official god

Chapter 2098 Uncompromising

Qi Province is the place where Xiaxiang's governing philosophy was first revealed, and it was also the first time that he dared to commit the following crimes for the people. It was in the office of Qi Province that Xiaxiang laid the most shining side of his civilian feelings.

In Qi Province, because of the salt problem, he and the civilian forces staged a battle of swords and shadows. In the end, Xia wanted to stick to the concept and did not give in.

Food safety is a big problem and cannot be compromised. As long as it is within his authority, all food that is harmful to the physical and mental health of the people must not flow out of his jurisdiction, not to mention the salt that needs to be imported every day.

Also in Qi Province, Xiaxiang collided with the local forces of Qi Province, and finally disintegrated the deep-rooted local forces of Qi Province and opened up the situation for the central government to strengthen control over Qi Province.

When Xia Xiang was in office in Lingnan, the local forces of Qi Province were ready to move again and wanted to make a comeback. Xia Xiang remotely commanded his legacy forces in Qi Province, and finally killed some restless thoughts again.

Qi Province has returned to the normal track. Under the governance of Qiu Renli, the political stability and economic stability are stable.

However, all of a sudden, Qi Province! Then the news quickly spread all over the country, and what Jianguang pointed to was a copy of the conflict between the underground power in the Western Province and the national power grid.

I thought that the conflict between the land power in the western province and the state power grid was just a case. I didn't expect that the power dispute suddenly broke out in Qi Province. I couldn't help but think about it, comparing the power dispute in Qi Province with the power conflict in the Western Province, which is still deadlocked.

The power dispute in Qi Province originated from a self-built power plant supplying electricity to the outside world at a low price, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the State Grid and accused the self-built power plant of illegal power supply to the outside world!

Today, when the electricity price of the State Grid is gradually rising and claims to be a huge loss every year, a group company in Qi Province has built its own thermal power plant to supply power to the employees of the group at a price lower than one-third of the State Grid, and in the case of affluent electricity, it also supplies power to the surrounding enterprises It detonated public opinion.

The focus of public opinion is focused on the self-built thermal power plants to supply electricity at the price of one-third of the national power grid, and there are profits. Then the national power grid supplies electricity to the people of the whole country at three times higher electricity prices. Why does it still have huge losses over the years, and on the grounds of losses, on the The truth of the price increase?

The enterprise of the self-built power plant is the richest manufacturing group in Qi Province. As soon as the high-quality and low-cost power supply of the self-built power plant of the manufacturing group was disclosed by the media, it detonated public opinion and was praised by public opinion. It was also intentionally or unintentionally portrayed as a hero of salvation

It is also the hype of the media, coupled with the rising electricity prices that the State Grid is brewing, resulting in the construction group's self-built power plant being pushed to the forefront of the storm overnight. After being shaped by countless media to become a fighter of the current power system, the construction group's self-built power plant of the construction group has finally The thorn in the eye was stuck in the neck of the State Grid.

The practice of the State Grid is simple and rude. It directly gave instructions to the Manufacturing Group, requiring the Manufacturing Group to either raise the electricity price or stop the external power supply, otherwise all the consequences will be at its own risk.

In the face of the challenge of rapidly developing express delivery companies to seize the market, there is nothing to do. It directly introduces documents to protect the interests of postal services and restricts the development of express companies, but does not work on its own services and rapid delivery.

Intervening in the market by administrative means can only ensure the benefits of the moment. In the long run, it is the result of digging the grave itself. The arrogant attitude of the State Grid angered the construction group, and the two sides clashed. Although the scale of the conflict is far less than the scale of the conflict between the western province's underground power and the national power grid, it has also staged a full-scale war.

Unlike the personnel of the State Grid in the Western Province, the force value of the self-built power plant of the Manufacturing Group was too low, and it was killed by the Qi Provincial Branch of the State Grid, and even a leader of the self-built power plant was thrown into the stinky ditch.

In the end, the employees of the self-built power plant were also furious and injured several people of the State Grid.


incident rose to a political level and spread to the provincial party committee.

The attitude of the provincial party committee is very critical. Although Qi Province and the Western Province are two provinces, Qi Province's position in dealing with the conflict between self-built power plants and the national power grid will play a positive support for the Western Province, or the negative role in boosting the arrogance of the national andgua power grid!

The incident in Qi Province was accidental and inevitable. After Xia wanted to hear it, she smiled and said to Tang Tianyun, "It's a good opportunity."

Tang Tianyun doesn't know much about the current situation of Qi Province, let alone Xia Xiang's influence in Qi Province. He dare not say for sure: "Qi Province may be tough on the State Grid."

Xia wanted to nod: "Toughness or compromise is not the key. The key is how the event will end in the end."

Tang Tianyun asked, "Would you like to arrange a meeting with Chen Yan? Chen Yan called several times and said that she had a proposal to solve the conflict between the land power in the western province and the state power grid, and wanted to report to the governor.

"I don't want it for the time being." Xia Xiang waved her hand gently. He knew Chen Yan's thoughts. What Chen Yan wanted was not to submit suggestions to him face to face, but to release a message to the outside world through the meeting with him, indicating that she was leaning on the provincial tree to enjoy the cool.

