official god

Chapter 2156 Dialogue

"Gour governor Xia, your words are biased. Mr. Edward questioned the current situation of human rights in China. You can convince Mr. Edward from the contrast between history and the present, instead of avoiding it."

Zhong Yang appeared in time, and the first sentence criticizes Xia of thinking.

Xia thought that he didn't expect Zhong Yang to jump out again. He frowned slightly and was extremely patient with Zhong Yang.

Zhong Yang is not only ignorant, but also opposes his statement in front of outsiders, which is a sign of political wisdom. If you don't agree with his opinion, you can communicate in private, or even sue him and question him in front of Edward, which is equivalent to letting outsiders see the discord between Chinese people, which is obviously embarrassing.

Why is Zhong Yang so stupid?

"Soy sauce? What does it mean? Edward was somewhat bypassed by Xia, asked in surprise, and ignored Zhong Yang's arrival. As far as the foreign political environment is concerned, I can't understand what kind of institution the National Development and Reform Commission is. I don't know Zhong Yang and Edward, and I have no interest in knowing it at all.

I don't know if I want to sit down and talk about human rights issues in vain. It's just looking at flowers in the fog. How many so-called foreign friends who do not understand the current situation in China are eager to hope for China's reform and China's democracy. In fact, it is just a wishful thinking delusion.

Xiaxiang just nod his head at Zhong Yang and answered Edward's question without answering Zhong Yang's words: "In a city in southern China, when a TV station interviewed the past, it asked him to talk about his views on a sensational event. As a result, the man with slippers and shorts was very disgusted and impatient. He said, I just came out to make soy sauce. What kind of sensational event is it none of my business?

Edward was stunned and obviously did not understand the profound meaning that Xia wanted to express.

In fact, when many foreign forces criticize China's human rights issues, it is out of political needs. Who will care about whether the people at the bottom of China have the right to vote and be elected? If you really care about it, you should also pay attention to the basic issues of food and clothing such as eating and clothing. Why do you never see the United States and other countries come to China to care about poverty alleviation?

Leaving survival to talk about human rights is nonsense.

same. It is also nonsense to talk about democracy by improving the quality of the people.

It's just that with the single-minded thinking of Europeans and Americans, you can't understand the jokes in Zhao Benshan's sketches, and you can't understand the real meaning of soy sauce. Xia wants to uriate illiteracy for Edward: "The current situation in China is that you talk to the people about human rights. The people want you to survive. When you solve the problem of the people's food and clothing, you will guide them to care about the big things. Their family is cooking meat and needs to make soy sauce quickly. For the human rights that you talk about every day, for the Chinese people, it is not as important as their own soy sauce, and it is not as affordable as eggs. I want to blame China's human rights issues, Mr. Edward. You have lived in China for ten or eight years before you have a say.

"If you don't believe it, you can stop a person on the street and talk to him about the current situation of human rights in China. He will probably answer you, human rights? Human rights can be eaten as a meal!" Xia wanted to smile easily, "I don't deny that there is indeed a little problem with China's human rights situation. It's not that the country does not work hard to improve, but that China's human rights progress still needs a long stage. There is an old Chinese saying. It doesn't hurt to stand and talk. I hope that when Britain talks about human rights with China in the future, please return the huge losses caused to China when the Eight-Nation Alliance invaded China, and then calculate how much gold and silver was plundered during the British colonial period, and then sit down and talk about human rights together.

Edward finally blushed and was so embarrassed that he couldn't speak. Xia thought that he met the sharpest and most tricky Chinese official in his diplomatic career, not only on human rights issues. And the explanation is also quite innovative. It's not like the officials he met before. When answering the question of **, he either recited the textbook or took care of him.

There has never been a person like Xia. Not only did he fight back sharply, but he also responded calmly, and admitted his shortcomings, facing his shortcomings and focusing on the future. At the same time, he hit Britain lightly and insinuated the United States.

It must be said that this test ended in failure.

No, it can't be said that he failed. His temptation was also successful, at least he could come to a clear conclusion - Xia thought that if he served as China's national leader, his foreign policy would definitely be tougher. In addition to being tough, Xia wants to have courage and courage, and will become the most difficult Chinese leader in Europe and the United States!

Edward is unwilling to fail. He has always been used to having the upper hand in front of Chinese officials. Today, he wanted to test Xia Xiang to see if the youngest governor of China, who caused a huge sensation in Europe and the United States, had a false reputation. Unexpectedly, he was speechless by Xia Xiang's refutation. He couldn't help but Zhong Yang, who stood aside in embarrassment, had another plan.

