official god

Chapter 2109 The first step of solving the problem

As soon as Xia Xiang landed at Jinyang Airport, he got on the special car that Ma Yu, Secretary-General of the Provincial Government, came to pick him up. As soon as he got on the car, Ma Yu reported to him in detail about the mine accident.

The mine accident occurred in the morning.

Xia Lai, deputy general manager of Anda Mining, who is responsible for safe production, received a report early in the morning, saying that a group of expelled workers went into the mine to dig coal without permission. After a reorganization, Anda Mining did remove some workers. In order to clean up the workforce and improve production efficiency, he immediately got angry at that time

As one of the few middle-levels of Anda Mining's promotion after the reorganization, Xia Lai is very loyal to Chen. Not only did Chen promote him as soon as he took office, but also that Chen's skill is smart and he is very good at attracting people, which makes him very admire Chen.

Xia Lai also knows that Anda Mining still has a lot of Jiang Gang's confidants, which cannot be completely cleared in a short time. It is not uncommon for workers to go into the well to dig coal without permission. It must be with the support of middle-level leaders with ulterior motives to implement it smoothly. On the way, he also thought that he must take this opportunity to complete a thorough cleaning of Anda Mining and completely eliminate Jiang Gang's remnants.

He rushed to the idle mine and saw that Xia Lai was shocked not the number of people who went into the well, but the tragedy of the accident!

That's right. When Xia Lai arrived, the mine accident had already happened.

The idle mine is emitting thick smoke, and the strong smell of gas is particularly pungent. Anyone who can see that a mine accident has occurred at a glance, and it is also the most serious gas explosion accident, that is to say, most of the people in the well are already more or less lucky.

How could it be... Xia Lai almost fainted to the ground. He was most afraid of workers going down the well without permission. It was the most likely to have an accident if he went down the well without permission. He didn't expect anything to be afraid of anything. After the reorganization of Anda Mining, there was a major safety accident. As the

Xia Lai was anxious and reached out to grab a worker who was already scared: "How many people are down there?"

"No, I don't know." The worker came to see the bustle before hearing the explosion. He was stunned by Xia Lai's distorted expression and stammered, "I just came here, and I heard people say that probably many people in the field went down the well."

"What? OP multiplayer?" Xia Lai's brain is buzzing. The accident of many OP people is a major safety accident, but on second thought, no, there are at most 20 or 30 workers fired after the reorganization of Anda Mining. How can there be many people in Tian? What the hell is going on?

Xia Lai's head was big. Before he could ask again, he felt a burst of shaking, and another violent gas explosion occurred under the well!

The explosion was so powerful that the cracks in his feet were cracked, which scared Shalai's faceless. He stood unsteadily and sat on the ground.

After waking up, he was even more clear that it was over, it was all over, and there should be no possibility of life for the people in the well. More than 100 major safety accidents are absolutely a fatal blow to the reorganized Anda Mining!

Xia thought frowned more tightly, and the accident was more serious than he thought. After two explosions, the body in the well was not only completely different, but also might be fragmented. Not to mention distinguishing who is who, I'm afraid that he can't even find a complete body.

Tough, tough enough.

Despite the prediction of the incident, Xiaxiang was still furious. He really can't stop Jiang Gang in advance, but he hopes to do his best to minimize the impact of the incident and reduce losses. He is the governor, but he is not omnipotent, and he can't get involved in everything. He even learned in advance that Jiang Gang may have caused a mining accident to smear him. He can only lay out secretly and can't stop it in advance.

Whether it is the governor or the secretary of the provincial party committee, there are some shortcomings.

Jiang Gang played big. Among the many lives, I believe that the dead account for the majority, but no living people went down to the well to ignite the gas. How could there be two explosions in a row? Someone must have lost his life by Jiang Gang.

As early as when Chen Xiangxia wanted to report that there was a deviation in the matter, Xia Xiang intended to close the net in advance and wanted to beat the grass to scare the snake, but later he thought deeply and knew that since Jiang Gang had carefully prepared a big play, he would not easily give up easily. In case the grass to scare the snake received the opposite effect As a coal boss who has seen too many mining disasters, especially Jiang Gang is desperate now, forcing him to create mining disasters with living people is an unbearable weight in Xiaxiang's life.

At that time, the deviation mentioned by Chen referred to the Lei Xiaoming incident.

Oh, Chen had a new idea at that time. He wanted to use Lei Xiao and Ming's attempted incident of Chen Yan to talk about the conditions with Lei Zhixue, and then let Lei Zhixue hint at Wang Qianqian, and Wang Qianqian came forward to persuade Jiang Gang to stop.

Xia didn't agree.

First, it's too tedious. From Lei Xiaoming to Lei Zhixue, and then from Lei Zhi to Wang Qianqian, after a few detours in the middle, the strength will be greatly reduced. Moreover, what Lei Xiaoming did to Chen Yan can't get on the stage after all. He used it to threaten a provincial party secretary. The reverse development may also ruin Chen Yan's reputation, and there is no place to gain a foothold in the Western Province.