Xiaxiang can secretly use Chen Yan's advantage of understanding many things in the western province to pull her to join the economic team, but he will not treat her shield for her. Chen Yan always likes to pretend to be smart, and always makes Xia want to lower her affection for her from time to time.

However, in view of Chen Yan's recent situation, he kindly reminded her, "You tell Chen Yan to be more stable recently. The storm in Jinyang may be turbulent for a period of time, and Jiang Gang may also take action.

Tang Tianyun nodded and reported a few more things. First, after restructuring Anda Mining, Chen and Xiao Wu's plan to further control the energy industry in the Western Province is progressing very smoothly. At the same time, the number of coal enterprises applying to become the second batch of pilot enterprises of the State Council has soared, and many coal enterprises have taken the initiative to contact Chen to negotiate cooperation on the internationalization and standardized coal Matters.

There are many smart people among the coal bosses. Xia wanted to laugh. Seeing that the general trend was gone, he was impatient to get closer in time. And he chose Chen, which means that he knew that Chen was the spokesperson.

The eyes are very accurate, and the action is very stable. OK, continue to get closer. Yes, the situation in Jinyang is very good. Next, the Jinyang model will be pushed to the whole province.

The second is that the Fu family has blossomed everywhere. We have negotiated seven or eight coal enterprises to cooperate in Jinyang. Now they have reached out to several other coal-producing cities in the western province, and the progress is going smoothly. The first reason for the success is that due to the general environment, Jinyang's heavy punching action scared many people. Second, the Fu family took advantage of the power of the Vice Premier of the State Council, to the power of the governor Xiaxiang. In addition, although the Fu family's method was a little rogue, he still gave up money at the time of investment A lot of success.

Third, the heavy punching action touches the pain of some people, which may trigger a new round of rebound, and Lei Zhixue is also very likely to stop it at a critical moment, so that the early results will be destroyed.

Fourth, Jiang Gang has been very low-key recently. Usually, he almost doesn't go out. In the past, the richest man in the western province with infinite scenery has almost changed like a person. Anda Mining has changed people, and his son is forced to quit in the drug rehabilitation center. The scenery is no longer, and he is depressed.

Of course, Jiang Gang's current performance may just deliberately show weakness. His real strength is not in Anda Mining, while in other industries, Anda Mining has changed hands. He only lost his face and did not hurt his muscles and bones. It can even be said that Jiang Gang's current strength can still sit firmly on the throne of the richest man in Western Province

Xia wanted to tap the table with one hand: "How is the preparation for the first conference of the land power reorganization in Western Province?"

When Lei Zhixue had just left the Western Province, the rumor that the first power restructuring conference in the Western Province was about to be held had already come out, but it was delayed for two days. It was not deliberately demonstrated to the State Grid, but that some preparations were not implemented.

The first reorganization conference must be very successful and no mistakes can be made, otherwise it will give the State Grid an opportunity to take advantage of it. Therefore, it is a good thing to be cautious.

"The final details have been finalized and will be officially held tomorrow." Tang Tianyun said worriedly, "But the time is not coincidental. It happens to be the power conflict in Qi Province. Now the Qi Provincial Party Committee has not officially stated its position. In case the provincial concessions too much, it will encourage the gas of the national power grid."

Xia wanted to shake his head with a smile. He did not answer Tang Tianyun's words directly, but said, "Tianyun, if you meet Jianchao and Ma Yu again at night, you can sort out the agenda of tomorrow's Western Provincial Electricity Reorganization Conference again. In addition, arrange a quiet place for me to meet Ji Rulan, Li Qin and Fu Xianxian.

Tang Tianyun got up to arrange, and he was still puzzled. Is Governor Xia really so confident in Qi Province? Is it true that as rumored outsiders, every time Governor Xia goes to a place, he will leave a far-reaching influence in the local area?

I'm afraid that even if Chen Haotian leaves Lingnan, his influence on Lingnan will be greatly reduced. Governor Xia was the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee when he was in Qi Province...

When I got off work, Xia wanted to call for leave: "I have a meeting in the evening, so I won't go home for dinner."

Cao Shuqi guessed something and said with a smile, "What's the meeting in the evening? I'm afraid it's a party with a beautiful woman, right?

"I guessed it. I don't have any privacy in front of you. At least he is also the governor. There must be personal space.

"You are surrounded by beautiful women, and I'm alone in the empty room. Can't you say a few words? Are there any human rights? Cao Shuqi made fun of Xia for a few words. At the end, he changed the topic again. "Dad called and asked Secretary Chen. I can't say anything. Remember to call Dad back."

"Okay." Xia wanted to agree and put down the phone. He thought that when Chen Feng arrived at the National People's Congress, he could play chess and drink tea with his father-in-law. However, it is still necessary to communicate with his father-in-law to save his father-in-law's misunderstanding that he really pushed Chen Feng to retreat to the second line behind his back.

Getting on the car going to the party, Xia Xiang's mobile phone rang just right. After answering, Chen Haotian's long-lost voice came from: "Govert Governor Xia, good news..."