official god

Chapter 2160 Rush

Each country has its own unique technology or resources. Just like a person, only with an independent personality and skills can you win the respect of others.

If you give your unique skills to others, regardless of your own safety and the serious consequences that may be caused by it, it is not a living Lei Feng, but a living treasure.

Xia wanted to have repeatedly warned himself that he would no longer do unnecessary obituary with others during the visit, but Ernest really bullied people too much that he had been robbing other people's things with a robber without encountering any resistance. Suddenly, the oppressed people resisted, and the robbers were ashamed and angry and asked the other party Abandoned resistance and willing to be robbed.

It sounds really angry, but this is the reality of the world. During the Qing Dynasty, the guns and guns of the Eight-Nation Alliance opened the door of China and made China submit to the iron hooves of force. Now, the economic military benefits of the Eight-Nation Alliance have opened the door to Fengguo, so that China's precious resources can be sold as cheap as cabbage.

History is always surprisingly similar. Although the means are different, the purpose is the same.

Ernest's face changed greatly: "Mr. Xia, you are sophistry."

Xia wanted to sneer: "Mr. Ernest, you are unreasonable!"

At this time, many people gathered around and looked at the conflict between Xia Xiang and Ernest, but no one came forward to persuade him. Perhaps in the eyes of the Germans, it was a personal matter between Xia Xiang and Ernest, or they all wanted to take this opportunity to observe Xia Xiang's political position.

Xia Xiang was calm and calm in the eyes of the public. He said Langlang, "Chinese people have a saying that it is precious and sincere. For a long time, Chinese people have been kind and beautiful, and they treat their friends warmly and sincerely, but what is it that friends return to China? From plundering resources to fearing China's rise, and beingware of China's power from setting traps everywhere, is it true that China can't return the truth even if China exchanges its heart for heart?

"Yes, I admit that China has few friends in the world. It's not that China is too stupid, but that China is too kind and naive. It thinks that a gentleman's friend is frank and enlightened, but it has never seen the fact that between countries, interests are supreme!"

"China's 5,000 years of civilization and inheritance is a history of turmoil and war, but China has rarely invaded other countries in history, and there has never been a religious war.

The Chinese nation is a humble, kind, poor and happy nation, which has always been ahead of the world rainbow. In the hundreds of years in modern times, it lagd behind the world due to the rule of the rotten Manchu Qing government. However, the Chinese nation is also a hard-working, brave and tenacious nation, self-improvement and humiliation. It is believed that in a few decades, the Chinese nation will once again stand in the forest of the world.

"Everyone has a sense of belonging and pride in their own nation. I do not deny that other ethnic groups are as great, but I will never allow other ethnic groups and countries to think that China is weak and can be bullied! Western countries such as Europe and the United States have indeed made great contributions to modern civilization. They have come to the forefront in science and technology, environmental protection, culture and other aspects, but I want to say that China will definitely catch up and will not lag behind the world for too long!"

"If you have studied the history of China, you will definitely find that the most significant advantage of the Chinese people is to be gentle and respectful, but if you study further, you will also find that another characteristic of the Chinese people is that people do not offend me, and I will not offend them. If a man offends me, I will offend him! There is a saying in ancient China that has been passed down for thousands of times to this day - those who offend our strong men will be killed no matter how far away they are!"

"From ancient times to the present, China has never taken the initiative to hurt any country, but countless countries have taken the initiative to hurt China. China has no international pirates, no plundering of silver from Africa, no colonies, no garrisons in other countries, and no war to plunder resources... When Europe was still a wilderness, China was already rich in the world and created 70% of the world's wealth at that time. Go, friends, when you are in peace. When dealing with China, if you can have less inexplicable sense of superiority, talk on an equal footing, and interact with China with friends, I think China will welcome guests from all over the world with enthusiasm and sincerity!

"But if someone thinks that Fengguo is easy to bully and easy to be deceived, or comes to China with a high posture, I'm sorry, there is another sentence for you in China. If a friend comes, there will be good wine. If the jackal comes, there will be a shotgun!"

Xia's words told China's splendid history in an extremely proud and heroic tone, and showed China's diplomatic attitude of neither humble nor arrogant. At the same time, it declared to the greatest extent that China's firm position that China is not hegemonic and can't bear to provoke but not afraid of things in international affairs.

Xia wants to know that Britain is instructed by the United States to know its political position. He does not know whether Germany has secretly spoken to the United States, but he also knows that as an old anti-China country, it also allows Tibetan independence and power during the visit of the acting Vice Chancellor. Obviously, it is a standard two-sided approach. Compared with the Anti-China means are more hidden and cunning.

