close and so far

"I can't change my love for you. Please forgive me for betraying myself and accept my best first love. If you refuse, don't say anything. Turn around and leave silently, so that you won't see my tears.

Xia wanted to know that Ji Rulan was a poetic woman, and she also felt her first love at the time of the explosion. She didn't want to change. What remained unchanged was still her mood like a girl at the beginning of love.

As soon as Ji Rulan finished speaking, he jumped away in shock. He stood two meters away from Xiaxiang and quietly stared at Xiaxiang's eyes, with expectation and desire in his eyes, and a trace of confusion of his little daughter's expression.

Xia Xiang left without turning around. He is not as unprincipled as Xiao Wu said, but he is not a ruthless person. He will not escape because of Ji Rulan's show of love. He sat down and smiled: "I don't know if there is any good tea made by Rulan himself?"

Ji Rulan's eyes flashed a trace of bright sadness, and then narrowed her eyes and smiled again. She sat opposite Xiaxiang and took out the tea set from below like a trick. In silence and silence, she skillfully made a new pot of tea for Xiaxiang.

Ming, it is a good time for new tea.

Xia wanted to taste Ji Rulan's tea, which was still the aftertaste of the villa by the lake in Yangcheng. It was faint but far away, as if it had returned to the past in an instant.

"It was a private matter just now. Next... let's get down to business." Ji Rulan secretly looked at Xia. She looked more capricious and cute, but as soon as she talked about the business, she returned to her serious look. "I went back to Yangcheng, met my father, mentioned the dilemma of the western province's local electricity, and also mentioned your planning." Dad said that since you gave the Ji family a fulcrum, the It's too unmotivated. Although Lingnan is good, after all, it is a corner of peace. To the north of Lingnan, the world is wider.

Xia wanted to be happy in his heart. Mr. Ji was generally aware of the reason. He not only seized the opportunity he made, but also showed his ambition to sit in the south and look north. Good things, great things.

With the help of the Ji family, he can promote the layout of the power industry smoothly. The Ji family has a friendship with the giant behind the power industry, and it is said that the Ji family is also the most respected family of the power giant...

The successful introduction of the Ji family's intervention in the power dispute is equivalent to two simultaneous wars in the Western Province, adding a very heavy winning chip.

"In addition, I also had a good talk with Chen Yan." Ji Rulan took a panoramic view of Xia's expression, and there was a burst of joy in her heart. She said, "With only me and my little energy, I can't break through the dilemma of the power industry in the Western Province, and we still need to take advantage of Chen Yan's local combat. I didn't discuss it with you, so I just pulled her into the game. Will you be angry?

In the past, Ji Rulan made a decision to take into account Xia's feelings, which was an unimaginable thing, which also proved that Ji Rulan cared too much about Xia.

Xia wanted to laugh: "No, you did the right thing. It's a good thing to pull Chen Yan into the game and increase the winning chips. However, you must pay attention to one thing. Chen Yan is credible and cooperative, but she can't fully believe it. She is a double-edged sword. Be careful not to hurt your hands.

"She can't hurt me. I know her too well. What I'm worried about is, did she hurt you?" Ji Rulan asked Xia with a joking smile.

"If I could be hurt by her, I wouldn't have come to the Western Province from Lingnan safely..." Xia wanted to laugh.

Ji Rulan's face quietly turned red, showing her shyness.

Back to his residence, Xia wanted to make another phone call with Cao Shuqi. When he learned that Cao Shuqi would come to Jinyang in a few days, he was finally relieved. I don't know whether Xin'an Cao Shuji came to accompany him, or if Xin'an Cao Shuqi arrived in Jinyang, which would bring an invisible barrier to Ji Rulan and his approach.

The next morning, the municipal party committee and the provincial party committee held emergency meetings respectively. The emergency meeting of the Municipal Party Committee is to launch a heavy punching operation. As the first large-scale operation since Qiu Tang Fuzheng, it is of great significance, and where Jianguang refers, it will cut off the first network of collusion between officials and businessmen from the bottom.

The emergency meeting of the Provincial Party Committee finally shocked the central government in response to the confrontation between the local power and the western province and the national power grid, and the spirit of the central government's instructions was issued...