official god

Chapter 2152 The Long-term Game

After the party, after returning to the room, Xia wanted to receive a phone call from Gu Yu.

"Are you done?" The sound of ancient jade has not changed, as fresh as the Nordic air.

"I'm done." Xia wanted to answer, "Are you here?"

"Not yet. I'm afraid it will be later tomorrow. I don't dare to drive fast. Think about it. Anyway, you are not in a hurry to see me. Why should I be in a hurry to see you?"

Gu Yu's words are deliberately angry with Xia, and it is also true that she is alone in a foreign country, and it is inevitable that she misses the distance. Who else can there be in the distance besides the old man? It's nothing more than summer thinking.

Xia thought was also helpless. He didn't miss it, but it was not easy to go abroad as his governor, so he had to say, "Slow down on the road. Compared with seeing you, I hope you are safe and smooth."

"Well, I know." Gu Yu's heart softened again. Xia thought she was her nemesis. No matter how much she wanted him to love him and hate him, his comforting words could completely resolve her heartache. She was always so weak in front of him that she had no principles and position. "I heard that you saw the Swedish princess? Is she beautiful?

Women will be jealous, but it's just a matter of how much. Cao Shuyu is also jealous and has heart knots, but she is too smart to show it. Therefore, Xia Xiang loves Cao Shuyu's virtuousness deeply.

Gu Yu's words made him laugh: "I did see it. The princess is very beautiful. She also specially left my contact information and said that she wanted to strengthen contact with me."

"Be careful of you, be careful of international gossip. Diana's tragedy is a lesson." Gu Yu didn't know why his thinking jumped so fast. He gave an example that made Xia want to hear it and was really shocked.

It's not... Royal gossip, international gossip, it's amazing. If it can't be a diplomatic disturbance, Xia wants to quickly accept the absurd idea: "Okay, have a good rest. I'll visit Volvo headquarters tomorrow."

"Well, then you can give me a Volvo, okay?" Gu Yu made a request to Xia for the first time.

Gu Yu never asked Xia to ask anything. Even if she only asked Xia to give her a dress, she didn't mention it. It's not that she doesn't long for gifts and doesn't expect to be loved by her beloved man, but that her mind is light and far away, and she rarely longs for something.

Besides, Xiaxiang didn't have the rare jade she wanted.

Suddenly, he wanted to ask Xia for a Volvo car. Gu Yu didn't have a painstaking effort**, but had an idea. After she came to Europe, she didn't buy a car. She felt that she didn't need it. She just wanted to rest quietly in a paradise-like town. But this time, when she came out of the town, she wanted to meet Xia. The scenery along the way made her mind very moved. She felt that it was better to have a car, and she could

Sweden is a small country - European countries are not big, and there are not many people, which is very suitable for driving by yourself - if you want to travel around Sweden for a week, it is more convenient to drive. Although you are pregnant, it is fun to have an assistant to drive with you.

The reason why Xia wanted to give her a Volvo was that Gu Yu felt that Volvo was most suitable for her current situation out of safety and environmental protection.

Needless to say, Volvo is a car manufacturer that pursues safety to the extreme, and Volvo's environmental protection index ranks first among all cars. It is the only car manufacturer certified by the European Asthma Association. Its environmental protection index in the car is several percentage points higher than the EU standard, which is [China] The national standard is 5 to 10 times higher!

For pregnant women, environmental protection is health. There are many cases of the decline of the body's immune system caused by radiation and harmful gases in cars in China. However, the news reports have hidden a lot for the development of the automobile industry, but at the level of ancient jade, it is naturally understood clearly.

Xia wants to know that women ask men for gifts, either for love, or vanity. Gu Yu is obviously the former. There was a burst of excitement in his heart. It was true that he had less care for Gu Yu. Not to mention giving her a Volvo, it was nothing to give her a villa.

But then again, Gu Yu's nature is like this. She doesn't want it, and she will refuse to give it to her. Although Xia is her favorite man, if Xia wants to give her a villa, she may really refuse.

"Akay, it will definitely be delivered." Xia said, "I'll give it to you tomorrow night. Which one do you want?"

"It's up to you. Give me whatever you like." Gu Yu smiled and said, "Are you so generous once? Why don't you buy me a handbag by the way?"

"..." Xia wants to buy a car. He is really not good at buying a bag. He just wanted to explain it to Gu Yu in a dilemma, but Gu Yu giggled. I'm kidding you. I won't let you buy a bag for the woman. All right, see you tomorrow."

In Nordic nights, the white night is like day, and you can even read without lights at night. Xia thought that she had experienced the scene of not seeing the sun but as bright as the day at three o'clock in the morning in the northeast before. She once again experienced the white night at high latitudes, and the feeling of wonder and remoteness rose in her heart.

I didn't sleep well all night. There was a time difference, and there was also the appearance of the past.