In fact, during the meeting between the acting Vice Chancellor and the German Chancellor, Germany also raised many unreasonable requirements, human rights, Tibetan independence and other issues. As the largest beneficiary of European and China's exchanges, while making a lot of profits from China, it has spared no effort to dictate China's affairs. It is worthy of being the provocate of World War II.

It's just that the domestic news media that reports good news but not bad news will not report the above news.

Europe, the United States and other countries have complex feelings for China. They not only hope that China will develop and grow as a locomotive of the world economy, but also worry that China will become the maker of the new world order after it is too strong. Therefore, the measures taken by Europe, the United States and other countries for China are to win over and suppress China, so that China can become a labor-intensive manufacturing factory and provide a low-end labor market, so that China can be under controllable, but not strong, and can be content with the status quo, but will not pose a threat to themselves.

In a word, let China grow into a weak funeral giant.

Xiaxiang not only wants to replace Fu Sheng's harsh words that it is difficult to say as the prime minister, but also a concluding speech on the recent turmoil in the South China Sea. Just now, when the United States made a big move against the South China Sea issue and wanted to unite with Japan to form a maritime encirclement to China, the Chinese navy finally issued a tough response: "The Chinese navy has the ability to make some countries pay unimaginable price!"

"I'm just making the above remarks as an ordinary Chinese citizen. Please don't interpret them. Thank you." In the stunned and puzzled eyes of everyone, Xia Xiang smiled again and said, "A while ago, there was a false news circulating in China. The reason why it was false news was not officially confirmed. As for whether it was true or not, I don't know whether it was true or not. I just saw it as an ordinary citizen, so I took it as a joke Let's listen to our friends..."

Dai Fusheng's expression in the distance was slightly serious, but there was a hint of approval in his eyes and nose, and he threw a meaningful glance at Xia Xiang. There is no opposition in the eyes, only peace, calmness and calmness.

Xia wanted to know that Dai Fusheng did not object to his speech, so he was more confident.

"Recently, in the South China Sea, a Chinese fishing boat was hit by a Philippine warship, and the two ships of the South China Sea Fleet, Zhanjiang and Zhuhai, came to the rescue. When approaching the Philippine Donkey funeral warship, due to the disrepair of the Zhanjiang, the instruments on the ship were seriously aging, the computer system was out of control, and the three anti-ship missiles on the ship were automatically fired and hit the Philippine Navy warship. The frigates and patrol boats of the Philippine Donkey Funeral Navy were shot and sank quickly. In line with humanitarian principles, the Chinese navy quickly rescued the fallen personnel of the Philippine Donkey Funeral, but due to lack of training, it failed to save the people..."

As soon as Xia Sang finished his words, many people looked at each other in consteries, stretched out their hands, and shrugged their shoulders, indicating that they were incomprehensible or shocked. No matter how excellent the performance of the German personnel is, Xia wants to know that the effect he wants has been completely achieved.

Since he entered Europe, from time to time, people from all walks of life approached him for various reasons to test his political position. Then, he simply let go and confused the other party.

There are two ways to keep it mysterious. One is silence. But the more silent it is, the easier it is to make the outside world have different opinions, and it is also easy to make the other party make mistakes in judgment. The other is Xingda. Under the boasting of Xingqi, it also makes the other party inability to understand the truth.

China's diplomatic strategy is too conservative. It likes to speak in one tone, but in fact, it is easy for the outside world to find out the details. The U.S. approach is usually a two-sided approach. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a set of rhetoric, and the Department of Defense is a set of rhetoric. One side is vague and the other side is tough, so it is easy to make the outside world unable to distinguish the true intentions of the United States. In this way, the purpose of the United States to maximize its benefits has been achieved.

Xia wants to do what he does today, but it's just in the same way. I believe that his behavior today will be spread by the European and American media, thus causing Europe and the United States to misjudge him!

The more misjudgment, the better, but more conducive to his growth. If Europe and the United States cause a certain degree of misjudgment of the future political trend in China, the effect will be better.

Xia Xiang guessed right. After being passive and angry in Chinese diplomacy for decades, he took the initiative for the first time. Although it was very small, although Xia Xiang's voice was very weak, after all, it was the first time that he made a loud voice in an international occasion!

That night, first on the current affairs obiquito altar in Germany, someone revealed the accident that would happen at the dinner party, and vividly described Xiaxiang's expression and expression at that time, and even translated Xiaxiang's original words into German intact. It can be seen that there were indeed some people in the German party, which must be the German party The first arrangement immediately caused a sensation.

The obior-repulation craze is like a wave, starting from the German network, then gradually involving the United Kingdom and France, and then spreading throughout Europe, and then to the United States and Australia.

Europe and the United States almost made the same sound, and Xiaxiang exclaimed a Chinese sleeping lion. Did he really wake up? But the above network theory is only the first wave of upsurge. Ps: Ask for subscription support.