official god

Chapter 2150 Current Situation and Future

Regarding the current situation of the domestic automobile industry, Xia wants to admit that there is not much research and no deep understanding, but as a man, he is naturally interested in the current situation of the domestic automobile industry and market.

Coupled with the current position, he has gradually come into contact with part of the inside story of the domestic automobile industry. He also has a certain say in the development, current situation and future of the automobile industry.

In fact, from the perspective of the market, Xiaxiang is unbiased that the domestic automobile market is dominated by German, Japanese or American and domestic automobiles. He also recognizes Volkswagen's position in the domestic automobile market. Who made Volkswagen have the most courage to enter China?

When China, which had just been reformed and opened up, urgently needed to introduce advanced production technology, the German Volkswagen entered China with the courage to be the first in the world and opened the door of China's automobile industry. After decades of development and efforts, there was today's situation of the two Volkswagen in the north and the south, and accumulated in China. German cars are synonymous with excellent quality.

The market will reward pioneers with pioneering spirit!

In fact, the first joint venture car brand to enter China is an American brand, which is a joint venture between the American Automobile Company and Beijing Automobile Factory. It's just that Beijing Jeep does not produce bridge cars, and Chinese people like bridge cars the most. Beijing Jeep has not caused much waves in the automobile market.

Less than five months after German Volkswagen entered China and established Xiajiang Volkswagen, another joint venture automobile enterprise, Yangcheng Peugeot, was welcomed in Yangcheng.

12 years later, German Volkswagen has two joint ventures in China - Xiajiang Volkswagen and Erche Volkswagen, accounting for more than two-thirds of the domestic automobile market, while Yangcheng Peugeot went bankrupt. It was sold to Honda for $1.

Who would have thought that in the place where Peugeot fell in Yangcheng, a joint venture, Yangcheng Honda, stood up again, and created a miracle in the history of domestic car sales in the next ten years, which proves that the shrewdness of the Japanese defeated the French romance, while the rigor of the Germans stood firmly in China. Heel.

It must be admitted that the marketing operation of German Volkswagen in China has been very successful. The two Volkswagen companies in the north and the south have divided their work and cooperated to seek commonalities and save differences. With Santana and Jetta, they have firmly established the image of Volkswagen's durable leather in the eyes of the Chinese people, and then opened up the official car market with the help of Audi. Since then, the public has established an unparalleled position in China.

The United States has always been smart and has always viewed its relationship with China with the Cold War mentality. When GM and Ford tried to enter China's automobile industry several times, they failed the investment review by the United States on the grounds of technical restrictions. As a result, American cars entered the Chinese market more than ten years later.

It was not until 1997 that GM successfully landed in China and established Xiajiang GM in Xiajiang. A few years later, in 2001, Ford, one of the world's largest automobile companies, entered the Chinese market late. At this time, China's automobile market has initially matured, and Volkswagen has made a lot of money in China, and has successfully shaped the unbreakable concept of the world's automobile virtue in the eyes of the Chinese people.

Smart Americans are more than ten years behind the shrewd Germans, and the future struggle in the car market also proves that after entering China, whether it is GM's car or Ford's car. Because of the missed opportunity, there is no brand advantage, and the price must be lower than that of the same style of German brands.

even positioned as a high-end brand in the United States. When it comes to China, it has to be reduced by two levels to compete with Volkswagen's cars. The reason is Volkswagen's preconceived advantage.

And the two masses have accumulated reputation and advantages for many years. In recent years, it has been troubled by the old capital. Not only has the newly launched models been seriously reduced in configuration and the quality has been reduced, but also the price has been high. In the face of a large-scale quality crisis, improper handling has caused the dissatisfaction of countless car owners...

In the face of the doubts of thousands of car owners, the two Volkswagen companies have a very tough attitude. They will never recall, but only extend the warranty treatment. The prerequisite for extending the warranty is that it must be maintained in the 4S store. In fact, in the 4S maintenance, the owner has spent more than a few years of maintenance costs, which is a large amount of income.

It must be said that the Germans are too shrewd in their mind.

Xia wants to see clearly the negative and arrogant attitude taken by Volkswagen's gearbox crisis, and he is also aware of the arrogance and prejudice of the two Volkswagens after sitting in China.

In fact, it is not the Germans who are arrogant, but the joint venture of China.

The arrogance of the two masses is understandable. As enterprises directly under the central government, the administrative level of the boss is the vice-ministerial level. That is to say, central enterprises usually do not regard themselves as market-oriented enterprises serving consumers, but as superior officials and bureaucrats.

Therefore, after being interviewed by the General Administration of Quality Supervision due to the gearbox incident, the two Volkswagens still adopted the arrogant attitude of doing their own way. First, they do not pay attention to the authority of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, and second, they do not regard the rights and interests of consumption as a matter.