The next morning, the special car of Volvo's headquarters had arrived at the hotel. According to the arrangement, Xia wanted to be in the third car. The first one is Dai Fusheng, the second one is the attendants of the State Council, and the third one is a high-level attendant. Xiaxiang is the youngest, but the governor's rank is high.

When he got on the car, there was a small change. When Dai Fusheng was about to get on the car, he suddenly remembered something and wanted to wave to the summer.

It was the first time for Xia to take a car with Dai Fusheng. Sitting next to Dai Fusheng, he guessed that Dai Fusheng was afraid that he had something to say.

Sure enough, Dai Fusheng opened his mouth and clicked the question: "Yesterday, I talked comfortably. Volvo [China] has two factories in the country. The layout of one south and one north has been formed and is about to be put into production. However, according to the long-term plan of Volvo [China] country, the layout of one south and The country also needs to build another factory project in the central part..."

Li Shussong wants to give him a big gift? Xia wanted to hear the elegant song and know the elegant meaning. He immediately understood something and smiled calmly and said, "The Western Province is definitely willing to settle down in Volvo [China], provided that it is in line with the win-win direction. The West Province needs investment, but it needs more investment in line with long-term development. Thank you for your support for the work of the Western Province. The door of the Western Province is open to the Volvo [China] country at any time.

The Western Province is a large province of energy, but it is not a large industrial province, let alone a high-precision industry. If Volvo [China] builds a factory in the Western Province, it will play a vital role in promoting the industrialization of the Western Province.

Dai Fusheng smiled and patted Xia Xiang on the shoulder: "Li Sakui is a doer. He seldom convinces people in his life. For you, he is full of praise. There are many precedents for entrepreneurs to follow politicians in China. Maybe there is a good story between you and him.

In fact, if domestic private entrepreneurs want to succeed, they will follow a powerful politician and form a complementary advantage. It is no accident that Li Shusshu has today's achievements. He has a very good relationship with a Politburo member.

Dai Fusheng affirmed Li Shushou's political line well, but still hinted that Li Shushou could follow his footsteps. Xia Xiang couldn't help thinking a little more. The words and deeds of Dai Fusheng, who was about to take charge of the State Council, were not easy to do, but had a deep meaning.

"I admire Mr. Li Shusuku's courage and hope to have a chance to shake hands with him." Xia wanted to take the opportunity to answer, and once again expressed his gratitude for Dai Fusheng's care.

Afed to Volvo's headquarters, for more than an hour, Daifusheng watched a series of shocking vehicle safety collision tests, visited a number of Volvo's new cars with great interest, and went to the final assembly workshop to attend the new car launch ceremony. Facing hundreds of Volvo employees who had been waiting here, he made an enthusiastic speech.

"I feel that Volvo is an old factory with a long history. It is world-famous for its advanced technology in automotive technology, especially in safety performance. Today, I came to Volvo and felt that Volvo was more advanced and energetic. I am happy for your growth and progress. Congratulations!"

"In 2010, [China] Geely Automobile Group acquired 100% of Volvo Cars for 1.8 billion US dollars. This acquisition, which caused a huge response, was called 'snake swallowing elephant' at that time, and the meaning of questioning is self-evident. Even many employees of Volvo do not have high expectations for this acquisition, but the fact is that in the past two years, Volvo Cars has been operating well, and the acquisition turned a loss into a profit. In 2011, Volvo's global sales increased by 20%, providing 5,000 jobs in Sweden, Belgium and [China] countries. In the German market satisfaction survey in 2011, Volvo Cars beat the local luxury brand to rank first.

"What does this mean? It shows that this acquisition is a correct acquisition and a win-win acquisition. This year, Volvo [China] will complete two key projects, one south and one north. It is believed that Volvo's development will enter the fast lane this year and next year. Geely Group is confident in this, and the government also has it.

Dai Fusheng's speech showed that the [China] national government has a more open attitude to welcome the second take-off of the [China] national automobile industry. It is also a formal statement with the intention to break the [China] national luxury automobile market pattern and introduce a more dynamic competition mechanism.

Shortly after Dai Fusheng's speech, German Volkswagen and the second-car Volkswagen experienced personnel turmoil one after another. The general manager of German Volkswagen in charge of [China] national affairs was transferred, and the newly appointed business executives in China were more capable and courageous. The media generally believe that the replacement of German Volkswagen executives to China is a self-adjustment of Volkswagen's successive mistakes in the Chinese market. It is reported that due to the DSG gearbox incident, the reputation of the two Volkswagens in the north and south has declined, and the German Volkswagen has suffered heavy losses, while the Chinese executives are unfavorable to the handling The main reason for the job.

After that, a vice president of the second-car Volkswagen was taken away for investigation by the Commission for Discipline Inspection, and a high-rise member of the second-car Volkswagen committed suicide by jumping off a building!

[Middle] The pattern of China's automobile industry, among the two sudden major events, unknown changes are taking place. Xia wants to take this opportunity to lay the overall situation of another important industry in the future.