official god

Chapter 2126 The Summer Thinking Age of Western Province

When a group of reporters heard the tearful accusations from the three women' voices, they accused Jiang Gang and Wang Qianqian of creating a mine disaster for collusion, and after Wang Qianqian found the bodies of Lao Qian, Lao Sun and Liu Laoqian, in order to destroy the bodies, he artificially created a second landslide accident and tried to bury the Li's evidence... Everyone was stunned by the shock.

What was even more stunned was Wang Qianqian. He was surrounded by three women in the middle, and there was no way to move forward and retreat. The other party was also a rogue figure. He could not be beaten or scolded, and could only let the other party point his nose and scold.

Where did the damn guard go? Why don't you pull people away and make him lose face?

Look again, his guard was stopped desperately by Lao Qiantou's three sons, Lao Qiantou's two sons, and Liu Laoqi's sons and one daughter. Wang Qianqian knew that it was not easy to pass today.

I'm not afraid of hooligans, but I'm afraid that hooligans are educated. The three Hedong lions must have been instructed by a senior man and suddenly became educated hooligans. Obviously, they want to hit them in the face fiercely.

Who is behind the scenes? Thinking of Xia's performance at the third and fourth press conferences, Wang Qianqian suddenly realized that what a sinister and cunning villain was deliberately putting him on the stage. The more he talked on the stage, the louder he was slapped now.

... In fact, Wang Qianqian misunderstood Xia. Xia Xiang disdained to use this means to force him to show his original shape. Xia Xiang had a lot of open methods, and he had already prepared an explosive bucket that could be detonated at any time. However, he didn't expect that although the old money was unknown all his life, he exploded with the The gray sky of the Western Province.

The fact is that the old banker was detected after his whereabouts. The other party took him down to the well and prepared to bury him alive, which was included in the death toll of the mining accident. When he arrived at the old money head of the underground, he found that the old grandson and Liu Laoguan had been arrested. He knew that he was afraid that there was more bad luck.

When the person who caused the mine disaster arranged everything and was ready to go to the well, Lao Qian and Lao Sun had a tacit understanding. Together, they sneaked to the mouth of the well and blocked the retreat of several people who were about to go to the well.

Several people were so angry that they wanted to kill the old money head directly. They didn't want the old money head to be cowardly for a lifetime. He was also brave when he was dying. Taking advantage of the turmoil caused by the shock wave of the first explosion, he untied the rope and ignited the last explosive.

With a loud bang, Lao Qian, Lao Sun, including several other Jiang Gang's men, were blown to pieces together.

It was also the old Qiantou's desperate move, which led to the deviation of the whole mining accident and completely changed Wang Qianqian's fate.

What the old money did under the well. Naturally, no one knew that after the second landsl, his body was sunk into the quagmire again. His three daughters-in-law quit. When they arrived at the scene of the rescue, they cried and hanged. In the end, the workers were tireless and had no choice but to tell the fact that the second landslide was a man-made accident

At the hearing. The three daughters-in-law are angry from the heart, and the evil is bold. No matter whether Wang Qianqian is the provincial party committee [book] or the executive vice governor, I provoked them. I'm sorry, it's endless.

Wang Qianqian, who had just talked about the truth of the accident on the stage, was surrounded by three shrews. He scolded without saying anything, and ate a mouthful of saliva. The executive vice governor was so embarrassed!

Even... Many reporters took advantage of the fire and secretly took photos and recorded images.

If Jiang Gang was stripped of his clothes under the light of the richest man in the western province. It's humiliating enough to be an attempted criminal. Then Wang Qianqian sat on the stage and talked about the truth of the accident. As soon as he turned around, he was scolded by three women at the gate of the provincial party committee compound, and in front of a group of reporters, his people were also directly thrown to his grandma's house.


Of course, it is an unrealistic fantasy that only three women can make Wang lose his official. [Zhong] Some officials in China are so thick-skinned that the Great Wall is not as good as that. It is almost impossible to expect their conscience to find out and resign.

Wang Qianqian struggled a lot of effort to get rid of the siege of three women and hurried back to the provincial party committee. He was about to angrily ask the provincial party committee guard department to strengthen preventive measures to avoid similar incidents again. As soon as he entered the office building of the provincial party committee, he felt that the atmosphere was wrong.

Unlike ordinary people who greeted him with a smile and nodded in a blink of an eye, it seemed that the sky had changed in a blink of an eye. When everyone saw him, their eyes dodged, neither looked at him nor greeted him, but hurriedly flashed aside, and then hurriedly left, lest they would be stained with bad luck if they stayed for

Wang Qian was in the officialdom for many years. He was immediately shocked and guessed what he had guessed. He quickly went upstairs and was stopped by Chen Hao in the corridor before he returned to the office: "Gun Governor Wang, please come here."

In the past, Chen Hao always smiled at Wang Qianqian. Today, he is abnormal. His expression is very serious, and his tone is slightly cynical. Wang Qianqian's heart sinks again.

His relationship with Chen Hao is unusually close. Chen Hao talks to him in such a manner that something big will definitely happen.