The secretary of the provincial party committee wants to clean up a businesswoman. There are so many ways!

But after that, oh, Chen once again suggested using the Lei Xiaoming incident to pull Wang Qianqian into the water, with Wang Qianqian's admiration for Yan, Lei Xiaoming thought ** Chen Yan, which was definitely a disgrace that Wang Qianqian could not tolerate.

Xia wanted to acquiesce.

After that, things went smoothly. Although Wang Qianqian did not reply clearly, it was time for Chen Yi if he did not reply. At Wang Qianqian's level, it was impossible to answer one thing clearly, but he was obviously moved.

Basically, it can be said that except that Jiang Gang was fierce enough to blow up the people underground to pieces, other things are going smoothly.

"Please ask the governor for instructions." Ma Yu, who wanted to ride with Xia in the same car, was a little nervous. According to his level and the nature of the work of accompanying the governor every day, it was a joke that he would be nervous in front of the governor, but it was true that his heart beat faster and he did not dare to look directly at Xia Chang's eyes.

It's not that Xia Xiang's eyes erupted with anger. On the contrary, Xia Xiang just looked angry, but now he calmed down a lot. After hearing the rumors about Xia Xiang in the capital, Ma Yu felt more and more that the young governor in front of him was unfathomable, and he had more meaningful speculation about Governor Xia's

Xia thought was silent for a moment: "After my mother leaves, hold a press conference first."

"Ah?" Ma Yu opened his mouth in surprise and couldn't believe his ears. There was a major safety accident. The first thing to do was to cover the lid. The tighter the cover, the better. If he really can't cover it, it will be announced to the public, and it will also greatly reduce the truth. Governor Xia did not cover the cover, but took the initiative Question mark

Do you mean... Ma Yu shouldn't have thought about it anymore.

"Gun governor, do you want to think about it again?" Ma Yu persuaded him with a small heart.

"No, you immediately notify the main media in the western province and the reporters of the major media of the central government in the western province, and release major news at the provincial government press office at 3 p.m. Please be sure to be present." Xiaxiang's tone is beyond doubt, and it is obvious that he has made up his mind.

Ma Yu didn't say much more. He immediately called and arranged a press conference.

As soon as he arrived at the provincial party committee, Xia wanted to meet Lei Zhixue first and reported to Lei Zhixue on the arrangement of holding a press conference. Lei Zhixue was also surprised: "Is it possible to hold a press conference after thinking about it?"

"The more things are covered, the more it seems that the provincial party committee and the provincial government do not have the courage and determination to solve the mining accident. It is announced to the outside world as soon as possible, which can show the new working style of the provincial party committee and the provincial government to face the mining accident bravely."

Xia thought's words moved Lei Zhixue, or Lei Zhixue was also very looking forward to how Xia wanted to deal with the mine disaster, so he said, "Let's hold it in the name of the provincial government."

Xia wanted to nod slightly and turned around and left Lei Zhixue's office. With the last words of Lei Zhixue, he could speculate in his heart that even if there was no promotion of Lei Zhixue behind the mine disaster, Lei Zhixue knew something more or less.

The extraneous meaning of the meeting in the name of the provincial government is obvious. In case something can't be taken care of, I'm sorry, the provincial government will bear all the consequences.

To be honest, Xiaxiang had decided that the provincial government had taken down all the problems of the mining disaster.

The press conference was held, and the conference room was full. I heard that today was the youngest governor to hold a press conference in person for the first time. There must be something amazing. All the reporters immediately put down their work and came quickly.

Xiaxiang's appeal was really amazing. The reporters attending the meeting were far beyond imagination. Even several foreign media were moved by the news and proposed to attend the press conference, but they were not on the invitation list and were rejected.

When he was arguing, Tang Tianyun happened to pass by. With just thinking about it, Tang Tianyun asked people to let two foreign journalists in. He knew the deep intention of Governor Xia to hold a press conference, and it was a surprise to have foreign reporters to participate. At 3 o'clock, Xia wanted to appear on the stage, very punctual, with an error of no more than 10 seconds. As soon as Xia Xiang appeared, he attracted countless reporters to take photos.

Xia wants to wave her hand: "Don't take photos first. Today's press conference is not a good thing..."

One sentence aroused everyone's appetite. Most of the reporters really put down their cameras and waited for Xia to explain further.

Xia Xiang took a deep breath: "First of all, I would like to thank all the reporters for coming to the press conference. Secondly, I hope that reporters will abide by the news ethics and report today's news on the spot. Finally, I will hold a press conference at any time to inform you and invite you again. Please come to the meeting. Of course, if your report is untrue, the next time you find that you are not on the list of invitations, please reflect on yourself first.

Xia's words were very serious, but his tone was not harsh. His straightforwardness won the favor of many people present.

"As we all know, the West Province is a province with large resources, but at the same time, it is also a province with frequent mining disasters. Today, I want to inform you of a bad news. Just three hours ago, a major safety accident occurred in Anda Mining in Jinyang. The preliminary investigation results showed that more than 100 people were killed!" ( To be continued)