Chinese people had better fight in the nest. Since he can't say Xia Xiang, he just listened to Zhong Yang's tone and seemed to be very optimistic about Xia Xiang. He looked at Zhong Yang with great interest and said, "Mr. Zhong, please sit down. I just listened to your tone just now. It seems that you also have something to say. I

Zhong Yang just pretended to be amazing, just to attract the attention of Xiaxiang and Edward - he knows who Edward is, and he also knows Edward's weight in British foreign affairs - unexpectedly, Xiaxiang obviously doesn't treat him as a dish. Even Edward is not cold or hot to him, which makes him very embarrassed. He can't go or sit. Yes.

Zhong Yang doesn't think about his identity. It is already embarrassing. The National Development and Reform Commission is a product of Chinese characteristics. If there is no corresponding institution abroad, it is normal for no corresponding level of official to talk to him. He accompanied Dai Fusheng on his visit. In fact, in addition to showing his support for Volvo's layout in China at Volvo's headquarters, indicating the National Development and Reform Commission's support for the cooperation between Geely and Volvo, the rest of the time was accompanied.

Accompanying... Generally speaking, it is a benefit of traveling abroad.

If it hadn't been for the small unhappiness with Xiaxiang, the feeling of this public travel abroad with public funds was really good, but it was Xiaxiang who was in the way of his eyes everywhere, which discounted his relaxed and comfortable mood.

Now it's all right. Here's the opportunity. He wants to take a lesson for Xia.

Listen to what Xia wants to say. It's simply childish and arrogant. As soon as Edward opened his mouth, he hurriedly sat down and smiled at Edward: "It's hard to mention that some ideas are still willing to communicate with Mr. Edward."

Zhong Yang's smile fell on Xiaxiang's eyes, which made Xiaxiang extremely contemptuous and almost flattering, which reminded him of the smile of the officials of the Qing Dynasty with big braids in the Qing Dynasty.

If the previous dispute with Zhong Yang was not enough to make Xia want to block Zhong Yang's way up, then Zhong Yang humiliated himself and insisted on coming over to show it - what Zhong Yang didn't know was that his flattering smile put an end to his official career.

Xia wants to see Chinese officials without a backbone!

Zhong Yang felt good about himself and said dantically: "China is committed to promoting and protecting the human rights and fundamental freedoms of its people, and the Chinese people of all ethnic groups enjoy the basic rights granted by the Constitution in accordance with the law. The level of civil, economic, social and cultural rights enjoyed by the Chinese people has been greatly improved. While developing rapidly, China emphasizes the rule of law and is committed to building a fair, just and harmonious society. China's human rights cause is constantly improving, which is obvious to anyone who is not biased.

Xia wanted to turn his head aside, and Zhong Yang was not simple. It was a pity that he was not the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. After a big call, it was completely full of diplomatic language, which was correct but useless nonsense.

Zhong Yang did not care and still said with great momentum: "China has made world-renowned achievements in the field of human rights protection, and the Chinese people fully enjoy human rights and freedoms in accordance with the law. Due to different history and culture and different levels of development, it is normal for countries to have different views on human rights issues. China advocates that all countries should carry out dialogue and communication on the basis of equality and mutual respect, so as to enhance understanding and narrow differences.

Edward nodded slightly: "So, Mr. Zhong disagrees with what Mr. Xia just said?"

Edward is obviously provoking discord. He wants to use Zhong Yang to deal with Xia Chang. If Zhong Yang is smart, he should easily kick Edward's ball aside. He wants to stand on the united front with Xia. In front of national affairs, it is a politician's demeanor to put aside personal grievances.

Unfortunately, Zhong Yang is not a politician, just a bureaucrat who is used to being surrounded by people. In fact, since Zhong Yang is on vacation, he can take a vacation at ease. He has to be idle to fight with Xia, but he is boring.

Yes, he is the deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission in power. The governors all over the country want to give him three points, but don't forget who Xiaxiang is. Xiaxiang is the core figure of the family power that even the prime minister wants to give three points. He is the designated seventh-generation successor that even the General Secretary appreciates In other words?

People, if they don't put themselves in the right position, sooner or later they will be burdened by their arrogance.

Zhong Yang was pulled out by Edward and said immediately, "What Governor Xia said just now is generally correct, but there is a certain directional mistake. I want to remind Governor Xia that we should have a dialogue, not confrontation. Governor Xia's speech just now is too irrational, and even the meaning of a deliberate struggle."

He is really a political retard. He is used to fighting at home. Don't you know that you have to go abroad and be consistent with the outside world? You have to kill each other in front of outsiders. Zhong Yang, Zhong Yang, you are too easy to be used.

Xiaxiang shook his head helplessly and put up with it for a while, but still did not refute Zhong Yang directly: "Director Zhong misinterpreted my words, so I won't explain more. Anyway, I've finished what I want to say to Mr. Edward. Now I'm hungry and want to eat something..."

Edward secretly praised that Xiaxiang is a smart person and can't be fooled. He has nothing to do. He got up and gave Xiaxiang a gift. ( To be continued)