official god

Chapter 2089 It's time to show the card

The trend of Lei Zhixue has changed greatly, and there is a reason for the incident.

The root cause is still on Chen Hao.

Last time, Lei Zhixue and Xia wanted to have a secret conversation. The content of the secret discussion is unknown to outsiders, but the secret discussion was still spread to Wang Xiangqian's ears by Chen Haozhi's mouth, which also aroused Wang Qianqian's suspicion of the change of Lei Zhixue's position.

Facts have proved that Wang Qianqian's political awareness is quite high. After he pulled Chen Hao into the water through a series of wrists, coupled with the close relationship between him and Chen Hao, under the deliberate promotion, the relationship between him and Chen Hao became more and more harmonious to the point of everything.

Under Wang Qianqian's intentional or unintentional hint, Chen Hao's attention fell on what consensus was reached between Lei Zhixue and Xia Xiang. As the secretary brought by Lei Zhixue from the capital, Chen Hao was deeply trusted by Lei Zhixue. It is not difficult for him to figure out the change of Lei Zhixue's political position.

From the information revealed in the intentional or unintentional conversation of Lei Zhixue, coupled with several calls between Lei Zhixue and the capital, and Lei Zhixue deliberately avoided conflicts with Xiaxiang in work arrangements, etc., Chen Hao came to a shocking conclusion ~ Lei Zhixue and Xiaxiang reached some kind of compromise!

Lei Zhixue will let go of control of various affairs in the Western Province in exchange for Xia Xiang's support for him. If there is no accident in a certain aspect, it must be a matter of entry into the game.

Chen Hao told Wang Qianqian everything he had learned.

After Wang Qianqian listened, he was not shocked. The facts were almost the same as his conjecture. He just needed to be confirmed by Chen Hao.

Wang Qianqian decided to take the counter-restraint.

When dealing with the conflict between the underground power in the Western Province and the state power grid, he originally had the idea of procrastination, but after clarifying the change of Lei Zhixue's position, he immediately changed his strategy and became much more proactive. He had been secretly communicating with the capital and even went straight to the giant behind the national power grid!

Wang Qianqian is only the executive vice governor. Before he makes any decision, he should first communicate with Xia Xiang, and then report to Lei Zhixue and wait for further instructions from the provincial party committee, instead of communicating directly with the central government.

As the executive vice governor, he has a direct dialogue with the [China] central government, and what is the use of the governor and the provincial party committee [book]? Wang's move forward is definitely overstepped.

However, Wang Qianqian believes that he is willing to take political risks to bypass Xia Xiang and Lei Zhixue and communicate directly with the capital. It is a dangerous but smart move.

A few days later, Wang Qianqian's strategy worked and put pressure on the Western Provincial Party Committee in the capital. To be precise, he put pressure on Lei Zhixue. Someone had a big problem with Lei Zhixue's incomity and called in person to warn Lei Zhixue not to let the Western Province change.

If it's just a warning, it's okay, but the identity of the caller in the capital is special, and there are many hints in his words. The implication is to remind Lei Zhixue that the rule of inaction not only does not show a provincial party committee [book]'s high attitude of not interfering in administrative affairs, The performance.

Incompetence is the biggest obstacle to entering the game, which is just the truth of the opponent's attack.

In addition, the giant behind the State Grid also officially told Lei Zhixue that if the conflict between the Western Provincial Power and the State Grid cannot be successfully resolved, it will have a great impact on the entry of Lei Zhixue. The so-called great impact naturally implies that the giants of the power grid will cast a veto vote on Lei Zhixue's entry!

The complexity of domestic politics is unimaginable to many people. The retired former national leader has the right to vote on national affairs, especially the important voice.

Lei Zhixue thought about it again and again, and decided to change the strategy of governing in nothing. He wanted to fully intervene in the dispute between the land power and electricity in the western province and the state power grid, but he was not a person who went back on his word. After making a decision, he and Xia wanted to have an in-depth conversation before he

I thought Xia would be very unhappy. After listening to his idea, Xia indifferently accepted his turn to show his understanding and support for his decision. However, Xiaxiang put forward a supplementary suggestion to him: "Lei [Book], the heavy punch action of the Jinyang Public Security Bureau is very powerful. Does the provincial party committee also want to express its support?"

The action of Jinyang Public Security Bureau has also been asked for instructions from the Provincial Party Committee in advance. At that time, Lei Zhixue was a tacit attitude. Now the provincial party committee publicly expresses its support, which is also the norm in the officialdom. However, if Lei Zhixue personally expresses his position, it is equivalent to not only the Hold.

Lei Zhixue is very clear about the political significance of the heavy punch action. If he doesn't state his position, in case something can't end, he can still come forward. Once the position is made, after the matter is big,

He has no way out. Is it possible that Xia wants to exchange this matter to express his dissatisfaction with his change of position?

After a moment, Lei Zhixue still said, "Don't interfere with the decision of the municipal party committee."