Wang Qianqian followed Chen Hao to a secluded place. Chen Hao's face was gloomy: "Just now, Lei [book] talked to me and asked me if I wanted to stay in Jinyang or go back to the capital?"

"..." Wang Qianqian knew that he was too close to Chen Hao, which was discovered by Lei Zhixue. Lei Zhixue wanted to release Chen Hao. The release of the secretary halfway is either an exceptional promotion to the secretary or a sign of extreme distrust.

It is obvious to Chen Hao, which is the latter.

Before Wang Qian said anything, Chen Hao suddenly reached out and patted Wang Qianqian on the shoulder: "Gun Governor Wang, take care of yourself." After saying that, he turned around and left.

Wang Qianqian stood on the spot in astonish astonish, not to mention how rude Chen Hao's pat on the shoulder just now was, Chen Hao's last meaningful words were enough for him to smell the rapid approach of a political storm!

Wang Qianqian didn't expect that the conversation just now was the last dialogue between him and Chen Hao. Since then, he and Chen Hao have never met again.

Wang Qianqian just returned to the office and was called to the office of the Provincial Party Committee by Lei Zhixue. As soon as I entered the door, I found that Xia was also there. The two giants of the provincial party committee appeared at the same time, with a serious expression at the same time, and the only trace of fantasy left in Wang Qianqian's heart was disillusioned.

"Comrade Qian, Liu Lu confessed all the facts." Lei Zhixue's opening speech was concise and powerful, and he looked directly into Wang Qianqian's eyes, as if he was strongly implying something.

Wang Qianqian opened his mouth and couldn't speak. He wanted to imply that Lei Zhixue helped him. In the past friendship, he said a few good words for him. After thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure out what Lei Zhixue was involved in the mining accident. He finally understood that in contrast, he still couldn't do anything The study of thunder and control of power.

Xia wanted to add: "Jiang Gang also provided all the truth about the mining accident. Just now, Comrade Zhixue and I have instructed the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection on this matter and reported it to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection."

Wang took a step back, didn't stand firmly, and sat on the sofa. He sat on the side, didn't sit firmly, and slipped to the ground again.


The political storm in the West Province is calmer than everyone thought, but what is more frightening than the fierceness is that the murderous in the calm is more fierce.

On the evening of the same day, the news was published on major networks, with the headline directly saying that Wang Qianqian, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and executive vice governor, explained the truth of the mining accident.

The next day, major newspapers also published the content of the press conference one after another. The news was basically copying Wang Qianqian's speech word for word. It seemed that the reporters were all aware of anything and did not make any tendentative comments behind the news.

Shortly after the press conference, many people found a phenomenon. Executive Vice Governor Wang Qianqian suddenly disappeared from all the media. Whether it was on TV or newspapers, there was no single report about Wang Qianqian.

A week later, the provincial party committee announced the adjustment of the leadership of the three municipal party committees, and Chen Hao was sent to one of the prefectures and cities as a member of the standing committee and deputy mayor of the municipal party committee.

Chen Hao's release is the first killing opportunity contained in the calm, which proves that Lei Zhixue should cooperate closely with Xiaxiang and take the phenomenon of collusion between officials and businessmen in Xi Province.

Behind the unknown, Chen Hao actually wanted to return to Beijing. After all, it was better to take care of him when he returned to Beijing, but he didn't expect that Lei Zhixue finally placed him to a remote city as a deputy mayor. Although he was also a member of the Standing Committee, in the foreseeable future, after Lei Zhixue left the He will never start in the Western Province.

Chen Hao knew that he had taken a wrong step and was involved in the Wang Qianqian incident, but it was too late to repent at this time.

Several municipal party committee leaders who were idle in the adjustment of the three municipal party committees were all real power figures who had a close contact with local coal bosses.

indirectly shows that the battle of collusion between officials and businessmen has risen to the overall situation.

A month later, the municipal party committee teams of several prefectures and cities made minor adjustments. If it weren't for the political sychic, they would not see the far-reaching intention of the adjustment - the people of Xiaxiang came to power one after another, and the people of Lei Zhixue rose and fell in the dark.

It's not that Lei Zhixue really succumbs to the pressure of Xiaxiang, but that Lei Zhixue follows the general trend and avoids the final liquidation of the tide of collusion between officials and businessmen on the grounds of idleness.

In July, it ushered in the hottest season in Jinyang, and the political atmosphere in Jinyang also rose to the warmest period.

The case of Jiang Gang, which has not entered the stage of public prosecution, finally attracted the attention of the people in Jinyang and even the western province again. The public security organ officially announced that after investigation and evidence collection, Jiang Gang is not only suspected of illegal detention and ** attempt, but also suspected of theft, insulting corpses, endangering public security and other The crime shall be concurrently punished and shall be submitted to the procuratorate, and the procuratorate shall bring a public prosecution to the court in accordance with the law.

If nothing unexpected happens, I'm afraid Jiang Gang will spend the rest of his life in prison.

As soon as Jiang Gang's case came into its in mind, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection officially announced the results of the handling of Wang Xiangqian's duty crimes... In the Western Province, Jiang Gang and Wang Qianqian both fell, marking the full entry into the Xiaxiang era.