The common problems of central enterprises are exposed to the two public - if they are monopolized, they will definitely not have a good face. If there is no monopoly, we will try to maintain the market position behind the scenes.

If just a gearbox crisis is not enough to make Xia want to have deep-rooted ideas about the two Volkswagens, in sniping Volvo into China, encirclementing the rise of the national automobile industry, and continuing to maintain high car prices in China to exploit Chinese consumers in order to maintain his identity as two devils, etc. At the forefront of joint ventures.

It is not only that 80% of the profits of German Volkswagen come from the Chinese market, but also that the year-end bonus of each employee of FAW Volkswagen is 27 months' salary, which shows that Volkswagen's profit in China is far beyond the normal standard!

The market is like this. Even if Xia wants to be the prime minister, he will not interfere too much with the result of the market game. Volkswagen's car profit is several times higher than that of other brands of cars. As long as consumers pay the bill, no one can interfere in anything, but if in order to maintain the abnormal high price of cars, it takes The rise of the industry made Xia want to have a case.

Originally, Xia didn't know what was going on behind it, but the deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission also sneered at the national industry, and then thought that Geely had been obstructed by the National Development and Reform Commission since the acquisition of Volvo. Even after the successful acquisition, when investing in the construction of factories in China, it was In the middle of the curves, how can he not guess that ** is not ten?

Xia thought that he was not at the same level now, so he could only slowly penetrate the industries he could reach at present. There was no automobile industry in the Western Province, so his eyes did not fall too much on the automobile industry. However, today's unexpected incident made him have to re-examine his layout.

If you can't reach it, you should also try to reach forward. If the political power can't reach it, let the economic power complete it. If he has the power to pay attention to it, it will be too late.

Xia wanted to meet Zhong Yang's slightly cold eyes and continue to talk in the smile or cold or questioning eyes of everyone: "What I admire most is the national entrepreneur who dares to act! On the road of China's economic progress, although there are countless difficulties and obstacles, despite the obstruction of conservative and backward forces, and despite the encirclement of vested interest groups, they still have the responsibility and courage, and still move forward firmly. Even if they are lonely all the way, I believe that one day, they will knock on the times. Door ring!"

Xia Xiang's words were sonorous and powerful, echoing in the hall for a long time. The hall was full of people who accompanied the Fusheng of the same generation, and everyone looked at Xia Xiang.

It took a long time for the thunderous applause!

Whether the applause is sincere or polite to give face to the youngest governor, no matter what, Xia wants to at least express his ideas in public, which also makes Zhong Yang's face more ugly.

In fact, Dai Fusheng's visit to Sweden and participate in the Volvo headquarters is the State Council's clear support for Geely's statement, and Dai Fusheng will also announce the provision of 100 billions of funds to support Volvo's progress in China. I believe that he has won such support and has done a lot of hard work behind it. However, at the time of victory, as an official of the National Development and Reform Commission, he still despised his national enterprise so much that Xia thought he must make his voice heard.

Zhong Yang seemed unwilling to be speechless by Xia. He smiled and said, "Govertry Governor Xia's metaphor is inappropriate..."

Xia wanted to hold it and smiled politely: "I don't know what's wrong. Geely acquired Volvo, but it is only a holding company. Volvo is still a ** brand. Is it possible that after Porsche is acquired by Volkswagen, it will be called Volkswagen Porsche? Besides, I don't think that China's private enterprises can't run a luxury brand well. On the contrary, some central enterprises do not want to make progress. For decades, in addition to contributing profits to investors, they have not made any effective promotion for China's automobile work.

Zhong Yang is full of momentum, his posture is also very high, and his emotions are well controlled. He is calm and argues with Xia: "I don't agree with Governor Xia's view. China's automobile industry started late and has a thin foundation. It introduces foreign capital, exchanges capital for technology, and exchanges the market for the future. In addition, Because it is not only complicated but also related to state secrets, it is difficult for ordinary people to know the truth.

The meaning of the secret is naturally that Xiaxiang is not at the level enough to know that central enterprises are related to state secrets.

"If the central enterprises in the automobile industry also involve state secrets, I think that for decades in the joint venture, state secrets have long been clearly touched by Germany. Under the unequal joint venture that even technology and patents are mastered by the German side, where is the technology exchanged for the funds? Is it a self-developed engine or a car with intellectual property rights? Not to mention that China's automobile industry started late, how many domestic cars have continued to develop engines with independent intellectual property rights. Xia Shen also said his point of view calmly, just like chatting. "My point of view is that whether it is Geely Volvo, Volkswagen Porsche or Volkswagen Audi, even Tata Land Rover and Chery Land Rover, as long as there is a market, it must be supported. Whether it is a private enterprise or a central enterprise, it should be regarded. My colleagues!"

"Well said, I agree." As soon as Xia wanted to speak, the voice of Dai Fusheng sounded at the door... (To be continued)