Xia wanted to be neither disappointed nor surprised, but just nod indifferently: "Just follow the spirit of the instructions of Lei [book]."

When Xia wanted to turn around and leave, Lei Zhixue suddenly had a strange feeling about Xia Xinyi's back, as if he didn't know Xia at all, so he really had no way back. However, he was deeply worried about the name in his heart.

Lei Zhixue has recently been under the influence of the change of entering the game. Under the pressure of all forces from all parties to borrow the game, he is indeed a little flustered. As a reserve force, not to mention panicked, even panicked thoughts should not be available.

But I have to admit that he has not experienced the storm before and after leaving Beijing. He really has no experience in dealing with complex and changeable situations. His previous journey was too smooth. Throughout the past leaders of the country, it is difficult for those who go smoothly to the road to a high position. If they are too smooth, they will not have enough sense of worry.

Born in sorrow, died in peace, and the world is at peace. At least at this stage, it can only be a wishful dream. Indulging in the slightly drunken breeze of the south of the Yangtze River, he heard Xiaoqu drinking fragrant tea. No wonder Zhang Shicheng was defeated by Zhu Yuanzhang. The gentle hometown is a hero's grave.

Everyone is like this. In the face of major choices, it is inevitable that there will be unexpected actions. Whether it is success or failure in the end depends on the progress of history. In order to enter the game, Lei Zhixue has changed again and again. It seems that it should not be, but in fact, it can be understood if you think about it carefully. Don't say that he has done so many abnormal things in order to become a permanent member. If he succeeds, maybe what he has done will be promoted to the whole country and become a model.

But he failed, and his noise became a farce.

The justice of history is that any figure that moves against the trend of history will be washed to pieces. History never talks about affection, but only pushes forward indifferently according to the established track!

The situation in the West Province is the same. It does not get better because of Lei Zhixue's incommutation, nor does it get worse because of Lei Zhixue's backs, but it is still tenacious and firm to take a big step forward!

Subsequently, Lei Zhixue presided over a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, and asked the provincial government to come up with practical and feasible solutions to solve the confrontation between the western province's land power and the state power grid, ease the situation as soon as possible, control the further development of the situation, investigate the responsibility of the relevant responsible persons, ensure The interests are inviolable.

Lei Zhixue's speech formed a sharp contrast with Xia Xiang's decision at the last meeting, and it was almost equivalent to completely overturning Xia Xiang's three-point instruction spirit for solving the confrontation, which surprised all the members of the Standing Committee. In surprise, they all understood that the situation was afraid that the wind would change again.

The recent wind direction in the West Province has changed continuously, the southeast wind and the northwest wind, which makes people unable to keep up with the situation at all. How to solve the confrontation between the land power in the western province and the national power grid? What is the intrinsic connection between the heavy attack of the Jinyang Public Security Bureau and the power confrontation incident? If the power confrontation finally ends with the compromise of the western province's land power, to what extent will the heavy strike move go, and which level will be involved in the end?

All of the above have made a big question mark in the hearts of the car committees here.

It's just that the members of the Standing Committee have put their sights on the political perspective too much, but ignore that there is enough economic power to affect the political situation in addition to politics!

After the spirit of the instructions of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee came out, the attitude of the State Grid, which had been at a disadvantage in the confrontation, suddenly became tough. Originally, the State Grid only required the local power of the Western Province to severely punish the murderers and withdraw all the besieged personnel. Now it has added conditions. In addition to severely punishing the murderers, the provincial government is required to investigate and punish some leaders of the Western Province's local power, who are mainly responsible for the incident!

What's more, the State Grid also took the opportunity to propose the annexation of land power in the Western Province, and the conditions were quite harsh, or rather shameless!

Political power once again reveals the fangs with the greatest benefits of heaven and earth.

Wang Qianqian did not dare to make his own decision and urgently reported the situation to the provincial party committee and the provincial government. Lei Zhixue was very clear that the reason for the great change in the attitude of the State Grid was because of his change in position, so he took a high posture and kicked the problem to the provincial government.

After Lei Zhixue's ignition, no matter how to put out the fire, it was also the usual method of the leader. Xia Xiang immediately held an executive meeting of the provincial government and gave the spirit of three instructions to the unreasonable requirements put forward by the State Grid. First, the provincial party committee and the provincial government will carefully study the proposal of the State Grid, First, withdraw all the besiegers of the land power in the Western Province. Third, the provincial government will study the reorganization of the land power in the Western Province, and will seriously consider merging the land power in the Western Province and the state power grid after the reorganization.

Reorganize the land power of the Western Province? Wang Qianqian was shocked, and Xia Xiang's card was finally played! Before solving the problem of coal enterprises, Xia Xiang reached out to the power industry again. Didn't he die fast enough?

Well, Xia wants the governor of Xia, let the whole Western Province see if you finally died on the coal mountain or were scorched by electricity!